The mysterious megalithic face of Borzone in Liguria

Il volto megalitico di Borzone

The mysterious megalithic face of Borzone in Liguria.
For a long time I had been meaning to go and see this prehistoric monument which is not far from where I live (Sestri Levante).
With a friend, a few months ago now, we seized the opportunity and on a sunny Saturday afternoon in November we went to see the splendid Borzone Abbey and from there, following the short path (about 6 kilometres there and back) indicated, you reach the beautiful monolith.
I took several photos but I tell you: the images do not do as well as the real thing.

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Il volto megalitico di Borzone

Il volto megalitico di Borzone

Il volto megalitico di Borzone

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

If you want to see the other photos I took click here:
foto gallery

If you want to learn more about the history of the face, I invite you to go to this page:

Here's where the face is:

Given the lack of systematic studies on the find, its dating is still the subject of various hypotheses. The first ones date it back to between the Upper Paleolithic (between 20,000 and 12,000 years ago) and the Neolithic (between 10,000 and 3,500 years ago), in the wake of anthropomorphic menhirs such as those of Carnac.
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The mysterious megalithic face of Borzone in Liguria – Le mystérieux visage mégalithique de Borzone en Ligurie – La misteriosa cara megalítica de Borzone en Liguria – A misteriosa face megalítica de Borzone na Ligúria – Die geheimnisvolle Megalithwand von Borzone in Ligurien – Khuôn mặt cự thạch bí ẩn của Borzone ở Liguria – 利古里亚博尔佐内神秘的巨石面 – リグーリア州ボルゾーネの神秘的な巨石の顔

The Town Hall of Lugano in Switzerland

Il palazzo del municipio di Lugano in Svizzera

The Town Hall of Lugano in Switzerland
The beautiful building that dominates Piazza della Riforma in the splendid Swiss town of Lugano.

I haven't found much about the building online, maybe some readers can tell me more.
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Il palazzo del municipio di Lugano in Svizzera

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the Swiss town, click here:

The town hall building of Lugano in Switzerland – Le bâtiment de l’hôtel de ville de Lugano en Suisse – Das Rathaus von Lugano in der Schweiz – Tòa thị chính thành phố Lugano ở Thụy Sĩ

Margherita pizza from Dal Presidente pizzeria in Naples

Pizza margherita Dal Presidente a Napoli

Margherita pizza from the Dal Presidente pizzeria in Naples.
The pizza eaten in Naples, almost everywhere, is a masterpiece!
This was definitely the best I tasted in my last weekend in Naples. The margherita pizza (which then with the suggestion of the very nice waitress, became with buffalo mozzarella) of the Dal Presidente pizzeria in via dei Tribunali.
In addition to the pizza, and only for that you have to go there, the warmth of the place and the many testimonies of famous people who have eaten pizza there (the most famous is certainly Bill Clinton former American President).
I have not found an official website, I leave you the review of Tripadvisor and the page Facebook.

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Pizza margherita Dal Presidente a Napoli

Pizza margherita Dal Presidente a Napoli

Pizza margherita Dal Presidente a Napoli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Neapolitan pizza, with a soft and thin dough, but with high edges, is the version of the round pizza prepared in the city of Naples. It is considered, on a global scale, as the Italian pizza par excellence. Since 5 February 2010 it has been officially recognized as a Traditional Specialty Guaranteed by the European Union and in 2017 the art of the Neapolitan pizza maker, of which Neapolitan pizza is a tangible product, was declared by UNESCO as an intangible heritage of humanity.
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Margherita pizza from the Dal Presidente pizzeria in Naples – Pizza Margherita de la pizzeria Dal Presidente à Naples – Pizza Margherita aus der Pizzeria Dal Presidente in Neapel – Bánh pizza Margherita từ tiệm bánh pizza Dal Presidente ở Naples

The beautiful and elegant Villa Garibalda in the center of Rapallo

Villa Garibalda a Rapallo

The beautiful and elegant Villa Garibalda in the center of Rapallo.
When you walk along the alley of Rapallo you arrive in this beautiful square, Piazza Giovanni da Vico, which is bordered towards the sea by this beautiful white-gray building that is found in several buildings in Liguria.
In reality this is the back of Villa or Casa Garibalda.

