Sugo al nero di seppia, la ricetta

Sugo al nero di seppia

Sugo al nero di seppia, la ricetta.
Solo qualche anno fa ho assaggiato della pasta condita con il nero della seppia e devo dire che me ne sono innamorato.
Così, assieme all’aiuto di mia mamma (ottima cuoca), abbiamo provato a farlo a casa e devo dire che il risultato è stato molto buono.

– un paio di seppie intere
– cipolla
– aglio
– olio
– vino bianco
– sale
– passata di pomodoro

Si prendono le seppie pulite (operazione che quasi sempre il pescivendolo può fare per voi facendo attenzione a conservare la piccola sacca contenente il nero che ci servirà quasi all’ultimo della preparazione) e si tagliano a striscione e pezzetti.
A parte, in una padella si fanno soffriggere, in olio di oliva, la cipolla e l’aglio sminuzzati.
Quando il soffritto è ben dorato si aggiungono le striscione di seppia e, dopo averle saltate qualche secondo, si sfuma col vino bianco.
Velocemente l’alcol presente nel vino evaporerà e quindi si aggiunge la passata di pomodoro ed un pizzico di sale.
Si fa cuocere per una quindicina di minuti mescolando di tanto in tanto.
A questo punto, e solo pochissimi minuti prima che la pasta sia cotta, si aggiunge il nero incidendo le piccole sacche precedentemente lasciate da parte e mescolandole con il resto del pomodoro.

A questo punto basta aggiungere la pasta in padella e saltarla per poter gustare questo sugo!

Attenzione: il nero macchia tutto! Vi consiglio di appoggiare le due sacche direttamente nella padella ed inciderle lì per evitare un pasticcio.

Ti piace questo tipo di sugo? Aggiungi un tuo comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Questa è una bella foto del sugo:

Sugo al nero di seppia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The recipe for pasta with cuttlefish ink sauce – La recette des pâtes sauce à l’encre de seiche – La receta de pasta con salsa de tinta de sepia – A receita de macarrão com molho de tinta de choco – Das Rezept für Nudeln mit Tintenfischsauce – Công thức món mì Ý sốt mực – 墨鱼墨汁意大利面食谱 – イカ墨ソースのパスタ レシピ・作り方

Penne al salmone, la ricetta

Penne al salmone, la ricetta

Penne al salmone, la ricetta.
La cena della Vigilia di Natale, a casa mia, si mangiano quasi sempre le penne al salmone.
Oggi ho deciso di scrivervi la ricetta di casa mia.

Ingredienti (le quantità degli ingredienti non le indico in quanto molto variabili dal gusto):
– Salmone affumicato
– Olio di oliva
– Cipolla
– Brandy (o potete variare con vodka)
– Panna
– Prezzemolo
– Penne rigate

Per prima cosa mettete a bollire dell’acqua, salata, per cuocere la pasta e nel frattempo prepariamo la salsa per condirla.
In una padella scaldiamo l’olio e la cipolla tagliata finemente per fare un poco di soffritto.
Una volta che la cipolla inizia ad imbrunire aggiungiamo il salmone affumicato che in precedenza abbiamo tagliato a striscione (o a pezzetti, dipende dal vostro gusto); appena il tempo di far prendere calore al salmone e sfumiamo con del brandy (o vodka) e, una volta evaporato il liquido spegnere il fuoco.

Ora aspettiamo che la pasta sia pronta; un minuto prima che sia pronta la pasta aggiungiamo alla padella con il salmone la panna ed accendiamo il fuoco; non aggiungete troppa panna ora, se vedete che poi la pasta risulta troppo asciutta ne potete sempre aggiungere un poco dopo. La panna non deve cuocere ma solo scaldarsi leggermente.

Aggiungete la pasta e saltate il tutto un paio di minuti aggiungendo il prezzemolo tritato. A me il prezzemolo non piace per cui nelle mie foto non lo vedrete.

E vai così: il piatto è pronto!

