Dried Fruit at the Boqueria in Barcelona

Frutta secca al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona in Spagna

Dried fruit at the Boqueria market in Barcelona, ​​Spain.
The beautiful stalls of the most famous covered market in Barcelona are always very beautiful to see and to photograph.
This was one of the several stalls that sell (but the photo is not exactly recent) dried fruit and you can recognize some of them: banana, apricot, strawberry, kiwi and other fruit that I don't recognize.

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Frutta secca al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona in Spagna

Frutta secca al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona in Spagna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Here's where the market is located:

La Boqueria is the most famous market in Spain and one of the largest in Catalonia with its 2,583 square meters and more than 300 stalls. It is also one of the oldest markets in Spain: born at the beginning of the 17th century at the gates of the city in the plain of Pla de la Boqueria (which today is a small square in front of the current market) to avoid paying taxes on goods, it was inaugurated later, in 1836, where it is still located halfway along the popular Rambla, between the Palau de la Virreina and the Liceu Theater.
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Dried fruit at the Boqueria market in Barcelona, Spain – Fruits secs au marché de la Boqueria à Barcelone, Espagne – Frutos secos en el mercado de la Boquería de Barcelona, ​​España – Frutas secas no mercado Boqueria em Barcelona, ​​​​Espanha – Trockenfrüchte auf dem Boqueria-Markt in Barcelona, ​​​​Spanien – Trái cây sấy khô tại chợ Boqueria ở Barcelona, ​​​​Tây Ban Nha – 西班牙巴塞罗那Boqueria市场的干果 – スペイン、バルセロナのボケリア市場のドライ フルーツ

The sbatacchio arches in the village of Vernazza

Gli archi di sbatacchio tra le case nel borgo di Vernazza alle Cinque Terre

The sbatacchio arches between the houses in the village of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre.
Walking through the Ligurian villages you often see these architectural structures that connect the houses in the alleys.
These arches, called sbatacchio arches, are elements built to increase the stability of the buildings especially when the distance between the walls is small (and in Liguria it is almost a constant).

Have you ever visited the village of Vernazza?
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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

The slamming arches between the houses in the village of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre – Les arches cliquetantes entre les maisons du village de Vernazza dans les Cinque Terre – Los arcos ruidosos entre las casas en el pueblo de Vernazza en Cinque Terre – Os arcos ruidosos entre as casas da aldeia de Vernazza, em Cinque Terre – Die klappernden Bögen zwischen den Häusern im Dorf Vernazza in den Cinque Terre – Những mái vòm lạch cạch giữa những ngôi nhà ở làng Vernazza ở Cinque Terre

The camels of Timanfaya on the island of Arrecife

I cammelli del Timanfaya nell'isola di Arrecife

A camel caravan in Timanfaya Park on the island of Arrecife.
Last year, I finally managed to visit Timanfaya Park on the island of Lanzarote.
The park is visited by taking a tour, in my case by bus, among the many volcanic peaks (active and not) in the area.
However, there is also the possibility of taking a tour on camels, animals that were used a lot in the past on the island, hence this camel caravan that I photographed.

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I cammelli del Timanfaya nell'isola di Arrecife

I cammelli del Timanfaya nell'isola di Arrecife

I cammelli del Timanfaya nell'isola di Arrecife

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took in the park, click here:
foto gallery

Timanfaya National Park is a national park that extends over the southern portion of Tinajo and the northern portion of Yaiza, in Lanzarote, Spain. The park occupies a significant part of the southwestern quadrant of the island of Lanzarote.
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Uma caravana de camelos no parque Timanfaya, na ilha de Arrecife – Une caravane de chameaux dans le parc Timanfaya sur l’île d’Arrecife – Una caravana de camellos en el parque de Timanfaya en la isla de Arrecife – Uma caravana de camelos no parque Timanfaya, na ilha de Arrecife – Eine Kamelkarawane im Timanfaya-Park auf der Insel Arrecife – Đoàn lạc đà ở công viên Timanfaya trên đảo Arrecife – 阿雷西费岛蒂曼法亚公园的骆驼商队 – アレシフェ島のティマンファヤ公園のラクダのキャラバン

Commercial activities in the alleyway in Sestri Levante

Alcune attività commerciali in caruggio a Sestri Levante

Some commercial activities in the caruggio in Sestri Levante.
The part closest to the sea of ​​the Sestrese caruggio hosts a myriad of commercial activities aimed at satisfying tourists: restaurants, bars, ice cream parlors, all of which work very hard when visitors fill our town.

