The Roman Theatre of Brixia, today's Brescia

Il Teatro Romano di Brixia, l'odierna Brescia

The Roman Theatre of Brixia, today's Brescia
In the heart of the picturesque city of Brescia, there is a monument that tells stories of thousands of years and preserves the essence of a distant era: the Roman Theatre. This extraordinary masterpiece of engineering and culture is a tangible testimony to the greatness of ancient Rome and its lasting influence on European civilization.
The Roman Theatre of Brescia, dating back to the 1st century AD, is one of the most important archaeological sites in the region. Built at a time when Brixia, the ancient name of Brescia, was a thriving Roman colony, the theatre served as a cultural centre and a place of entertainment for the citizens.
The Roman Theatre of Brescia is a superb example of Roman architecture. Built on the Cidneo hill, it enjoys a panoramic view overlooking the city, offering spectators a magnificent spectacle even before the lights on the stage are turned on.
The cavea, the part intended for the public, is a masterpiece of engineering that can accommodate up to 15,000 people. The steps are divided into three sectors, reserved for different social classes, highlighting the rigorous organization of Roman society. The cavea is supported by an imposing structure of arches and pillars that still inspire the admiration of visitors today.
The stage, or “pulpitum,” is the central part of the theater, reserved for theatrical and musical performances. The proscenium, decorated with columns and statues, was the center of artistic activities involving drama, comedy, and even gladiators in specially adapted shows.
The Roman Theatre of Brescia was much more than a simple place of performances. It was a social and cultural centre, a meeting point where citizens of different social classes could share experiences and passions. The shows, in addition to entertaining, also served to educate and communicate the values ​​of Roman society.
As the centuries passed, the Roman Theatre of Brescia fell into ruin, buried by the dust of time. However, during the Renaissance, interest in classical antiquity was renewed, and the theatre once again became an object of study and appreciation. During the 19th century, major excavation and restoration works were undertaken, bringing to light the magnificent monument we admire today.
Today, the Roman Theatre of Brescia is an archaeological site open to the public, a place that transports visitors back in time. Numerous cultural events and shows are organized in the theatre, allowing modern citizens of Brescia to connect with their historical roots.

The Roman Theatre of Brescia is more than just a stone structure; it is a portal that connects us to ancient Rome, tells us stories of glory and intrigue, and invites us to reflect on the enduring influence of Roman civilization on our daily lives. Through its imposing presence, the theatre continues to inspire and educate, a silent witness to an era that lives on in the hearts and minds of those who visit it.

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Il Teatro Romano di Brixia, l'odierna Brescia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

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Ecco dove si trova il teatro:

The theatre was built in the Flavian era, like the nearby Capitolium[1] (to which it was connected by a portico), and remodelled during the principality of Septimius Severus, in the 3rd century. It was probably damaged by the same fire that, in the 4th century, caused the partial collapse of the temple building located in the immediate vicinity, and by an earthquake in the 5th century, which completely destroyed the stage and the wall overlooking the street. Despite this, it was used until 1173.
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The Roman Theater of Brixia, today’s Brescia – Le théâtre romain de Brixia, l’actuelle Brescia – El Teatro Romano de Brixia, la Brescia actual – O Teatro Romano de Brixia, hoje Brescia – Das römische Theater von Brixia, dem heutigen Brescia – Nhà hát La Mã Brixia, Brescia ngày nay – 布里西亚罗马剧场,即今天的布雷西亚 – ブリクシアのローマ劇場、現在のブレシア

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The Colosseum: An Iconic Symbol of Ancient Rome

