A stroll through the caruggio of Sestri Levante in Liguria. More or less around this time, but last year, I took this beautiful photo of the caruggio (this is what the pedestrian street that crosses a village is called in Liguria) of my town, Sestri Levante. Almost deserted, just as many Sestresi like it.
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Strolling through the splendid alleyway of Sestri Levante – Se promener dans la splendide ruelle de Sestri Levante – Caminando por el espléndido callejón de Sestri Levante – Caminhando no esplêndido beco de Sestri Levante – Ein Spaziergang durch die herrliche Gasse von Sestri Levante – Dạo bước trong con hẻm lộng lẫy của Sestri Levante
Venti Settembre street seen from Piazza De Ferrari in Genoa. The beginning of Via XX, the straight main street in the center of Genoa. The street starts from the beautiful Piazza De Ferrari and, thanks to its arcades, has become the main attraction for tourists looking for shopping (all the famous shops are here).
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What is September 20, the date of the XX Settembre streets? On that day, in 1870, the Italian army took Rome after the breach of Porta Pia: it was the end of the Papal State. Continua ed approfondisci su Il Post
The street called Venti Settembre seen from the square called De Ferrari in Genoa – La rue Venti Settembre vue de la place De Ferrari à Gênes – La calle llamada Venti Settembre vista desde la plaza llamada De Ferrari en Génova – A rua chamada Venti Settembre vista da praça chamada De Ferrari em Génova – Die Straße namens Venti Settembre vom Platz namens De Ferrari in Genua aus gesehen – Con phố có tên Venti Settembre nhìn từ quảng trường De Ferrari ở Genoa
The central Via Galata in Genoa. This road crosses almost the entire modern center of Genoa. It goes from Via XX Settembre to Piazza Brignole and is interrupted only by the Fontana del Genio Marino in Piazza Colombo.
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Galata (or Galatae or Pera) is the historical core of Beyoğlu, a district of Istanbul, and is located in the northern part of the Golden Horn, the inlet that separates it from the historic city center. There are various theories on the origin of the name "Galata": it could be a contamination of the Italian term calata, archaism for scalo (arch. scala), or derive from gala, milk in Greek; the most probable derivation is however from the Celtic tribe of the Galatians who are believed to have settled in that place in the Hellenistic period: more precisely, a prince of Galatia would have settled there. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The central via Galata in Genoa – La Via Galata centrale à Gênes – La céntrica Via Galata en Génova – A Via Gálata central em Génova – Die zentrale Via Galata in Genua – Trung tâm Via Galata ở Genoa
A view of Corso Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan. Corso Vittorio Emanuele II is one of the most iconic and popular streets in Milan, located in the heart of the city. This pedestrian street, which extends from Piazza del Duomo to Piazza San Babila, is a point of reference for shopping, architecture and culture in Milan. With a combination of historic and modern buildings, luxury boutiques, restaurants and cafes, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II is a place that perfectly reflects the dynamism and elegance of Milan. Corso Vittorio Emanuele II has ancient origins, dating back to the Middle Ages, when it was known as Corsia dei Servi. Over the centuries, the street has undergone numerous transformations, adapting to the changes in the city. Its current name is a tribute to Vittorio Emanuele II, the first king of Italy, and dates back to the end of the 19th century. During the Fascist period, the street was the subject of a large urban renewal project, aimed at modernizing the area and improving traffic flow. Some historic buildings were demolished to make way for new constructions in the rationalist style, but many historic elements were preserved, creating a fascinating mix of old and new. Today, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II is best known as one of the main shopping streets in Milan. Some of the most prestigious fashion boutiques are located here, including high-end Italian and international brands. Department stores such as La Rinascente attract visitors with their wide selections of clothing, accessories and luxury products. The elegant shop windows and creative installations make the street a fascinating place to visit, not only for shopping, but also to admire the latest fashion trends. During sales periods, the street becomes even more lively, becoming a meeting point for shoppers and tourists. One of the most fascinating aspects of Corso Vittorio Emanuele II is its eclectic architecture. The buildings along the street range from neoclassical to rationalist styles, creating a varied and interesting urban landscape. Among the most notable points of interest is the Palazzo del Corso, with its imposing façade and elegant decorations. Not far from the Corso, there is also the Teatro alla Scala, one of the most famous opera houses in the world, which attracts music and culture enthusiasts from all over the globe. The proximity of the Corso to Piazza del Duomo and the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II makes this area even more attractive for visitors, who can enjoy a stroll through some of the most emblematic places in Milan. In addition to shopping, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II offers numerous opportunities for leisure and entertainment. The presence of cinemas, theatres and cafés makes the Corso a lively and dynamic place, ideal for spending a day or an evening in the city. Throughout the year, the street hosts various cultural events and demonstrations, helping to keep its lively and cosmopolitan atmosphere alive. One of the most popular meeting points is the Cinema Odeon, a multiplex cinema located in a historic building that offers a wide range of films, from the latest blockbusters to arthouse films. In addition, numerous bars and restaurants along the street offer a variety of culinary options, from traditional Milanese dishes to international cuisine.
