Minced meat and mashed potatoes

Carne trita e purea

Minced meat and mashed potatoes.
This is almost certainly one of my favorite dishes: minced meat and mashed potatoes.
I don't even know if it's an Italian or Swiss dish (but from the faint memories I have from kindergarten it seems Italian to me) the fact remains that it really drives me crazy.

And if I tell you how I like to eat it… I like to mix everything until I have a “mush” that usually horrifies all the guests but which is delicious.
Enjoy your meal!

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Carne trita e purea

Minced meat or minced meat is meat that has been minced to a more or less fine degree. Community regulations define “minced meat” as boneless meat that has been subjected to a grinding operation into fragments and contains less than 1% salt. In the past, meat was minced with a knife or mezzaluna, in modern times the mincing is done using a tool called a mincer. The mincing of the meat fibres means that minced meat cooks much more quickly than whole meat, in some preparations it is also consumed raw. Minced meat is obtained mainly from beef, veal, pork but also game, minced lamb and poultry are rarer.
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Una grigliata mista di carne

Grigliata mista

Una grigliata mista di carne.
Un piatto di carne mista cucinata alla griglia
E’ un post vecchissimo, scritto e pubblicato prima di entrare nel mondo wordpress, però la foto era carina.

Sei un mangiatore di carne come me? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Grigliata mista

Qui vi riporto anche quello che avevo scritto allora:
Un bel piatto di carne. Una bella grigliata mista mette tutti, o quasi, d’accordo e a chi, guardando questa foto, non viene l’acquolina in bocca? A me è venuta ieri sera guardando chi mi stava accanto e non ho resistito all’assaggio. Chi è vegetariano non sa veramente cosa si perde.

A mixed grill of meat – Un mélange de viandes grillées – Una parrillada mixta de carne – Uma grelha mista de carne – Ein gemischter Fleischgrill – Thịt nướng hỗn hợp