Il Colosseo: un iconico simbolo di Roma Antica

The Colosseum: An Iconic Symbol of Ancient Rome.
The Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is one of the most iconic and recognisable monuments in the world. Located in the heart of Rome, Italy, this impressive amphitheatre has a fascinating history and timeless beauty that attracts visitors from all over the world. In this article, we will explore the history, architecture and cultural significance of the Colosseum.
The Colosseum was built during the time of the Roman Empire and is one of the largest amphitheatres ever built. Its construction began in 70-72 AD under Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty and was completed in 80 AD under his son, Emperor Titus. This grand amphitheater could seat up to 80,000 spectators and was used for a variety of public events, including gladiatorial games, theatrical performances, mock naval battles and other spectacles.
Its troubled history includes fires, earthquakes and looting, but the Colosseum has withstood the passage of centuries and has remained standing, a witness to the ages and transformations of the city of Rome. In the Middle Ages, it was used as a stone quarry for the construction of other buildings, but today it is a symbol of great historical and cultural importance.
The architecture of the Colosseum is an extraordinary example of Roman ingenuity. The amphitheater is mainly built of travertine stone, with an elliptical structure that measures approximately 189 meters in length, 156 meters in width and reaches a height of over 48 meters. The exterior façade was adorned with Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns, which helped give the Colosseum a majestic elegance.
Inside, the stands were divided into different sections reserved for different social classes. The central section was reserved for the Roman elite, while the lower classes occupied the higher sections. The central part of the arena hosted the spectacular gladiatorial performances, battles between wild beasts and other shows. The arena was actually a wooden platform covered with sand, which could be raised to reveal the underground cells where gladiators and animals were prepared for performances.
The Colosseum is a symbol of Roman architectural ingenuity and the importance of games and entertainment in Roman society. It is also an important historical and tourist site, attracting millions of visitors from around the world each year. In 1980, it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and was included among the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.
In addition to its historical importance, the Colosseum is a place of profound cultural and emotional significance for the Italian people. It is a symbol of national pride and the ancient grandeur of Rome.

In conclusion, the Colosseum remains an icon of ancient Rome, an extraordinary monument that tells the story of the Roman Empire and its cultural legacy. Its magnificence and fascinating history make it a must-see for anyone visiting the Eternal City.
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Il Colosseo: un iconico simbolo di Roma Antica

Photo taken with Honor 20.

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Here's where the Colosseum is located:

The Colosseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre or simply as Amphitheatrum, is the largest amphitheatre in the world, located in the centre of the city of Rome. Able to hold an estimated 50,000 to 75,000 spectators, it is the most important Roman amphitheatre, as well as the most impressive monument of ancient Rome that has come down to us, known throughout the world as a symbol of the city of Rome and one of the symbols of Italy.
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The Colosseum: an iconic symbol of Ancient Rome – Le Colisée : un symbole emblématique de la Rome antique – El Coliseo: un símbolo icónico de la Antigua Roma – O Coliseu: um símbolo icônico da Roma Antiga – Das Kolosseum: ein ikonisches Symbol des antiken Roms – Đấu trường La Mã: biểu tượng mang tính biểu tượng của La Mã cổ đại – 罗马斗兽场:古罗马的标志性象征 – コロッセオ: 古代ローマの象徴的なシンボル

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La Colonna di Marco Aurelio a Roma