Here's the photo:

Penne al salmone, la ricetta

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

A dish of pasta with salmon, the recipe – Un plat de pâtes au saumon, la recette – Un plato de pasta con salmón, la receta – Um prato de massa com salmão, a receita – Ein Nudelgericht mit Lachs, das Rezept – Một món mì ống với cá hồi, công thức – 一盘三文鱼意大利面,食谱 – サーモンのパスタ料理、レシピ

Swiss Spätzli or Knöpfli, the recipe

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli or Swiss knöpfli.
Every now and then my mother likes to make this Swiss dish, a type of egg pasta, which is normally used as a side dish for meat dishes or savoury dishes.
We instead, taking note of the similarity to our palate with Ligurian trofie or gnocchi (which are made with potatoes), season them with Genoese pesto and they are truly delicious.
The leftovers are put in the freezer to be enjoyed another day, always with pesto or (this time yes) as a side dish for a nice grill of meat and sausages.

– 500 g of 00 flour
– 2 eggs
– salt
– half a glass of sparkling water
– half a glass of milk

Attention: to make this pasta you need a special tool Spätzle sieve to ensure that the pasta drips into the water at the right size.

you can knead everything by hand but we normally use a mechanical mixer.
Put the flour, the two eggs and a pinch of salt in the mixer and slowly add the liquid ingredients so as to obtain an elastic and dry dough.
At this point let everything rest for at least an hour.
After an hour, boil some salted water (as if you were cooking normal pasta) and, using the sieve I told you about before (and which you can see in the first photo below) drop the pasta into the water.

The pasta should cook for about five minutes until it reaches a firm consistency.

Drain and season to taste with your favorite sauce!

Have you ever eaten this dish? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

In addition to the attached photos I have several posts on the site, here, in which I show you this seasoned pasta.

Spätzle (a Swabian dialect term meaning little sparrows) are irregularly shaped dumplings (in Swabia the shape is elongated) made from soft wheat flour, eggs and water, originally from southern Germany (those from Stuttgart are particularly famous), also very popular in Tyrol, Alsace and Switzerland, Trentino-Alto Adige, despite their homeland par excellence being Swabia and Bavaria (south-western Germany).
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Spätzli or Swiss knöpfli, the recipe – Spätzli ou knöpfli suisse, la recette – Spätzli o Swiss knöpfli, la receta – Spätzli ou knöpfli suíço, a receita – Spätzli oder Schweizer Knöpfli, das Rezept – Spätzli hoặc Swiss knöpfli, công thức – Spätzli 或 Swiss knöpfli,食谱 – シュペッツリまたはスイスのクネプフリ、レシピ

Sugo rosso di sgombro, la ricetta

Sugo di sgombro rosso, la ricetta

Sugo rosso di sgombro, la ricetta.
Qualche tempo fa avevo acquistato al supermercato dei filetti di sgombro surgelati (i classici bastoncini non impannati) per mangiarli in padella in un giorno con poche idee e tempo per cucinare ma poi mi è venuta voglia di provare a farne un sugo di pesce. Ho sbirciato un poco in rete e ne è uscito uno spettacolo!

Ingredienti per due persone abbondanti:
– 5 filetti di sgombro surgelati
– passata di pomodoro
– vino bianco
– olio di oliva evo
– aglio e cipolla
– sale

La sera precedente alla preparazione ho spostato il pesce dal freezer al frigorifero.
Prepariamo in una padella l’olio con cipolla e aglio sminuzzato per fare un soffritto; quando il tutto comincia a dorarsi aggiungiamo tutto il pesce che precedentemente ho sminuzzato grossolanamente.
Lasciamo un minutino il tutto a friggere ed insaporirsi aggiungendo un pizzico di sale e poi sfumo con mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco.
In meno di un minuto tutto l’alcohol dovrebbe essere evaporato e aggiungo la passata di pomodoro (quanta dipende dai vostri gusti: a me piace rosso ma non esageratamente).
Ora lasciate cuocere una decina di minuti, quindici al massimo, ed il sugo è così pronto!

