La Porta del Borgo a Portovenere

La Porta del Borgo a Portovenere

La Porta del Borgo a Portovenere.
Portovenere è famosa per soprattutto per la Chiesa di San Pietro ma il borgo vero e proprio, circondato da possenti mura è altrettanto bello.
Questa è la porta d’ingresso detta Porta del Borgo, fotografata dall’interno (e non dall’esterno come è più facile vederla).

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La Porta del Borgo a Portovenere

Photo taken withCanon EOS M100 and lensTamron 16-300.

I also recorded a short video walking around the village:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero5.

Click here to see all the photos of the village:
foto gallery

Torre Capitolare e porta del centro storico di Porto Venere. Collegata alla cinta muraria che sale al castello Doria, la medievale porta d’accesso al borgo vecchio reca l’iscrizione Colonia Januensis 1113, data d’inizio della dominazione della Repubblica di Genova.
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Where is Portovenere:

The door called del Borgo in Portovenere – La porte dite del Borgo à Portovenere – La puerta llamada del Borgo en Portovenere – A porta chamada del Borgo em Portovenere – Die Tür namens del Borgo in Portovenere – Cánh cửa mang tên del Borgo ở Portovenere – Portovenere 的 del Borgo 门 – ポルトヴェーネレのデル ボルゴと呼ばれるドア

Fieschi Square in Varese Ligure

Piazza Fieschi a Varese Ligure

Fieschi square in Varese Ligure.
The symbol of Varese Ligure, the village called round because of the houses that are built around the Fieschi castle, is the Fieschi square.
The pastel-colored houses with its sweet arches and the circular shape of the square.
A dream place a few kilometers from my Sestri Levante.

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Piazza Fieschi a Varese Ligure

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

If you want to see all the photos taken in Varese click here:
foto gallery

This is a video walking in Piazza Fieschi the famous circular square of the village:

Commissioned by the Fieschi family for the control and defence of the Varese area, it is made up of identical stone houses arranged along the perimeter which, with an elliptical shape, enclose the two main squares (Piazza Fieschi and Piazza Castello), where the commercial activities, warehouses and laboratories were located in the porticoes below.
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The square and the houses in the famous round square of the village of Varese Ligure – La place et les maisons de la célèbre place ronde du village de Varese Ligure – La plaza y las casas en la famosa plaza redonda del pueblo de Varese Ligure – A praça e as casas na famosa praça redonda da aldeia de Varese Ligure – Der Platz und die Häuser auf dem berühmten runden Platz des Dorfes Varese Ligure – Quảng trường và những ngôi nhà ở quảng trường tròn nổi tiếng của làng Varese Ligure – Varese Ligure 村著名的圆形广场的广场和房屋 – ヴァレーゼリグレ村の有名な丸い広場の広場と家々

Un palazzo di Trigoso

Un palazzo di Trigoso

Un palazzo di Trigoso.
Prima di qualche mese fa non ero mai stato a Trigoso, il piccolo borgo nel comune di Sestri Levante situato all’inizio della strada del Bracco, e scattato foto.
Ho recuperato qualche mese fa.
Questo è uno dei palazzi più belli del borgo ed è situato proprio sulla strada.
Non è proprio splendido?

Un palazzo di Trigoso

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S10.

Per vedere tutte le foto scattate a Trigoso clicca here:
foto gallery

The little streets of Trigoso, the hamlet of Sestri

Le viette di Trigoso la frazione di Sestri

The alleys of Trigoso, the hamlet of Sestri.
One of the most beautiful villages I have visited recently is right near my house, in my own municipality even.
This is in fact one of the alleys (a classic creuza de ma, as De Andrè sang) that crosses the small village.
Narrow streets, colorful houses leaning one on top of the other. It has a lot of charm!

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Le viette di Trigoso la frazione di Sestri

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Click here if you want to see all the photos I took in the village:
foto gallery

Here is where the small village is located:

The two toponyms, Riva and Trigoso, were combined for the first time in 1874, in the name of the railway station “Riva-Trigoso”, then located halfway between the two villages. The joint name gradually entered common use, to improperly identify the single fraction of Riva.
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The streets of Trigoso the small village in the municipality of Sestri – Les rues de Trigoso, le petit village de la commune de Sestri – Las calles de Trigoso, el pequeño pueblo del municipio de Sestri – As ruas de Trigoso, a pequena aldeia do concelho de Sestri – Die Straßen von Trigoso, dem kleinen Dorf in der Gemeinde Sestri – Đường phố Trigoso, ngôi làng nhỏ ở đô thị Sestri

The small village of Trigoso in the municipality of Sestri Levante

Il borgo di Trigoso

The small village of Trigoso in the municipality of Sestri Levante.
A few days ago I went for a walk in Trigoso, a small hamlet of Sestri Levante.
We are at the beginning of the road (the Aurelia) that from Sestri Levante, through the Bracco Pass, goes to La Spezia and then down towards Rome.
It had been several years since I was there and I didn't remember it being so beautiful.
This is the beginning of the internal road, a beautiful creuza of stones and bricks, very typical.
An ancient stone mass embellishes this glimpse.

