La colazione in un famoso hotel di Da Nang in Vietnam

Colazione hotel Da Nang

La colazione in un famoso hotel di Da Nang in Vietnam.
Vi mando un buongiorno con una foto che ho scattato qualche tempo fa in Vietnam.
Eravamo andati in un albergo a cinque stelle per fare la colazione e passare un paio d’ore di relax.
Purtroppo non ricordo il nome dell’hotel (forse chi mi segue su Instagram si ricorda che vi avevo gia’ postato una foto da li’) ma era veramente bello.

Sei mai stato o vorresti andare in Vietnam? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Colazione hotel Da Nang

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.

Breakfast in a famous hotel in Da Nang in Vietnam – Petit-déjeuner dans un célèbre hôtel à Da Nang au Vietnam – Desayuno en un famoso hotel en Da Nang en Vietnam – Café da manhã em um famoso hotel em Da Nang no Vietnã – Frühstück in einem berühmten Hotel in Da Nang in Vietnam – Ăn sáng tại một khách sạn nổi tiếng ở Đà Nẵng ở Việt Nam – 在越南岘港著名酒店享用早餐 – ベトナム・ダナンの有名ホテルで朝食

The famous Sapa station in Vietnam

La stazione del treno di Sa Pa

The famous Sa Pa station in Vietnam.
One of the most convenient ways to get to the famous region in the North of Vietnam is the night train. Unfortunately, the train does not arrive in the town but you have to stop about fifty kilometers away.
In the village of Sa Pa there is still the station and it is very beautiful to visit.
Obviously, you can also notice, the French-influenced style (Liberty?) is very characteristic and makes this building one of the monuments of the town.
It is the station from which the rack railway departs that takes you to the cable car to the top of Phan Xi Pang, the highest mountain in all of Indochina.

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La stazione del treno di Sa Pa

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

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Sapa, nestled in the majestic mountains of northern Tonkin at about 1,600 meters above sea level, is one of the most fascinating mountain resorts in Vietnam. Located less than 350 km from Hanoi and just over 30 km from the city of Lao Cai, the provincial capital, Sapa is a destination that attracts for its natural beauty and the cultural richness of its ethnic communities.
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The famous train station of Sa Pa in Vietnam – La célèbre gare de Sa Pa au Vietnam – La famosa estación de tren de Sa Pa en Vietnam – A famosa estação ferroviária de Sa Pa, no Vietname – Der berühmte Bahnhof Sa Pa in Vietnam – Ga xe lửa Sa Pa nổi tiếng ở Việt Nam

Typical rickshaws in Hoi An city in Vietnam

Riscio nella citta do Hoi An

Typical rickshaws in the city of Hoi An in Vietnam.
One of the most typical means of transport for tourists in Vietnamese and Asian tourist cities in general is the rickshaw.
In the town of Hoi An, a very famous tourist destination famous for lanterns, there are dozens and dozens of these pedal carts with which tourists can tour the town whizzing around, comfortably seated on board.
To tell the truth, they are a bit like the masters of the roads because they always take precedence and, every now and then, an accident happens.

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Riscio nella citta do Hoi An

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Click here to see all the photos of the town:
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The rickshaw or rickshaw is a means of transport that, in its original form, uses human power to propel the vehicle. The rickshaw consists of a two-wheeled cart on which one or two people can sit. The driver fits between two long bars pulling the vehicle.
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The typical rickshaws in the city of Hoi An in Vietnam – Les pousse-pousse typiques de la ville de Hoi An au Vietnam – Los típicos rickshaws en la ciudad de Hoi An en Vietnam – Os riquixás típicos da cidade de Hoi An, no Vietnã – Die typischen Rikschas in der Stadt Hoi An in Vietnam – Những chiếc xe kéo đặc trưng ở thành phố Hội An, Việt Nam – 越南会安市典型的人力车 – ベトナムのホイアン市の典型的な人力車

Fried rice with vegetables in Vietnam

Riso fritto con verdure in Vietnam

Fried rice with vegetables in Vietnam.
A classic of Asian cuisine is fried rice with vegetables even if this is not the most classic example.
In fact, normally, the dish appears a little different and the vegetables are usually already mixed with everything.
Now I don't remember if it was my request or if the dish had arrived already prepared like this.
If you search the site you will find other photos, certainly more interesting.

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Riso fritto con verdure in Vietnam

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Rice is the most widely consumed cereal by the human population in the world and is the basis of Asian cuisine. It is the main food for about half of the world's population and is grown in almost all countries of the world.
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Fried rice with vegetables in Vietnam – Riz sauté aux légumes au Vietnam – Arroz frito con verduras en Vietnam – Arroz frito com legumes no Vietname – Gebratener Reis mit Gemüse in Vietnam – Cơm chiên rau củ ở Việt Nam

Fiorellini a Bat Trang

Fiorellini Bat Trang

Fiorellini a Bat Trang.
Dei fiorellini rosa trovati presso un paesino vietnamita famoso per le ceramiche.
Era diverso tempo che non vi postavo una foto carina con dei fiori, spero vi piaccia!

Fiorellini a Bat Trang

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Pink flowers in Bat Trang in Vietnam – Fleurs roses à Bat Trang au Vietnam – Flores rosadas en Bat Trang en Vietnam – Flores cor de rosa em Bat Trang no Vietnã – Rosa Blüten in Bat Trang in Vietnam – Hồng hoa Bát Tràng Việt Nam – 越南 Bat Trang 的粉红色花朵 – ベトナムのバッチャンでピンクの花

Hue and the red columns

Hue e le colonne rosse

Hue and the red columns.
Inside the mythical Imperial city there are many palaces adorned with red columns. To tell the truth, red is one of the dominant colors of all Vietnam.
This was the entrance to one of the many palaces inside the vast residence of the Emperor of Vietnam.
A magical place and an absolute must-see if you are planning a trip to this Asian state.

