Vietnamese Cuisine: Beef, Pork and Udon Soup, The Recipe

Ricetta Vietnamita zuppa di manzo e maiale con udon

Vietnamese cuisine: beef and pork soup with udon, the recipe.
Today I'm going to tell you about a dish I prepared a few days ago and that is not really typical of Vietnamese cuisine but that I often eat at home in Vietnam: a meat soup (mainly beef but also pork ribs and I also add a little pork rind) with udon, the typical Japanese soft wheat noodles.
Very simple and quick to prepare.

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– Pork ribs
– Pre-boiled pork rind (if you like)
– Beef tendon (boiled meat)
– Fish balls (bought in a Chinese supermarket in Chiavari)
– Udon noodles (if you can't find them, use normal udon noodles)
– Sweet corn
– A purple onion (we lightly fry part of it in a pan with garlic)
– A carrot
– A celery
– Coriander
– Chili pepper and garlic
– Spices (sugar, salt, tablespoons of fish sauce, seasoning and ground pepper)


First, let's cook the meat.
I always boil the meat twice. The first time always brings out the most impure juices and always forms foam, so when the water boils, I throw it away, rinse the meat lightly under the tap and put it back on the heat with new water.
Add all the meat, corn, red onion (chopped roughly), carrot, celery, two or three teaspoons of sugar, a teaspoon and a half of salt and then cook for 35-45 minutes.
After this time the beef should be cooked enough and we can remove it from the water and slice it thinly once it has cooled.
In the meantime, add some spices to the water (two tablespoons of fish sauce and a teaspoon of seasoning), mix well and adjust salt and pepper to taste; then add the fish balls to cook.
Add the udon noodles (directly into the soup) and cook until the noodles are soft and absorb the spices (about 5-7 minutes) and that's it.
Transfer the udon to a bowl and add the broth.
Add the thinly sliced ​​beef, pork skin (if desired) and the fish balls.
Garnish with a handful of cilantro, fried onions and garlic, ground pepper and…

Here is the ready dish:

Ricetta Vietnamita zuppa di manzo e maiale con udon

Nguyên liệu
* Xương heo
* Da heo đã luộc sẵn (nếu thích)
* Gân bò
* Chả cá mua ở siêu thị Trung Quốc tại Chiavari
* Sợi bánh canh thì mua mì udon thay thế
* 1 củ hành tím
* 1 củ cà rốt
* 1 ít cần tây (sedano)
* Hành ngò thái mỏng
* Ớt, tỏi đã phi giòn thơm

Gia vị
* ⅔ muỗng cà phê đường
* 1,5 muỗng cà phê muối
* 2 muỗng canh nước mắm
* 1 muỗng cà phê hạt nêm
* Tiêu xay

Cho vào nồi 2 lít nước lọc, xương heo và gân bò đã trụng sơ, bắp, hành tím, cà rốt, cần tây (sedano), 2/3 muỗng cà phê đường, 1,5 muỗng cà phê muối rồi hầm 35-45 phút. Sau đó lọc lại lấy nước dùng để tiếp tục nấu, thịt bò gân thì thái lát mỏng vừa ăn.
Tiếp tục cho tiếp vào nồi nước súp 2 muỗng canh nước mắm, 1 muỗng cà phê hạt nêm khuấy đều và nêm nếm lại cho phù hợp khẩu vị gia đình, rồi cho chả cá vào nấu.
Lấy 1 gói mì udon và cho trực tiếp vào nước súp, nấu đến khi mì chín mềm thấm gia vị, tầm 5-7 phút, là có thể cho ra tô thưởng thức.
Cho thịt gân bò thái mỏng, da heo (nếu thích), chả cá, rải hành ngò, hành tỏi phi sẵn, tiêu xay và thưởng thức.

