Top articles of the month divided by category

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Top articles of the month divided by category

On this page I decided to collect all the articles of each category, in order of monthly views.

Food and recipes
Images from the world
Immagini dal Vietnam
Immagini dell’Italia
Images of Liguria
Images of Genoa
Images of the Cinque Terre
Images of Chiavari
Images of Lavagna
Images of Rapallo
Images of Sestri Levante
Images of sea and beaches
images from the ship
Images of monuments, buildings and works of art
Images of flowers and plants
Sampdoria fan images

Gli articoli top del sito per categoria

Food and recipes

    The palms: a variety of avocado that is found in the area. The palms are a type of avocado, the tropical fruit, which occasionally grows in our area. Every now and then you find a tree...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: December 30, 2017
    Visto 111 volte
    Tagliatelle al sugo di funghi
    Tagliatelle with mushroom sauce. One of the best and simplest sauces there is: mushroom sauce, this time seasoning a nice plate of tagliatelle. This is the recipe and Loris's anecdotes: Mushroom sauce...
    Author: Loris
    Pubblicato il: March 15, 2016
    Visto 95 volte
    Carne trita e purea
    Ground Beef and Mashed Potatoes. This is almost certainly one of my favorite dishes: ground beef and mashed potatoes. I don't even know if it's an Italian or Swiss dish (but with faint hints of...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: May 6, 2008
    Visto 90 volte

Images from the world

    A passeggio nei vicoli del centro di Lugano
    Walking in the alleys of the center of Lugano. A walk in the center of the small but very cute Swiss town of Lugano. This is one of the prettiest alleys in the center with this beautiful arcade that...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: July 21, 2022
    Visto 90 volte
    Donne nude a Key West
    A monument with Naked Women in Key West, Florida. This is not a pornographic post... It's just a photo of one of the statues in the town of Key West, Florida. Do you like this statue? Add a t...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: December 23, 2014
    Visto 84 volte
    La Costa Diadema nel fiordo di Geiranger
    The Costa Diadema in the Geirangerfjord. Until a few months ago I was on board the Costa Diadema (Costa Crociere) doing the fjord cruises. Among the most beautiful cruises there can be (no...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 24, 2024
    Visto 74 volte

Images of Vietnam

    Ricetta Vietnamita: pesce fritto, croccante, con salsa acida e piccante
    Vietnamese Cuisine: Fried Fish, Crispy, with Sour and Spicy Sauce, the Recipe. Click go to Vietnam! If you are curious about this recipe of mine or Vietnamese food in general, write...
    Author: Dao
    Pubblicato il: January 5, 2023
    Visto 49 volte
    Il cartello con le direzioni nella spiaggia di Nhon Hai
    The direction sign at Nhon Hai beach. When I was in Vietnam last year I went to Binh Dinh region and on a trip we went to the beautiful beach of Nho...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 18, 2024
    Visto 29 volte
    Te alla arancia in Vietnam
    A classic orange tea in Vietnam. A good cold tea this time, instead of lemon, flavored with orange. I had tasted it in a typical bar in Da Nang, the Bar Cong; the peculiarity was that...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: January 11, 2020
    Visto 24 volte

Immagini dell’Italia

    Le case su Ponte Vecchio a Firenze
    The houses on Ponte Vecchio in Florence. Ponte Vecchio is probably the most famous historical bridge in the world and it is also famous because there are houses built on it (and because the Co...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: July 2, 2022
    Visto 61 volte
    Per i vicoli dei Quartieri Spagnoli a Napoli
    Through the alleys of the Spanish Quarters in Naples. How beautiful it is to walk through the alleys of the Spanish Quarters of Naples. It really feels like being in a world apart: many tourists, many restaur...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: April 16, 2022
    Visto 51 volte
    I panni stesi in via dei Tribunali a Napoli
    Clothes hanging out in via dei Tribunali in Naples. The characteristic alley in the historic center of Naples decorated with clothes hanging out (especially in the initial part of the street) that go from a building to...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: June 2, 2022
    Visto 33 volte

Images of Liguria

    Una bella villa con vista mare a Pieve Ligure
    A beautiful villa with sea view in Pieve Ligure. Some time ago, when for personal reasons I traveled many times with my scooter the Aurelia road from Genoa to my Sestri Levante, I took m...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 10, 2024
    Visto 390 volte
    Il piccolo laghetto di Varese Ligure dove passare un pomeriggio a pesca
    The small lake of Varese Ligure where you can spend an afternoon fishing. Just a few minutes drive from the center of the village of Varese there is a small lake where they breed and obviously fish...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: November 8, 2023
    Visto 110 volte
    Lo scoglio detto Scalo Demola sulla costa di Pieve Ligure
    The rock called Scalo Demola on the coast of Pieve Ligure. Every time I traveled the Via Aurelia last summer on my way back from Genoa, I stopped for a moment at this panoramic point...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 21, 2024
    Visto 73 volte

