A nice plate of pansoti also on board

Un bel piatto di pansoti alla salsa di noci anche a bordo

A nice plate of pansoti with walnut sauce even on board.
When I'm on a ship, even if the food is very varied, I really miss home food.
So when I go to Savona or Genoa I always ask my wife to bring me something from home.
In this case I had asked for pansoti (the packaged but very good ones from the pasta factory Novella) to season with walnut sauce (this one prepared on board).
The result, as you can see for yourself, was excellent!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

A nice plate of pansoti with walnut sauce also on board – Une belle assiette de pansoti avec sauce aux noix également à bord – Un buen plato de pansoti con salsa de nueces también a bordo – Um belo prato de pansoti com molho de nozes também a bordo – Ein schöner Teller Pansoti mit Walnusssauce auch an Bord – Một đĩa pansoti ngon với sốt óc chó cũng có trên tàu

Traditional Ligurian Pansoti and Ravioli on Sundays

Pansoti e ravioli della tradizione Ligure alla domenica

Pansoti and ravioli of the Ligurian tradition on Sunday.
Last Sunday I went, with my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law, to eat at the trattoria Ou Settembrin in Carasco.
In the Ligurian tradition we couldn't help but order the pansoti with walnut sauce and the ravioli al tocco (with meat sauce); both very good as always!

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If you want to know which are the best ravioli, in my opinion, go to the article with my personal ranking of the restaurants where I ate in the Province of Genoa di Levante.

Photo taken with iPhone SE.

Here's where the restaurant is located:

Pansoti, pansòti in Ligurian, (from the Ligurian pansa, in Italian “belly”), are a typical stuffed pasta of Ligurian cuisine, similar to ravioli, from which they differ essentially in size and the absence of meat in the filling. Pansoti with walnut sauce (pansöti co-a sarsa de noxe) are one of the cheapest and most characteristic dishes of the Genoese tradition. Since pansoti do not contain meat, they are a lean dish, once considered suitable for the penitential period of Lent. They are often mistakenly also called “pansòtti”, as in some Ligurian provinces there is verbal emphasis on the last syllables; the double letter is therefore to be attributed to an exclusively vocal language.
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Traditional Ligurian Pansoti and Ravioli on Sundays – Pansoti et raviolis ligures traditionnels le dimanche – Pansoti y ravioles tradicionales de Liguria los domingos – Pansoti e ravioli tradicionais da Ligúria aos domingos – Sonntags traditionelle ligurische Pansoti und Ravioli – Pansoti và ravioli truyền thống của vùng Ligurian vào Chủ nhật

Eating and drinking in Quy Nhon in Vietnam

Mangiare e bere a Quy Nhon in Vietnam

Eating and drinking in Quy Nhon in Vietnam

Click vào đây để đọc bằng tiếng việt!
If you have any questions about this article or Vietnamese food in general, write me a message. comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Having the opportunity to go to Quy Nhon (Binh Dinh, Vietnam) on vacation and visit a dear friend of mine, she took my husband to eat at Sau Cao restaurant, one of the famous and historical restaurants in Quy Nhon.
Sau Cao restaurant has a very large space with many dining tables, but the service is very fast and the dishes are different. Since we were only 3 people, we ordered a very simple menu. We ordered dishes such as: grilled chicken served with sticky rice, steamed shrimp with onions, Duong Chau fried rice… for a quick lunch.
For grilled chicken: I find that since it is free-range chicken, the meat is moderately soft and chewy, the chicken is not too small, and the grilled spices taste delicious. The fried sticky rice served with it is also very delicious.
With the steamed shrimp with onion dish, in our opinion, the shrimp is fresh and boiled, not dry, retains the sweetness of seafood, has the fragrant aroma of onions, and is very delicious when served with fried rice and soy sauce (soy sauce)…
Although the restaurant is large, the service is fast and the dishes are simple like family ones but still retain their freshness.
If we have the opportunity to return to Quy Nhon, we will come back to enjoy the other dishes on the restaurant menu.
This chicken and shrimp:

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Thi Anh Dao Truong: Ăn uống tại Quy Nhơn
Có dịp được ra Quy Nhơn (Bình Định, Việt Nam) chơi thăm quan đồng thời thăm một người bạn thân của tôi, cô ấy đã đưa 2 vợ chồng tôi đi ăn quán ăn Sáu Cao 1, một trong những quán ăn có tiếng và lâu đời ở Quy Nhơn.
Quán Sáu Cao 1 có không gian rất rộng lớn với rất nhiều bàn ăn, tuy vậy phục vụ rất nhanh, các món ăn đa dạng. Vì chỉ đi có 3 người nên chúng tôi gọi 1 thực đơn rất đơn giản. Chúng tôi đã gọi các món như là: gà nướng ăn kèm cùng với xôi, tôm hấp hành, cơm chiên dương châu…cho một buổi ăn trưa nhanh gọn.
Đối với món gà nướng: tôi thấy rằng vì là Gà thả vườn nên thịt ăn có độ mềm và dai vừa phải, thịt gà cũng không quá nhỏ, gia vị nướng ăn ngon vừa miệng. Xôi chiên ăn kèm cũng rất ngon.
Với món tôm hấp hành thì theo cảm nhận của chúng tôi là tôm tươi và luộc không bị khô, giữ được độ ngọt của hải sản, có mùi thơm của hành hoà quyện, ăn kèm với cơm chiên và xì dầu (nước tương) rất vừa miệng…
Quán tuy lớn nhưng phục vụ nhanh lẹ và các món ăn đơn giản như bữa cơm gia đình nhưng vẫn giữ được độ tươi ngon.
Nếu có dịp trở lại Quy Nhơn, chúng tôi sẽ quay lại để thưởng thức các món khác trong menu của quán.

Eating and drinking in Quy Nhon in Vietnam – Manger et boire à Quy Nhon au Vietnam – Comer y beber en Quy Nhon en Vietnam – Comer e beber em Quy Nhon, no Vietname – Essen und Trinken in Quy Nhon in Vietnam – Ăn uống ở Quy Nhon ở Việt Nam

Some excellent fish ravioli tasted in Lavagna

Degli ottimi ravioli di pesce gustati a Lavagna

Some excellent fish ravioli tasted in Lavagna.
Some time ago, being in Lavagna at lunchtime with my wife, we decided to stop to eat in one of the various trattorias and taverns in the center of the Tigullian town.
The choice was the Trattoria U Pescou where I ordered this plate of excellent fish ravioli with fish sauce.

Do you like fish ravioli?
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If you prefer ravioli with ragù, I invite you to go to my page dedicated to the ranking of the best in Eastern Liguria.

Photo taken with Oppo Reno 12.

This is the official website of the restaurant: upescou.it but maybe the review on is better TripAdvisor.

Some excellent fish ravioli tasted in Lavagna – Excellents raviolis de poisson dégustés à Lavagna – Excelentes raviolis de pescado que se disfrutan en Lavagna – Excelente ravioli de peixe apreciado em Lavagna – Ausgezeichnete Fischravioli im Lavagna – Ravioli cá tuyệt vời được thưởng thức tại Lavagna

Cold canapés for a cocktail on a cruise

Canapè freddi per un cocktail in crociera

Cold canapés for a cocktail on a cruise.
Sometimes, when there is a special occasion or event (such as a cocktail party or a small party), canapés are prepared on the ship for an aperitif.
Passengers can purchase this service on board.
Over the years, they have also changed in appearance: I remember that once they were canapés or volován while now they are much more elaborate. Only the raw ham rolled on a breadstick remains.
I almost forgot: a Costa cruise, of course!

Have you ever tasted one of these canapés?
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Canapè freddi per un cocktail in crociera

Photo taken with Honor 20.

A canapé (from the French canapé and the medieval Latin canapeum, a corruption of the class conopēum, conopeo) is a small appetizer placed or spread on slices of crustless bread that are usually first spread with butter and also previously grilled. It is usually carefully prepared and very decorative in appearance, separated into slices and often eaten in a single bite.
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Cold canapés for a cocktail on a cruise – Canapés froids pour un cocktail en croisière – Canapés fríos para un cóctel en un crucero – Canapés frios para um cocktail num cruzeiro – Kalte Canapés für einen Cocktail auf einer Kreuzfahrt – Món canapé lạnh cho một ly cocktail trên du thuyền

Fried egg with black truffle

L'uovo fritto al trartufo nero

Fried egg with black truffle.
One of the simplest dishes that can be made with truffle is definitely the fried egg (sunny side up) sprinkled with truffle (in this case black summer truffle) and nothing more.
I don't think there's any need to write the recipe for it because it's incredibly simple.

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L'uovo fritto al tartufo nero

Photo taken with Oppo Reno 12.

Some species of truffle are an extremely valuable, sought-after and expensive food essence; other species are instead considered of little value or, sometimes, even slightly toxic. In any case, truffles give off a typical penetrating and persistent scent that develops only when ripe and that has the purpose of attracting wild animals (pigs, wild boars, badgers, dormice, foxes), despite the earth cover, to spread the spores contained and perpetuate the species. These hypogeal fruits are identified with the help of dogs, or pigs, and collected by hand.
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Fried egg with black truffle – L’oeuf au plat à la truffe noire – El huevo frito con trufa negra – O ovo estrelado com trufa negra – Das Spiegelei mit schwarzem Trüffel – Trứng chiên nấm truffle đen

A plate of spaghetti with lobster and cherry tomatoes

Un piatto di spaghetti con aragosta e pomodorini

A plate of spaghetti with lobster and cherry tomatoes.
One of my favorite dishes: pasta with lobster sauce and cherry tomatoes.
And, as you can see, the lobster was really abundant!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

A plate of spaghetti with lobster and cherry tomatoes – Une assiette de spaghettis au homard et tomates cerises – Un plato de espaguetis con bogavante y tomates cherry – Um prato de esparguete com lagosta e tomate cereja – Ein Teller Spaghetti mit Hummer und Kirschtomaten – Đĩa mì spaghetti với tôm hùm và cà chua bi

Chestnut flour trofie with pesto

Le trofie di farina di castagne con il pesto alla genovese

Le trofie di farina di castagne con il pesto alla genovese.
Ovviamente, da buon ligure, uno dei miei piatti preferiti è la pasta condita con il pesto (di basilico).
Quando poi ho a disposizione anche le trofie impastate con la farina di castagne il piatto risulta ancora più buono.

Do you want to have fresh Basilico Genovese Dop directly to your home throughout Italy? Check out this offer for you.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

There is a type of trofie kneaded with chestnut flour called “bastard” trofie, which has a sweeter taste than normal or white trofie. You can also mix white trofie with chestnut trofie to give a delicate taste to the dish. In addition to pesto, trofie bastarde can be seasoned with walnut sauce.
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The pasta called trofie made with chestnut flour dough and seasoned with Genoese pesto – Les pâtes appelées trofie à base de pâte à base de farine de châtaigne et assaisonnées au pesto génois – La pasta llamada trofie elaborada con masa de harina de castañas y aderezada con pesto genovés – A massa chamada trofie feita com massa de farinha de castanha e temperada com pesto genovês – Die Nudeln namens Trofie werden aus Kastanienmehlteig hergestellt und mit genuesischem Pesto gewürzt – Món mì ống gọi là trofie được làm từ bột hạt dẻ và nêm sốt pesto Genoa

Cuttlefish ink tagliatelle with sea bream ragù

Tagliatelle al nero di seppia con ragù di orata

Tagliatelle with squid ink and sea bream ragù.
For some time now I have been enjoying making fresh pasta flavored with squid ink. I love making tortelli with sea bream filling and with the pasta scraps that are left over I always make tagliatelle.
I dressed these with a sauce prepared with a bit of the same filling that I used for the tortelli.
A fine and very tasty dish.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Cuttlefish ink tagliatelle with sea bream ragù – Tagliatelles à l’encre de seiche et ragoût de daurade – Tagliatelle de tinta de calamar con ragú de dorada – Tagliatelle de tinta de lula com ragù de dourada – Tintenfisch-Tagliatelle mit Doradenragout – Tagliatelle mực với ragù cá tráp

A nice plate of mixed sweets

Un bel piatto di dolcetti misti

A nice plate of mixed sweets.
Could there be a better way to end a good meal?
Strawberries covered in white chocolate, pralines filled with cream and tartines with custard and fruit or chocolate mousse.

Do you have a sweet tooth?
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Un bel piatto di dolcetti misti

Photo taken with Honor 20.

A nice plate of mixed sweets – Une belle assiette de douceurs mélangées – Un buen plato de dulces variados. – Um belo prato de doces mistos – Ein schöner Teller mit gemischten Süßigkeiten – Một đĩa đồ ngọt hỗn hợp ngon tuyệt