The Spagnoli Gallery in Sestri Levante

La Galleria Spagnoli a Sestri Levante

The Galleria Spagnoli in Sestri Levante.
This short gallery, which connects via Vincenzo Fascie with viale Dante, has the name of one of the most well-known families in Sestri in the last century: the Spagnoli family.
To tell the truth, I know practically nothing about the gallery or the family and if anyone would like to add some information, as usual, it would be very welcome.

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La Galleria Spagnoli a Sestri Levante

La Galleria Spagnoli a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

The Spagnoli Gallery in Sestri Levante – La Galerie Spagnoli à Sestri Levante – The Spagnoli Gallery in Sestri Levante – Galeria Spagnoli em Sestri Levante – Die Spagnoli-Galerie in Sestri Levante – Phòng trưng bày Spagnoli ở Sestri Levante

The fountain with the obelisk in front of the Pantheon in Rome

La fontana con l'obelisco di fronte al Pantheon a Roma

The fountain with the obelisk in front of the Pantheon in Rome.
Welcome to the enchanting square in front of the Pantheon, where antiquity merges with art and beauty. In addition to the majesty of the Pantheon and the imposing obelisk, the square is home to one of the most fascinating fountains in Rome.
The Pantheon Fountain: Located in the center of the square, the Pantheon Fountain captures the eye with its elegance. Designed by Giacomo Della Porta in 1575, the fountain features a circular basin with an obelisk in the center, combining classical Roman aesthetics with the grandeur of the Egyptian obelisk.
The water flows gently along the walls of the basin, creating a soothing sound that accompanies visitors on their journey through time. Dolphin statuettes, symbols of sea gods, decorate the fountain, adding a touch of grace and mythology to the view.
An oasis of tranquility: The Pantheon Fountain offers a refuge of serenity amidst the hustle and bustle of the eternal city. Visitors can sit by the fountain, admire the Pantheon in the background and enjoy the beauty around them.
Union of Cultures: The presence of the fountain, the obelisk and the Pantheon reflects the cultural eclecticism that characterizes the history of Rome. Elements from different civilizations blend harmoniously in this space, celebrating the diversity and mutual influence of ancient cultures.
Capture lasting memories: The square in front of the Pantheon becomes a perfect place to immortalize special moments. With the Pantheon in the background, the fountain and the obelisk create a unique setting that will enchant photographers and visitors, capturing the magic of Rome in every shot.

Visiting the Pantheon is not only a journey through history, but also a sensory experience that embraces art, architecture and nature. Discovering the square with its obelisk, the Pantheon Fountain and the iconic temple is an unforgettable journey into the heart of Rome.

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La fontana con l'obelisco di fronte al Pantheon a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

This is the official website of the site:

Here is where the remains of the temple are located:

At the beginning of the 7th century, the Pantheon was donated by the Eastern Emperor Phocas to Pope Boniface IV and was converted into a Christian basilica called Santa Maria della Rotonda or Santa Maria ad Martyres, which allowed it to survive almost intact the spoliations suffered by other buildings of classical Rome. It enjoys the rank of minor basilica and is the only basilica in Rome other than the patriarchal ones to still have a chapter. The inhabitants of Rome popularly called it the Rotonna (“the Rotunda”), from which also derive the name of the square and the street in front.
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The fountain with the obelisk in front of the Pantheon in Rome – La fontaine avec l’obélisque devant le Panthéon de Rome – La fuente con el obelisco frente al Panteón de Roma – A fonte com o obelisco em frente ao Panteão de Roma – Der Brunnen mit dem Obelisken vor dem Pantheon in Rom – Đài phun nước với đài tưởng niệm phía trước đền Pantheon ở Rome – 罗马万神殿前有方尖碑的喷泉 – ローマのパンテオン前のオベリスクのある噴水

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The bell tower of San Lorenzo seen from Castelletto

Il campanile di San Lorenzo visto dalla spianata di Castelletto

The bell tower of San Lorenzo seen from the Castelletto esplanade.
The city of Genoa, with its historical and architectural charm, offers numerous panoramic points from which to admire its beauties. One of the most evocative is undoubtedly the Castelletto esplanade, a panoramic terrace that offers a breathtaking view of the city and the sea. Among the many buildings that stand out on the horizon, the majestic bell tower of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo stands out.

From the Esplanade of Castelletto, the bell tower of San Lorenzo rises with its characteristic Gothic structure, characterized by black and white horizontal bands⁴. This bell tower, an integral part of the cathedral, is one of the most significant examples of Gothic architecture in Italy. Its grandeur and elegance immediately capture the attention of anyone who happens to admire the view from the esplanade.
The Cathedral of San Lorenzo is the main Catholic place of worship in Genoa and its construction dates back to the 9th century. However, the Gothic bell tower was added only later, in the 13th century, and represents a perfect example of how medieval architecture has evolved over the centuries. The black and white bands that decorate the bell tower are typical of the Genoese style and give the building a unique and recognizable appearance.

The Spianata di Castelletto is not only a panoramic point, but also a place of peace and tranquility where Genoese and tourists can relax and enjoy the view. The terrace is easily accessible and offers a 360-degree view of the city, allowing you to admire not only the bell tower of San Lorenzo, but also other historic buildings such as the Palazzo Ducale and the Torre Grimaldina⁴.
Visiting the Spianata di Castelletto and admiring the bell tower of San Lorenzo is an experience that allows you to fully appreciate the beauty and history of Genoa. This panoramic point offers a unique perspective on the city and its architectural treasures, making every visit an unforgettable moment.

Do you know Genoa and have you ever observed it from this privileged point? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il campanile di San Lorenzo visto dalla spianata di Castelletto

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's where I took the photo from:

Saint Lawrence was one of the seven deacons of Rome, where he was martyred in 258 during the persecution ordered by the Roman Emperor Valerian in 257. The Catholic Church venerates him as a saint. Since the 4th century, Lawrence has been one of the most venerated martyrs in the Church of Rome. Constantine I was the first to build a small oratory on the site of his martyrdom. This building was enlarged and embellished by Pelagius II (579-590).
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The bell tower of San Lorenzo seen from the Castelletto esplanade – Le clocher de San Lorenzo vu de l’esplanade du Castelletto – El campanario de San Lorenzo visto desde la explanada de Castelletto – A torre sineira de San Lorenzo vista da esplanada de Castelletto – Der Glockenturm von San Lorenzo von der Castelletto-Promenade aus gesehen – Tháp chuông San Lorenzo nhìn từ lối đi dạo Castelletto

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 22/08/2024
(1) La Spianata di Castelletto: un panorama imperdibile – Oj Eventi.
(2) .
(3) Spianata Castelletto – All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024).
(4) SPIANATA CASTELLETTO (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE … – Tripadvisor.

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

A fish stall at the Tenerife market

Un banco del pesce al mercato di Tenerife

A fish stall at the market in Tenerife.
A view that only made you want to try all the delicacies that the sea has to offer.
Almost every type of seafood: mussels, clams, prawns, lobsters, scallops, octopus, scampi, fish, crabs, oysters, razor clams…
We tasted: mussels, scallops, octopus and prawns; all washed down with a fresh local white wine.

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Un banco del pesce al mercato di Tenerife

Un banco del pesce al mercato di Tenerife

Un banco del pesce al mercato di Tenerife

Un banco del pesce al mercato di Tenerife

Un banco del pesce al mercato di Tenerife

Un banco del pesce al mercato di Tenerife

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took in Tenerife click here:
foto gallery

Here's where the market is located:

A fish stall at the Tenerife market – Un étal de poisson au marché de Tenerife – Un puesto de pescado en el mercado de Tenerife – Uma barraca de peixe no mercado de Tenerife – Ein Fischstand auf dem Markt von Teneriffa – Một quầy bán cá ở chợ Tenerife – 特内里费岛市场的鱼摊 – テネリフェ島市場の魚屋台

The Trevi Fountain: A Masterpiece of Roman Baroque

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

The Trevi Fountain: a masterpiece of Roman Baroque.
The Trevi Fountain is one of the most iconic monuments in Rome and one of the most famous fountains in the world. Located in the heart of the Eternal City, this majestic work of art attracts millions of visitors every year, fascinated by its beauty and history.
The fountain was designed by the architect Nicola Salvi and completed by Giuseppe Pannini in 1762¹. Its construction was commissioned by Pope Clement XII in 1732, with the aim of celebrating the restoration of the ancient aqueduct of the Acqua Vergine, which dates back to the time of Emperor Augustus². This aqueduct supplied pure water to the city of Rome and the fountain represents the terminal point of this water system.
The Trevi Fountain is a masterpiece of the late Baroque, characterized by a rich sculptural decoration representing the sea. At the center of the fountain stands the statue of Oceanus, the work of Pietro Bracci, who drives a shell-shaped chariot pulled by sea horses³. Around him, mythological figures and sea creatures complete the scene, creating an effect of movement and dynamism.
The fountain is set in the façade of Palazzo Poli, which serves as a monumental backdrop. The decorations include numerous plants and plant species sculpted in marble, which add a touch of realism and naturalness to the work³.

One of the most famous traditions associated with the Trevi Fountain is tossing a coin into the water. It is said that whoever throws a coin into the fountain, turning their back, will surely return to Rome⁴. Every year, around 1.5 million euros in coins are collected, which are donated to Caritas to help those in need⁴.
Over the years, the Trevi Fountain has undergone several restorations to preserve its beauty and integrity. The last major restoration was completed in 2015, thanks to the funding of the fashion house Fendi, which contributed 2.2 million euros¹.

The Trevi Fountain is not only one of the most visited tourist attractions in Rome, but also a symbol of the city's rich history and culture. With its magnificence and traditions, it continues to enchant and fascinate visitors from all over the world.

Have you ever visited the Trevi Fountain or are you planning to? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here is also a nice video of the fountain:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Click here to see all the photos of Rome:
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The Trevi Fountain is the largest and most famous fountain in Rome. Built on the facade of Palazzo Poli by Nicola Salvi, the competition announced by Pope Clement XII in 1731 was initially won by the French sculptor Lambert-Sigisbert Adam but the assignment was subsequently passed to Salvi.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The Trevi Fountain: A Masterpiece of Roman Baroque – La Fontaine de Trevi : un chef-d’œuvre du baroque romain – La Fontana de Trevi: una obra maestra del barroco romano – A Fonte de Trevi: uma obra-prima do barroco romano – Der Trevi-Brunnen: ein Meisterwerk des römischen Barocks – Đài phun nước Trevi: kiệt tác của thời La Mã Baroque

¹: [Viaggiamo – Fontana di Trevi: storia e descrizione](
²: [Arte in Breve – La fontana di Trevi](
³: [ArcheoRoma – Fontana di Trevi](
⁴: [Scopri Roma – Fontana di Trevi](

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The Bay of Silence on February 29, 2024

La Baia del Silenzio il 29 febbraio 2024

The Bay of Silence on February 29, 2024.
Last winter I was at home and I took the opportunity to, as they say, put hay in the barn for the months when I will be on the ship.
This was the bay of Portobello, known by all as the Bay of Silence, the renowned beach of my Sestri Levante.

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La Baia del Silenzio il 29 febbraio 2024

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

The Bay of Silence on February 29, 2024 – La Baie du Silence le 29 février 2024 – La Bahía del Silencio el 29 de febrero de 2024 – A Baía do Silêncio em 29 de fevereiro de 2024 – Die Bucht der Stille am 29. Februar 2024 – Vịnh Im Lặng vào ngày 29 tháng 2 năm 2024 – 2024 年 2 月 29 日沉默湾 – 2024 年 2 月 29 日の静寂の湾

The coast of Pieve Ligure between the Demola and Chiappa ports

La costa di Pieve Ligure tra gli scali Demola e Chiappa

The coast of Pieve Ligure between the Demola and Chiappa docks.
Pieve Ligure, located on the beautiful Ligurian Riviera, is a little gem that offers breathtaking views and a peaceful atmosphere. Among the most fascinating points of its coast are the Demola and Chiappa docks, two places that embody the natural beauty and maritime tradition of the region.
Scalo Demola is one of the natural squares carved out of the rocks, historically used for boat storage. This place has become a popular destination for bathers during the summer, thanks to its sheltered position and the tranquility it offers. Here, the noise of the road is replaced by the gentle sound of the waves crashing on the rocks¹.
Not far away, Scalo Chiappa offers a similar experience, with an equally serene atmosphere and spectacular views. This dock is known for being one of the meeting points for cultural events and outdoor shows, such as the renowned “Scali a Mare Art Festival”². During the festival, the docks are transformed into natural theatres where theatrical performances and artistic performances take place at sunset².

The coast between the Demola and Chiappa ports is characterised by jagged cliffs and crystal-clear waters, ideal for those who love the sea and nature. The traditional Ligurian creuze, narrow paths that lead to the ports, offer panoramic views of the Golfo Paradiso, making every walk an unforgettable experience¹.
The ports are not only places of natural beauty, but also of great cultural importance. During the summer, the ports host events that celebrate local culture, attracting visitors and residents. These events are an opportunity to discover the rich maritime tradition of Pieve Ligure and to enjoy unique shows in an extraordinary natural setting².
The coast of Pieve Ligure between the Demola and Chiappa ports is a place where nature and culture meet, offering a unique and fascinating experience. Whether it's a relaxing day at the beach or an evening of open-air shows, this part of the Ligurian Riviera never disappoints.

