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La facciata del Palazzo della Loggia a Brescia

La facciata del Palazzo della Loggia a Brescia

La facciata del Palazzo della Loggia a Brescia.
Di ritorno da Brescia per un viaggio non proprio di piacere, vi presento qualche foto che ho scattato nella città lombarda.
La famosa piazza di Brescia (famosa ahimè per fatti di terrorismo) che deve al nome a questo splendido palazzo rinascimentale.

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La facciata del Palazzo della Loggia a Brescia

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 50.

To see all the photos I took in the city of Brescia click here:

Il Palazzo della Loggia, più semplicemente conosciuto come la Loggia o Loggia, è un palazzo rinascimentale di Brescia. Edificato e rimaneggiato in diverse fasi a partire dal 1492, anno di avvio della fabbrica, si configura come uno dei principali edifici storici cittadini ed anche come il maggiore esempio dell’architettura rinascimentale bresciana, costituendo inoltre uno dei principali simboli della città di Brescia.
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Here is where the palace is located:

The facade of the Palazzo della Loggia in Brescia – La façade du Palazzo della Loggia à Brescia – La fachada del Palazzo della Loggia en Brescia – A fachada do Palazzo della Loggia em Brescia – Die Fassade des Palazzo della Loggia in Brescia – Mặt tiền của Palazzo della Loggia ở Brescia – 布雷西亚 Palazzo della Loggia 的正面 – ブレシアのロッジャ宮殿のファサード

La Cattedrale o Duomo Nuovo di Santa Maria Assunta a Brescia

La Cattedrale o Duomo Nuovo di Santa Maria Assunta a Brescia

La Cattedrale o Duomo Nuovo di Santa Maria Assunta a Brescia.
L’edificio religioso più importante della città lombarda.

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La Cattedrale o Duomo Nuovo di Santa Maria Assunta a Brescia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the city of Brescia click here:

Il Duomo nuovo, o più correttamente cattedrale estiva di Santa Maria Assunta, è la chiesa principale di Brescia, chiesa madre della diocesi omonima e monumento nazionale italiano. È situata in piazza Paolo VI, anche conosciuta come piazza del Duomo, e rientra nel contesto di due cattedrali adiacenti l’una all’altra, ossia al duomo vecchio. L’edificio di culto fu eretto tra il 1604 e il 1825 sull’area in cui sorgeva la basilica paleocristiana di San Pietro de Dom, risalente al V-VI secolo.
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The Cathedral or New Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Brescia – La cathédrale ou nouvelle cathédrale de Santa Maria Assunta à Brescia – La Catedral o Catedral Nueva de Santa Maria Assunta en Brescia – A Catedral ou Nova Catedral de Santa Maria Assunta em Brescia – Die Kathedrale oder Neue Kathedrale Santa Maria Assunta in Brescia – Nhà thờ hoặc Nhà thờ mới Santa Maria Assunta ở Brescia – 布雷西亚圣玛丽亚苏泰大教堂或新大教堂 – ブレシアのサンタ・マリア・アスンタ大聖堂または新大聖堂

The Clock Tower in Piazza della Loggia in Brescia

La Torre dell'Orologio in piazza della Loggia a Brescia

The Clock Tower in Piazza della Loggia in Brescia.
Walking through the center of Brescia you cannot miss visiting the famous Piazza della Loggia where the beautiful 16th century astronomical clock stands out.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

To see all the photos I took in the city of Brescia click here:

Here's where the tower is located:

The dials of the clock were made based on the knowledge of the cosmos dictated by the geocentric theories of the astronomer Ptolemy. The date scale of the clock bears witness to the validity of the Julian calendar at the time of construction, with the spring equinox being represented on March 11 and not the 21st. The ten days of delay accumulated over the centuries were recovered in 1582 with the Gregorian reform of the calendar.
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The Clock Tower in Piazza della Loggia in Brescia – La tour de l’horloge de la Piazza della Loggia à Brescia – La Torre del Reloj en la Piazza della Loggia en Brescia – A Torre do Relógio na Piazza della Loggia em Brescia – Der Uhrturm auf der Piazza della Loggia in Brescia – Tháp Đồng hồ ở quảng trường Piazza della Loggia ở Brescia – 布雷西亚凉廊广场钟楼 – ブレシアのロッジア広場の時計塔

The Monument to Bella Italia in Brescia

Il Monumento alla Bella Italia in piazza della Loggia a Brescia

The Monument to Bella Italia in Piazza della Loggia in Brescia.
In the famous Piazza della Loggia in Brescia there is also this marble statue holding a new flag and a laurel wreath.
In the background the famous Clock Tower (with the astronomical clock).

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Il Monumento alla Bella Italia in piazza della Loggia a Brescia

Photo taken with Honor 20.

To see all the photos I took at Brescia Castle click here:

The statue was conceived in the midst of the Risorgimento to commemorate the fallen of the Ten Days of Brescia and was executed by the sculptor Giovanni Battista Lombardi with full funding from Vittorio Emanuele II. The inauguration took place in 1864 and the new monument still occupies the north-eastern portion of the square today.
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The Monument to Bella Italia in Piazza della Loggia in Brescia – Le Monument à Bella Italia sur la Piazza della Loggia à Brescia – El Monumento a Bella Italia en Piazza della Loggia en Brescia – O Monumento a Bella Italia na Piazza della Loggia em Brescia – Das Denkmal für Bella Italia auf der Piazza della Loggia in Brescia – Đài tưởng niệm Bella Italia ở quảng trường Piazza della Loggia ở Brescia – 布雷西亚凉廊广场 Bella Italia 纪念碑 – ブレシアのロッジア広場にあるベッラ・イタリアのモニュメント

The courtyard of Palazzo Broletto and the Pegol Tower

La corte interna del Palazzo Broletto e la Torre del Pegol a Brescia

The internal courtyard of the Palazzo Broletto and the Torre del Pegol in Brescia.
In the very centre of Brescia is this beautiful palace, now the administrative headquarters, with its beautiful tower.

