Alcuni pansoti rotondi crudi dal pastificio

Pansoti rotondi

Alcuni pansoti rotondi crudi dal pastificio.
I pansoti rotondi crudi (ma credo che si possano anche chiamare pansotti, con due t), uno dei classici tipi di pasta ligure ovviamente da condire con la salsa di noci (sugo di noci).
Questi, come capirete, non sono fatti in casa ma da noi si possono trovare quasi fatti in maniera casalinga in uno dei molti pastifici (che sempre vi forniscono anche la salsa se non siete in grado di farvela).

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Pansoti rotondi

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.

Pansoti, pansòti in Ligurian, (from the Ligurian pansa, in Italian “belly”), are a typical stuffed pasta of Ligurian cuisine, similar to ravioli, from which they differ essentially in size and the absence of meat in the filling. Pansoti with walnut sauce (pansöti co-a sarsa de noxe) are one of the cheapest and most characteristic dishes of the Genoese tradition. Since pansoti do not contain meat, they are a lean dish, once considered suitable for the penitential period of Lent. They are often mistakenly also called “pansòtti”, as in some Ligurian provinces there is verbal emphasis on the last syllables; the double letter is therefore to be attributed to an exclusively vocal language.
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A plate of pansoti with walnut sauce – Une assiette de pansoti sauce aux noix – Un plato de pansoti con salsa de nueces – Um prato de pansoti com molho de nozes – Ein Teller Pansoti mit Walnusssauce – Một đĩa pansoti sốt quả óc chó – 一盘核桃酱意粉 – クルミソースのパンソティのプレート

Un trancio di salmone mentre cuoce sulla griglia

Trancio di salmone

Un trancio di salmone mentre cuoce sulla griglia.
Eccovi una bella foto di un trancio di salmone mentre è sulla graticola a cuocere.
Veramente un piatto semplice da preparare.
E’ sufficiente comprare un paio di tranci di salmone in pescheria, metterli un attimo in infusione con limone, olio (e per me un pochino di salsa di soia), scaldare la graticola, e mettervi a cuocere il trancio.
Tutto qui.

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Here's the photo:

Trancio di salmone

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.

Salmo salar (Linnaeus, 1758), noto in italiano come salmone dell’Atlantico o semplicemente come salmone, è un pesce osseo d’acqua dolce e marina tipico dei mari temperati e freddi del nord Atlantico. S. salar è l’unica specie di salmone presente naturalmente nell’Oceano Atlantico. Nell’Atlantico orientale si trova tra il golfo di Guascogna a sud ed il Circolo Polare Artico a nord compresi il mar Bianco, il mare di Barents e l’Islanda; lungo le coste americane si incontra tra il Quebec e il New England. È presente anche nel mar Baltico. Lo si trova anche lungo le coste meridionali della Groenlandia. In passato risaliva anche i fiumi spagnoli dove si è estinto. È stato introdotto in Cile, Argentina, Nuova Zelanda e Australia. È completamente assente dal mar Mediterraneo e dalle acque dolci italiane e sud europee.
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A slice of salmon while it cooks on the grill – Un pavé de saumon cuit sur le grill – Un filete de salmón cocinado a la parrilla. – Um bife de salmão a cozinhar na grelha – Ein Lachssteak, das auf dem Grill kocht – Một miếng cá hồi nướng trên vỉ nướng

A plate of excellent tagliolini with scampi

Taglierini agli scampi

Taglierini with scampi, definitely one of my favorite fish dishes.
Today the good Loris delighted us with this good and beautiful dish.
With scampi sauce, delicate and tasty.
Here are a couple of photos to make your mouth water.

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Taglierini agli scampi

Taglierini agli scampi

Taglierini agli scampi

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.

The Decapoda (Decapoda Latreille, 1802) are an order of crustaceans of the class Malacostraca, characterized by the presence of 10 legs. In Italian there is homonymy with the grouping of decapod molluscs, or Decapodiformes, with which they should not be confused. They include stocky forms (crabs), elongated forms (shrimps), and forms that must protect the abdomen. The latter are called Paguriformes, and include hermit crabs.
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Scampi tagliolini, one of my favorite fish dishes – Tagliolini aux scampis, un de mes plats de poisson préférés – Tagliolini de gambas, uno de mis platos de pescado favoritos – Scampi tagliolini, um dos meus pratos de peixe favoritos – Scampi Tagliolini, eines meiner Lieblingsfischgerichte – Scampi tagliolini, một trong những món cá yêu thích của tôi – Scampi tagliolini,我最喜欢的鱼类菜肴之一 – 私の大好きな魚料理の一つ、スカンピ・タリオリーニ

A delicious plate of pasta with lobster

Pasta con aragosta

A delicious plate of pasta with lobster.
Pasta with lobster, let's say with lobster sauce, is one of my favorite fish dishes (even if it's not really fish).
This was made on board my last ship (while I'm at it I'll give my Costa Crociere a little advertising, which for a few years has offered, for a fee, various special dishes - all very good).

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Pasta con aragosta

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

It is medium-large in size with an average length of 20–40 cm and a maximum of 50 cm and a weight of up to 8 kg. The body is sub-cylindrical in shape, covered by an armor that changes several times during growth to recreate a new one. The carapace is divided into two parts - the cephalothorax (anterior part) and the abdomen (posterior part) - with a reddish-brown to purple-brown color and is covered with conical spines. The abdomen is made up of 6 mobile segments, and is equipped with a tiny stinger.
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A delicious pasta dish with lobster – Un délicieux plat de pâtes au homard – Un delicioso plato de pasta con bogavante – Um delicioso prato de massa com lagosta – Ein leckeres Nudelgericht mit Hummer – Một món mì ngon với tôm hùm – 一道美味的意大利面配龙虾 – ロブスターのおいしいパスタ料理

Shellfish in plain sight ready to be cooked


Shellfish in plain sight ready to be cooked.
A selection of shellfish ready to be chosen and cooked.
Lobsters, prawns and oysters.
In a restaurant in the small port of Marseille.

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Photo taken with iPhone 6.

They constitute a subphylum of Arthropods that mainly includes marine aquatic animals, although they are also widely present in fresh water and some terrestrial species are known. The Crustacea constitute a very heterogeneous group whose members, at a morphological level, are mainly united by two basal characters: the presence of two pairs of preoral appendages (antennules and antennae) in the cephalon, otherwise identical - in number and arrangement of segments and appendages - to that of Myriapoda and Hexapoda; the presence of some biramous appendages (different, however, from those of Trilobitomorpha).
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Shellfish in plain sight ready to be cooked – Coquillages bien en vue prêts à être cuits – Mariscos a la vista listos para ser cocinados – Marisco à vista pronto a ser cozinhado – Schalentiere in Sichtweite, bereit zum Kochen – Động vật có vỏ ở nơi dễ thấy đã sẵn sàng để nấu chín