The ancient bridge symbol of the village of Bogliasco

L'antico ponte simbolo del borgo di Bogliasco in Liguria

The ancient bridge symbol of the village of Bogliasco in Liguria.
One of the symbols of the beautiful village of Bogliasco, pearl of the Golfo Paradiso in Liguria, is certainly this medieval bridge that allows you to cross the Bogliasco stream and which is generally called "the Roman bridge".

On the official website of Cultural Heritage I then found other interesting information: here.

Do you know or have you ever been to Bogliasco?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'antico ponte simbolo del borgo di Bogliasco in Liguria

L'antico ponte simbolo del borgo di Bogliasco in Liguria

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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The ancient bridge symbol of the village of Bogliasco in Liguria – L’ancien pont symbole du village de Bogliasco en Ligurie – El antiguo puente símbolo del pueblo de Bogliasco en Liguria – O antigo símbolo da ponte da aldeia de Bogliasco, na Ligúria – Das alte Brückensymbol des Dorfes Bogliasco in Ligurien – Biểu tượng cây cầu cổ của làng Bogliasco ở Liguria – 利古里亚博格利亚斯科村的古桥象征 – リグーリア州ボリアスコ村の古代の橋のシンボル

Una creuza sul mare nel borgo di Bogliasco

Una creuza sul mare nel bel borgo marinaro di Bogliasco in Liguria.

Una creuza sul mare nel bel borgo marinaro di Bogliasco in Liguria.
Diverso tempo fa ho scattato questa foto passeggiando lungo questa bella creuza, la tipica strada dei borghi marinari liguri, che si trova a Levante del porticciolo del bel borgo di Bogliasco (in provincia di Genova).
Il piccolo ponte, collega una splendida vialla affacciata sul mare con la strada carrabile.

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bogliasco? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Una creuza sul mare nel bel borgo marinaro di Bogliasco in Liguria.

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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An alley by the sea in the beautiful seaside village of Bogliasco in Liguria – Une ruelle au bord de la mer dans le magnifique village balnéaire de Bogliasco en Ligurie – Un callejón junto al mar en el hermoso pueblo costero de Bogliasco en Liguria – Um beco à beira-mar na bela vila costeira de Bogliasco, na Ligúria – Eine Gasse am Meer im wunderschönen Küstenort Bogliasco in Ligurien – Một con hẻm cạnh biển ở ngôi làng ven biển xinh đẹp Bogliasco ở Liguria – 利古里亚美丽的海滨村庄博格利亚斯科的一条海边小巷 – リグーリア州ボリアスコの美しい海辺の村の海沿いの路地

The beautiful village of Bogliasco seen from inside the sea water

Il bel borgo di Bogliasco visto da dentro l'acqua del mare

The beautiful village of Bogliasco seen from inside the sea water.
My wanderings with the dome and the Gopro continue around the edges of Eastern Liguria.
Unfortunately there are still too many drops of water but in any case among all the photos I took two are still decent enough to publish (I hope).
Here is the beautiful village of the Golfo Paradiso seen from the sea. I promise to return when I have more practice.

Do you know or have you ever been to Bogliasco?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il bel borgo di Bogliasco visto da dentro l'acqua del mare

Il bel borgo di Bogliasco visto da dentro l'acqua del mare

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black and Telesin Dome Port..

And here are some videos I made on another visit:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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The beautiful village of Bogliasco seen from inside the sea water – Le beau village de Bogliasco vu de l’intérieur de l’eau de mer – El hermoso pueblo de Bogliasco visto desde el interior del agua de mar – A bela vila de Bogliasco vista de dentro da água do mar – Das schöne Dorf Bogliasco aus dem Meerwasser gesehen – Ngôi làng Bogliasco xinh đẹp nhìn từ trong làn nước biển – 从海水中看到美丽的博格利亚斯科村庄 – 海水の中から見たボリアスコの美しい村

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora delle Grazie a Bogliasco

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora delle Grazie a Bogliasco

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora delle Grazie a Bogliasco.
La bella chiesetta che si trova appena sopra alla breve passeggiata a mare del borgo di Bogliasco.
Dalla facciata neoclassica col le due campane in facciata e la statua della Vergine.