Vietnamese recipe: beef and pork soup with udon – Recette vietnamienne : soupe de bœuf et de porc aux udon – Receta vietnamita: sopa de ternera y cerdo con udon – Receita vietnamita: sopa de carne bovina e suína com udon – Vietnamesisches Rezept: Rind- und Schweinefleischsuppe mit Udon – Công thức Việt Nam: súp thịt bò và thịt lợn với udon – 越南食谱:乌冬面牛肉猪肉汤 – ベトナムのレシピ:牛肉と豚肉のスープとうどん

Granchio bollito ad Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam

Granchio bollito in Vietnam

Granchio bollito in Vietnam.
Ho scoperto che nella zona di Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) uno dei piatti più buoni è il granchio cucinato un po’ in tutti i modi.
Nel posto dove sono andato a mangiarli si sceglievano, te li pesavano e cucinavano come desideravi.
A me, oltre alla zuppa e con il riso (nei quali di solito usano solo le chele), li hanno preparati anche bolliti.
Erano abbastanza grossi ma soprattutto molto gustosi.
Se doveste andare cercate i ristoranti che li preparano.

Granchio bollito in Vietnam

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Vi rimando al sito dove si parla di questo alimento.

Boiled crab in Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam – Crabe bouilli à Ho Chi Minh au Vietnam – Cangrejo hervido en Ho Chi Minh en Vietnam – Caranguejo cozido em Ho Chi Minh no Vietnã – Gekochte Krabbe in Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam – Ghẹ luộc ở Hồ Chí Minh ở Việt Nam – 越南胡志明市的煮蟹 – ベトナム・ホーチミンの茹でガニ

Blood sausage or berodo, the recipe

Il sanguinaccio o berodo

Blood sausage or berodo.
Blood sausage, which is called in many ways (here in Liguria it is called berodo) and prepared in many ways, is a preparation that, as far as I know, is made throughout the non-Muslim world: it is nothing more than a way to recover pig's blood, a precious source of proteins, fats and other ingredients...
I have always tasted this product when I found it, and I have found excellent ones both when made with dark chocolate and when put in small casings and mixed with chilli pepper in Mexico.
However, when you buy a blood sausage, it has actually already been prepared by the butcher and then subjected to an initial boil.
The fresh blood must immediately be mixed with milk and you must continue stirring to prevent it from coagulating. At this point the further preparation process depends on the habits, cultures and traditions of the places and countries.
Years ago, I saw the blood sausages prepared by Lindo, a local pork butcher who was called by the families who, often with sacrifice, raised and then slaughtered a pig. For me, however, the absolute master of the preparation of salami and blood sausages was Mr. Lino Marcenaro and his two assistants: Franco and Carlo who later became a great traveler of exotic countries and who is one of my oldest and dearest friends.
The blood, still fresh, is mixed with fresh milk, continuing to mix with spices, salt and pine nuts, which must be abundant even if expensive; naturally I do not know the doses which must be secret. The blood sausages, just closed with the same technique used for sausages, must be put to boil to have the first cooking. This is how we find them at the butcher's.
At home we cook them simply boiled for a few minutes but decorated by mixing some side dishes from Swiss cuisine: sandy potatoes (cut into wedges, blanched in water and then sautéed in butter and breadcrumbs), slices of Rennet apples (peeled, cut into wedges and then slowly cooked in water slightly acidulated with lemon and sprinkled with cinnamon) and finally with sautéed cabbage (cut not too finely and cooked with a little oil, salt and sprinkled with white wine and, at the end, with a drop of vinegar).
Enjoy your meal!

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Il sanguinaccio o berodo

Photo taken with Honor 10.

The black pudding or berodo, the recipe – Boudin noir ou berodo, la recette – Morcilla o berodo, la receta – Morcela ou berodo, a receita – Der Blutwurst oder Berodo, das Rezept – Bánh pudding đen hoặc berodo, công thức – 黑布丁或 berodo,食谱 – ブラックプディングまたはベロド、レシピ

Polpo bollito

Polpo bollito

Polpo bollito.
Mi piace molto il polpo. Però una delle preparazioni che si fa quasi sempre è bollirlo.
Questo era un bel polpo fresco (ma può andare bene anche uno surgelato).
Cosa mi piace sempre molto fotografare nel polpo sono i tentacoli e soprattutto le ventose.
Giusto per la cronaca lo abbiamo poi tagliato a rondelle e servito con patate, olio, sale e paprica; alla Gallega per intenderci.
La foto del piatto finito arriverà con un altro post.