Questo è il sugo proto per condire la pasta che preferite!
Io ho condito dei ravioli di pesce, comprati, la cui foto del piatto finito vi metterò in un altro giorno.
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Sugo di sgombro rosso, la ricetta

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Red mackerel sauce, the recipe – Sauce maquereau rouge, la recette – Salsa de caballa roja, la receta – Molho de cavala vermelha, a receita – Rote Makrelensauce, das Rezept – Sốt cá thu đỏ, công thức – 红鲭鱼酱,食谱 – 赤いサバのソース、レシピ

Walnut sauce to dress pansoti, the recipe

La salsa di noci,

Walnut sauce to season pansoti, the recipe.
Today I decided to write you the recipe for one of the most famous sauces in Liguria. Obviously the first, and most famous, is pesto alla genovese but connoisseurs know that with walnuts you can prepare a delicious sauce with which you season the classic pansoti or trofie.

– Walnuts
– A slice of stale bread
– Milk
– Garlic
– Marjoram
– Salt
– Oil

First, take a slice of bread and soak it in a little milk.
Then boil the shelled walnuts for a couple of minutes.

Once the walnuts are hot (don't leave them too long, please) you need to do a very complicated and boring operation: peel the walnuts from their skin.
To tell the truth, lately we don't do it anymore at my house, so my sauce has a slightly more bitter taste than the classic one.

To finalize the preparation now there are two ways: the marble mortar (the same one used for pesto) or the blender.
The choice is yours.

Add the bread, walnuts, garlic (very little, mind you, half a clove is enough), salt, marjoram and oil to the peeled walnuts and start beating with the pestle (or blending) until you reach a creamy consistency.
Adjust by adding a little milk if the sauce is too thick.

Now the sauce is ready to be combined with the chosen pasta.

In the comments there are different positions on whether to add Parmesan or not. Add a comment and explain to us how you prepare this sauce.

In this case, some vegetable ravioli-shaped pansoti:

La salsa di noci,

The walnut sauce to season the pansoti, the recipe – La sauce aux noix pour assaisonner le pansoti, la recette – La salsa de nueces para sazonar el pansoti, la receta – O molho de nozes para temperar o pansoti, a receita – Die Walnusssauce zum Würzen der Pansoti, das Rezept – Nước sốt quả óc chó để nêm pansoti, công thức – 调味pansoti的核桃酱,食谱 – パンソティの下味にくるみソース、レシピ

Octopus cooked in Galician style, the recipe

Polpo alla gallega

Galician-style octopus, the recipe.
One of the octopus dishes that I like to taste the most is boiled octopus prepared Galician-style, a typical Spanish dish. It is very quick and easy to prepare.

Ingredients for two people:
– one octopus
– 2/3 potatoes
– extra virgin olive oil
– coarse salt
– paprika

First, boil the potatoes; take a couple of potatoes (preferably three that are not too large), rinse them well under running water and cook them, with the peel, in a saucepan for half an hour. To know when they are ready, just pierce them with a knife to test their softness.
At the same time, cook the octopus. To tell the truth, in my trusted supermarket, I found some very good pre-cooked octopus at a convenient price. But if you buy frozen or fresh octopus, you will have to boil it for a good while, from an hour to two in lightly salted water.

Once the potatoes and octopus are cooked, cut the potatoes into slices and the octopus (aesthetically speaking, it is better with only the tentacles) into slices too.

Arrange the potatoes on the bottom, with the octopus on top; drizzle with plenty of olive oil and sprinkle with coarse salt and paprika powder.

I heat everything slightly in the microwave because I like the dish slightly warm.

And the dish is ready to photograph and eat!