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bogliasco? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora delle Grazie a Bogliasco

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Secondo una tradizione locale, forse confermata da uno scritto del parroco, l’antica cappelletta fu già presente in quel di Bogliasco dal 1685 lungo la Via Romana. Il libro delle entrate della vicina confraternita di santa Chiara cita le prime registrazioni delle offerte a partire dal 1657, anno della tremenda epidemia di peste che colpì i comuni rivieraschi e la Liguria; probabile quindi che tale cappella sia stata eretta proprio dopo la pestilenza nel borgo marinaro.
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The Shrine of Our Lady of Grace in Bogliasco – Le sanctuaire de Notre-Dame de Grâce à Bogliasco – El Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Gracia en Bogliasco – O Santuário de Nossa Senhora das Graças em Bogliasco – Das Heiligtum Unserer Lieben Frau von der Gnade in Bogliasco – Đền thờ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn ở Bogliasco – Bogliasco 的圣母恩典圣地 – ボリアスコの恵みの聖母の神殿

Il borgo di Bogliasco visto dalla costa di Levante

Il borgo di Bogliasco visto dalla costa di Levante

Il borgo di Bogliasco visto dalla costa di Levante.
Camminando lungo la via che costeggia il mare a Levante di Bogliasco abbiamo notato questa piccola creuza (si chiamano così in Liguria i piccoli vicoli che salgono dal mare) che scandeva.
Abbiamo deciso di percorrerla e siamo arrivati in un piccolo molo (in estate credo un piccolo stabilimento balneare) con le poche barche in secca ma una vista privilegiata sul borgo.

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bogliasco? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Il borgo di Bogliasco visto dalla costa di Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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The village of Bogliasco seen from the east coast – Le village de Bogliasco vu de la côte est – El pueblo de Bogliasco visto desde la costa este – A aldeia de Bogliasco vista da costa leste – Das Dorf Bogliasco von der Ostküste aus gesehen – Ngôi làng Bogliasco nhìn từ bờ biển phía đông – 从东海岸看到的 Bogliasco 村 – 東海岸から見たボリアスコの村

Il porticciolo del borgo marinaro di Bogliasco in Liguria

Il porticciolo del borgo marinaro Bogliasco in Liguria

Il porticciolo del borgo marinaro di Bogliasco in Liguria.
Non la classica foto del porticciolo, che comunque potete trovare anche su questo sito, ma una scattata dal livello del mare alle case ed allo storico Club Nautico (il sito in primo piano.

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bogliasco? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Il porticciolo del borgo marinaro Bogliasco in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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The small port of the seaside village Bogliasco in Liguria – Le petit port du village balnéaire de Bogliasco en Ligurie – El pequeño puerto del pueblo costero Bogliasco en Liguria – O pequeno porto da vila à beira-mar Bogliasco na Ligúria – Der kleine Hafen des Küstenortes Bogliasco in Ligurien – Cảng nhỏ của ngôi làng ven biển Bogliasco ở Liguria – 利古里亚海滨村庄 Bogliasco 的小港口 – リグーリア州の海辺の村ボリアスコの小さな港

Via Cristoforo Colombo a Bogliasco, una creuza dal porticciolo

Via Cristoforo Colombo a Bogliasco, una creuza che parte dal porticciolo

Via Cristoforo Colombo a Bogliasco, una creuza che parte dal porticciolo.
Quando si arriva nel borgo marinaro di Bogliasco subito si va al porticciolo. Dopodiché si sale verso Levante su questa bella creuza che scorre lungo le case che si affacciano direttamente sul porticciolo stesso e sul mare.
Uno spettacolo!

