A spectacular sky at sunset departing from Cadiz. Last year when I was on board the ex Costa Firenze departing from the port of Cadiz we were able to admire this truly incredible sky! Another Costa ship also made an appearance, if I remember correctly the Costa Pacifica.
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A spectacular sky at sunset leaving from Cadiz – Un ciel spectaculaire au coucher du soleil au départ de Cadix – Un cielo espectacular al atardecer partiendo desde Cádiz – Um céu espetacular ao pôr-do-sol a partir de Cádis – Ein spektakulärer Himmel bei Sonnenuntergang ab Cadiz – Bầu trời ngoạn mục lúc hoàng hôn khởi hành từ Cadiz
The fountain in the Plaza de San Juan de Dios in Cadiz. Located in the heart of Cadiz, the Plaza de San Juan de Dios is one of the most iconic squares in the city. This square, also known as the Plaza del Ayuntamiento due to the presence of the town hall, is a place of great historical and cultural importance. One of the most charming elements of the square is undoubtedly its beautiful fountain. This decorative fountain, surrounded by exotic palm trees, adds a touch of elegance and serenity to the environment. The fountain is a popular meeting point for both residents and tourists, offering a perfect place to relax and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the city. The Plaza de San Juan de Dios was built in the 16th century and has undergone several transformations over the years. Its current configuration is the result of two distinct phases of construction, the first neoclassical and the second with a more modern style. This mix of architectural styles gives the square a unique and charming character. In addition to the fountain, the square is surrounded by historic buildings and offers a variety of restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy the delicious local cuisine. It is the ideal place for a relaxing stroll or a break during a day of exploring the city. If you are in Cadiz, you cannot miss a visit to the Plaza de San Juan de Dios and its charming fountain. This corner of paradise in the heart of the city is sure to leave you with an unforgettable memory.
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Here's where the fountain is located:
The fountain in the Plaza de San Juan de Dios in Cadiz – La fontaine de la Plaza de San Juan de Dios à Cadix – La fuente de la Plaza de San Juan de Dios de Cádiz – A fonte da Plaza de San Juan de Dios em Cádis – Der Brunnen auf der Plaza de San Juan de Dios in Cadiz – Đài phun nước ở Plaza de San Juan de Dios ở Cadiz
The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence. References: – https://www.viviandalucia.com/cadiz/cosa-vedere-cadice/ – https://www.wanderlustitalia.it/cosa-vedere-cadice-plaza-san-juan-de-dios/ – https://viaggieparaggi.com/escursioni-da-siviglia-cadice-in-giornata/
The ancient portal of the Admiral's Palace in the alleys of Cadiz. A beautiful portal, in the historic center of the Spanish city, not far from the cathedral. As I read on the internet: “The Admiral's House was built by the Admiral of the Fleet of the Indies, Diego de Barrios, in the 17th century. The facade is made of Genoa marble“.
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Here is where the palace is located:
It is probably the oldest city founded in the western Mediterranean area by the Phoenicians in the 11th century BC, although its birth is now officially dated back to the end of the 8th century BC. Founded with the original name of Gadir (in Phoenician: Gdr, fortress, with the same etymology as Agadir in Morocco) on what was once a small archipelago and now a single island, to exploit the rich trade routes with the Atlantic Ocean in the copper and tin trade. In ancient Greece it was known as Gadeira and in the times of the Roman Empire as Gades from which the current gentilic name of gaditano derives. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The ancient portal of the Admiral’s palace in the alleys of Cadiz – L’ancien portail du palais de l’amiral dans les ruelles de Cadix – El antiguo portal del palacio del Almirante en las callejuelas de Cádiz – O antigo portal do palácio do almirante nas vielas de Cádiz – Das alte Portal des Admiralspalastes in den Gassen von Cadiz – Cổng cổ của cung điện Đô đốc trong các con hẻm của Cadiz
A flower-decorated building in the historic center of Cadiz. The center of Cadiz is a dense maze of alleys. Some are a little dark and hidden. Others are bright and well-kept like this one. Not far from the cathedral on this street very popular with tourists and locals, there was this beautiful cafe with tables outside immersed in these beautiful purple flowers that decorated the facade.
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Here is the spot where I took these photos:
It is probably the oldest city founded in the western Mediterranean area by the Phoenicians in the 11th century BC, although its birth is now officially dated back to the end of the 8th century BC. Founded with the original name of Gadir (in Phoenician: Gdr, fortress, with the same etymology as Agadir in Morocco) on what was once a small archipelago and now a single island, to exploit the rich trade routes with the Atlantic Ocean in the copper and tin trade. In ancient Greece it was known as Gadeira and in the times of the Roman Empire as Gades from which the current gentilic name of gaditano derives. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
A flower-decorated palace in the historic center of Cadiz – Un palais fleuri dans le centre historique de Cadix – Un palacio decorado con flores en el centro histórico de Cádiz – Um palácio decorado com flores no centro histórico de Cádis – Ein mit Blumen geschmückter Palast im historischen Zentrum von Cadiz – Cung điện được trang trí bằng hoa ở trung tâm lịch sử của Cadiz
The monument to the Constitution of 1812 in Cadiz seen from the ship. When I can't go out for a walk, I love to photograph the cities where the ship docks (or what you can see) from the external and upper decks. Here we were in Cadiz and my lens fell on this tall monument that I discovered is dedicated to the Spanish Constitution of 1812.
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Here is where the monument is located:
The Spanish Constitution of 1812, also known as the Constitution of Cadiz or La Pepa, is the constitutional charter promulgated on March 19, 1812 by the Cortes, the Iberian parliament, in opposition to the Napoleonic occupation and the regime of Joseph Bonaparte. It established the constitutional monarchy with the limitation of the powers of the king, the separation of powers, universal male suffrage, and freedom of enterprise. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The monument to the Constitution of 1812 in Cadiz seen from the ship – Le monument à la Constitution de 1812 à Cadix vu du navire – El monumento a la Constitución de 1812 en Cádiz visto desde el barco – O monumento à Constituição de 1812 em Cádiz visto do navio – Das Denkmal für die Verfassung von 1812 in Cádiz vom Schiff aus gesehen – Tượng đài Hiến pháp năm 1812 ở Cadiz nhìn từ con tàu – 从船上看加的斯 1812 年宪法纪念碑 – 船から見たカディスの 1812 年憲法記念碑