Polpo alla gallega

Polpo alla gallega

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Octopus is a very popular mollusc in professional and sport fishing. Fishing techniques are traditional and consist of using a bait called pulcina, which is sometimes used together with crabs and fish. Sometimes fresh octopus is prepared using the curling technique directly on the rocks or in special machines that allow it to be tasted raw. The curled octopus has tentacles in the shape of “curls”, dilated suckers and a characteristic “crunchy” consistency.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Galician-style octopus, the recipe – Poulpe à la galicienne, la recette – Pulpo a la gallega, la receta – Polvo à Galega, a receita – Oktopus nach galizischer Art, das Rezept – Bạch tuộc kiểu Galicia, công thức – 加利西亚式章鱼,食谱 – ガリシア風タコ、レシピ

Carbonara my way, the recipe

La carbonara a modo mio, la ricetta

Carbonara my way, the recipe.
Since it is one of my favorite condiments today I decided to write you my recipe for making this dish.
The whole thing is really very simple to make.

First the ingredients (for a generous person):
– two egg yolks
– a small piece of bacon (since you can't always have it on hand in time, I've tried a bit of everything from bacon to salami; the best is bacon though!)
– grated cheese (pecorino if possible but you don't always have it, I almost always use grana) You can buy some excellent pecorino here.
– salt and pepper
– durum wheat pasta (spaghetti and rigatoni are a must; in the photos I'm attaching the pasta is a special kind of moccolotti)

You can find kits with everything you need, fresh and of excellent quality, to prepare carbonara here!

Boil some water with a little salt. In the meantime, in a pan, brown the guanciale in strips or pieces.
While the guanciale is browning, be careful not to burn it (a trick to know when it is ready is to wait until the fat is transparent) take the two egg yolks and beat them with plenty of grated cheese to obtain a very thick and dense cream.
We are practically at the end: throw in the pasta and when it is ready, drain it and put it on a plate.
Pour the egg and cheese cream over it and add the guanciale.

The dish is ready!

This is the result:

La carbonara a modo mio, la ricetta

La carbonara a modo mio, la ricetta

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

I hope you enjoyed the recipe.
For the moccolotti, which were given to me by a colleague, I leave you the pasta factory's website

Carbonara my way, the recipe – Carbonara à ma façon, la recette – Carbonara a mi manera, la receta – Carbonara do meu jeito, a receita – Carbonara mein Weg, das Rezept – Carbonara theo cách của tôi, công thức – Carbonara我的方式,食谱 – カルボナーラ私のやり方、レシピ

Genoese focaccia, the recipe

Focaccia alla genovese

Genoese focaccia, the recipe
I have been making focaccia genovese all’olio at home for some time now. More or less once a week I make a nice pan of it and then cut it into little pieces and put it in the freezer for breakfast every day.
The preparation is very simple and the result, without being professionals, is discreet.

The ingredients

– 500 g of flour (I use half 00 and half 0)
– 30 g of extra virgin olive oil
– 1.5 teaspoons of salt
– 15 g of brewer's yeast
– 1/2 teaspoon sugar
– 250 ml of hot water
For the brine:
– 150 ml of water;
– 50 ml of olive oil;
– 1 teaspoon of salt


– prepare the dough by combining the flour, oil, yeast (previously soaked in a drop of water and sugar) and water.
– we begin to mix (by hand or with a mixer) until the mixture becomes smooth.
– add the salt and continue kneading until the dough takes on a rubbery consistency and no longer sticks to your hands.


– I tried several times to do the leavening in 3 steps (45 min per step as described in almost all the recipes online) but I was never satisfied; then I tried to do the leavening in the refrigerator and the result was better.
– leave the dough in a container at room temperature covered with a sheet of cling film for about 45 minutes (this will make the volume increase by about three times)
– now put the container with the dough in the refrigerator; from 19 to 24 hours; I have never tried more
– take out the dough and spread it evenly in the previously well-oiled baking pan
– oil the dough on the open side too
– place in the oven with the light on (oven off) for 45 minutes or an hour.
– take it out and energetically make holes in the dough, and pour the brine onto the focaccia.
– leave it in the oven again with it turned off for 45 minutes or an hour.
– take it out, turn on the oven and once hot, bake the focaccia at 220 degrees for 15/20 minutes.