Have you ever been to Rapallo and have you ever seen this building? If you know something more about this building add a comment comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Villa Garibalda a Rapallo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here's where exactly I took the photo:

Until the 1990s and 2000s it was in a state of semi-abandonment, but thanks to the restoration of its particular façade and interiors, it has returned to its former splendor with the opening, among other things, of a bar and restaurant on the lower floors.
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Garibalda house in Rapallo – Maison Garibalda à Rapallo – Villa Garibalda en Rapallo – Villa Garibalda em Rapallo – Garibalda-Haus in Rapallo – Nhà Garibalda ở Rapallo – 拉帕洛的加里波达别墅 – ラパロのヴィラガリバルダ

Le Alpi Apuane viste dal Monte Groppi

Le Alpi Apuane viste dal Monte Groppi

Le Alpi Apuane viste dal Monte Groppi.
Come vi ho già scritto qualche tempo fa dalla cima del Monte Groppi, una delle montagne che sovrastano il Passo del Bracco (la strata che dalla mia Sestri Levante porta fino a La Spezia), si può godere di una vista quasi a 360 gradi.
Volgendo lo sguardo ad Est si vedono ì, molto bene, le Alpi Apuane.
Le avrete riconosciute tutti, vero?

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Le Alpi Apuane viste dal Monte Groppi

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Per vedere tutte le foto che ho scattato lungo il sentiero, clicca here:

L’aggettivo “apuane” è legato alla popolazione dei Liguri Apuani, i quali popolavano una parte dell’Appennino ligure e tosco-emiliano e le Alpi Apuane nell’epoca dell’Italia preromana. Strabone li chiamava Lunae montes, cioè “monti della luna”, Dante Alighieri Monti di Luni, antica città romana in provincia di La Spezia.
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The Apuan Alps seen from Monte Groppi – Les Alpes Apuanes vues du Monte Groppi – Los Alpes Apuanos vistos desde Monte Groppi – Os Alpes Apuanos vistos do Monte Groppi – Die Apuanischen Alpen vom Monte Groppi aus gesehen – Dãy núi Apuan Alps nhìn từ Monte Groppi – 从 Monte Groppi 看到的 Apuan 阿尔卑斯山 – モンテ・グロッピから見たアプアン・アルプス

The Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of San Luca in Bologna

Il santuario della Beata Vergine di San Luca a Bologna

The sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of San Luca in Bologna.
One of the symbols of Bologna is the Portico Devozionale that leads to the sanctuary of San Luca which, in addition to the portico itself, is a very pretty baroque-style church.
Here I tried to photograph the entire facade with the side porticos and I think it came out a nice shot.

There is also the official website:

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Il santuario della Beata Vergine di San Luca a Bologna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

If you want to see all the photos I took in the city, click here:

It is an important sanctuary in the history of the city, since its origins a destination for pilgrimages to venerate the icon of the Virgin with Child called "of San Luca". The sanctuary can be reached from Porta Saragozza through a long and characteristic porticoed street.
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The sanctuary of the Beata Vergine di San Luca in Bologna – Le sanctuaire de la Beata Vergine di San Luca à Bologne – El santuario de la Beata Vergine di San Luca en Bolonia – O santuário da Beata Vergine di San Luca em Bolonha – Das Heiligtum der Beata Vergine di San Luca in Bologna – Khu bảo tồn Beata Vergine di San Luca ở Bologna – 博洛尼亞的 Beata Vergine di San Luca 的避難所 – ボローニャのサンルカベアタヴェルジネの聖域

The view of Genoa from above

La vista su Genova dall'alto

The view of Genoa from above.
A beautiful view of the center of Genoa taken on a late spring afternoon (almost at sunset).
Among the many bell towers and towers, the bell tower of the Genoese cathedral of San Lorenzo stands out.

