Boccadasse, the pearl of Genoa on the sea

Boccadasse, la perla di Genova sul mare

Boccadasse, the pearl of Genoa on the sea.
A small enchanted village a few steps from the center of Genoa.
From here the villages probably end to leave space for the real city.
It is not the most beautiful photo I took today (I will publish the others slowly) and it is not even the classic image of the small fishing village but I also liked this one a lot.

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Boccadasse, la perla di Genova sul mare

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

I also made a short video:

All photos here:
foto gallery

Where is the village located:

Boccadasse (Boca d’azë or Bocadâze in Genoese) is an ancient seaside village in the city of Genoa, which is part of the Albaro district. In the current administrative division of the municipality of Genoa it is therefore included in the Municipio VIII – Medio Levante, which in addition to Albaro also includes the Foce and San Martino districts.
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Boccadasse, the small seaside village and pearl of Genoa – Boccadasse, le petit village balnéaire et perle de Gênes – Boccadasse, el pequeño pueblo costero y la perla de Génova – Boccadasse, a pequena vila costeira e pérola de Génova – Boccadasse, das kleine Küstendorf und die Perle von Genua – Boccadasse, ngôi làng nhỏ bên bờ biển và viên ngọc trai của Genoa – Boccadasse,小海滨村庄和热那亚的明珠 – ボッカダッセ、ジェノヴァの小さな海辺の村と真珠

Vicoli di Bonassola


Vicoli di Bonassola.
Era diverso tempo che mi proponevo di fare la passeggiata (ciclopedonale) tra Framura, Bonassola e Levanto.
Realizzata ristrutturando il tratto della ex ferrovia arriva a Bonassola, uno splendido borgo marinaro che si affaccia sul mar Ligure. Realizzerò un post separato per questo percorso.
Era, credo, la prima volta che lo visitavo e quindi ho scattato diverse foto che spero vi piaceranno!

Sei mai stato a Bonassola? Lascia un commento cliccando here.


Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Click here to see all the photos of the village:
foto gallery

According to some historical sources, the toponym of the town derives from Bulnetia or Bodetia, names that appear in some writings of the early Middle Ages. Other sources, considered more valid, would instead lead to the ancient term Vallis Bonazolae, indicating that coastal area between the present-day towns of Framura, to the west, and Levanto to the east.
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Where is the small village located:

The beautiful Manarola in the Cinque Terre


The beautiful Manarola in the Cinque Terre.
I hadn't been able to visit Manarola lately. Yesterday, thanks to a beautiful September day, I filled the gap and went to the Cinque Terre to take some more photos.
It may not be the most fascinating of the five but it's still really worth a visit!

Do you know the Cinque Terre?
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Here is where the palace is located:

The beautiful Manarola in the Cinque Terre – La splendide Manarola aux Cinque Terre – La espléndida Manarola en Cinque Terre – A esplêndida Manarola em Cinque Terre – Das herrliche Manarola in den Cinque Terre – Manarola lộng lẫy ở Cinque Terre

Vista di Portofino

Vista di Portofino

Vista di Portofino.
Tra le tante località rivierasche che ho fotografato negli ultimi giorni mancava senza dubbio Portofino. Ecco fatto! Oggi gita nel porticciolo e tante foto che piano piano inserirò qui. Questa è sicuramente una delle più belle in hdr. La vista del porticciolo dal sentiero che posta al castello.

Conosci e sei stato a visitare il famoso borgo di Portofino? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Vista di Portofino

To see all (or many) of the photos I took in Portofino, click here:
foto gallery

Il modo migliore per apprezzare le meraviglie del parco è quello di percorrere in sicurezza i suoi sentieri più caratteristici ed affascinanti, tutti adeguatamente segnalati. Attraversandone la fitta rete di oltre 60 km, è possibile scoprire la ricchezza e la varietà degli ambienti naturali, dei panorami e dei complessi monumenti del promontorio.

The village of Manarola in the Cinque Terre


The village of Manarola in the Cinque Terre.
Manarola, one of the other pearls of the Cinque Terre photographed from Corniglia with the telephoto lens.

Do you know or have you ever visited the Cinque Terre? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.


The village of Manarola in the Cinque Terre – Le village de Manarola dans les Cinque Terre – El pueblo de Manarola en Cinque Terre – A aldeia de Manarola em Cinque Terre – Das Dorf Manarola in den Cinque Terre – Ngôi làng Manarola ở Cinque Terre

The square and the houses of Varese Ligure

La piazza e le case di Varese Ligure

The square and the houses of Varese Ligure.
The very famous Ligurian village and the characteristic little houses of the circular square in the center, which perhaps cannot be seen much in the photo, are arranged in a circle around the castle.

Do you know the village of Varese? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La piazza e le case di Varese Ligure

Click here per vedere altre foto del borgo.
foto gallery

The birth of the Varese village has its origins in the strategic position at the crossroads of the trans-Apennine roads leading to Parma and Tortona. The roads that start from Sestri Levante and Luni to Varese Ligure found easy access to the Po Valley, with the consequent creation of a trading market.
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The square and the houses in the famous round square of the village of Varese Ligure – La place et les maisons de la célèbre place ronde du village de Varese Ligure – La plaza y las casas en la famosa plaza redonda del pueblo de Varese Ligure – A praça e as casas na famosa praça redonda da aldeia de Varese Ligure – Der Platz und die Häuser auf dem berühmten runden Platz des Dorfes Varese Ligure – Quảng trường và những ngôi nhà ở quảng trường tròn nổi tiếng của làng Varese Ligure – Varese Ligure 村著名的圆形广场的广场和房屋 – ヴァレーゼリグレ村の有名な丸い広場の広場と家々

The most photographed point of Portovenere


The most photographed spot in Portovenere.
Yesterday a trip to Portovenere, the beautiful seaside town a few kilometers from La Spezia.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997.
The style is typical of Ligurian seaside villages.

Do you know the village of Portovenere?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.


I also recorded a short video walking around the village:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero5.

To see other photos click here.
foto gallery

Where is Portovenere:

The first Romanesque part (1198) was followed by the Gothic part with black and white banded facing which dates back to the 13th century and was built by the Genoese, probably between 1256 and 1270.
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The most photographed point of Portovenere – Le point le plus photographié de Portovenere – El punto más fotografiado de Portovenere – O ponto mais fotografado de Portovenere – Der am meisten fotografierte Punkt von Portovenere – Điểm được chụp ảnh nhiều nhất ở Portovenere – 韦内雷港出镜率最高的地方 – ポルトヴェーネレで最も写真が撮られるポイント

I portici colorati di Varese Ligure

I portici colorati di Varese Ligure.
Una immagine di un particolare dei portici.
Sabato siamo andati con Simone a Varese e qualche foto del borgo non poteva certo mancare.

Conosci il Borgo Rotondo? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

I portici di Varese Ligure

Click here per vedere altre foto del borgo.
foto gallery

The birth of the Varese village has its origins in the strategic position at the crossroads of the trans-Apennine roads leading to Parma and Tortona. The roads that start from Sestri Levante and Luni to Varese Ligure found easy access to the Po Valley, with the consequent creation of a trading market.
Come sempre vi posto il link per continuare la lettura su Wikipedia

The colorful arcades of Varese Ligure – Les arcades colorées de Varese Ligure – Las coloridas arcadas de Varese Ligure – As coloridas arcadas de Varese Ligure – Die farbenfrohen Arkaden von Varese Ligure – Những mái vòm đầy màu sắc của Varese Ligure