Top articles of the week divided by category

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Top articles of the week divided by category

On this page I decided to collect all the articles of each category, in order of weekly views. If you want to see the monthly rankings click here.

Images of food and recipes
Images of the world
Images of Vietnam
Images of Italy
Images of Liguria
Images of Genoa
Images of the Cinque Terre
Images of Chiavari
Images of Lavagna
Images of Rapallo
Images of Sestri Levante
Images of the sea and beaches
images from the ship
Images of monuments, buildings and works of art
Images of flowers and plants
Sampdoria fan images

Gli articoli top della settimana divisi per categoria

Images of food and recipes

    Carne trita e purea
    Ground Beef and Mashed Potatoes. This is almost certainly one of my favorite dishes: ground beef and mashed potatoes. I don't even know if it's an Italian or Swiss dish (but with faint hints of...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: May 6, 2008
    Visto 31 volte
    Stoccafisso: merluzzo ad essicare
    Stockfish has a long history and now is not the time to tell you about it because over the years it has become a novel... I have been to the Lofoten Islands in Norway many times and I have visited many...
    Author: Loris
    Pubblicato il: March 20, 2016
    Visto 28 volte
    Tagliatelle al nero di seppia con ragù di orata
    Tagliatelle with squid ink and sea bream ragù. For some time now I have been enjoying making fresh pasta flavored with squid ink. I love making tortelli with sea bream filling and with r...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: March 1, 2025
    Visto 23 volte

Images of the world

    Donne nude a Key West
    A peculiar monument in Key West, Florida. This is not a pornographic post... It's just a photo of one of the statues in the town of Key West, Florida. Eccentric, isn't it? Add a comment or go...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: December 23, 2014
    Visto 22 volte
    Le pale eoliche nel mare davanti alla città di Copenhagen
    Wind turbines in the sea in front of the city of Copenhagen. Every time I am in Copenhagen with the ship I am amazed at how far ahead the Northern European nations are in exploiting high energy...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 7, 2024
    Visto 10 volte
    Navigando nel fiordo di Geiranger in Norvegia
    Sailing in the Geirangerfjord in Norway. My job has taken me sailing in the Norwegian fjords aboard Costa Crociere ships for two consecutive summers. What a spectacle it is to pass through...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 10, 2025
    Visto 10 volte

Images of Vietnam

    Tramonto ad Hoi An, in Vietnam
    A beautiful sunset in Hoi An, Vietnam. One of the best times to enjoy a walk in this small town is in the late afternoon when the sun goes down. Soon the lights will start to light up...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: March 22, 2020
    Visto 15 volte
    Bun thit nuong: maiale grigliato con noodles
    Bun thit nuong: Grilled pork with noodles. A very typical cold dish of Vietnam with rice noodles and pork. The dish is very simple and garnished with some sweet and sour vegetables...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: July 15, 2020
    Visto 8 volte
    Mi quang noodles, un bel piatto vietnamita
    Mi quang noodles, a nice Vietnamese dish. A nice, very colorful dish from Vietnamese cuisine: mi quang noodles. Noodles, as you all know, are soy spaghetti (usually) so common...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 16, 2022
    Visto 7 volte

Images of Italy

    Un antico lavatoio nel cuore di Bergamo Alta
    An ancient washhouse in the heart of Bergamo Alta. One of the elements that I have often encountered in cities with longer histories are public washhouses. I photographed this one in the historic center of...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 26, 2025
    Visto 20 volte
    Le case su Ponte Vecchio a Firenze
    The houses on Ponte Vecchio in Florence. Ponte Vecchio is probably the most famous historical bridge in the world and it is also famous because there are houses built on it (and because the Co...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: July 2, 2022
    Visto 16 volte
    Per i vicoli dei Quartieri Spagnoli a Napoli
    Through the alleys of the Spanish Quarters in Naples. How beautiful it is to walk through the alleys of the Spanish Quarters of Naples. It really feels like being in a world apart: many tourists, many restaur...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: April 16, 2022
    Visto 13 volte

Images of Liguria

    Il bassorilievo dedicato a Balin Seghezzo in centro a Santa Margherita Ligure
    The bas-relief dedicated to Balin Seghezzo in the center of Santa Margherita Ligure. This work is placed in memory of the founder of the historic Seghezzo grocery store in Santa, Balin Seghezzo. Since 1900 and still...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: January 23, 2024
    Visto 21 volte
    Un palazzo in via Garibaldi a Varese Ligure
    A palace in via Garibaldi in Varese Ligure. Walking in the village of Varese I always find something beautiful to photograph. Like this palace with its beautiful decorations. Have you ever visited Varese L...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 24, 2025
    Visto 18 volte
    Lo scoglio detto Scalo Demola sulla costa di Pieve Ligure
    The rock called Scalo Demola on the coast of Pieve Ligure. Every time I traveled the Via Aurelia last summer on my way back from Genoa, I stopped for a moment at this panoramic point...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 21, 2024
    Visto 13 volte

