Hexadactyly in a painting in Genoa

La esadattilia in un dipinto in Santa Maria in Castello a Genova

Hexadactyly in a painting in Santa Maria in Castello in Genoa.
Do you know what hexadactyly is? To tell the truth, you can understand that it has something to do with six (hex) and fingers (dactyly) but I didn't know, before doing some research, that there was some mystery about it hidden in pictorial art.
The photo in this post is a detail of a painting, the Annunciation by Giovanni Mazone preserved in Santa Maria in Castello, in which one of the characters (in the left part of the left part of the polyptych depicting Saint John the Baptist and the apostle James the Greater) one of the Saints has feet with six toes.
I discovered that in art it is customary to add a finger to saintly and excellent characters (and I remember that at the time, during the visit to the church, the guide had explained it) but digging I discovered that it is not always like this and there is a sort of mystery in these depictions (here is a starting point for further study).

Do you know anything more about hexadactyly in art?
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La esadattilia in un dipinto in Santa Maria in Castello a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

This is the official website of the church: santamariadicastello.it.

To see all the photos I took in Santa Maria in Castello and its cloisters, click here:

The polyptych of the Annunciation was executed in 1470 for the chapel of the same name in the church of Santa Maria di Castello in Genoa. The elaborate gilded wooden frame was executed by Mazone himself with the clear intent of reviving the elements of Gothic architecture. The compositions of the predella represent four episodes of the life of Mary: the Marriage of the Madonna and her meeting with Elizabeth; the birth of Jesus; the adoration of the Magi; the flight into Egypt and the purification of the B. V. Annunziata.
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Hexadactyly in a painting in Santa Maria in Castello in Genoa – Hexadactylie dans un tableau de Santa Maria in Castello à Gênes – Hexadactilia en un cuadro de Santa Maria in Castello en Génova – Hexadactilia em uma pintura em Santa Maria in Castello em Gênova – Hexadaktylie in einem Gemälde in Santa Maria in Castello in Genua – Hexadactyly trong một bức tranh ở Santa Maria ở Castello ở Genoa – 热那亚城堡圣玛丽亚一幅画中的六角形 – ジェノヴァのサンタ・マリア・イン・カステッロの絵画に描かれた六指鳥

La statua dedicata a Niccolò Paganini

La statua dedicata a Niccolò Paganini all'ingresso del teatro di Genova

La statua dedicata a Niccolò Paganini all’ingresso del teatro di Genova.
All’ingresso del Carlo Felice, il principale teatro di Genova, si trova questa bella statua di uno dei più importanti artisti genovesi di sempre.
La città lo ricorda con questo monumento posto all’ingresso del primo foyer.

Sei mai stato al teatro Carlo Felice? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La statua dedicata a Niccolò Paganini all'ingresso del teatro di Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Niccolò Paganini (Genova, 27 ottobre 1782 – Nizza, 27 maggio 1840) è stato un violinista, violista, chitarrista e compositore italiano, fra i più importanti esponenti della musica romantica. Ancora oggi la sua figura è circondata da leggende legate al suo prodigioso genio (talune anche alimentate dall’ambiente del romanticismo ottocentesco) ed al presunto patto col diavolo da lui siglato per diventare famoso ed ottenere un’abilità con il violino ineguagliabile, contribuendo così a mitizzare la sua figura.
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The statue dedicated to Niccolò Paganini at the entrance to the Genoa theater – La statue dédiée à Niccolò Paganini à l’entrée du théâtre de Gênes – La estatua dedicada a Niccolò Paganini a la entrada del teatro de Génova – A estátua dedicada a Niccolò Paganini na entrada do teatro de Gênova – Die Niccolò Paganini gewidmete Statue am Eingang des Genua-Theaters – Bức tượng dành riêng cho Niccolò Paganini ở lối vào nhà hát Genoa – 热那亚剧院入口处的尼科洛·帕格尼尼雕像 – ジェノヴァ劇場の入り口にあるニッコロ・パガニーニに捧げられた像

A beautiful creuza of Boccadasse in Genoa

Una bella creuza nel piccolo borgo di Boccadasse a Genova

A beautiful creuza in the small village of Boccadasse in Genoa.
Last summer I often had to go back and forth to Genoa and when I could I stopped along the way to enjoy the beauties that my region (Liguria) has.
One of these is precisely the small village of Boccadasse, to the west of Genoa.
This is a typical Ligurian creuza, the small road that goes up from the sea to the village. Stones on the sides, to stop you slipping if it rains, and bricks in the center!

