A nice dish of stewed anchovies at my house.
Another poor dish from the Ligurian seafaring tradition: stewed anchovies…
It is actually a dish from all over Italy and in every seaside place they are made and called differently.
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It is a gregarious species in every phase of life that forms very large schools, often mixed with other species (for example the sardine) but composed of specimens of similar size (a phenomenon known as gregariousness by size).
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A nice plate of stewed anchovies at my house – Une belle assiette d’anchois mijotés chez moi – Un buen plato de boquerones guisados en mi casa – Um belo prato de anchovas cozidas em minha casa – Ein schöner Teller mit geschmorten Sardellen bei mir zu Hause – Đĩa cá cơm kho ngon nhà em – 我家的一道美味的炖凤尾鱼 – わが家のイワシ煮込みの素敵な一皿
Add your own comment to this post or read here what other visitors have written. If by chance you haven't discovered it yet, on this site, there is a nice section with lots of recipes; they are written partly by Loris, partly by Luca and international with the Asian cuisine of Dao.
I want to give you some advice for shopping: to prepare Asian rice I normally use this rice cooker, to cut this knife set Victorinox and Asian foods are almost always served in these bowls in ceramic.
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I want to give you some advice for shopping: to prepare Asian rice I normally use this rice cooker, to cut this knife set Victorinox and Asian foods are almost always served in these bowls in ceramic.
If you want to know which are the best-selling cookbooks in the last hour on Amazon click here and if you are interested in finding out which are the best-selling kitchen utensils in the last hour click here.
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