When the sea is rough while sailing

Quando il mare è agitato in navigazione

When the sea is rough while sailing.
Those who decide to take a cruise must always take into account that the ship is on the sea and the weather is always unpredictable.
It doesn't matter if you are in the immense Ocean or in the more reassuring Adriatic Sea: when nature decides to raise the wind and the waves start to increase, the ship begins to rock.
No problem though: modern ships are so large (and have stabilization systems) that the wave motion makes them move very little compared to the past! but they do move a little!
What to do? Don't think about it too much and let yourself be lulled by the movement!

I took these photos last year from my ex Costa Firenze.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

When the sea is rough while sailing – Quand la mer est agitée en naviguant – Cuando el mar está agitado mientras navegas – Quando o mar está agitado enquanto navegamos – Quando o mar está agitado enquanto navegamos – Khi biển động khi chèo thuyền