Do you like the photo? Have you already been to Boccadasse?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Una bella creuza nel piccolo borgo di Boccadasse a Genova

Photo taken with Honor 20.

All the photos I took in the village, during different visits, are here:
foto gallery

Where is the village located:

Boccadasse (Boca d’azë or Bocadâze in Genoese) is an ancient seaside village in the city of Genoa, which is part of the Albaro district. In the current administrative division of the municipality of Genoa it is therefore included in the Municipio VIII – Medio Levante, which in addition to Albaro also includes the Foce and San Martino districts.
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A beautiful creuza in the small village of Boccadasse in Genoa – Une belle creuza dans le petit village de Boccadasse à Gênes – Una hermosa creuza en el pequeño pueblo de Boccadasse en Génova – Uma bela creuza na pequena aldeia de Boccadasse em Génova – Eine wunderschöne Creuza im kleinen Dorf Boccadasse in Genua – Một creuza tuyệt đẹp ở ngôi làng nhỏ Boccadasse ở Genoa – 热那亚博卡达斯小村庄的美丽克鲁扎 – ジェノヴァのボッカダッセの小さな村にある美しいクルーザ

The buildings in Piazza Caricamento in Genoa

I palazzi che si affacciano sul porto in piazza Caricamento a Genova

The buildings overlooking the port in Piazza Caricamento in Genoa.
One of the most popular squares in Genoa, even if almost no one notices it because it is only a place of transit between the Porto Antico (the aquarium) and the historic center (the alleys).
With beautiful old buildings, almost all well renovated.

Do you know the Porto Antico area of ​​Genoa?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

I palazzi che si affacciano sul porto in piazza Caricamento a Genova

I palazzi che si affacciano sul porto in piazza Caricamento a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here's where the square is located:

The square, built in 1839 as the terminus of the new coastal road named after King Carlo Alberto (now Via Gramsci), was called Caricamento starting in 1854, when it became the terminus, intended for the loading and unloading of goods related to the port, of the railway designed as an extension of the Turin-Genoa line to serve port traffic. Numerous photographs from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries show the square crowded with carts pulled by donkeys, oxen or horses, waiting to load or unload goods of all kinds.
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The buildings overlooking the port in piazza Caricamento in Genoa – Les bâtiments surplombant le port de piazza Caricamento à Gênes – Los edificios que pasan por alto el puerto en piazza Caricamento en Génova – Os edifícios com vista para o porto na Piazza Caricamento em Gênova – Die Gebäude mit Blick auf den Hafen auf der Piazza Caricamento in Genua – Các tòa nhà nhìn ra cảng ở quảng trường Caricamento ở Genoa – 俯瞰热那亚卡里卡门托广场港口的建筑物 – ジェノヴァのカリカメント広場の港を見下ろす建物

The view of Genoa at sunset from Spianata Castelletto

La vista su Genova al tramonto dalla Spianata Castelletto

The view of Genoa at sunset from Spianata Castelletto.
I always like to pass by Spianata Castelletto to photograph Genoa from above.
I really like this photo, which I took several months ago, for the colors of the sunset hour.