Images of the Cinque Terre

    Lo scoglio isolato nella spiaggia di Fegina a Monterosso al Mare
    The isolated rock on Fegina beach in Monterosso al Mare. One of the classic photos taken in Monterosso is that of the isolated rock that dominates the main beach of the first de...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: March 31, 2023
    Visto 71 volte
    Gli archi di sbatacchio tra le case nel borgo di Vernazza alle Cinque Terre
    The sbat arches between the houses in the village of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre. Walking through the Ligurian villages you often see these architectural structures that connect the houses in the alleys. These...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 14, 2024
    Visto 38 volte
    Lo scoglio di Monterosso
    The rock of Monterosso the first of the Cinque Terre. Late afternoon in the Cinque Terre and I take a photo of the marine symbol of Monterosso: the rock that is to the west of the beach in front of th...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: July 3, 2018
    Visto 34 volte

Images of Chiavari

    Carrugio Dritto a Chiavari
    The Caruggio Dritto in Chiavari. This is the main and most famous street in Chiavari: the Carrugio Dritto (on the maps via Martiri della Liberazione). Years after the first time I had to...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 17, 2021
    Visto 91 volte
    La spiaggia di Chiavari
    Chiavari beach. Following up on a post from a few days ago (The beach in front of Colonia Fara), I'm posting a few more photos of the beaches and the sea in Chiavari. These are taken a bit p...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: August 12, 2018
    Visto 64 volte
    Villa Giorgi a Chiavari
    The beautiful and elegant Villa Giorgi in Chiavari. Some time ago I discovered the Chiavari Castle and, in the same area, this beautiful villa. I had difficulty finding the name and I hope that Villa Gi...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: January 12, 2021
    Visto 41 volte

Images of flowers and plants

    Ricci verdi di castagno
    The green husks of the chestnut tree. The mushroom season is starting, but also the chestnut season. A few days ago, taking a stroll towards San Bernardo, I photographed these beautiful husks...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 23, 2018
    Visto 77 volte
    Funghi freschi
    Pictures of freshly picked mushrooms. Here are some nice porcini that I picked yesterday just after the Passo di Centocroci. Have you ever been looking for mushrooms? Add a comment or go to the pa...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: January 29, 2009
    Visto 47 volte
    Bacche selvatiche nere
    Bacche selvatiche nere. Non ho molte cose da dire su questa pianta né sulle piccole bacche nere che abbondavano. Aggiungi un commento oppure vai nella parte bassa del sito per leggere cosa hanno scrit...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 18, 2020
    Visto 41 volte

Images of Genoa

    Palazzo Nicolò Lomellini o Palazzo Lauro a Genova
    Palazzo Nicolò Lomellini or Palazzo Lauro in Genoa. One of the many historic buildings in Genoa, registered in the renowned Rolli, is this beautiful building near Piazza della Nunziata. Built by the family...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: November 9, 2021
    Visto 71 volte
    La torre di palazzo Lomellino detta il Minareto a Genova
    The tower of Palazzo Lomellino called the Mirador in Genoa. From the Castelletto viewpoint, a terrace overlooking the entire center of Genoa, I always try to photograph details of the city. I...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 22, 2024
    Visto 64 volte
    La Galleria Giuseppe Garibaldi a Genova
    The Galleria Giuseppe Garibaldi in Genoa. Wandering around Genoa there are dozens, perhaps thousands, of corners and monuments that I don't know or that I have only seen without paying attention or knowing about...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: January 8, 2021
    Visto 57 volte

Images of Lavagna

    Una bella villa in Corso Buenos Aires a Lavagna
    A beautiful villa in Corso Buenos Aires in Lavagna. Corso Buenos Aires, in Lavagna, is that long tree-lined avenue that goes from the center to Entella and Chiavari. It hosts the most beautiful houses and villas in...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 17, 2024
    Visto 69 volte
    Uno scorcio del centro storico di Lavagna in Liguria
    A glimpse of the historic center of Lavagna in Liguria. It is certainly not the most well-kept or touristy corner of Lavagna but it has that certain something of lived-in that fascinates me. Wandering around the small...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 28, 2023
    Visto 63 volte
    La chiesa di Sant'Eufemiano lungo il sentiero che dalla Selva va a Cavi Borgo
    The church of Sant'Eufemiano along the path that goes from Selva to Cavi Borgo. In the middle of the woods that cover the western side of the slope that goes from Selva to Sant'Anna stands this beautiful...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: January 1, 2022
    Visto 54 volte