– when the focaccia takes on the classic golden color, take it out of the oven, remove it from the pan and place it possibly on a rack (I use the one in the oven) so that fresh air can circulate under the focaccia too.
– another trick I read is to try to spread the oil and water that have not evaporated on the still hot surface so that the focaccia remains a nice shiny color.

Done! Now, after a few minutes, you can eat it.

Focaccia alla genovese

Focaccia alla genovese

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The typical Genoese focaccia, the recipe – La focaccia génoise typique, la recette – La típica focaccia genovesa, la receta – A típica focaccia genovesa, a receita – Die typisch genuesische Focaccia, das Rezept – Món focaccia đặc trưng của người Genova, công thức – 典型的热那亚佛卡夏,食谱 – 典型的なジェノバの焦点、レシピ

Octopus sauce, the recipe

Il sugo di polpo

Octopus sauce, the recipe.
A few days ago my son prepared a plate of pasta with this sauce and immediately a couple of ideas and memories came to mind.
It's a beautiful dish and very good too. Grandpa Mario used to make it, he cooked fish very well.
Then, with an octopus weighing less than a kilo, he would eat the whole family (seven or eight people).
The great thing is that he knew that octopus is sedentary so, when he needed one, he would go and get it alive and always knew where to find one.
The sauce is very easy to prepare; you need extra virgin olive oil, salt, onion, tomato sauce (or fresh tomatoes depending on your tastes and ability) and octopus (fresh or frozen)
The ideal would be to lightly scald the octopus in a little water, then cut it into small pieces to cook in the tomato sauce.
The important thing is the skin, which is what makes the dish good!
Fry a little with oil and onion, add the tomato and octopus. Add salt and leave to cook for about forty minutes.
If the sauce becomes too thick you can use the water from the first cooking to moisten the sauce.

Have you ever tasted this sauce? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

And voilà the sauce is ready photographed by Luca:

Il sugo di polpo

Il sugo di polpo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The octopus sauce with tomato, the simple recipe to prepare it at home – La sauce poulpe à la tomate, la recette simple pour la préparer à la maison – El pulpo en salsa con tomate, la receta sencilla para prepararlo en casa – O molho de polvo com tomate, a receita simples para prepará-lo em casa – Die Tintenfischsauce mit Tomate, das einfache Rezept, um es zu Hause zuzubereiten – Bạch tuộc sốt cà chua, công thức đơn giản để chế biến tại nhà – 番茄章鱼酱,在家准备的简单食谱 – トマト入りタコソース、自宅で作る簡単なレシピ

Liver aggiadda style, the recipe

Fegato all'agiadda

Fegato all'agiadda, the recipe.
Today I'll explain a nice liver dish that my grandmother used to make and that I believe is called "fegato all'agiadda".
First of all, you should use veal liver, less nervous and more tender than beef liver. The secret is in the sauce that is made with breadcrumbs soaked in vinegar and milk and practically mashed.
Then I put the soaked bread in the glass of the immersion blender and add garlic and salt.
Now I cook the liver in butter leaving the slices whole and finally I add the sauce: now the dish is ready!

Pay attention to this note: the preparation, being very strong in flavor, is subject to subjective taste: I, for example, really like vinegar and garlic and I put a lot of both. Obviously you can reduce or even replace part of the vinegar with white wine.
The important thing is that the preparation dissolves well with the liquid and then covers the liver well, left rare, and that it is served very hot because the sauce is cold and should only be left in the pan for a few seconds.

Do you like this recipe?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Here are a couple of photos taken by my son Luca:

Fegato all'agiadda

Fegato all'agiadda

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

A liver dish cooked with agiadda, the recipe – Un plat de foie cuisiné avec de l’agiadda, la recette – Un plato de hígado cocinado con agiadda, la receta – Prato de fígado cozido com agiadda, a receita – Ein mit Agiadda gekochtes Lebergericht, das Rezept – Công thức món gan nấu với agiadda – 用 agiadda 烹制的肝菜,食谱 – アギアッダで調理したレバー料理、レシピ