Do you know this place in Genoa? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La vista su Genova al tramonto dalla Spianata Castelletto

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's where the lookout is located:

The Montaldo viewpoint is connected to the Portello square by a public lift, which entered into service in 1910, whose arrival station is housed in a characteristic Art Nouveau glass kiosk.
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Sunset from the Castelletto esplanade in Genoa – Coucher de soleil depuis l’esplanade du Castelletto à Gênes – Atardecer desde la explanada de Castelletto en Génova – Pôr do sol da esplanada de Castelletto em Gênova – Sonnenuntergang von der Esplanade Castelletto in Genua – Hoàng hôn từ lối đi dạo Castelletto ở Genoa – 热那亚 Castelletto 滨海艺术中心的日落 – ジェノヴァのカステレット遊歩道からの夕日

I palazzi che circondano la bella piazza di Campopisano a Genova

I palazzi che circondano la bella piazza di Campopisano a Genova

I palazzi che circondano la bella piazza di Campopisano a Genova.
Il centro storico di Genova è, senza dubbio, un luogo dalle mille sorprese.
Uno dei luoghi più belli che ho scoperto recentemente (scoperto nel senso che dopo tanto tempo sono riuscito a fotografarlo anche io) è la bellissima piazza Campopisano.
In questo scatto ho preso più in considerazione gli alti palazzi che ne creano la cornice.

Sei mai stato in questo luogo caratteristico di Genova? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

I palazzi che circondano la bella piazza di Campopisano a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

La zona, citata inizialmente come “Campus Sarzanni” poiché situata in prossimità della piazza di Sarzano, sarebbe stata ribattezzata con l’appellativo di Campo Pisano dopo la vittoria riportata dalla flotta genovese sui pisani nella battaglia della Meloria (1284); infatti, secondo la tradizione in questo luogo, all’epoca appena fuori dalle mura, sarebbero stati confinati migliaia di prigionieri pisani, la maggior parte dei quali, morti di fame e di stenti, sarebbero stati sepolti in quello stesso luogo.
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Ed ecco dove si trova la piazza:

The beautiful square called Campopisano in the historic center of Genoa – La belle place appelée Campopisano dans le centre historique de Gênes – La hermosa plaza llamada Campopisano en el centro histórico de Génova – A bela praça chamada Campopisano no centro histórico de Gênova – Der schöne Platz namens Campopisano im historischen Zentrum von Genua – Quảng trường xinh đẹp mang tên Campopisano ở trung tâm lịch sử của Genoa – 热那亚历史中心的美丽广场 Campopisano – ジェノヴァの歴史的中心部にあるカンポピサーノと呼ばれる美しい広場

La vista sul caratteristico borgo di Boccadasse a Levante di Genova

La vista sul caratteristico borgo di Boccadasse a Levante di Genova

La vista sul caratteristico borgo di Boccadasse a Levante di Genova.
Qualche mese fa, esattamente a luglio, sono stato a Genova per fare qualche commissione e, sulla via del ritorno, ho deciso di fermarmi per far visitare a mia moglie (per la prima volta) lo splendido borgo di Boccadasse.
Ovviamente era uno spettacolo e ho scattato veramente molte foto che ho aggiunto alla apposita pagina (segnalata più in basso).
C’era già anche molta gente che prendeva il sole, era a metà maggio, e qualcuno faceva il bagno.

Vi piace la foto? Siete già stati a Boccadasse? Lasciate un commento cliccandohere.

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 50mm f/1.8 STM.

All the photos I took in the village, during different visits, are here:
foto gallery

Boccadasse (Boca d’azë or Bocadâze in Genoese) is an ancient seaside village in the city of Genoa, which is part of the Albaro district. In the current administrative division of the municipality of Genoa it is therefore included in the Municipio VIII – Medio Levante, which in addition to Albaro also includes the Foce and San Martino districts.
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Where is the village located:

The view of the characteristic village of Boccadasse to the east of Genoa – La vue sur le village caractéristique de Boccadasse à l’est de Gênes – La vista del característico pueblo de Boccadasse al este de Génova – A vista da característica vila de Boccadasse, a leste de Gênova – Der Blick auf das charakteristische Dorf Boccadasse östlich von Genua – Quang cảnh ngôi làng Boccadasse đặc trưng ở phía đông Genova – 热那亚以东Boccadasse特色村一景 – ジェノヴァの東にあるボッカダッセの特徴的な村の眺め