Do you know Genoa? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La vista su Genova dall'alto

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

The view of Genoa from above – La vue de Gênes d’en haut – Der Blick auf Genua von oben – Khung cảnh Genoa từ trên cao

The splendid Borzone Abbey near Borzonasca

La splendida Abbazia di Borzone nel comune di Borzonasca

The splendid Borzone Abbey in the municipality of Borzonasca.
Immersed in the greenery of the hills and mountains that slowly reach important peaks, the splendid church dedicated to Saint Andrew the Apostle is a little gem.
I came here to walk the path that leads from the abbey to the Megalithic Face (an enormous and very mysterious rock on whose surface a human face has been carved) and, if you want, to the abandoned church of San Martino di Licciorno.

A historical-legendary peculiarity is that the abbey is located on the Sacred Line of Saint Michael, an imaginary straight connection between various monasteries in Europe.

Have you ever seen the abbey?
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La splendida Abbazia di Borzone nel comune di Borzonasca

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

And all the photos I took you can find here:

Here is where the abbey is located:

The splendid Abbey of Borzone in the municipality of Borzonasca – La splendide Abbaye de Borzone dans la commune de Borzonasca – La espléndida Abadía de Borzone en el municipio de Borzonasca – A esplêndida Abadia de Borzone no município de Borzonasca – Die prächtige Abtei von Borzone in der Gemeinde Borzonasca – Tu viện lộng lẫy của Borzone ở đô thị Borzonasca – Borzonasca 市壮丽的 Borzone 修道院 – Borzonasca の自治体にある素晴らしい Borzone Abbey

Il chiostro del monastero di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli

Il chiostro del complesso religioso di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli

Il chiostro del complesso religioso di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli.
Lo splendido chiostro di questo monastero che sorge nell’omonimo vicolo nel centro storico partenopeo.
E’ stato una sorpresa visitare questo luogo.

Sei mai stato a Napoli ed hai mai visitato questo monastero nei vicoli partenopei? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il chiostro del complesso religioso di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Ho scattato diverse foto nel complesso, clicca here per vederle:

La chiesa di San Gregorio Armeno (popolarmente conosciuta anche come chiesa di Santa Patrizia) è una chiesa monumentale di Napoli sita nell’omonima via, tra il decumano maggiore e quello inferiore del centro antico. Assieme all’adiacente complesso monastico, costituisce uno degli edifici religiosi più antichi, grandi e importanti della città.
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The cloister of the religious complex of San Gregorio Armeno in Naples – Le cloître du complexe religieux de San Gregorio Armeno à Naples – El claustro del complejo religioso de San Gregorio Armeno en Nápoles – O claustro do complexo religioso de San Gregorio Armeno em Nápoles – Der Kreuzgang des religiösen Komplexes von San Gregorio Armeno in Neapel – Tu viện của khu phức hợp tôn giáo San Gregorio Armeno ở Naples – 那不勒斯圣格雷戈里奥阿尔梅诺宗教建筑群的修道院 – ナポリのサン・グレゴリオ・アルメーノの宗教施設の回廊

L’altare maggiore di Santissima Trinità a Lucca

L'altare maggiore della chiesa di Santissima Trinità a Lucca

L’altare maggiore della chiesa di Santissima Trinità a Lucca.
Non è una delle chiese più famose della città toscana ma è una delle prime che ti accoglie entrando in città.
Questo è l’altare maggiore con la Trinità con i santi Giovanni Battista, Paolino, Sebastiano, Antonio e Caterina di Pietro Paolini.

Sei mai stata/o a Lucca? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'altare maggiore della chiesa di Santissima Trinità a Lucca

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took, in a couple of visits, in Lucca click here:
foto gallery

The main altar of the church of Santissima Trinità in Lucca – L’autel principal de l’église de Santissima Trinità à Lucca – Der Hauptaltar der Kirche Santissima Trinità in Lucca – Bàn thờ chính của nhà thờ Santissima Trinità ở Lucca