Have you ever visited Pieve Ligure or attended one of the events on the docks?
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La costa di Pieve Ligure tra gli scali Demola e Chiappa

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here's where this part of the coast is located:

The coast of Pieve Ligure between the rocks called scalo Demola and Chiappa – La côte de Pieve Ligure entre les rochers appelés Scalo Demola et Chiappa – La costa de Pieve Ligure entre las rocas llamadas Scalo Demola y Chiappa – A costa de Pieve Ligure entre as rochas chamadas Scalo Demola e Chiappa – Die Küste von Pieve Ligure zwischen den Felsen Scalo Demola und Chiappa – Bờ biển Pieve Ligure giữa những tảng đá có tên Scalo Demola và Chiappa

¹: [Genova Today – Scali a Mare Art Festival](
²: [Liguria Notizie – Scali a Mare di Pieve Ligure](

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The roofs of the city of Cadiz seen from the ship

I tetti della città di Cadice visti dalla nave

The rooftops of the city of Cadiz seen from the ship.
In the heart of the Costa de la Luz, lies the picturesque city of Cadiz, a town overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and famous for its unique rooftops. The rooftops of Cadiz are not just architectural elements, but real spectacles that narrate the history and culture of this fascinating Spanish city.
The rooftops of Cadiz are a mosaic of shapes, colors and architectural styles. The buildings, often characterized by white facades, overlook narrow and winding streets, creating an urban labyrinth that develops in harmony with the topography of the city. The rooftops themselves, in many cases, are flat and offer spectacular panoramic terraces overlooking the sea or the charming old town.

The architecture of the roofs of Cadiz is steeped in Moorish influences, reflecting the history of the city that was under Muslim rule for centuries. The characteristic terraced roofs, often decorated with potted plants and even small gardens, create a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere. The red or brown tiles contribute to a fascinating play of colors that blends with the blue sky of the Costa de la Luz.
Every corner of the city offers a unique view of the roofs of Cadiz. From the bell tower of the Cathedral of Cadiz, the panorama opens onto a sea of ​​roofs, with churches and domes emerging picturesquely. The crowded squares and charming alleys offer unexpected views, providing an unforgettable visual experience.
The roofs of Cadiz are also witness to the cultural fervor of the city. During the summer months, many terraces come alive with nightlife, becoming the perfect places to enjoy an evening under the stars or to watch the sunset over the Atlantic. These roofs become the stage for cultural events, concerts and parties that make Cadiz a vibrant and lively place.

In conclusion, the roofs of Cadiz are much more than just architectural coverings. They are the visual expression of the history, culture and timeless beauty of this fascinating Spanish city. Every visit to Cadiz is a journey through the picturesque peaks that make this destination one of a kind.

Do you know Cadiz? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

I tetti della città di Cadice visti dalla nave

I tetti della città di Cadice visti dalla nave

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of the Spanish city, click here:
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Here's where the town is located:

It is probably the oldest city founded in the western Mediterranean area by the Phoenicians in the 11th century BC, although its birth is now officially dated back to the end of the 8th century BC.
Founded with the original name of Gadir (in Phoenician: Gdr, fortress, with the same etymology as Agadir in Morocco) on what was once a small archipelago and now a single island, to exploit the rich trade routes with the Atlantic Ocean in the copper and tin trade. In ancient Greece it was known as Gadeira and in the times of the Roman Empire as Gades from which the current gentilic name of gaditano derives.
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The rooftops of the city of Cadiz seen from the ship – Les toits de la ville de Cadix vus du navire – Los tejados de la ciudad de Cádiz vistos desde el barco – Os telhados da cidade de Cádiz vistos do navio – Die Dächer der Stadt Cádiz vom Schiff aus gesehen – Những mái nhà của thành phố Cadiz nhìn từ con tàu – 从船上看到的加的斯市的屋顶 – 船から見たカディスの街並み

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

A glimpse of the village of Spello in Umbria

Uno scorcio del borgo di Spello in Umbria

A glimpse of the village of Spello in Umbria.
Spello is a charming village located in the province of Perugia, in the heart of Umbria. Known for its picturesque streets and stone houses, Spello is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy and boasts the prestigious Orange Flag tourism-environmental quality mark.
The origins of Spello date back to Roman times, when it was known as Hispellum. The village still preserves numerous testimonies of its past, including the ancient Roman walls and monumental gates such as Porta Consolare and Porta Venere. Walking through its streets, you can admire historic buildings and fascinating churches, such as the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, which houses frescoes by Pinturicchio.
One of the most famous events in Spello is the Infiorata del Corpus Domini, which takes place every year between May and June. During this event, the streets of the village are transformed into carpets of colorful flowers, creating a magical atmosphere and attracting visitors from all over the world.
Spello is surrounded by lush nature, with centuries-old olive groves that produce high-quality olive oil. The position of the village, perched on a hill, offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Umbrian Valley, making it an ideal place for walks and excursions.
Spello's culture is deeply rooted in its traditions and cuisine. Local restaurants offer typical Umbrian dishes, prepared with fresh and genuine ingredients. There is no shortage of artisan shops where you can buy local products and unique souvenirs.

Spello is an unmissable destination for those who wish to discover the authenticity and beauty of Umbria, immersing themselves in a timeless atmosphere.

Do you know or have you ever visited the village of Spello?
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Uno scorcio del borgo di Spello in Umbria

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:

Here is where the village is located:

Spello (Hispellum in Latin) is an Italian municipality in the province of Perugia in Umbria. It is part of the circuit of the most beautiful villages in Italy and boasts the Orange Flag tourist-environmental quality brand, awarded by the Italian Touring Club. Spello was founded by the Umbrians and then named Hispellum in Roman times; it was then registered with the Lemonia tribe. Later declared "Colonia Giulia" by Caesar and "Splendidissima Colonia Julia" by Augustus, because it supported him in the war of Perugia; after the victory of Augustus, he himself ceded to Hispellum a good part of the territories governed by Perusia and the dominion of the city of Spello extended to the sources of the Clitunno, which were previously under the possession of Mevania. Later it was called "Flavia Costante" by Constantine. Ancient Spello was considered one of the most important cities in Roman Umbria.
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A glimpse of the village of Spello in Umbria – Un aperçu du village de Spello en Ombrie – Un vistazo al pueblo de Spello en Umbría – Um vislumbre da aldeia de Spello na Úmbria – Ein Blick auf das Dorf Spello in Umbrien – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về ngôi làng Spello ở Umbria

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The beautiful village of Camogli seen from afar

Il bel borgo di Camogli visto da lontano

The beautiful village of Camogli seen from afar.
Camogli, nestled along the coast of the Ligurian Riviera, is a hidden treasure that reveals its splendor as soon as you see it on the horizon. Seen from afar, this picturesque seaside village captures the imagination with its bright colors and unique profile that stands out against the sky.
The painted facades of the characteristic buildings overlooking the sea create a spectacle of pastel shades that blend harmoniously with the blue of the sea and the green of the lush hill behind. From a distant perspective, Camogli seems like a living painting, an artistic masterpiece that evolves with the light of day.
The Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta, with its majestic dome, emerges as a cultural beacon that stands out in the skyline of Camogli. Seen from afar, this sacred building adds a touch of elegance and spirituality to the panorama, combining natural beauty with the thousand-year history of the village.
The colorful boats in the marina, even seen from afar, create a lively palette of colors that tells the story of a community tied to the sea. The reflections of the sun on the calm waters of the Golfo Paradiso accentuate the magic of this place, creating an enchanting setting that changes with the seasons.
Camogli, seen from afar, offers a unique spectacle at any time of the day. At dawn, when the sun rises behind the village, painting the sky with warm, golden tones. At sunset, when the lights of the village come on, transforming it into a magical and romantic place.

This charming Ligurian village, even when admired from afar, transmits a sense of authenticity and tranquility that conquers the heart of anyone who contemplates it. Camogli, with its timeless beauty, presents itself as a destination to explore, a dream come true seen from afar and even more so from up close.

Do you know the village of Camogli? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il bel borgo di Camogli visto da lontano

Il bel borgo di Camogli visto da lontano

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:

Here's where I took the photo from:

Camogli is an Italian town of 5019 inhabitants in the metropolitan city of Genoa in Liguria. A typical seaside village, a tourist center known for its small port and colorful buildings on the seafront. It is also historically called the "city of a thousand white sailing ships".
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The beautiful village of Camogli, pearl of Liguria, seen from afar – Le beau village de Camogli, perle de la Ligurie, vu de loin – El bonito pueblo de Camogli, perla de Liguria, visto desde lejos – A bela vila de Camogli, pérola da Ligúria, vista de longe – Das wunderschöne Dorf Camogli, die Perle Liguriens, schon von weitem sichtbar – Ngôi làng xinh đẹp Camogli, hòn ngọc của Liguria, nhìn từ xa – 从远处看美丽的卡莫利村庄,利古里亚的明珠 – 遠くから見たリグーリア州の真珠、カモーリの美しい村

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.