La Colonna di Marco Aurelio a Roma: un monumento di gloriosa storia

La Colonna di Marco Aurelio a Roma: un monumento di gloriosa storia.
Roma, la città eterna, è un tesoro di storia antica e cultura, e tra le sue icone storiche, spicca la maestosa Colonna di Marco Aurelio. Questo monumento, che si erge con orgoglio nel cuore della città, è un tributo all’epoca d’oro dell’Impero Romano e rappresenta un’opera d’arte senza tempo. In questo articolo, ci immergeremo nella storia e nella bellezza di questa straordinaria creazione.
La Colonna di Marco Aurelio, anche conosciuta come la “Colonna Antonina”, fu eretta tra il 176 e il 193 d.C. per celebrare le vittorie dell’Imperatore Marco Aurelio e del suo co-regnante Lucio Vero contro le tribù germaniche. Situata in Piazza Colonna, di fronte al Palazzo Chigi, la colonna è un simbolo della grandezza dell’Impero Romano.
Questo monumento eccezionale è un perfetto esempio di architettura e scultura romana. La colonna, alta oltre 39 metri, è interamente rivestita da un intricato fregio a spirale che racconta le gesta eroiche delle campagne militari di Marco Aurelio. Scolpito in marmo di Carrara, il fregio raffigura soldati romani in azione, battaglie, prigionieri e scene di vita militare. Queste sculture offrono uno sguardo affascinante nella vita militare dell’antica Roma.La Colonna di Marco Aurelio ha attraversato i secoli quasi intatta. Originariamente posta nel Campus Martius, oggi è un punto di riferimento nel centro di Roma. Nel corso della sua storia, è stata danneggiata e restaurata, ma continua a ispirare visitatori e storici con la sua bellezza e storia straordinaria.
Se hai l’opportunità di visitare Roma, non perdere l’occasione di ammirare questo monumento storico. Puoi passeggiare intorno alla colonna e osservare i dettagli del fregio da vicino. Assicurati di portare con te una guida o un’applicazione mobile che ti aiuti a comprendere meglio le rappresentazioni sul fregio, in modo da apprezzare appieno la ricchezza della storia che essa racchiude.

La Colonna di Marco Aurelio è un tributo eterno alla grandezza di Roma e all’abilità artistica dei suoi abitanti. Attraverso le sue sculture e la sua storia, continua a narrare le storie di eroi e conquiste di un’epoca lontana, che possiamo ancora ammirare e celebrare oggi.

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La Colonna di Marco Aurelio a Roma: un monumento di gloriosa storia

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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Ecco dove si trova la colonna:

La colonna di Marco Aurelio è un antico monumento di Roma, eretto tra il 180 e il 193 per celebrare, forse dopo la sua morte, le vittorie dell’imperatore romano Marco Aurelio (161-180) ottenute sulle popolazioni dei Marcomanni, dei Sarmati e dei Quadi, stanziate a nord del medio corso del Danubio, durante le guerre marcomanniche.
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The Column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome: a monument of glorious history – La Colonne de Marc Aurèle à Rome : un monument d’histoire glorieuse – La Columna de Marco Aurelio en Roma: un monumento de gloriosa historia – A Coluna de Marco Aurélio em Roma: um monumento de história gloriosa – Die Säule des Marcus Aurelius in Rom: ein Denkmal ruhmreicher Geschichte – Cột Marcus Aurelius ở Rome: một tượng đài lịch sử vẻ vang – 罗马的马可·奥勒留纪念柱:辉煌历史的纪念碑 – ローマのマルクス・アウレリウス記念柱:輝かしい歴史の記念碑

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A glimpse of the Flavian Amphitheatre, the Colosseum, in Rome

Uno scorcio dell'Anfiteatro Flavio, il Colosseo, a Roma

A glimpse of the Flavian Amphitheater, the Colosseum, in Rome.
A few months ago I was in Rome for an errand and I took the classic tourist tour of the many attractions that the capital of Italy offers.
The most famous of all, perhaps, and one of the symbols of the city is the Colosseum.
This is a deliberately partial shot of the exterior.

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Uno scorcio dell'Anfiteatro Flavio, il Colosseo, a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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Here's where the Colosseum is located:

The Colosseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre or simply as Amphitheatrum, is the largest amphitheatre in the world, located in the centre of the city of Rome. Able to hold an estimated 50,000 to 75,000 spectators, it is the most important Roman amphitheatre, as well as the most impressive monument of ancient Rome that has come down to us, known throughout the world as a symbol of the city of Rome and one of the symbols of Italy.
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A glimpse of the Flavian Amphitheater, the Colosseum, the famous monument of Rome – Un aperçu de l’Amphithéâtre Flavien, du Colisée, le célèbre monument de Rome – Un vistazo al Anfiteatro Flavio, el Coliseo y el famoso monumento de Roma – Um vislumbre do Anfiteatro Flaviano, do Coliseu, o famoso monumento de Roma – Ein Blick auf das flavische Amphitheater, das Kolosseum, das berühmte Denkmal Roms – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về Nhà hát vòng tròn Flavian, Đấu trường La Mã, tượng đài nổi tiếng của Rome – 一睹弗拉维安露天剧场、罗马斗兽场、罗马著名古迹的风采 – フラウィウス円形劇場、コロッセオ、ローマの有名な記念碑を垣間見る

