The alley of Chiavari and the plaque for Garibaldi
The alley of Chiavari and the plaque for Garibaldi.
One of the many shots of the views that I like to take when I walk in the alley of Chiavari.
In this case, from the portico, you can see this plaque (perhaps a gravestone) in memory of Giuseppe Garibaldi.
Since it is not possible to read what is written in this photo, I will transcribe it below:
Qui il 5 e 6 settembre 1849
Giuseppe Garibaldi
cittadino chiavarese
eroe dei Due Mondi
era ospitato dal proprio cugino
e fratello del cuore
Alberto Puccio Di Antonio
La Società Economica
proprietaria della casa che fu già
di Emanuele Gonzalez
grande benefattore del popolo
poneva il 29 ottobre 1882
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Photo taken with Honor 20.
Considered by historiography and in the mass culture of the 20th century as the main Italian national hero, he began his travels around the world as an officer of merchant ships, and then became a long-distance captain. His most famous enterprise was the victorious expedition of the Thousand that led to the annexation of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies to the nascent Kingdom of Italy, a central episode in the process of unification of the new nation.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The alleyway of Chiavari and the plaque for Garibaldi – La ruelle de Chiavari et la plaque pour Garibaldi – El callejón de Chiavari y la placa de Garibaldi – O beco de Chiavari e a placa de Garibaldi – Die Gasse von Chiavari und die Gedenktafel für Garibaldi – Con hẻm Chiavari và tấm biển dành cho Garibaldi – 基亚瓦里的小巷和加里波第的牌匾 – キアーヴァリの路地とガリバルディの銘板
I refer you to the Chiavari tourist promotion website: This is the official website of the town's municipality:
If you are looking for a nice portal that talks about all of Liguria I invite you to visit the official website of the Region:
Every time I look for some book about the beautiful town of Chiavari I always come across these two books about its mysteries: Luoghi Misteriosi Chiavari. Giro della città in 38 segreti and La Loggia dei Rosa+Croce di Chiavari. If instead you want to have a guide that talks about Liguria and the Gulf of Tigullio in general I invite you to buy: Genova e il Tigullio by Lonely Planet.
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