The majestic Palazzo San Giorgio from the Porto Antico

Il maestoso Palazzo San Giorgio di fronte al Porto Antico di Genova

The majestic Palazzo San Giorgio in front of the Porto Antico in Genoa.
The most photographed palace by visitors to the Porto Antico is definitely this one. Located right in front of the entrance to both the alleys of the historic center and the port.
With the beautiful painting on the facade of San Giorgio slaying the dragon.

Have you ever seen this palace? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il maestoso Palazzo San Giorgio di fronte al Porto Antico di Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

The Palazzo di San Giorgio, or Palazzo delle Compere di San Giorgio, is one of the most important and well-known historic buildings in Genoa. It currently houses the headquarters of the Port Authority of Genoa.
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Where is the palace:

The majestic Palazzo San Giorgio in front of the Old Port of Genoa – Le majestueux Palazzo San Giorgio devant le Vieux Port de Gênes – El majestuoso Palacio San Giorgio frente al Puerto Viejo de Génova – O majestoso Palazzo San Giorgio em frente ao Porto Velho de Gênova – Der majestätische Palazzo San Giorgio vor dem Alten Hafen von Genua – Cung điện San Giorgio uy nghiêm trước Cảng Cũ Genoa – 热那亚旧港前雄伟的圣乔治宫 – ジェノヴァの旧港の前にある荘厳なサン ジョルジョ宮殿

A creuza that goes towards the port of Genoa

Una creuza che dal centro storico va verso il porto di Genova

A creuza that goes towards the port of Genoa
Every time I walk around Genoa I always take dozens of photos even if I can't always remember exactly where I was.
This is the case: we are in the area behind via Mura delle Grazie but I can't find the exact point.
However, this brick alley leads from the alley upstream towards the sea front and the port.

Have you ever been to visit and explore the alleys of Genoa? If you know something more about this alley add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Una creuza che dal centro storico va verso il porto di Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

An alley that goes from the historic center towards the port of Genoa – Une ruelle qui va du centre historique vers le port de Gênes – Un callejón que va desde el centro histórico hacia el puerto de Génova – Um beco que vai do centro histórico até o porto de Gênova – Eine Gasse, die vom historischen Zentrum zum Hafen von Genua führt – Một con hẻm đi từ trung tâm lịch sử đến cảng Genoa – 一条从历史中心通往热那亚港口的小巷 – 歴史的中心部からジェノバ港へ向かう路地

Under the Murette alley in the historic center of Genoa

Vico sotto le Murette nel centro storico di Genova

Alley sotto le Murette in the historic center of Genoa.
One of the things that satisfies me the most, when I leave home with the intention of going to explore and take photos, is walking through the historic center of Genoa, the so-called "vicoli".
Every time I walk down a different, new street, that I had never seen until that moment.
In some cases I look for an area that perhaps I discovered on Instagram to see it with my own eyes and document it (as much as possible) on my blog. And then, once home, try to remember the name of the street, the square, to be precise and to look for some additional information or some link to some story related to that place.
This is the case of this alley, called sotto le Murette, in the area (which was my goal) of Campopisano!

Have you ever been to visit and explore the alleys of Genoa? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Vico sotto le Murette nel centro storico di Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Here's where this alley is located:

The alley called sotto le Murette in the historic center of Genoa – L’allée appelée sotto le Murette dans le centre historique de Gênes – El callejón llamado sotto le Murette en el centro histórico de Génova – O beco chamado sotto le Murette no centro histórico de Gênova – Die Gasse namens Sotto le Murette im historischen Zentrum von Genua – Con hẻm có tên là sotto le Murette ở trung tâm lịch sử của Genoa – 热那亚历史中心的 sotto le Murette 小巷 – ジェノヴァの歴史的中心部にある sotto le Murette と呼ばれる路地