The Arch of Constantine: one of the monuments of Rome

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

The Arch of Constantine: one of the most famous monuments in Rome.
The Arch of Constantine, located near the Colosseum, is one of the most famous and best preserved monuments of ancient Rome. Built in 315 AD, the arch was erected to celebrate the victory of Emperor Constantine I in the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (312 AD), which marked his triumph over Maxentius and the consolidation of his power.
The arch is approximately 21 meters high and has three arches (fornices): a larger central one and two smaller lateral ones. Its decoration is an example of artistic syncretism, as it incorporates reliefs from monuments of previous eras, probably to underline the continuity of imperial authority. Some of the reliefs were taken from monuments of Trajan, Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius, adapted and inserted into the context of Constantine's triumph.
The importance of the arch lies not only in its artistic value, but also in its historical significance. Constantine's victory was decisive for the spread of Christianity, since, according to tradition, the emperor attributed his success to divine intervention. A few years later, with the Edict of Milan (313 AD), Constantine guaranteed freedom of worship to Christians, marking a fundamental turning point in the history of the empire and of Christianity itself.
Today, the Arch of Constantine is one of the most visited monuments in Rome, a silent witness to the greatness and change of the Roman Empire.

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L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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The Arch of Constantine is a triumphal arch with three arches (with a central passage flanked by two smaller lateral passages), located in Rome, a short distance from the Colosseum. In addition to its considerable historical importance as a monument, the Arch can be considered as a true museum of official Roman sculpture, extraordinary in its richness and importance.
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The Arch of Constantine: one of the most famous monuments in Rome – L’Arc de Constantin : l’un des monuments les plus célèbres de Rome – El Arco de Constantino: uno de los monumentos más famosos de Roma – O Arco de Constantino: um dos monumentos mais famosos de Roma – Der Konstantinsbogen: eines der berühmtesten Denkmäler Roms – Arch of Constantine: một trong những di tích nổi tiếng nhất ở Rome – 君士坦丁凯旋门:罗马最著名的古迹之一 – コンスタンティヌスの凱旋門: ローマで最も有名な記念碑の 1 つ

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Le Colonne di San Lorenzo a Milano

Le Colonne di San Lorenzo a Milano

Le Colonne di San Lorenzo a Milano.
Camminando senza una meta particolare a Milano siamo capitati in questo luogo che è famoso sopratutto per la vita notturna (poiché è un luogo di aggregazione giovanile) ma che in realtà è uno dei pochi esempi rimasti della presenza degli antichi Romani nella città imperiale meneghina.

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Le Colonne di San Lorenzo a Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

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These are sixteen columns, about 7 and a half meters high, in Musso marble, with Corinthian capitals that support the trabeation. In reality, looking closely, there are 17 columns, in fact on the top of the arch that is in the center of the columns, which differentiates 8 on one side and 8 on the other, there is a miniature column with a cross on top. They come from Roman buildings dating back to the 2nd or 3rd century, probably a pagan temple located in the area of ​​the current Piazza Santa Maria Beltrade.
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The Columns of San Lorenzo in Milan – Les Colonnes de San Lorenzo à Milan – Las Columnas de San Lorenzo en Milán – As colunas de San Lorenzo em Milão – Die Säulen von San Lorenzo in Mailand – Các cột San Lorenzo ở Milan – 米兰圣洛伦索柱 – ミラノのサン・ロレンツォの柱

I resti del tempio Capitolino a Brescia

I resti del tempio Capitolino a Brescia

I resti del tempio Capitolino a Brescia.
Qualche mese fa sono stato, per la seconda volta in vita mia, nella bella città di Brescia e per la seconda volta sono stato a visitare il piccolo parco con i resti romani proprio in centro.
A differenza della volta scorsa il parco era aperto e così sono potuto entrare, gratuitamente, e passeggiare tra i resti.
Molto affascinante!