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bogliasco? Aggiungi un tuo comment to this post or read here what other visitors have written.

Via Cristoforo Colombo a Bogliasco, una creuza che parte dal porticciolo

Photo taken withCanon EOS M100 and lensCanon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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Street Cristoforo Colombus in Bogliasco, a street that starts from the small port – Via Cristoforo Colombo à Bogliasco, une rue qui part du petit port – Via Cristoforo Colombo en Bogliasco, una calle que parte del pequeño puerto – Via Cristoforo Colombo em Bogliasco, uma rua que começa no pequeno porto – Via Cristoforo Colombo in Bogliasco, eine Straße, die am kleinen Hafen beginnt – Via Cristoforo Colombo ở Bogliasco, một cửa hàng bánh creuza bắt đầu từ cảng nhỏ – 通过 Bogliasco 的 Cristoforo Colombo,一个从小港口开始的 creuza – 小さな港から始まるクルーザ、BogliascoのCristoforoColombo経由

Il ponte romano nel porticciolo di Bogliasco, in Liguria

Il ponte romano nel porticciolo di Bogliasco, in Liguria

Il ponte romano nel porticciolo di Bogliasco, in Liguria.
Uno dei punti più fotografati del piccolo borgo marinaro di Bogliasco e’ sicuramente il porticciolo ed il ponte romano.
Che poi il ponte, come molti della mia regione, viene chiamato romano ma e’ di costruzione medievale (magari costruito su uno precedente romano, come quello di Riva Trigoso).

On the official website of Cultural Heritage I then found other interesting information: here.

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bogliasco? Aggiungi un tuo comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il ponte romano nel porticciolo di Bogliasco, in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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The Roman bridge in the small port of Bogliasco, in Liguria – Le pont romain dans le petit port de Bogliasco, en Ligurie – El puente romano en el pequeño puerto de Bogliasco, en Liguria – A ponte romana no pequeno porto de Bogliasco, na Ligúria – Die römische Brücke im kleinen Hafen von Bogliasco in Ligurien – Cây cầu La Mã ở cảng nhỏ Bogliasco, ở Liguria – 利古里亚博利亚斯科小港的罗马桥 – リグリアのボリアスコの小さな港にあるローマの橋

Le belle ville sul mare a Bogliasco in Liguria

Le belle ville sul mare a Bogliasco in Liguria

Le belle ville sul mare a Bogliasco in Liguria.
Il bel borgo marinaro di Bogliasco offre splendidi scorci per fotografare.
Come questa bella villa gialla (che sembra quasi un castello) con il mare di fronte ed il porticciolo sullo sfondo.

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bogliasco? Sai per caso come si chiama questa bella villa sul mare? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Le belle ville sul mare a Bogliasco in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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The beautiful seaside villas in Bogliasco in Liguria – Les belles villas balnéaires de Bogliasco en Ligurie – Las hermosas villas junto al mar en Bogliasco en Liguria – As belas vilas à beira-mar em Bogliasco na Ligúria – Die wunderschönen Villen am Meer in Bogliasco in Ligurien – Những biệt thự tuyệt đẹp bên bờ biển ở Bogliasco ở Liguria – 利古里亚博利亚斯科美丽的海滨别墅 – リグリアのボリアスコにある美しい海辺の別荘

Il porticciolo di Bogliasco in Liguria

Il porticciolo di Bogliasco in Liguria

Il porticciolo di Bogliasco in Liguria.
Una foto classica della piccola baia di Bogliasco con il suo porticciolo.

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bogliasco? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il porticciolo di Bogliasco in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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The small port of Bogliasco in Liguria – Le petit port de Bogliasco en Ligurie – El pequeño puerto de Bogliasco en Liguria – O pequeno porto de Bogliasco na Ligúria – Der kleine Hafen von Bogliasco in Ligurien – Cảng nhỏ Bogliasco ở Liguria – 利古里亚的 Bogliasco 小港口 – リグリアのボリアスコの小さな港