Do you know Sestri Levante and its alleyway?
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Alcune attività commerciali in caruggio a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Some commercial activities in the alleyway in Sestri Levante – Quelques activités commerciales dans la ruelle de Sestri Levante – Algunas actividades comerciales en el callejón de Sestri Levante – Algumas atividades comerciais no beco de Sestri Levante – Einige kommerzielle Aktivitäten in der Gasse in Sestri Levante – Một số hoạt động thương mại trong con hẻm ở Sestri Levante

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns, the recipe

Spaghetti con pomodorini e gamberoni, la ricetta

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns, the recipe.
Some time ago I had the pleasure of enjoying a good plate of pasta with cherry tomatoes and prawns on the ship.
Since I had the photos back at hand, I decided to write to you how to prepare them at home (with a little help from AI). The preparation is really simple, I assure you.


– 350g spaghetti;
– 300g cherry tomatoes;
– 250g shelled prawns;
– 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped;
– Extra virgin olive oil;
– Salt and black pepper to taste;
– Chili pepper (optional, according to taste);
– Fresh parsley, finely chopped;


Cook the spaghetti in plenty of salted water according to the packet instructions until al dente. Drain and reserve a little of the cooking water.
In a large frying pan, heat a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and, if you like, chilli pepper for a spicy kick.
Add the halved cherry tomatoes to the pan and cook for about 5-7 minutes until they start to release their juices and become soft.
Add the peeled prawns to the pan and cook for a further 3-5 minutes or until the prawns are pink and cooked through.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. If the sauce is too dry, you can add a little of the spaghetti cooking water.
Add the cooked spaghetti to the pan and mix well, making sure they are well seasoned with the sauce.
Serve the spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns on individual plates, garnishing with a drizzle of fresh extra virgin olive oil and chopped parsley.

Do you like this dish? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns, the recipe – Spaghetti aux tomates cerises et crevettes, la recette – Espaguetis con tomates cherry y gambas, la receta – Espaguete com tomate cereja e camarão, a receita – Spaghetti mit Kirschtomaten und Garnelen, das Rezept – Công thức làm mì spaghetti với cà chua bi và tôm – 意大利面配樱桃番茄和大虾,食谱 – チェリートマトとエビのスパゲッティ、レシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The yellow funnel of the Costa Diadema in Bergen

Il fumaiolo giallo della Costa Diadema a Bergen

The yellow funnel of the Costa Diadema in Bergen.
A few months ago I was on board the splendid Costa Diadema (of Costa Crociere) in Northern Europe and, as I often do, I took a photo from the town of the iconic yellow funnel with the blue “C” symbol of the company I work for.

Have you ever been on a Costa cruise?
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Il fumaiolo giallo della Costa Diadema a Bergen

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Costa Crociere is an Italian cruise company dedicated to cruise operations. Its headquarters are in Genoa. Costa Crociere belongs to the Carnival Corporation & plc group and controls the German AIDA Cruises. Until 2014, the Costa Crociere S.p.A. group also included the Spanish Ibero Cruceros, a brand that has since been discontinued.
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The yellow funnel of the Costa Diadema in Bergen – La cheminée jaune du Costa Diadema à Bergen – La chimenea amarilla del Costa Diadema en Bergen – A chaminé amarela do Costa Diadema em Bergen – Der gelbe Schornstein der Costa Diadema in Bergen – Ống khói màu vàng của Costa Diadema ở Bergen

A Myriad of Spices at the Boqueria in Barcelona

Una miriade di spezie al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona

A myriad of spices at the Boqueria market in Barcelona.
The Boqueria market is certainly built to attract tourists. The credit for all this is given by the large quantity and variety of goods on display.
In addition to fresh fruit take-away there are also many stalls selling spices of all kinds, both already contained in bottles and by weight.
I'll leave you to imagine the smells passing in front of this stall!

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Una miriade di spezie al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona

Una miriade di spezie al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona

Una miriade di spezie al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona

Una miriade di spezie al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Here's where the market is located:

La Boqueria is the most famous market in Spain and one of the largest in Catalonia with its 2,583 square meters and more than 300 stalls. It is also one of the oldest markets in Spain: born at the beginning of the 17th century at the gates of the city in the plain of Pla de la Boqueria (which today is a small square in front of the current market) to avoid paying taxes on goods, it was inaugurated later, in 1836, where it is still located halfway along the popular Rambla, between the Palau de la Virreina and the Liceu Theater.
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A Myriad of Spices at the Boqueria Market in Barcelona – Une myriade d’épices au marché de la Boqueria à Barcelone – Un sinfín de especias en el mercado de la Boquería de Barcelona – Uma infinidade de especiarias no mercado Boqueria em Barcelona – Eine Vielzahl von Gewürzen auf dem Boqueria-Markt in Barcelona – Vô số các loại gia vị tại chợ Boqueria ở Barcelona

The pebbles in the churchyard of the church of Mattarana

I risseu del sagrato della chiesa di Mattarana

The pebbles in the churchyard of the church of Mattarana.
I always really like risseu, that particular decorative art that consists of placing river or sea pebbles (almost always black and white) to create a design.
In this case it is the decoration of the churchyard of the church of San Giovanni Battista in the small village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia.

Have you ever been to Mattarana?
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I risseu del sagrato della chiesa di Mattarana

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:

Here is where the churchyard is located:

The brawls in the churchyard of Mattarana – Les bagarres dans le cimetière de Mattarana – Las peleas en el cementerio de Mattarana – As brigas no cemitério de Mattarana – Die Schlägereien auf dem Kirchhof von Mattarana – Những cuộc ẩu đả trong sân nhà thờ Mattarana – 马塔拉纳教堂墓地的斗殴事件 – マッタラナの教会の庭で乱闘

The statue of the Lechera Canaria in Santa Cruz

La statua della Lechera Canaria a Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Lechera Canaria statue in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the statues of women with packages on their heads are a tribute to the lecheres, the milkmaids who once carried milk to homes on their heads¹. These statues commemorate the hard work and dedication of these women, who were an essential part of everyday life in Tenerife in centuries past¹.
These historical figures are celebrated through street art to remember the traditions and cultural heritage of the island. Walking around the city, you can find many other statues and monuments that tell similar stories, making Santa Cruz a true open-air museum².

The one in the photo is located in San Domenico square in front of the fountain of the same name (fuente de Santo Domingo).

Do you know Santa Cruz?
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La statua della Lechera Canaria a Santa Cruz de Tenerife

La statua della Lechera Canaria a Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Where is the statue with the fountain behind it:

The statue of the Lechera Canaria, the milk carrier, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife – La statue de Lechera Canaria, la porteuse de lait, à Santa Cruz de Tenerife – La estatua de Lechera Canaria, la lechera, en Santa Cruz de Tenerife – A estátua de Lechera Canaria, a portadora de leite, em Santa Cruz de Tenerife – Die Statue von Lechera Canaria, der Milchträgerin, in Santa Cruz de Teneriffa – Tượng Lechera Canaria, người mang sữa, ở Santa Cruz de Tenerife

¹: [That Lady from Europe](https://www.thatladyfromeurope.com/statue-e-monumenti-di-santa-cruz-de-tenerife/)
²: [Tripadvisor](https://www.tripadvisor.it/Attractions-g187482-Activities-c47-t26-Santa_Cruz_de_Tenerife_Tenerife_Canary_Islands.html)

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

Where Via Palestro meets Caruggio in Sestri Levante

Dove via Palestro incontra il Caruggio a Sestri Levante

Where via Palestro meets the Caruggio in Sestri Levante.
Last winter I managed to take some photos in a rather deserted Sestri and I took the opportunity to take many shots in the historic center.
This is the point where via Palestro, the small street that leads to the Bay of Silence, meets via XXV Aprile, the Sestrese caruggio.

Do you know this spot in Sestri?
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Dove via Palestro incontra il Caruggio a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

Where the Palestro road meets the caruggio in Sestri Levante – Là où la route de Palestro rencontre la ruelle de Sestri Levante – Donde la carretera de Palestro se encuentra con el callejón en Sestri Levante – Onde a estrada Palestro encontra o beco em Sestri Levante – Wo die Palestro-Straße auf die Gasse in Sestri Levante trifft – Nơi đường Palestro gặp con hẻm ở Sestri Levante – 帕莱斯特罗路与塞斯特里莱万特小巷的交汇处 – セストリ レバンテのパレストロ道路と路地が交わる場所