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La corte interna del Palazzo Broletto e la Torre del Pegol a Brescia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took at Brescia Castle click here:

Broletto Palace, the medieval seat of the lords reigning over the city, today houses the headquarters of the provincial administration, the prefecture of Brescia and some offices of the Municipality of Brescia. It is located between Via Mazzini and Piazza Paolo VI in Brescia.
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The internal courtyard of Palazzo Broletto and the Torre del Pegol in Brescia – La cour intérieure du Palazzo Broletto et la Torre del Pegol à Brescia – El patio interior del Palazzo Broletto y la Torre del Pegol en Brescia – O pátio interno do Palazzo Broletto e a Torre del Pegal em Brescia – Der Innenhof des Palazzo Broletto und der Torre del Pegol in Brescia – Sân trong của Palazzo Broletto và Torre del Pegol ở Brescia – Palazzo Broletto 的内部庭院和布雷西亚的 Torre del Pegol – ブレシアのパラッツォ ブロレットとトーレ デル ペゴルの中庭

The ancient palace of the Grain Market in Brescia

L'antico palazzo del mercato dei Grani a Brescia

The ancient building of the Grani market in Brescia.
One of the most beautiful squares in Brescia is the large and bright Piazza Arnaldo, a place of Brescia's nightlife where there are several bars.
One of the sides of the square is formed by the portico of the Grani Market, a recently renovated structure endorsed by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage of Brescia.

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L'antico palazzo del mercato dei Grani a Brescia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took at Brescia Castle click here:

On the southern side of Piazzale Arnaldo, in Brescia, stands the majestic neoclassical building called Mercato dei Grani, built at the expense of the city starting in 1820 and completed in 1823. The initial project was by the architect Angelo Vita, with the collaboration of a Milanese colleague, Giuseppe Antolini, and a painter from Brescia, Luigi Basiletti.
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The ancient palace of the grain market in Brescia – L’ancien palais du marché aux grains de Brescia – El antiguo palacio del mercado de cereales en Brescia – O antigo palácio do mercado de grãos em Brescia – Der alte Palast des Getreidemarktes in Brescia – Cung điện cổ kính của chợ ngũ cốc ở Brescia – 谷物市场的古老宫殿在布雷西亚 – ブレシアの穀物市場の古代宮殿

The drawbridge at the entrance to Brescia Castle

Il ponte levatoio all'ingresso del Castello di Brescia

The drawbridge at the entrance to the Castle of Brescia.
One of the most famous monuments of the city of Brescia is the mighty castle that dominates and defends it.
This is the main entrance with the ancient wooden drawbridge.

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Il ponte levatoio all'ingresso del Castello di Brescia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took at Brescia Castle click here:

The castle of Brescia (known as the Falcon of Italy) is a fortress built in the medieval era and perched on the Cidneo hill, close to the historic centre of the city of Brescia.
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The drawbridge at the entrance to the Castle of Brescia – Le pont-levis à l’entrée du Château de Brescia – El puente levadizo a la entrada del Castillo de Brescia – A ponte levadiça na entrada do Castelo de Brescia – Die Zugbrücke am Eingang zum Schloss von Brescia – Cây cầu rút ở lối vào Lâu đài Brescia – 布雷西亚城堡入口处的吊桥 – ブレシア城の入り口にある跳ね橋

The remains of the Capitoline temple in Brescia

I resti del tempio Capitolino a Brescia

The remains of the Capitoline temple in Brescia.
A few months ago I was, for the second time in my life, in the beautiful city of Brescia and for the second time I went to visit the small park with the Roman remains right in the center.
Unlike last time, the park was open and so I was able to enter, for free, and walk among the remains.
Very fascinating!

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I resti del tempio Capitolino a Brescia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in Brescia click here:

The Capitolium or Capitoline Temple is a Roman temple located in Brescia in Piazza del Foro, along Via dei Musei, the nucleus of ancient Roman Brixia. Together with the theater, the remains of the city forum and the archaeological excavations of Palazzo Martinengo, it constitutes the most important complex of ruins and remains of public buildings from the Roman era present in northern Italy.
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The remains of the Capitoline temple in Brescia – Les vestiges du temple du Capitole à Brescia – Los restos del templo Capitolino en Brescia – Os restos do templo Capitolino em Brescia – Die Überreste des Kapitolinischen Tempels in Brescia – Dấu tích của ngôi đền Capitoline ở Brescia – 布雷西亚卡比托利欧神庙的遗迹 – ブレシアのカピトリーノ神殿の遺跡

Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020

Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020

Sampdoria-Brescia – 12 gennaio 2020, 5 a 1.

Gradinata Sud ad inizio partita con il Brescia e striscione: “Ciao Piero, da sempre uno di noi… Ultras”:

Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020
Provided by: Stefano Polpotto
Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020
Provided by: Stefano Polpotto
Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020
Provided by: Stefano Polpotto
Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020
Provided by: Stefano Polpotto
Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020
Provided by: Stefano Polpotto
Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020
Provided by: Stefano Polpotto
Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020
Provided by: Stefano Polpotto
Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020
Provided by: Cetty80tina

Tifosi ospiti

Provided by: Stefano Polpotto
Sampdoria-Brescia 2019/2020
Provided by: Stefano Polpotto