A glimpse of Paolo Costa square in Chiavari

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A glimpse of Paolo Costa square in Chiavari

A glimpse of Piazza Paolo Costa in Chiavari.
Just behind the alleyway of Chiavari, between alleys and minor porticos, is this beautiful little square that I photographed some time ago.
Even if I have not managed to discover who the Paolo Costa was to whom it is dedicated, it is very characteristic.

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Uno scorcio di piazza Paolo Costa a Chiavari

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

Here is where the little square is located:

A glimpse of the square dedicated to Paolo Costa in Chiavari – Un aperçu de la place dédiée à Paolo Costa à Chiavari – Un vistazo a la plaza dedicada a Paolo Costa en Chiavari – Um vislumbre da praça dedicada a Paolo Costa em Chiavari – Ein Blick auf den Paolo Costa gewidmeten Platz in Chiavari – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về quảng trường dành riêng cho Paolo Costa ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里纪念保罗·科斯塔的广场一瞥 – キアーヴァリのパオロ・コスタに捧げられた広場を垣間見る

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I took a lot of photos in the town of Chiavari and you can find almost all of them in this page or by searching in the various article specific to the Ligurian city.
I refer you to the Chiavari tourist promotion website: chiavariturismo.it. This is the official website of the town's municipality: comune.chiavari.ge.it.
If you are looking for a nice portal that talks about all of Liguria I invite you to visit the official website of the Region: lamialiguria.it.
Every time I look for some book about the beautiful town of Chiavari I always come across these two books about its mysteries: Luoghi Misteriosi Chiavari. Giro della città in 38 segreti and La Loggia dei Rosa+Croce di Chiavari. If instead you want to have a guide that talks about Liguria and the Gulf of Tigullio in general I invite you to buy: Genova e il Tigullio by Lonely Planet.
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Se non sbaglio in fondo a dx c’è un affresco, quasi invisibile, forse rappresentante la Madonna dell’Orto?

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