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Hue e le colonne rosse

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Click here to see all the photos I took in this place:
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Here is where this mythical place is located:

The Imperial City of Huế is a fortified complex consisting of a citadel within which is located the actual Imperial City of Huế, the ancient imperial capital of Vietnam. In turn, enclosed within the Imperial City is the Purple Forbidden City.
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Hue and the red columns of the imperial city – Hue et les colonnes rouges de la ville impériale – Matiz e as colunas vermelhas da cidade imperial – Hue und die roten Säulen der Kaiserstadt – Huế và những cột đỏ của kinh thành – 顺化与皇城的红柱 – フエと帝都の赤い柱

Quang noodle, piatto vietnamita

Quang noodle, piatto vietnamita

Quang noodle, piatto vietnamita.
Questo piatto, detto propriamente Mì Quảng, e’ tipico della parte centrale del paese ed e’ molto famoso.
Un piatto molto colorato e che unisce moltissimi ingredienti: oltre ai noodles di riso, anche erbe fresche, qualche germoglio, carne di manzo (ma si fa anche con pollo e maiale) e come tocco finale, arachidi leggermente tostate e peperoncino tagliato grossolanamente.
Purtroppo non ricordo bene dove la mia Dao lo aveva ordinato. Credo, ma non ne sono sicuro, a Hue (la antica citta imperiale) vicino a Da Nang.

Ti piace la cucina asiatica e quella vietnamita in particolare? Lascia un commento cliccando here.
Se invece vuoi saperne di piu’ sulla cucina del Vietnam ci sono moltissimi libri interessanti di ricette su Amazon.

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

La cucina vietnamita cerca di combinare fragranze, sapori e colori, basandosi sulla filosofia dei cinque elementi. Molti piatti hanno in sè i 5 sapori fondamentali: piccante, aspro, amaro, salato e dolce, che corrispondono ai cinque organi: cistifellea, intestino tenue, intestino crasso, stomaco e vescica urinaria.
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Mi quang noodles, a nice Vietnamese dish – Les nouilles mi quang, un bon plat vietnamien – Fideos mi quang, un buen plato vietnamita – Mi quang noodles, um bom prato vietnamita – Mi Quang Nudeln, ein schönes vietnamesisches Gericht – Mì quảng, một món ăn ngon của Việt Nam – 米光面,一道不错的越南菜 – ミクアンヌードル、素敵なベトナム料理

Frutta tropicale in Vietnam

Frutta tropicale in Vietnam

Frutta tropicale in Vietnam.
Una colazione molto fresca ricevuta durante la gita lungo il delta del Mekong: ananas, dragon fruit, lycis, mango e papaia.
In mezzo ai piatti, se vi piace, una cosa tipica vietnamita: un piattino con del sale misto a polvere di peperoncino.
Tutto molto invitante, non sembra anche a voi?

Frutta tropicale in Vietnam

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Se volete vedere tutte le foto scattate duurante l’escursione lungo il delta del fiume Mekong, vicino a Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) cliccate here:
foto gallery

Old and modern in Ho Chi Minh

Vecchio e moderno ad Ho Chi Minh

Old and modern in Ho Chi Minh.
In the center of the largest city in Vietnam you can see opposites: a skyscraper and an old building.
To tell the truth, the old building now looks like the shelf of a pet shop with all the cages one on top of the other.
By the way, they are all bars or small restaurants.

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Vecchio e moderno ad Ho Chi Minh

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

There is even the official website of this concrete icon:

Click here to see all the photos taken in the Vietnamese city:
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Here is where this palace is located:

Hồ Chí Minh began as a small fishing village, originally known as Prey Nokor and located in a marshy area inhabited by the Khmer people. With the settlement of the Vietnamese in the 17th century it became known as Sài Gòn, and many still call it by this name.
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Old and modern in Ho Chi Minh – Ancien et moderne à Ho Chi Minh – Lo antiguo y lo moderno en Ho Chi Minh – Antigo e moderno em Ho Chi Minh – Alt und modern in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt – Hồ Chí Minh cổ kính và hiện đại

Crab and Noodle Soup in Vietnam

Zuppa di granchio e noodles in Vietnam

Zuppa di granchio e noodles in Vietnam.
Questa zuppa, che come potete vedere è di granchio, me l’ero pappata in Ho Chi Minh.
Questa infatti è fatta con la polpa delle chele cotta in un brodo gustosissimo (forse è merito del glutammato) e dei noodles di riso belli spessi.
Devo dire che l’abbiamo assaggiata anche in altri luoghi ma di granchio non ce n’era praticamente l’ombra. Qui invece potete vedere le belle (ed enormi) chele!

Ti piace la cucina asiatica e quella vietnamita? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Zuppa di granchio e noodles in Vietnam

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Crabs in particular are equipped with a robust carapace and two powerful claws, therefore they use four pairs of limbs for movement and claws for catching, defending themselves and feeding. The abdomen is folded vertically and is therefore hidden. Many species are nocturnal, when the presence of potential predators is lower; the diet varies from species to species and includes animals, plants, carcasses.
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A crab soup with noodles in Vietnam – Une soupe de crabe aux nouilles au Vietnam – Una sopa de cangrejo con fideos en Vietnam – Uma sopa de caranguejo com macarrão no Vietnã – Eine Krabbensuppe mit Nudeln in Vietnam – Bún riêu cua Việt Nam – 越南蟹汤面 – ベトナムの麺入りカニスープ