Le Alpi Marittime innevate viste dal Monte Zatta
Le Alpi Marittime innevate viste dal Monte Zatta.
Uno dei sentieri più belli che ricordi di aver percorso è sicuramente l’anello dello Zatta.
Scendendo dalla cresta, lungo la via del ritorno, si guarda verso Occidente e, in una giornata come quella in cui ero stato, si vedevano molto bene le cime innevate delle Alpi (qui in foto credo siano quelle Marittime).
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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.
I took several photos along the Monte Zatta path and if you want to see them go to this page:
To see in detail the path I took I invite you to go to wikiloc.com.
The summit of the Zatta mountain massif consists of a long wavy ridge, crossed by an easy ridge path. On the outer edges of this ridge are the Zatta di Ponente mountain (1355 m) and the Prato Pinello mountain (1390 m). Between the two ends rises the main peak, the Zatta di Levante mountain (1404 m). The southern slope is steep and stony, while the northern slope, towards the Bocco pass, has a gentler slope and is covered by a large beech forest.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The snow-capped Maritime Alps seen from Monte Zatta – Les Alpes Maritimes enneigées vues du Monte Zatta – Los Alpes Marítimos nevados vistos desde Monte Zatta – Os Alpes Marítimos cobertos de neve vistos do Monte Zatta – Die schneebedeckten Seealpen vom Monte Zatta aus gesehen – Dãy núi Maritime Alps phủ tuyết trắng nhìn từ Monte Zatta – 从 Monte Zatta 看到的白雪皑皑的海上阿尔卑斯山 – モンテ・ザッタから見た雪をかぶった海事アルプス
If you want to find some ideas or learn more about Liguria, I refer you to the Liguria Region Tourism website: lamialiguria.it. This is the institutional website of the Region: regione.liguria.it.
If you are passionate about trails I invite you to read the guide: I 50 sentieri più belli della Liguria or Sentieri sul mare. If you are passionate about mysteries and legends then I suggest these books: Liguria magica e misteriosa and also Liguria nascosta e dimenticata.
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