La trippa, la ricetta

La trippa.
Come molti piatti poveri la trippa viene consumata in tutto il mondo e ogni paese ha molteplici ricette per la sua preparazione. Quando ho potuto farlo ho assaggiato la trippa in tutti i paesi che ho visitato, e sono molti, ma credo che il modo più strano che mi sia capitato sia stato a Hong Kong. Durante il periodo di circa nove mesi che ho avuto la fortuna di trascorrere su di un nave che operava nell’estremo oriente, quando ne ho avuto la possibilità, ho provato i piatti locali, specialmente quelli di Hong Kong dove i ristoranti che servono piatti tipici velocissimi a prezzi molto contenuti sono innumerevoli. Ho iniziato ad apprezzare la cucina orientale sulla nave, assaggiando i piatti della cucina per l’Equipaggio dove ci sono cuochi in grado di soddisfare le esigenze alimentari dei differenti gruppi etnici, religiosi e culturali dei vari componenti del personale. Queste mie curiosità hanno avuto una grande risposta quando ho conosciuto su di una nave un grande Chef cinese che alternava la preparazione di ottimi piatti cinesi alla classica offerta della cucina tipica italiana fatta da un altro ottimo Chef italiano. A Hong Kong, come in quasi tutta l’Asia, si può mangiare qualunque cosa in qualsiasi momento ed io approfittavo di ogni mezz’ora per poter uscire ad assaggiare qualche piatto. Naturalmente non uscivo da solo ma con un mio collega cinese che mi guidava nella scelta dei piatti dopo avermene descritto la composizione e, tornando alla trippa, che viene consumata in abbondanza anche nella cucina cinese, venni incuriosito da una zuppa di verdure varie con i classici “noodles” di riso, arricchiti da abbondanti pezzi di trippa caramellati. Questa trippa era così buona che chiedevo che nella tazza ne mettessero doppia porzione…

Come in tutte le regioni d’Italia anche in Liguria la trippa fa parte della cucina povera ed in casa nostra, a parte mio figlio, la consumiamo tutti con piacere. Devo dire che la trippa, sia che sia alla parmigiana, alla milanese, alla toscana, eccetera, viene fondamentalmente preparata alla stessa maniera e pertanto vi descriverò come la prepariamo in casa mia.

Prima di tutto mi procuro la trippa della migliore qualità possibile da un macellaio di fiducia o, meglio, da una tripperia di Chiavari l’unica rimasta e che ha una tradizione molto antica. Per quattro persone mi faccio preparare circa un chilo di trippa mista… lo so che è molta ma bisogna ricordare che la trippa che si compera ha già subito una pre-cottura anche se breve e che contiene molta acqua.

Faccio poi un fondo abbastanza grossolano con cipolla, sedano, carota e uno spicchio d’aglio, metto ad ammollare pochi fungi secchi e preparo a parte quattro belle patate, un poco di concentrato di pomodoro, qualche oliva taggiasca, una manciatina di pinoli. Su di un fornello metto a scaldare un po’ di brodo di carne (o lo faccio direttamente con un po’ di verdura).

Dopo aver fatto soffriggere dolcemente il fondo nell’olio extra vergine (non molto) aggiungo le trippe tagliate molto fini, salo leggermente e lascio che fuori esca tutta l’acqua in esse contenuta. Dopo questa operazione vi renderete conto che, in fondo, il chilo di trippa si sarà molto ridotto… ma non vi preoccupate perché andranno ancora aggiunte le patate…

Una volta che la trippa si sarà ben insaporita la bagno con poco vino bianco e lo lascio evaporare. Aggiungo poi un po’ di brodo caldo, il concentrato di pomodoro, i funghi secchi ammollati e tritati, le olive, i pinoli e le patate tagliate a cubi grossolani. Lascio cuocere a fuoco moderato controllando la cottura e aggiungendo brodo se necessario. La trippa sarà pronta quando le patate saranno cotte. Prima di servirla aggiungo un po’ di prezzemolo tritato. A tavola per chi piace, si può aggiungere il formaggio grattugiato.

La foto è stata presa dal sito Pixabay che offre immagini gratis online.

