Crema Catalana: A Dessert from Spain

Crema catalana: un dessert dalla Spagna

Crema Catalana: a dessert from Spain.
A dessert originally from Spain, crema Catalana has now become a classic in restaurants and pizzerias in Italy.
Simple to make and good to taste. Creamy on the inside and crunchy on the surface.
This was from the pizzeria I Gabbiani in Casarza Ligure.
In the photo you can also see the light flame that, thanks to a little alcohol, served to caramelize the sugar, a must for this dish!

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Crema catalana: un dessert dalla Spagna

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

I also found a nice video recipe on GialloZafferano.
As always I will also send you to Wikipedia to continue reading the story of this dessert.

Crema Catalana: A Dessert from Spain – Crème catalane : un dessert venu d’Espagne – Crema catalana: un postre de España – Creme catalão: uma sobremesa de Espanha – Katalanische Creme: ein Dessert aus Spanien – Kem Catalan: món tráng miệng đến từ Tây Ban Nha

Spinach Boats with Pumpkin

Barchette agli spinaci

Spinach boats with pumpkin.
Simple dish: spinach boats, unfortunately not handmade but bought, pumpkin, leek, onion, garlic and turmeric.

Barchette agli spinaci

Spinach Boats with Pumpkin – Bateaux d’épinards à la citrouille – Barquitos de espinacas con calabaza – Barcos de espinafre com abóbora – Bateaux d’épinards à la citrouille – Thuyền rau muống bí đỏ

Sushi Ura Ebiten: un tipo di sushi da gustare

Sushi Ura Ebiten: un tipo di sushi da gustare

Sushi Ura Ebiten.
Tra le migliaia di tipi differenti di sushi giapponese c’è anche questo:
Sushi Ura Ebiten fatti con Philadelphia e gamberi cotti.

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Sushi Ura Ebiten: un tipo di sushi da gustare

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

Il ristorante è sempre Spazio Sushi a Genova

Il sushi è un insieme di piatti tipico della cucina giapponese a base di riso insieme ad altri ingredienti come pesce, alghe, vegetali o uova. Il ripieno può essere crudo, cotto o marinato e può essere servito appoggiato sul riso, arrotolato in una striscia di alga, disposto in rotoli di riso o inserito in una piccola tasca di tofu.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Sushi Ura Ebiten: a type of sushi to taste – Sushi Ura Ebiten : un type de sushi à déguster – Sushi Ura Ebiten : un type de sushi à déguster – Sushi Ura Ebiten: um tipo de sushi para saborear – Sushi Ura Ebiten: eine Sushi-Sorte zum Probieren – Sushi Ura Ebiten: một loại sushi ngon miệng – 寿司 Ura Ebiten:寿司的一种 – 味わう寿司「鮨裏海老天」

A plate of fried rice with shrimp and vegetables

Riso fritto con gamberi

A plate of fried rice with shrimp and vegetables.
Another dish from the Japanese fusion restaurant Spazio Sushi in Genoa: fried rice (sautéed) with shrimp and vegetables.
According to those who ate it, it was excellent!

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Riso fritto con gamberi

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

A plate of fried rice with prawns and vegetables – Une assiette de riz sauté aux crevettes et légumes – Un plato de arroz frito con gambas y verduras – Um prato de arroz frito com camarão e legumes – Ein Teller mit gebratenem Reis mit Garnelen und Gemüse – Cơm chiên tôm rau củ – 一盘虾和蔬菜炒饭 – 海老と野菜のチャーハン

Potatoes cooked in white wine

Patate al vino bianco

Potatoes in white wine.
Often used as an excellent side dish, potatoes in white wine are among my favorites.
Boil a little first and then sauté abundantly in a pan with a little white wine, oil, salt and rosemary.

Have you ever tasted potatoes cooked like this?
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Patate al vino bianco

Potatoes cooked in white wine – Pommes de terre cuites au vin blanc – Patatas cocidas en vino blanco – Batatas cozidas em vinho branco – In Weißwein gekochte Kartoffeln – Khoai tây nấu rượu vang trắng