The passion flower also called passion flower

Il fiore della passiflora anche detto fiore della passione

The passion flower, also known as the passion flower.
When passion flowers start to bloom, I really always like to photograph them to witness how nature can perform such wonders!

Do you know this flower? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il fiore della passiflora anche detto fiore della passione

Il fiore della passiflora anche detto fiore della passione

Il fiore della passiflora anche detto fiore della passione

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 50.

The name of the genus, adopted by Linnaeus in 1753 and meaning “passion flower” (from the Latin passio = passion and flos = flower), was attributed to it by the Jesuit missionaries in 1610, due to the similarity of some parts of the plant to the religious symbols of the passion of Jesus: the tendrils to the whip with which he was flagellated, the three styles to the nails, the stamens to the hammer, the corolla rays to the crown of thorns.
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Passiflora flower also called passion flower – Fleur de passiflore aussi appelée fleur de la passion – Flor de pasiflora también llamada flor de la pasión – Flor de passiflora também chamada de flor de maracujá – Passionsblume, auch Passionsblume genannt – Hoa Passiflora hay còn gọi là hoa lạc tiên – 西番莲花也叫西番莲 – トケイソウの花はパッションフラワーとも呼ばれます

The beautiful village of Bogliasco seen from inside the sea water

Il bel borgo di Bogliasco visto da dentro l'acqua del mare

The beautiful village of Bogliasco seen from inside the sea water.
My wanderings with the dome and the Gopro continue around the edges of Eastern Liguria.
Unfortunately there are still too many drops of water but in any case among all the photos I took two are still decent enough to publish (I hope).
Here is the beautiful village of the Golfo Paradiso seen from the sea. I promise to return when I have more practice.

Do you know or have you ever been to Bogliasco?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il bel borgo di Bogliasco visto da dentro l'acqua del mare

Il bel borgo di Bogliasco visto da dentro l'acqua del mare

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black and Telesin Dome Port..

And here are some videos I made on another visit:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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The beautiful village of Bogliasco seen from inside the sea water – Le beau village de Bogliasco vu de l’intérieur de l’eau de mer – El hermoso pueblo de Bogliasco visto desde el interior del agua de mar – A bela vila de Bogliasco vista de dentro da água do mar – Das schöne Dorf Bogliasco aus dem Meerwasser gesehen – Ngôi làng Bogliasco xinh đẹp nhìn từ trong làn nước biển – 从海水中看到美丽的博格利亚斯科村庄 – 海水の中から見たボリアスコの美しい村

La vista della Penisola di Sestri da Cavi di Lavagna

La vista della Penisola di Sestri da Cavi di Lavagna

La vista della Penisola di Sestri da Cavi di Lavagna.
Dagli scogli della località Cigno, l’ultimo abitato del comune di Lavagna prima delle gallerie di Sant’Anna, si gode una bella vista sulla Penisola sestrese.

Sei mai stato in questo punto panoramico? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

La vista della Penisola di Sestri da Cavi di Lavagna

Photo taken with Honor 20.

The view of the Sestri Peninsula from Cavi di Lavagna – La vue sur la péninsule de Sestri depuis Cavi di Lavagna – La vista de la península de Sestri desde Cavi di Lavagna – A vista da Península de Sestri de Cavi di Lavagna – Der Blick auf die Halbinsel Sestri von Cavi di Lavagna – Quang cảnh bán đảo Sestri nhìn từ Cavi di Lavagna – 从 Cavi di Lavagna 眺望塞斯特里半岛 – キャヴィ・ディ・ラヴァーニャから見たセストリ半島の眺め

La Penisola di Sestri vista dall’Hotel Vis a Vis

La bella Penisola di Sestri Levante vista dall'Hotel Vis a Vis

La bella Penisola di Sestri Levante vista dall’Hotel Vis a Vis.
Probabilmente è il punto più bello da cui godersi la mia cittadina; si può andare per un aperitivo, per una cena oppure (come ho fatto io) per sposarcisi!
Quale luogo più indimenticabile?