Have you ever visited Trigoso? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il borgo di Trigoso

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Click here if you want to see all the photos I took in the village:
foto gallery

Here is where the small village is located:

The two toponyms, Riva and Trigoso, were combined for the first time in 1874, in the name of the railway station “Riva-Trigoso”, then located halfway between the two villages. The joint name gradually entered common use, to improperly identify the single fraction of Riva.
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The small village of Trigoso in the municipality of Sestri Levante – Le petit village de Trigoso dans la municipalité de Sestri Levante – El pequeño pueblo de Trigoso en el municipio de Sestri Levante – A pequena aldeia de Trigoso no município de Sestri Levante – Das kleine Dorf Trigoso in der Gemeinde Sestri Levante – Ngôi làng nhỏ Trigoso ở đô thị Sestri Levante – 塞斯特里莱万特市的特里戈索小村庄 – セストリ・レバンテの自治体にあるトリゴソの小さな村

The small square of Borgo Renà in Riva Trigoso

Piazzetta di Borgo Renà

The little square of Borgo Renà in Riva Trigoso.
There is a hamlet of Sestri Levante called Renà and it is the last area of ​​the municipality towards the East.
It is called Renà and it has a splendid beach of stones and sand. The rock of Asseu with its cross is famous.
Just before the traffic light that regulates the flow of traffic in the coastal tunnels that connect Sestri with Moneglia there is this little village of which this is the little square.
The village is all here. On the left there is the Fincantieri shipyard, on the right these four houses plus the 4 Venti hotel, and behind the beach.

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Piazzetta di Borgo Renà

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here's where the square is located:

The square of the Village Renà in Riva Trigoso – La place du Village Renà à Riva Trigoso – La plaza del Village Renà en Riva Trigoso – O largo da Vila Renà em Riva Trigoso – Der Platz des Dorfes Renà in Riva Trigoso – Quảng trường Làng Renà ở Riva Trigoso

The village of Vernazza seen from Punta Baffe

Vernazza da Punta Baffe

The village of Vernazza seen from Punta Baffe.
An unusual view of Vernazza taken from Punta Baffe.
We are now used to aerial views taken from drones, and they are truly spectacular.
I, who do not have a drone, have to make do (as we used to do once) with views from above or from afar.
I took this one last summer, I hope you like it even though the colors are not exceptional due to the humidity which made it difficult to take good shots with the telephoto lens.

Do you know Liguria and the Cinque Terre? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Vernazza da Punta Baffe

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Vernazza at the Cinque Terre seen from the Punta Baffe trail – Vernazza aux Cinque Terre vue du sentier Punta Baffe – Vernazza en Cinque Terre vista desde el sendero Punta Baffe – Vernazza em Cinque Terre visto da trilha Punta Baffe – Vernazza in den Cinque Terre vom Wanderweg Punta Baffe aus gesehen – Vernazza tại Cinque Terre nhìn từ đường mòn Punta Baffe – 从 Punta Baffe 小径看到的五渔村的 Vernazza – プンタ バッフェ トレイルから見たチンクエ テッレのヴェルナッツァ

Il piccolo porticciolo di Framura

Porticciolo di Framura

Il piccolo porticciolo di Framura.
Qualche mese fa sono andato a fare una camminata nella pista ciclopedonale che da Framura va a Levanto.
Partenza dal porticciolo del paesino di Framura che di prima mattina era veramente un posto quieto e splendido.

Do you know or have you ever been to Framura? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Porticciolo di Framura

Porticciolo di Framura

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Dove si trova il porticciolo di Framura:

Situated on the Ligurian coast, the small town of Framura is located within one of the many inlets and coves, typical of the rugged coast of the eastern Ligurian Riviera. Mount Serro (421 m. above sea level) is the highest peak in the Framura area and belongs to the protected area of ​​the Cinque Terre.
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The small port of Framura in Liguria – Le petit port de Framura en Ligurie – El pequeño puerto de Framura en Liguria – O pequeno porto de Framura na Ligúria – Der kleine Hafen von Framura in Ligurien – Cảng Framura nhỏ ở Liguria – 利古里亚的弗拉穆拉小港口 – リグリアのフラムラの小さな港

The small village of Loto in Liguria

Il borgo di Loto

The small village of Loto in Liguria.
Among the villages and hamlets in the Sestri Levante area there is also one called Loto.
It is located along the road that passes through San Bernardo and rejoins the one that goes to Libiola and Montedomenico.
Just before there is also the detour that leads to Selva.

Do you know this little village?
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Il borgo di Loto

Il borgo di Loto

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Where is the village located:

The small village of Loto in Liguria – Le petit village de Loto en Ligurie – El pequeño pueblo de Loto en Liguria – A pequena aldeia de Loto na Ligúria – Das kleine Dorf Loto in Ligurien – Ngôi làng nhỏ Loto ở Liguria

Il borghetto di Boccadasse

Il borghetto di Boccadasse

Il borghetto di Boccadasse.
Un’altra bella foto del borgo marinaro genovese di Boccadasse. Lo splendido borgo che in molti avranno già visto e che finalmente sono riuscito a visitare e a fotografare qualche giorno fa.

Sei mai stato nel borgo marinaro di Boccadasse? Se hai domande oppure se vuoi farmi sapere la tua opinione su questo luogo lascia un commento cliccando here.

Il borghetto di Boccadasse

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Boccadasse (Boca d’azë or Bocadâze in Genoese) is an ancient seaside village in the city of Genoa, which is part of the Albaro district. In the current administrative division of the municipality of Genoa it is therefore included in the Municipio VIII – Medio Levante, which in addition to Albaro also includes the Foce and San Martino districts.
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All photos here:
foto gallery

Where is the village located: