Pizza Margherita with buffalo mozzarella in Naples

pizza margherita

Pizza Margherita with buffalo mozzarella in Naples
Pizza margherita in Naples is a perfect science. Wherever you try it, you always leave satisfied.
This was a great margherita pizza with buffalo mozzarella and DOP tomatoes…. a grannìzzi ’i Dìu!

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pizza margherita

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

Pizzaria tasted in Naples in the Pizzeria Attanasio.

A widespread belief has it that in June 1889, to honor the Queen of Italy, Margherita di Savoia, the chef Raffaele Esposito of Pizzeria Brandi invented a dish that he called pizza-Margherita (with reference to the fact that the term “pizza”, then unknown outside the city of Naples, almost always indicated sweet pies), where the savoury toppings that he got his hands on, tomato, mozzarella and basil, even represented the same colours as the Italian flag.
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Margherita pizza with buffalo mozzarella in Naples – Margherita-Pizza mit Büffelmozzarella in Neapel – Pizza Margherita với phô mai mozzarella trâu ở Naples

Burrito messicano

Burrito messicano

Burrito messicano.
Un buon burrito, specialmente se mangiato in messico, può essere un ottimo piatto veloce e sostanzioso (visti i tanti ingredienti e le salse).
Questo poi è stato ordinato e mangiato a Cozumel (in Messico) ed essendo originale era secondo ricetta e preparazione locale.

Se hai domande oppure se vuoi farmi sapere la tua opinione su questo piatto lascia un commento cliccando here.

Burrito messicano

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

Il burrito o taco de harina è una pietanza che appartiene alla cucina tex-mex e consiste in una tortilla di farina riempita generalmente con carne di bovino, pollo o maiale, che è poi chiusa ottenendo una forma sottile. Negli Stati Uniti il ripieno include anche altri ingredienti come riso, fagioli, lattuga, pomodori, salsa, guacamole e formaggio, quindi lo spessore del burrito aumenta considerevolmente.
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Pizza with sausage and broccoli in Naples

pizza salsiccia e friarelli

Pizza with sausage and broccoli in Naples
It is one of the most typical of Naples, obviously excluding the margherita and the marinara. This one in particular was chosen by a colleague of mine and it was really good!

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pizza salsiccia e friarelli

Friarielli, also called broccoletti in Rome, cime di rapa in Puglia, rapini in Tuscany, are the newly developed inflorescences of the turnip top. Typically part of Neapolitan cuisine, they are used in other regions of Italy as well as in Spanish Galicia and Portugal (grelos), as well as in Chinese cuisine.
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Pizza with sausage and broccoli in Naples – La pizza de salchicha y brócoli en Nápoles – La pizza aux saucisses et au brocoli à Naples – A pizza de salsicha e brócolos em Nápoles – Die Wurst-Brokkoli-Pizza in Neapel – Pizza xúc xích và bông cải xanh ở Naples

The palte: a variety of avocado found in the area


The palte: a variety of avocado found in the area
The palta is a type of avocado, a tropical fruit that occasionally grows in our area.
Every now and then we find a tree or someone gives us some.
So Chef Loris prepares a guacamole-type sauce, the recipe of which I hope you will find in one of his posts.
In the meantime I leave you with a nice photo of the beautiful plate of this fruit.

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Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.

The avocado is native to a vast geographical area that extends from the central and western mountains of Mexico, through Guatemala to the Pacific Ocean coast of Central America.
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Le palte: a variety of avocado found in the area – Le palte : une variété d’avocat trouvée dans la région – Le palte: una variedad de aguacate que se encuentra en la zona – Le palte: uma variedade de abacate encontrada na área – Le palte: eine in der Gegend vorkommende Avocadosorte – Le palte: một loại bơ được tìm thấy trong khu vực – Le palte:该地区发现的各种鳄梨 – Le palte: この地域で見られるさまざまなアボカド

Paella: rice, saffron, seafood and vegetables

Paella: riso, zafferano, frutti di mare e verdura

Paella: rice, saffron, seafood and vegetables.
Paella is a fantastic dish to photograph.
It is no coincidence that I have already found several posts and photos about it.
This is the last photo I took this summer.
I will not post any more until my next stop in Spain.

Do you like paella? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Paella: riso, zafferano, frutti di mare e verdura

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.

It is a traditional dish of Spanish cuisine, which has spread throughout the Mediterranean Sea and Latin America. The dish, based on rice, saffron and seafood or meat, is similar to Turkish pilaf or Indo-Pakistani biryani and is prepared in the typical pan from which it takes its name, the pa ella or paellera.
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Paella: rice, saffron, seafood and vegetables – Paella : riz, safran, fruits de mer et légumes – Paella: arroz, azafrán, marisco y verduras – Paella: arroz, açafrão, marisco e legumes – Paella: Reis, Safran, Meeresfrüchte und Gemüse – Paella: cơm, nghệ tây, hải sản và rau

Lasagna fumante


Lasagna fumante: una porzione di uno dei piatti italiani più buoni.
La lasagna è sicuramente uno dei piatti italiani più buoni conosciuti nel mondo.
Bisogna dire che la ricetta originale è proprio semplice ma se ne vedono e assaggiano con tutte le variazioni possibili e immaginabili.
La ricetta vera delle lasagne alla bolognese è here, scritta dallo Chef Loris.
Questa, nella foto, è quella preparata qualche giorno fa da mia mamma:


Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.