Conosci questo punto panoramico di Sestri? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La bella Penisola di Sestri Levante vista dall'Hotel Vis a Vis

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Il sito dell’Hotel è:

The beautiful peninsula of Sestri Levante seen from the Hotel Vis a Vis – La belle péninsule de Sestri Levante vue de l’hôtel Vis a Vis – La hermosa península de Sestri Levante vista desde el Hotel Vis a Vis – A bela península de Sestri Levante vista do Hotel Vis a Vis – Die wunderschöne Halbinsel Sestri Levante vom Hotel Vis a Vis aus gesehen – Bán đảo Sestri Levante xinh đẹp nhìn từ khách sạn Vis a Vis – 从 Hotel Vis a Vis 看到的美丽的塞斯特里莱万特半岛 – ホテル・ヴィ・ア・ヴィから望むセストリ・レバンテの美しい半島

A glimpse of the square called Prato della Valle in Padua

Uno scorcio della piazza chiamata Prato della Valle a Padova

A glimpse of the square called Prato della Valle in Padua
One of the most famous views of the city of Padua is the beautiful square called Prato a Valle, a huge space with a beautiful circular canal surmounted by statues.

Have you ever visited beautiful Padua?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Uno scorcio della piazza chiamata Prato della Valle a Padova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the Venetian city click here:

The statues were fundamental to the transformation of the Prato not only visually but also financially. In fact, they were paid for by individual citizens or groups upon payment of a sum that could vary between 135 and 150 zecchini and which served both for the living cost of the statue and as a contribution to the general works of the Prato.
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The statues and the small canal of Prato della Valle in Padua – Les statues et le petit canal de Prato della Valle à Padoue – Las estatuas y el pequeño canal de Prato della Valle en Padua – As estátuas e o pequeno canal de Prato della Valle em Pádua – Die Statuen und der kleine Kanal von Prato della Valle in Padua – Những bức tượng và con kênh nhỏ Prato della Valle ở Padua – 帕多瓦普拉托德拉瓦莱的雕像和小运河 – パドヴァのプラート・デッラ・ヴァッレの彫像と小さな運河

Un’abbondanza di chele di astice bollite

Un'abbondanza di chele di astice bollite

Un’abbondanza di chele di astice bollite.
Ogni tanto, a menù, sulla nave ci sono le chele di astice, uno dei miei piatti preferiti.
Che scorpacciata che mi farei!

Ti piacciono le chele? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

L’astice ha due chele di struttura diversa: la più grossa e pesante serve a rompere il guscio delle prede, mentre quella più dentellata serve ad estrarla da quest’ultimo; queste formidabili armi fungono anche da difesa da voraci predatori, come il pesce lupo.
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Plenty of boiled lobster claws – Beaucoup de pinces de homard bouillies – Un montón de pinzas de langosta hervidas – Abundância de garras de lagosta cozidas – Viele gekochte Hummerscheren – Rất nhiều móng vuốt tôm hùm luộc – 大量的水煮龙虾爪 – ロブスターの爪煮 たっぷり

Beautiful Camogli photographed from inside the sea water

La bella Camogli fotografata da dentro l'acqua del mare

Beautiful Camogli photographed from inside the sea water
A few weeks ago I went for a nice swim on the beach of the village of Camogli (Genoa) and so I did some photography tests from inside the water with my Gopro and the new gadget I bought for taking pictures in the water: the dome!
Of the dozens of photos I took, only two turned out to be half decent and I'm posting them here.
I hope to improve in the next releases!

Have you ever been to visit Camogli? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La bella Camogli fotografata da dentro l'acqua del mare

La bella Camogli fotografata da dentro l'acqua del mare

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black and Telesin Dome Port..