Images of the Cinque Terre

    Il porticciolo di Vernazza visto dal basso
    The small port of Vernazza seen from below. The wonder of the seaside villages finds one of its greatest examples in Vernazza. The little square and the houses with unmistakable colors overlooking the sea. Known...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 28, 2025
    Visto 18 volte
    Le case a Riomaggiore
    Houses in Riomaggiore. Cinque Terre is definitely one of my favorite places to visit when I'm on vacation at home. This is Riomaggiore. I took the photo from about a kilometer away from...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: October 26, 2020
    Visto 10 volte
    La piazzetta di Vernazza
    The little square of Vernazza. I can't say which is more beautiful, this little square or the other very famous little square in the village of Portofino. The one in Vernazza is not bad at all. This photo...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: October 5, 2020
    Visto 9 volte

Images of Chiavari

    Carrugio Dritto a Chiavari
    The Caruggio Dritto in Chiavari. This is the main and most famous street in Chiavari: the Carrugio Dritto (on the maps via Martiri della Liberazione). Years after the first time I had to...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 17, 2021
    Visto 27 volte
    Palazzi nel Caruggio Dritto di Chiavari
    Palaces in the Caruggio Dritto of Chiavari. The Caruggio Dritto, also known as Via Martiri della Liberazione, is the beating heart of the historic center of Chiavari. This pedestrian street is famous for its...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 22, 2025
    Visto 12 volte
    Le finestre dipinte di un palazzo di Chiavari
    The fake painted windows of a building in Chiavari. Chiavari, a picturesque town on the Ligurian coast, is famous for its beaches and its historic center. As in many Ligurian villages, you can e...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 8, 2025
    Visto 9 volte

Images of flowers and plants

    Il fiore chiamato la Margherita Africana
    The flower called the African Daisy. A beautiful, colorful flower that I photographed some time ago in a nursery near my house. Since today is my Mom's birthday, I want to dedicate...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 27, 2025
    Visto 20 volte
    Le mimose in fiore con Sestri Levante sullo sfondo
    Mimosas in bloom with Sestri Levante in the background. On Women's Day (today is March 8th) I wanted to dedicate a photo to all the women in my life and beyond. The photo is by div...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: March 8, 2023
    Visto 16 volte
    A really damn photo. For those who don't know, the word "cacchio", so often used, is nothing more than the agricultural term that indicates the inflorescence of the vine from which the bunch of grapes will grow...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: May 24, 2012
    Visto 9 volte

Images of Genoa

    Via Venti Settembre vista da piazza De Ferrari a Genova
    Via Venti Settembre seen from Piazza De Ferrari in Genoa. The beginning of Via XX, the straight main street in the center of Genoa. The street starts from the beautiful Piazza De Ferrari and, thanks to its arcades, is di...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 26, 2025
    Visto 17 volte
    Il Mausoleo di Santa Caterina da Genova nella Chiesa della SS Annunziata di Portoria
    The Mausoleum of Saint Catherine of Genoa in the Church of SS Annunziata in Portoria. Last year, taking advantage of the special opening of some Genoese churches for the Christmas initiative called...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: November 7, 2022
    Visto 17 volte
    L'Hotel Marinella sulla passeggiata di Genova Nervi
    Hotel Marinella on the promenade of Genoa Nervi. Located in one of the most charming areas of Genoa, Hotel Marinella is a jewel overlooking the historic Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi in N...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 6, 2025
    Visto 16 volte

Images of Lavagna

    Nel caruggio di Lavagna, in Liguria
    In the caruggio of Lavagna, in Liguria. Every self-respecting Ligurian city or village has its own carrugio. This is the one in Lavagna which, toponymically speaking, is called via Roma. Have you ever been to vi...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: August 19, 2022
    Visto 11 volte
    Lo scoglio del Cigno con Lavagna sullo sfondo
    Lo scoglio del Cigno con Lavagna sullo sfondo. Andando verso Lavagna, appena dopo le gallerie di Sant'Anna, c'è questo scoglio imponente. Lo so: io nel titolo l'ho chiamato impropriamente del Cigno (p...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: April 23, 2024
    Visto 10 volte
    La chiesa di Sant'Eufemiano lungo il sentiero che dalla Selva va a Cavi Borgo
    The church of Sant'Eufemiano along the path that goes from Selva to Cavi Borgo. In the middle of the woods that cover the western side of the slope that goes from Selva to Sant'Anna stands this beautiful...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: January 1, 2022
    Visto 10 volte

Images of the sea and beaches

    Spiagge da sogno: la spiaggia Torsei a Framura in Liguria
    Dream beaches: Torsei beach in Framura in Liguria. As soon as you arrive at the station of Framura, a tiny village near the Cinque Terre, walking through the underpass towards the sea...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: November 4, 2023
    Visto 16 volte
    Spiagge da sogno: Long Bay a Tortola
    Dream Beaches: Long Bay in Tortola. For the second time in my life I come to this beautiful beach in the Caribbean which is located on the small island called Beef Island (Beef Beach) connected to...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: May 15, 2023
    Visto 16 volte
    Quando il mare è agitato in navigazione
    When the sea is rough while sailing. Those who decide to take a cruise must always take into account that the ship is on the sea and the weather is always unpredictable. It does not matter if you are in the im...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 15, 2024
    Visto 11 volte