Wild boar ragù my way, the recipe

Tagliatelle al sugo di cinghiale

Wild boar ragù my way.
This year wild boar hunting has been very abundant and hundreds of these animals have been killed. So it happened that a friend, with his fridge now very full, gave me a nice piece of fresh meat from this animal.
I love the red meat of this animal but I don't like the wild flavour that often accompanies it once cooked. Therefore, contrary to what is usually done, after cutting the meat into cubes I marinated it overnight in plenty of white wine, without adding spices or aromatic herbs. In the morning I drained the wine completely in the sink and let the meat rest outside the fridge for an hour. In the meantime I prepared a mixture of onion, aromatic herbs and a little garlic and I soaked some pieces of dried mushrooms. I then floured the meat and fried it in a pan with a little extra virgin olive oil to allow it to expel all the water it contains. When the meat was well browned and dry, I removed it from the pan and put it in a large saucepan where I sautéed the onion, herbs and chopped dried mushrooms in plenty of extra virgin olive oil. Then I moistened everything with more white wine and, once evaporated, I added the tomato puree and left to cook for at least an hour on low heat. When the meat was cooked enough and became nice and tender, I finely chopped about half of it and added it to the sauce, cooking until everything was well blended.

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tagliatelle al sugo di cinghiale nel piatto

The recipe in my own way to prepare tagliatelle with wild boar sauce at home – La recette à ma façon pour préparer des tagliatelles à la sauce de sanglier à la maison – La receta a mi manera para preparar tagliatelle con salsa de jabalí en casa – A receita do meu jeito para preparar tagliatelle com molho de javali em casa – Das Rezept auf meine Art, um Tagliatelle mit Wildschweinsauce zu Hause zuzubereiten – Công thức theo cách của riêng tôi để chuẩn bị tagliatelle với nước sốt lợn rừng tại nhà – 在家里用我自己的方式准备野猪酱意大利面的食谱 – 自宅でワイルドボアソースを使ってタリアテルを作る自分なりのレシピ

Tagliatelle with mushroom sauce, the recipe

Tagliatelle al sugo di funghi

Tagliatelle with mushroom sauce.
One of the tastiest and simplest sauces there is: mushroom sauce, this time seasoning a nice plate of tagliatelle.

This is the recipe and Loris' anecdotes:

Dried mushroom sauce.

This sauce, very different from the one made with fresh mushrooms, is part of the inland tradition.
Nowadays you can see tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms on the menus of certain restaurants but, at least in the hinterland of the Riviera di Levante, these are the excellent tagliatelle with dried mushrooms that are part of the old tradition of these parts and are made with the addition of tomato sauce. Therefore, apart from being in mushroom season, if this dish is served without tomato, the mushrooms used are certainly frozen, perhaps with the addition of a few pieces of dried ones to give them a little more aroma.
Years ago I had a friend from Santo Stefano d'Aveto, now deceased, who was a great trader of dried mushrooms and it is difficult to imagine what a large market there is behind this product... I remember that this friend had a refrigerated warehouse where he kept tons of dried mushrooms that came from all over Europe and that he also kept for many months to sell them when the season and the prices were more favorable.
Now many anecdotes related to mushrooms come to mind but I don't want to bore you with these memories of mine. A particular memory is from many years ago when I was in Sicily doing my military service and I had a Calabrian comrade whose family traded in fresh mushrooms. Once, during a short leave, I went with him to his village, Stilo, at a warehouse of his family there were tons of fresh mushrooms that were brought by the locals. The mushrooms were divided by size, quality, type and then treated by wise women who prepared them to be taken to the city and sent to the markets, others were prepared to be put in oil and others were dried. Evidently, in the early seventies, there was not yet the possibility and culture of freezing.

Here, in many restaurants in the first hinterland, excellent dishes of tagliatelle with dried mushrooms (with tomato) are served, as an alternative to the traditional dishes of ravioli with Genoese ragù or pansotti with walnut sauce.

The recipe for making the sauce with dried mushrooms is very simple.
First of all you need good quality mushrooms and it is not essential to choose the most expensive ones but the most fragrant ones. I leave the dried mushrooms to soak for a short time in cold water, which I change after a couple of minutes to eliminate any residue of soil and leaves and replace it with more cold water. Separately I fry in the right amount of extra virgin olive oil a little finely chopped onion, a head of garlic, a lightly chopped rosemary and a couple of bay leaves. I then add the mushrooms soaked in the water and chopped to the soffritto. As soon as the mushrooms have warmed up I bathe them lightly with a little white wine, add the right amount of pureed tomatoes and a little salt. When the sauce begins to brown (it is not a long cooking time) I add, if necessary, a little of the second water in which I soaked the dried mushrooms. At the end, I measure and adjust the salt and add a very finely chopped parsley.

I also like to add a little hot chili pepper to the soffritto.

Tagliatelle al sugo di funghi

Tagliatelle al sugo di funghi

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.