If you want to see all the photos taken in the beautiful Riviera town click here:
foto gallery

Here I leave you a couple of videos that I made in the small port of Camogli:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Typical seaside village, tourist center known for its small port and the colorful buildings on the seafront. It is also historically called the "city of a thousand white sailing ships".
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The beautiful Camogli photographed from inside the sea water – La belle Camogli photographiée de l’intérieur de l’eau de mer – El hermoso Camogli fotografiado desde el interior del agua de mar – O belo Camogli fotografado de dentro da água do mar – Das wunderschöne Camogli, fotografiert aus dem Meerwasser – Camogli tuyệt đẹp được chụp từ bên trong nước biển – 从海水中拍摄的美丽的卡莫利 – 海水の中から撮影した美しいカモーリ

A very special building in Sestri

Un palazzo molto particolare in passeggiata a mare a Sestri

A very special building in Sestri
Every time I walk along the seafront in Sestri, which in this stretch is called via Lungomare Descalzo (but just after the roundabout it is called Vittorio Veneto), I see this very particular building due to its unusually triangular shape (from above).

Can you tell me something more about this building? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Un palazzo molto particolare in passeggiata a mare a Sestri

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Where is the palace:

A very particular building on the promenade in Sestri Levante – Un bâtiment très particulier sur la promenade de Sestri Levante – Un edificio muy particular en el paseo marítimo de Sestri Levante – Um edifício muito particular no passeio marítimo de Sestri Levante – Ein ganz besonderes Gebäude an der Promenade in Sestri Levante – Một tòa nhà rất đặc biệt trên lối đi dạo ở Sestri Levante – 塞斯特里莱万特 (Sestri Levante) 海滨长廊上一座非常特别的建筑 – セストリ・レバンテの遊歩道にある非常に特徴的な建物

Costa Fascinosa in port at Bridgetown

La Costa Fascinosa in porto a Bridgetown nell'isola di Barbados

The Costa Fascinosa in port in Bridgetown on the island of Barbados.
The last ship I worked on was the Costa Fascinosa of Costa Crociere.
In the last season in the Caribbean I took many photos of the ship in various ports.
This one, for example, I took while the ship was in port in Bridgetown in Barbados.

Have you ever been on a cruise on the Costa Fascinosa?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La Costa Fascinosa in porto a Bridgetown nell'isola di Barbados

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here is where the port is located:

The Costa Fascinosa in port at Bridgetown on the island of Barbados – Le Costa Fascinosa au port de Bridgetown sur l’île de la Barbade – El Costa Fascinosa en el puerto de Bridgetown en la isla de Barbados – A Costa Fascinosa no porto de Bridgetown, na ilha de Barbados – Die Costa Fascinosa im Hafen von Bridgetown auf der Insel Barbados – Tàu Costa Fascinosa tại cảng Bridgetown trên đảo Barbados – 巴巴多斯岛布里奇敦港口的 Costa Fascinosa – バルバドス島のブリッジタウンの港にあるコスタ ファシノーザ

Le case colorate del centro storico di Brugnato

Le case colorate del centro storico di Brugnato in Liguria

Le case colorate del centro storico di Brugnato in Liguria.
Il bel centro storico del borgo di Brugnato, in provincia della Spezia, tutto ben tenuto è proprio bello da visitare.
Ogni tanto, quando faccio un salto all’outlet, non manco mai di fare un giretto e qualche foto tra i vicoli ed i caruggi del borgo.

Have you ever been to Brugnato and do you know the village? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Le case colorate del centro storico di Brugnato in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:

Between the 7th and 8th centuries, following the conquest of Liguria by the Lombards, the Columban monks of Bobbio, who followed the rule of Saint Columbanus and continued their work of evangelization, built a monastery that over time grew to become a religious and economic nerve center. The birth of Brugnato is therefore linked to the foundation of the abbey which, like other monastic sites in Liguria and northern Italy, depended on the abbey of San Colombano di Bobbio.
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A glimpse of Brugnato a beautiful Ligurian village – Un aperçu de Brugnato un beau village ligure – Un vistazo a Brugnato, un hermoso pueblo de Liguria – Um vislumbre de Brugnato, uma bela vila da Ligúria – Ein Blick auf Brugnato, ein wunderschönes ligurisches Dorf – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về Brugnato, một ngôi làng Ligurian xinh đẹp – 布鲁尼亚托一瞥,一个美丽的利古里亚村庄 – 美しいリグーリアの村、ブルニャートを垣間見る