La lupa romana.
È la seconda volta che la fotografo e ho deciso di ripubblicarla perché uno dei simboli di Roma merita sempre una menzione!
Questa volta poi la foto è scattata in hdr!
According to the myth, the vestal Rhea Silvia was impregnated by the god Mars and gave birth to twins, Romulus and Remus. The grandfather of the twins, Numitor, was driven from the throne of Alba Longa by his brother Amulius. To prevent his grandsons, once adults, from reclaiming the usurped throne, Amulius ordered that they be thrown into the Tiber in a basket. This basket ran aground on the river at the foot of a hill, where the twins were found by a she-wolf who cared for them until they were found by the shepherd Faustulus.
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The statue of the she-wolf, the symbol of Rome – La statue de la louve, symbole de Rome – La estatua de la loba, símbolo de Roma – A estátua da loba, o símbolo de Roma – Die Statue der Wölfin, das Symbol Roms – Tượng sói cái, biểu tượng của thành Rome – 母狼雕像,罗马的象征 – ローマのシンボル、雌狼の像
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