Images of sea and beaches

    Quando il mare è agitato in navigazione
    When the sea is rough while sailing. Those who decide to take a cruise must always take into account that the ship is on the sea and the weather is always unpredictable. It does not matter if you are in the im...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 15, 2024
    Visto 407 volte
    Spiagge da sogno: la spiaggia Torsei a Framura in Liguria
    Dream beaches: Torsei beach in Framura in Liguria. As soon as you arrive at the station of Framura, a tiny village near the Cinque Terre, walking through the underpass towards the sea...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: November 4, 2023
    Visto 63 volte
    Mare da sogno: Carlisle Bay nell'isola di Barbados
    Dream Sea: Carlisle Bay in Barbados Island. One of the most beautiful beaches I have visited in the Caribbean is definitely the beautiful Carlisle Bay in Barbados Island. I always have to combine beauty...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 26, 2024
    Visto 27 volte

Images of monuments, buildings and works of art

    Donne nude a Key West
    A monument with Naked Women in Key West, Florida. This is not a pornographic post... It's just a photo of one of the statues in the town of Key West, Florida. Do you like this statue? Add a t...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: December 23, 2014
    Visto 84 volte
    La torre di palazzo Lomellino detta il Minareto a Genova
    The tower of Palazzo Lomellino called the Mirador in Genoa. From the Castelletto viewpoint, a terrace overlooking the entire center of Genoa, I always try to photograph details of the city. I...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 22, 2024
    Visto 64 volte
    Il soffitto stellato della Basilica di Sant'Antonio di Padova
    The starry ceiling of the Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua. Visiting Padua I could not miss entering the Basilica of the Saint. In addition to the famous chapel I was impressed, in the presbytery...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: March 4, 2023
    Visto 63 volte

images from the ship

    Quando il mare è agitato in navigazione
    When the sea is rough while sailing. Those who decide to take a cruise must always take into account that the ship is on the sea and the weather is always unpredictable. It does not matter if you are in the im...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 15, 2024
    Visto 407 volte
    La ex Costa Firenze in porto a Funchal
    The former Costa Firenze in port in Funchal. When I was working on the former Costa Firenze last year I took a lot of photos of the ship from the various ports I went out to. For a sailor, especially...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 23, 2024
    Visto 89 volte
    La Costa Diadema nel fiordo di Geiranger
    The Costa Diadema in the Geirangerfjord. Until a few months ago I was on board the Costa Diadema (Costa Crociere) doing the fjord cruises. Among the most beautiful cruises there can be (no...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 24, 2024
    Visto 74 volte

Images of Rapallo

    Scritta in latino sul portone di una villa a Rapallo
    Written in Latin on the door of a villa in Rapallo. Above the entrance of Villa Robilant, in Rapallo, there is this phrase in Latin, by Horace that says: I do not walk through ignes suppositos cineri doloso (that...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: July 18, 2022
    Visto 36 volte
    Il Castello di Rapallo
    Rapallo Castle. It is the symbol of the coastal town and you cannot miss it while walking along the seafront. Commissioned by the Doge of Genoa to defend the town from the Saracens and the...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 26, 2022
    Visto 30 volte
    La Porta delle Saline a Rapallo
    Porta delle Saline in Rapallo. To tell the truth I didn't even know there was a door in Rapallo and this one in the photo was a real surprise. It's at the end of the seafront...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: April 8, 2022
    Visto 23 volte

Images of Sestri Levante

    La Galleria Spagnoli a Sestri Levante
    The Galleria Spagnoli in Sestri Levante. This short gallery, which connects via Vincenzo Fascie with viale Dante, is named after one of the most famous families in Sestri in the last century: the fami...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 8, 2024
    Visto 124 volte
    La Ciappa du Lu a Sestri Levante
    The famous rock called Ciappa du Lu in Sestri Levante. Last autumn I finally managed to reach this, which is probably the most famous rock in Sestri Levante. It is located here...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: April 16, 2021
    Visto 94 volte
    Il nascosto Vico Macelli nel centro di Sestri Levante
    The hidden Vico Macelli in the center of Sestri Levante. In the heart of the historic center of Sestri Levante, between the narrow streets and the ancient walls, lies the suggestive Vico Macelli. This small alley...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 18, 2024
    Visto 84 volte

Sampdoria fan images

    Sampdoria-Südtirol 2024/2025
    Sampdoria-Südtirol 2024/2025, 21 September 2024 - 6th matchday of Serie B: 1 to 0. The photos, the fans and the photo fans of the match. Gradinata Sud at the start of the match against Südtirol: Gradina...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 21, 2024
    Visto 202 volte
    Sampdoria-Bari 2024/2025
    Sampdoria-Bari 2024/2025, 31 agosto 2024 - 4° giornata di campionato di Serie B: 0 a 0. Le foto, il tifo e le fototifo della partita. Panoramica dello stadio ad inizio partita con il Bari: Gradinata S...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 1, 2024
    Visto 57 volte
    Pontecurone 1992/1993
    Pontecurone 1992/1993 Il treno che deve portare i Sampdoriani a Brescia rallenta nei pressi del paesino in provincia di Alessandria. I tifosi tirano il freno di emergenza e fermano il treno. Sull'altr...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: August 16, 2012
    Visto 47 volte
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