Polpo bollito

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

È considerato uno degli invertebrati più intelligenti; è stato, per esempio, dimostrato che il polpo comune ha la capacità di apprendere se sottoposto a test di apprendimento per associazione e osservando gli altri della sua specie, capacità che era stata dimostrata solo in alcuni mammiferi. Quest’ultima evidenza è alquanto sorprendente, poiché, essendo il polpo un animale fortemente solitario, sembrerebbe inspiegabile un comportamento simile, tipico di animali con rapporti sociali.
Continue on Wikipedia.

Insalata di polpo con patate, la ricetta

insalata di polpo bollito

Insalata di polpo bollito con patate alla ligure, la ricetta.
È una semplice insalata di polpo bollito.

insalata di polpo bollito

Photo taken with Samsung Galaxi.

Questa mattina ho trovato un paio di polpo nostrani e li ho preparati per mio figlio Luca.
Ho fatto bollire abbondante acqua a cui ho aggiunto sale e aceto.Poi ho fatto arricciare i polpi tenendoli per la testa e immergendoli su e giù nell’acqua bollente. Li ho lasciati cuocere per una mezz’ora e li ho lasciati raffreddare nella loro acqua.
A parte ho fatto bollire delle ottime patate di montagna del mio amico Enrico Segarini e le ho aggiunte al polpo affettato.
Ho poi quindi condito con dell’ottimo olio nostrano dell’amico Paolino Muzio di San Bernardo (località del comune di Sestri Levante conosciuta per la qualità delle sue olive), succo di limone del mio giardino e una spruzzata di prezzemolo.

Questo invece è impolpo bollito prima di essere condito:

polpo bollito

Photo taken with Samsung Galaxi.

Boiled stockfish by starred chef Loris, the recipe

Stoccafisso: merluzzo ad essicare

Stockfish has a long history and now is not the time to tell you about it because over the years it has become a novel…
I have been to the Lofoten Islands in Norway many times and have visited many places where cod is produced and stored, which then becomes stockfish.
Here in the first hinterland, we have many trattorias that prepare boiled stockfish on Fridays and the customers are always very numerous.
It must be said that preparing boiled stockfish is very easy but one of the reasons why many women do not like to cook it at home is due to the bad smell that comes from cooking and that then spreads throughout the house. I use a very simple system to not have bad smells in the house and I want to tell you how I do it.

First of all, the night before, I soak a couple of handfuls of beans in cold water and boil them the next morning together with the potatoes with their skins: I calculate a nice potato and a half per person. Then I steam the stockfish in the pressure cooker. I put two or three fingers of water on the bottom of the pot to which I add salt, some bay leaves and a celery stalk. At this point I put the stockfish in a special cage that fits into the pot without the fish touching the water and I add a whole onion from which I have removed the peel.
If the stockfish I bought is wet, very wet, I cook it calculating 10 minutes after the first whistle of the pot that indicates that the internal pressure is optimal. After waiting these 10 minutes, I remove the pot from the heat and take it into the garden (or onto the terrace) to let all the steam out of the house and without the bad smell spreading throughout the house. Once I return home I clean the stockfish, peel the potatoes and add the beans. Before seasoning everything with Ligurian extra virgin olive oil, I add my sauce that I prepared during the 10 minutes of cooking the fish.

Stockfish sauce:

In a mortar and pestle (you can also use an immersion blender), crush a few pine nuts, a clove of garlic without the core and a couple of anchovy fillets.

I'll tell you some funny anecdotes on another occasion.

I attach a photo (taken by me) of a house in Lofoten with stockfish drying.

Stoccafisso: merluzzo ad essicare

Stockfish boiled by starred chef Loris, the recipe – Stockfish bouilli par le chef étoilé Loris, la recette – Bacalao hervido por el chef estrellado Loris, la receta – Bacalhau cozido pelo chef estrelado Loris, a receita – Stockfisch gekocht von Sternekoch Loris, das Rezept – Cá kho do đầu bếp Loris đóng vai chính, công thức – 明星大厨 Loris 亲手烹制的鳕鱼,食谱 – スターシェフのロリスが煮込んだストックフィッシュ、レシピ