Padlocks under Juliet's terrace

Lucchetti sotto al terrazzo di Giulietta

Padlocks under Juliet's terrace
The new craze among lovers is to leave them in special places with the names of the two lovers written on them.
What better place than the cloister where there is the terrace of perhaps the most famous “lover” in the world: Juliet!

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Lucchetti sotto al terrazzo di Giulietta

You can find other photos of Verona here.
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Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare composed between 1594 and 1596, among the most famous and performed, as well as one of the most popular love stories in the world. The story of the two protagonists has taken on a symbolic value over time, becoming the archetype of perfect love, but opposed by society. There are countless musical and cinematic adaptations.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Lucchetti sotto al terrazzo di Giulietta – Cadenas sous la terrasse de Juliette – Candados bajo la terraza de Julieta – Cadeados sob o terraço de Julieta – Vorhängeschlösser unter Julias Terrasse – Ổ khóa dưới sân thượng của Juliet – 朱丽叶露台下的挂锁 – ジュリエットのテラスの下のパドロック

Il terrazzo di Giulietta

Terrazzo di Giulietta a Verona

Il terrazzo di Giulietta.
Nella mia due giorni tra Salò e Brescia è stato possibile fare una scappata a Verona, città in cui non ero mai stato.
Ne è valsa veramente la pena, quante cose da vedere!
Questo, per esempio, e’ il balcone della casa di Giulietta:

Terrazzo di Giulietta a Verona

Tutte le foto di Verona le potete trovare here.
foto gallery

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare composed between 1594 and 1596, among the most famous and performed, as well as one of the most popular love stories in the world. The story of the two protagonists has taken on a symbolic value over time, becoming the archetype of perfect love, but opposed by society. There are countless musical and cinematic adaptations.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia.

Neapolitan Pizza: Margherita with Olives

Neapolitan pizza: a margherita with olives.
A nice photo of a wood-fired pizza, with buffalo mozzarella (and a special addition of olives that I really like) and basil, was missing from the site.
The opportunity did not come in Naples, where perhaps it would have been the best, but in Brescia in a pizzeria in the center; and the square was really good!

Do you like pizza? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon 18-55 EFS.

Neapolitan pizza: a margherita with olives – Pizza napolitaine : une margherita aux olives – Pizza napolitana: una margarita con aceitunas – Pizza napolitana: uma margherita com azeitonas – Neapolitanische Pizza: eine Margherita mit Oliven – Pizza Neapolitan: margherita với ô liu

La Taverna degli Scudi a Salò

La Taverna degli Scudi a Salò

La Taverna degli Scudi a Salò.
Ha aperto già da qualche mese la birreria dei miei amici Alejandro e Leonardo che però solo lo scorso weekend sono riuscito a vedere. Nel cuore di Salò, la splendida città sul lago di Garda, vi aspetta per buona birra, ottimi spuntini e, ogni tanto, qualche serata con musica dal vivo (come lo scorso weekend appunto!).

La Taverna degli Scudi a Salò

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