The recipe for making tagliatelle with mushroom sauce at home – La recette pour faire des tagliatelles à la sauce aux champignons à la maison – La receta para hacer tagliatelle con salsa de champiñones en casa. – A receita para fazer tagliatelle com molho de cogumelos em casa – Das Rezept für die Zubereitung von Tagliatelle mit Pilzsauce zu Hause – Công thức làm tagliatelle sốt nấm tại nhà – 在家制作蘑菇酱意大利面的食谱 – 自宅でマッシュルームソースを使ってタリアテルを作るためのレシピ

Ravioli with walnut sauce: the recipe

Ravioli alla salsa di noci

Ravioli with walnut sauce: the recipe.
The variation on the more classic pansotti are lean ravioli with walnut sauce. A typical Ligurian dish with an unmistakable taste.

Outside our area I have seen this sauce prepared in many ways but here, or rather, in our coastal hinterland, the walnut sauce is accompanied by the even more classic "pansotti" or "pansoti": vegetable ravioli or ravioloni of different shapes that can be small like ravioli or large and closed like tortelloni but, in any case, prepared with the typical Ligurian low-egg pasta and stuffed with wild herbs, ricotta, eggs and grated cheese.
This pasta was born in Rapallo and its hinterland and then spread throughout the province of Genoa. I have a fond memory of the Valle family who had an old and small restaurant in the Ne' valley, in Frisolino. The grandfather was a wise expert on hunting and his countryside (very well known throughout the valley and in Chiavari). The first son who also helped in the restaurant, the second son a bachelor, a specialist in preparing rabbit, and little Enrico who is now a grown man, married with a family. The pearl of this group of men was Enrico’s mother, wife of the first son, a great cook of the poor and very tasty cuisine of the hinterland. Now that the restaurant no longer exists and that the whole family group is cooking in the valleys of paradise, before talking about the dishes that Mrs. Valle prepared, I can tell you some anecdotes…

English: You couldn’t think of “da Valle” as a real trattoria but rather as a family reunion with other guests/friends and these memories are very vivid because over the years I’ve had all sorts of things: the cutlery was all assorted, like the napkins and it could happen that, like the tablecloths, they were holed or broken but still very clean. Another time, when I had guests, we were greeted by the uncle who prepared the rabbit, sitting on the entrance step, who was putting on his shoes and who, unperturbed, greeted us saying that the rabbit was ready… Between all of them, Enrico aside, they must have had about thirty teeth. The public relations were by the grandfather and the very clever Enrico while the first son waited tables. The greatness of this place consisted in the cuisine, in the poor ingredients, in the parsimony of the oil made in the family but especially in the great mastery of that woman who prepared excellent things with little. The menu was always the same: an appetizer of homemade cold cuts, pansotti with walnut sauce, ravioli with sauce in which you often saw a colombina or another mushroom added to enrich the sauce, roast or cima or mixed fried meat (a little) and vegetables (lots and delicious) and a homemade dessert.

The pansotti were made like ravioli but twice as long and a little wider and the sauce had a scent which is the trick that is never mentioned in its preparation.

Now let's get back to the walnut sauce. To prepare it we need good walnuts, bread soaked in milk and then squeezed, a little garlic and then the final aroma... I like to crush everything in the mortar but you can also use an immersion blender but little by little so as not to heat the sauce. I immerse the kernels in boiling water for about thirty seconds and as soon as I remove them I immediately put them under cold water to then peel them more easily. In the meantime I squeeze the breadcrumbs soaked in milk and add them to the walnuts, a little garlic without the inner core, a little salt and the typical Ligurian aroma, the erba persa, which I like in abundance. Just like Mrs. Valle did. After having crushed everything well and mixed it with excellent Ligurian extra virgin olive oil and the sauce is ready. I don't like to add, as many do, grated cheese to flavor and dilute the sauce but dilute it with half a spoonful of cooking water and then put the cheese on the pasta after serving it. Enjoy!

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Ravioli alla salsa di noci

Ravioli alla salsa di noci

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.

Ravioli with walnut sauce: the recipe – Raviolis sauce aux noix : la recette – Ravioli con salsa de nueces: la receta – Ravioli com molho de nozes: a receita – Ravioli mit Walnusssauce: das Rezept – Ravioli với sốt óc chó: công thức – 核桃酱馄饨:食谱 – クルミソースのラビオリ:レシピ

Vicoli di Genova

Vicoli di Genova

Vicoli di Genova.
Il centro storico di Genova, uno dei più vasti ed antichi d’Europa, ha un suo fascino immutato. Molto spesso, come in queste foto, da una strada principale spuntano questi vicoletti un po’ cupi attraverso i quali ci si può immergere in dedali di stradine, negozietti e fondi.

Queste sono due vicoli (via Chiabrera e vico Valoria) che si vedono camminando in via San Lorenzo.