Excellent tagliatelle with wild boar sauce. There is always a classic of local cuisine at this time of year: tagliatelle with wild boar sauce. We tasted these at trattoria dei Cacciatori in Suvero (in the province of La Spezia) a classic restaurant for mushroom hunters and hunters.
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If you want to learn how to make wild boar sauce, since I can't explain it to you (maybe good old Loris will write it for us) I'll send you to the site giallozafferano.it which as usual shows you, step by step, how to do it.
Some excellent tagliatelle with wild boar sauce – Excellentes tagliatelles à la sauce sanglier – Excelentes tallarines con salsa de jabalí – Excelente tagliatelle com molho de javali – Ausgezeichnete Tagliatelle mit Wildschweinsauce – Tagliatelle tuyệt vời với sốt thịt lợn rừng
Strawberry tree: a red fruit typical of the Mediterranean scrub. At this time of year the fruits of the strawberry tree are ripening. In my garden there is a plant of which I can take splendid photos.
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The strawberry tree, also called albatross, is a fruit tree belonging to the Ericaceae family and the Arbutus genus. It is widespread in the western Mediterranean countries and on the southern coasts of Ireland. I frutti vengono chiamati corbezzole o talvolta albatre. Uno stesso arbusto può ospitare contemporaneamente fiori e frutti maturi oltre alle foglie perché è sempreverde, cosa che la rende particolarmente ornamentale, per la presenza sull’albero di tre vivaci colori: il rosso dei frutti, il bianco dei fiori e il verde delle foglie. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The strawberry tree: a red fruit typical of the Mediterranean scrub – L’arbousier : un fruit rouge typique du maquis méditerranéen – El madroño: un fruto rojo típico del matorral mediterráneo – O medronheiro: um fruto vermelho típico da mata mediterrânica – Der Erdbeerbaum: eine rote Frucht, die typisch für die mediterrane Macchia ist – Cây dâu tây: một loại trái cây màu đỏ đặc trưng của cây chà là Địa Trung Hải – 草莓树:地中海灌木丛中典型的红色果实 – いちごの木:地中海のスクラブに典型的な赤い実
The fruit of the caper: few people know it but it is this. Few people know that the real fruit of the caper is this and not the bud that is normally eaten to add flavor to a dish. I only discovered now that the real name of this fruit is cucuncio. The caper is in fact only the bud of the flower. If you let it bloom, once pollinated, the fruit that resembles a small cucumber is formed.
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I found this nice article on the site papilleclandestine.it which explains the difference between caper and cucuncio, very interesting.
The fruit of the caper: few people know it but this is it – Le fruit du câprier : peu de gens le connaissent mais c’est ça – El fruto de la alcaparra: pocos lo conocen pero así es – O fruto da alcaparra: poucas pessoas sabem, mas é isso – Die Frucht der Kapern: nur wenige kennen sie, aber das ist sie – Quả bạch hoa: ít người biết nhưng đây chính là nó – 刺山柑的果实:很少有人知道,但就是这样 – ケイパーの実:それを知っている人はほとんどいませんが、これはそれです
Romanesco cabbage and its amazing shapes. Romanesco cabbage is certainly one of the most amazing vegetables that exist. Its regular spirals seem to come directly from prehistory.
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Romanesco broccoli is a variety of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica). Broccoli belongs to the group of plants whose leaves are not eaten, but rather the immature inflorescences. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Romanesco Cabbage and its Amazing Shapes – Le chou romanesco et ses formes étonnantes – La col romanesco y sus sorprendentes formas – Repolho Romanesco e as suas incríveis formas – Romanesco-Kohl und seine erstaunlichen Formen – Bắp cải Romanesco và hình dạng tuyệt vời của nó
Pansoti tondi alla salsa di noci: dal pastificio Dasso a Lavagna. I pansotti tondi conditi con la salsa di noci sono un classico della cucina ligure. Questi pansotti veramente sono quelli, preparati a mano, dal pastificio Dasso di Lavagna (che non ha però un suo sito da linkarvi ma solo la recensione su TripAdvisor).
Questi erano i classici pansotti (o pansoti) rotondi, perché dovete sapere che si fanno anche triangolari dalle nostre parti, conditi con la salsa di noci preparata da mia mamma.
Vi lascio l’article con la ricetta completa di come facciamo la salsa a casa mia. Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
I pansoti (pansòti in ligure, dal ligure pansa, in italiano “pancia”) sono una pasta ripiena tipica della cucina ligure, simile ai ravioli, da cui differiscono essenzialmente per la grandezza e l’assenza di carne nel ripieno. I pansoti alla salsa di noci sono uno dei piatti più caratteristici della tradizione genovese. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Round pansoti with walnut sauce: from the Dasso pasta factory in Lavagna – Pansoti rond sauce aux noix : de la fabrique de pâtes Dasso à Lavagna – Pansoti redondo con salsa de nueces: de la fábrica de pasta Dasso en Lavagna – Pansoti redondo com molho de nozes: da fábrica de massas Dasso em Lavagna – Runde Pansoti mit Walnusssauce: von der Nudelmanufaktur Dasso in Lavagna – Bánh pansoti tròn với nước sốt óc chó: từ nhà máy mì ống Dasso ở Lavagna – 核桃酱圆形潘索蒂:来自拉瓦尼亚的达索意大利面工厂 – クルミソースの丸いパンソティ:ラヴァーニャのダッソパスタ工場から
Focaccia alla Genovese: a slice to start the meal. It often happens that when you buy bread you also get a strip or a slice of focaccia alla Genovese. How to avoid it? In all our bakeries it is always on display. Most of the time it doesn't even have time to get home because it is swept away as soon as you leave the shop.
But could you resist this spectacle? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
Since it is a typical Ligurian dish, there are already many posts about it and many photos. If you scroll down the page you will find tons of them.
In ancient times, the Phoenicians and Greeks used cereal flours such as barley and rye that were mixed with water and cooked over a fire. This allowed them to be preserved for long periods of time. The focaccia was considered by the Romans to be such a valuable food that it was offered to the gods during their celebrations. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Focaccia Genovese: a slice to start the meal – Focaccia génoise : une tranche pour commencer le repas – Focaccia genovesa: un trozo para empezar la comida – Focaccia genovesa: uma fatia para iniciar a refeição – Genueser Focaccia: ein Stück zum Auftakt der Mahlzeit – Genoese focaccia: một lát để bắt đầu bữa ăn