Images of monuments, buildings and works of art

    Il Giudizio Universale nella Cappella Bolognini del Duomo di Bologna
    The Last Judgement in the Bolognini Chapel of the Bologna Cathedral. One of the most iconic works of art in the Italian heritage is certainly the wall of the Bolognini Chapel (called the Cappella dei M...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: July 11, 2022
    Visto 56 volte
    Donne nude a Key West
    A peculiar monument in Key West, Florida. This is not a pornographic post... It's just a photo of one of the statues in the town of Key West, Florida. Eccentric, isn't it? Add a comment or go...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: December 23, 2014
    Visto 22 volte
    Il bassorilievo dedicato a Balin Seghezzo in centro a Santa Margherita Ligure
    The bas-relief dedicated to Balin Seghezzo in the center of Santa Margherita Ligure. This work is placed in memory of the founder of the historic Seghezzo grocery store in Santa, Balin Seghezzo. Since 1900 and still...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: January 23, 2024
    Visto 21 volte

images from the ship

    Quando il mare è agitato in navigazione
    When the sea is rough while sailing. Those who decide to take a cruise must always take into account that the ship is on the sea and the weather is always unpredictable. It does not matter if you are in the im...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: September 15, 2024
    Visto 11 volte
    La Costa Diadema a Geiranger in Norvegia
    Costa Diadema in Geiranger, Norway. When I was on board the Costa Diadema, one of the splendid ships of Costa Crociere, last summer, my wife and I went several times to...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: January 22, 2025
    Visto 5 volte
    La Costa Pacifica nella caldera di Santorini in Grecia
    Costa Pacifica in the Santorini Caldera in Greece. When stopping at the island of Santorini, it often happens that you see several cruise ships in the caldera like mine (the one I work on). And I...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: June 16, 2023
    Visto 5 volte

Images of Rapallo

    La Pieve di Santo Stefano, una piccola e bella chiesa di Rapallo
    Pieve di Santo Stefano, a small and beautiful church in Rapallo. One of the most beautiful churches in the coastal town of Rapallo is certainly Pieve di Santo Stefano, which I photographed here from the c...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: November 15, 2022
    Visto 9 volte
    Scritta in latino sul portone di una villa a Rapallo
    Written in Latin on the door of a villa in Rapallo. Above the entrance of Villa Robilant, in Rapallo, there is this phrase in Latin, by Horace that says: I do not walk through ignes suppositos cineri doloso (that...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: July 18, 2022
    Visto 9 volte
    Il caruggio di Rapallo
    The beautiful caruggio of the city of Rapallo in Liguria. The beautiful city of Rapallo has in its center, like practically all the Ligurian villages, its beautiful caruggio (or carrugio or carruggio) straight where you...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: March 5, 2022
    Visto 7 volte

Images of Sestri Levante

    La zona Balin della passeggiata a mare di Sestri Levante
    The Balin area of ​​the seaside promenade of Sestri Levante. The Palms, the cycle path and, in the background, the buildings that overlook the promenade. This is the area called Balin of Viale Rimembran...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 27, 2025
    Visto 56 volte
    La Baia del Silenzio il 18 luglio 2018
    The Bay of Silence on July 18, 2018. A few days ago I took some more photos in our beautiful Bay of Silence (Portobello) in Sestri Levante. This one was also taken by s...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: July 21, 2018
    Visto 28 volte
    Corso Colombo e la torre di Palazzo Fascie-Rossi a Sestri Levante
    Corso Colombo e la torre di Palazzo Fascie-Rossi a Sestri Levante. Una delle vie principali del centro della mia cittadina è Corso Colombo. Carrabile ma spesso chiusa al traffico. Al centro spicca in...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: March 2, 2025
    Visto 27 volte

Sampdoria fan images

    Sampdoria-Sassuolo 2024/2025
    Sampdoria-Sassuolo 2024/2025, February 21, 2025 - 27th matchday of Serie B: 0 to 0. The photos, the fans and the photo fans of the match. South stand at the start of the match and banner: "Ma come te l...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 22, 2025
    Visto 42 volte
    Sampdoria-Modena 2024/2025
    Sampdoria-Modena 2024/2025, February 8, 2025 - 25th matchday of Serie B: 1-0, goal by Niang. The photos, the fans and the photo fans of the match. Gradinata Sud against Modena by @Simone G.: S...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: February 10, 2025
    Visto 9 volte
    Pontecurone 1992/1993
    Pontecurone 1992/1993 The train that is supposed to take the Sampdoria fans to Brescia slows down near the village in the province of Alessandria. The fans pull the emergency brake and stop the train. On the other...
    Author: Lucadea
    Pubblicato il: August 16, 2012
    Visto 6 volte
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If you like reading and looking for ideas for your next trip, I invite you to see the following guides: Mondo. Guida per viaggiatori, Il giro del mondo in 52 week end or Come fare il primo cammino di Santiago.

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