Walnut sauce to dress pansoti, the recipe

La salsa di noci,

Walnut sauce to season pansoti, the recipe.
Today I decided to write you the recipe for one of the most famous sauces in Liguria. Obviously the first, and most famous, is pesto alla genovese but connoisseurs know that with walnuts you can prepare a delicious sauce with which you season the classic pansoti or trofie.

– Walnuts
– A slice of stale bread
– Milk
– Garlic
– Marjoram
– Salt
– Oil

First, take a slice of bread and soak it in a little milk.
Then boil the shelled walnuts for a couple of minutes.

Once the walnuts are hot (don't leave them too long, please) you need to do a very complicated and boring operation: peel the walnuts from their skin.
To tell the truth, lately we don't do it anymore at my house, so my sauce has a slightly more bitter taste than the classic one.

To finalize the preparation now there are two ways: the marble mortar (the same one used for pesto) or the blender.
The choice is yours.

Add the bread, walnuts, garlic (very little, mind you, half a clove is enough), salt, marjoram and oil to the peeled walnuts and start beating with the pestle (or blending) until you reach a creamy consistency.
Adjust by adding a little milk if the sauce is too thick.

Now the sauce is ready to be combined with the chosen pasta.

In the comments there are different positions on whether to add Parmesan or not. Add a comment and explain to us how you prepare this sauce.

In this case, some vegetable ravioli-shaped pansoti:

La salsa di noci,

The walnut sauce to season the pansoti, the recipe – La sauce aux noix pour assaisonner le pansoti, la recette – La salsa de nueces para sazonar el pansoti, la receta – O molho de nozes para temperar o pansoti, a receita – Die Walnusssauce zum Würzen der Pansoti, das Rezept – Nước sốt quả óc chó để nêm pansoti, công thức – 调味pansoti的核桃酱,食谱 – パンソティの下味にくるみソース、レシピ

Have you ever been to Morocco?

Il Codex Purpureus Rossanensis a Rossano

The Codex Purpureus Rossanensis in Rossano.
One of the most important manuscripts in the world (it is said to be among the six best preserved) is found in this small town in Calabria.
It was a surprise because, like probably many of those reading this, I did not know it.
It is a gospel, written in Greek, and is called purpureus because of the color of the parchment.
Found (or at least rediscovered) only at the end of the 19th century in the sacristy of the Cathedral of Rossano and is now on display in the diocesan museum of the same town.

Did you know about this manuscript?
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Il Codex Purpureus Rossanensis a Rossano

Il Codex Purpureus Rossanensis a Rossano

Il Codex Purpureus Rossanensis a Rossano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

This is the official website: codexrossanensis.it.

To see all the photos I took in Rossano, of the town, of the Cathedral, of the Cathedral of Maria Santissima Achiropita and of the Diocesan Museum click here:
foto gallery

The Codex Purpureus Rossanensis is a Greek uncial manuscript from the 6th century, preserved in Rossano in the Diocesan and Codex museum and containing a Gospel book with texts from Matthew and Mark. It owes the adjective “Purpureus” to the fact that its pages are reddish (in Latin purpureus) and contains a series of miniatures that make it one of the oldest illuminated manuscripts of the New Testament preserved.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The Codex Purpureus Rossanensis, one of the oldest and best preserved manuscripts in the world, in Rossano in Calabria – Le Codex Purpureus Rossanensis, l’un des manuscrits les plus anciens et les mieux conservés au monde, à Rossano en Calabre – El Codex Purpureus Rossanensis, uno de los manuscritos más antiguos y mejor conservados del mundo, en Rossano en Calabria – O Codex Purpureus Rossanensis, um dos manuscritos mais antigos e mais bem preservados do mundo, em Rossano na Calábria – Der Codex Purpureus Rossanensis, eine der ältesten und am besten erhaltenen Handschriften der Welt, in Rossano in Kalabrien – Codex Purpureus Rossanensis, một trong những bản thảo lâu đời nhất và được bảo quản tốt nhất trên thế giới, ở Rossano ở Calabria – 世界上最古老、保存最完好的手抄本之一紫罗桑法典,位于卡拉布里亚的罗萨诺 – カラブリアのロッサーノにある、世界で最も古く、最も保存状態の良い原稿の1つであるCodex Purpureus Rossanensis

La Baia del Silenzio il 13 maggio 2020

La Baia del Silenzio il 13 maggio 2020

La Baia del Silenzio il 13 maggio 2020.
Il mio soggetto preferito, quando sono a casa, è la Baia del Silenzio.
La amo fotografare in tutte le maniere ed in tutte le giornate: ha sempre fascino.
Qui eravamo a metà maggio, in una giornata uggiosa di quasi fine lockdown. Erano i primi giorni in cui si potevano fare delle passeggiate all’aperto all’interno del territorio del proprio comune.
Fortunato me!

La Baia del Silenzio il 13 maggio 2020

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100, lente Canon EF-S 10-18 e filtro ND1000.