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I resti del tempio Capitolino a Brescia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

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Il Capitolium o Tempio Capitolino è un tempio romano situato a Brescia in Piazza del Foro, lungo via dei Musei, il nucleo dell’antica Brixia romana. Insieme al teatro, ai resti del foro cittadino e degli scavi archeologici di palazzo Martinengo costituisce il più importante complesso di rovine e resti di edifici pubblici d’età romana presenti nell’Italia settentrionale.
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The remains of the Capitoline temple in Brescia – Les vestiges du temple du Capitole à Brescia – Los restos del templo Capitolino en Brescia – Os restos do templo Capitolino em Brescia – Die Überreste des Kapitolinischen Tempels in Brescia – Dấu tích của ngôi đền Capitoline ở Brescia – 布雷西亚卡比托利欧神庙的遗迹 – ブレシアのカピトリーノ神殿の遺跡

The ancient Via Aurelia in Sestri Levante

La antica via Aurelia a Sestri Levante

The ancient Via Aurelia in Sestri Levante.
Perhaps few have noticed it but along the Ancient Western Roman Road, part in the courtyard of the Temple of Christ the King and part outside, there are a few meters of the ancient Roman road called Aurelia.
There is also a plaque that tells of some Popes who passed through that point along the road: in 1635 Benedetto Odescalchi, in 1809 Pius VII (the Prisoner Pope) and in 1825 Giovanni Mastai Ferretti.
Instead, just outside the churchyard of the Temple there is a small bridge that I believe is the original continuation of the road.

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La antica via Aurelia a Sestri Levante

La antica via Aurelia a Sestri Levante

La antica via Aurelia a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Where is the photo point:

The Aurelia (which in the numbering of state roads adopted by ANAS has taken the numbering of state road 1 Via Aurelia) today connects Rome to France, running along the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ligurian Sea.
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The ancient street called Aurelia in Sestri Levante – L’ancienne rue appelée Aurelia à Sestri Levante – La antigua calle llamada Aurelia en Sestri Levante – A antiga rua chamada Aurelia em Sestri Levante – Die alte Straße namens Aurelia in Sestri Levante – Phố cổ mang tên Aurelia ở Sestri Levante – 塞斯特里莱万特的古街 Aurelia – セストリ レバンテのアウレリアと呼ばれる古代の通り

Il ponte romano a Riva Trigoso

Il ponte romano a Riva Trigoso

Il ponte romano a Riva Trigoso.
Uno dei ponti originali pervenuti a noi dal tempo dei romani è a Riva trigoso.
Recentemente ristrutturato è proprio una bella costruzione.

Giusto per chiarezza, mi fanno notare che il ponte (che si chiama Ponte Balbi già Brignole) non è romano ma post-medievale o Neoclassico. In particolare ho trovato molte informazioni sul post scritto da Laura Nicolini here. Molto interessante!
Here invece la pagina dei Vincoli Architettonici che ne parla in maniera ufficiale.

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Il ponte romano a Riva Trigoso

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

The ancient bridge over the Petronio stream in Riva Trigoso – L’ancien pont sur le ruisseau Petronio à Riva Trigoso – El antiguo puente sobre el arroyo Petronio en Riva Trigoso – A antiga ponte sobre o córrego Petronio em Riva Trigoso – Die alte Brücke über den Bach Petronio in Riva Trigoso – Cây cầu cổ bắc qua suối Petronio ở Riva Trigoso – 里瓦特里戈索佩特罗尼奥溪流上的古桥 – リヴァ トリゴゾのペトロニオ ストリームに架かる古代の橋