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Where is the course located:
A view of the street called Corso Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan – Une vue sur la rue appelée Corso Vittorio Emanuele II à Milan – Una vista de la calle llamada Corso Vittorio Emanuele II en Milán – Uma vista na rua chamada Corso Vittorio Emanuele II em Milão – Ein Blick auf die Straße namens Corso Vittorio Emanuele II in Mailand – Quang cảnh con phố có tên Corso Vittorio Emanuele II ở Milan
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A building in Piazza Giacomo Matteotti in Sestri Levante. In the Town Hall square of my town there is this beautiful building. Once, on the ground floor, it was the seat of a bank agency; now it houses a good restaurant.
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A palace in the square dedicated to Giacomo Matteotti in Sestri Levante – Un palais sur la place dédiée à Giacomo Matteotti à Sestri Levante – Un palacio en la plaza dedicada a Giacomo Matteotti en Sestri Levante – Um palácio na praça dedicada a Giacomo Matteotti em Sestri Levante – Ein Palast auf dem Giacomo Matteotti gewidmeten Platz in Sestri Levante – Một cung điện trong quảng trường dành riêng cho Giacomo Matteotti ở Sestri Levante
The view of the central Corso Cavour in La Spezia. Wandering around the centre of La Spezia I passed, I think for the first time, this long avenue dedicated to Count Cavour.
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Camillo Paolo Filippo Giulio Benso, Count of Cavour, Cellarengo and Isolabella, known simply as Count of Cavour or Cavour (Turin, 10 August 1810 – Turin, 6 June 1861), was an Italian politician, patriot and entrepreneur. He was minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia from 1850 to 1852, President of the Council of Ministers from 1852 to 1859 and from 1860 to 1861. In the same year 1861, with the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy, he became the first President of the Council of Ministers of the new State and died holding that office. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The view of the central street called Cavour in La Spezia – La vista de la calle central llamada Cavour en La Spezia – La vue de la rue centrale appelée Cavour à La Spezia – A vista da rua central chamada Cavour em La Spezia – Der Blick auf die zentrale Straße namens Cavour in La Spezia – Quang cảnh con phố trung tâm mang tên Cavour ở La Spezia
The colored houses in Corso Colombo in Sestri Levante. Normally when you walk along Corso Colombo, the main street of Sestri Levante, you photograph the more photogenic Palazzo Fascie-Rossi and you notice less the beautiful colored houses that are obviously also present here.
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The colorful houses in the street dedicated to Columbus in Sestri Levante – Les maisons colorées de la rue dédiée à Colomb à Sestri Levante – Las coloridas casas de la calle dedicada a Colón en Sestri Levante – As casas coloridas da rua dedicada a Colombo em Sestri Levante – Die bunten Häuser in der Kolumbus gewidmeten Straße in Sestri Levante – Những ngôi nhà đầy màu sắc trên con phố dành riêng cho Columbus ở Sestri Levante
The center of the village of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre. Some time ago, in winter, I was in Vernazza and it was almost shocking to walk in such an uncrowded village. Right in January and with the Sentiero Azzurro closed you can fully enjoy the village.
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The center of the village of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre – Le centre du village de Vernazza dans les Cinque Terre – El centro del pueblo de Vernazza en Cinque Terre – O centro da vila de Vernazza em Cinque Terre – Das Zentrum des Dorfes Vernazza in den Cinque Terre – Trung tâm làng Vernazza ở Cinque Terre
The final part of via Nazionale towards the centre of Sestri Levante. One of the busiest streets in my Sestri is definitely via Nazionale. In addition to crossing practically the entire town of Sestri longitudinally, it is the street that hosts the greatest number of businesses and shops. This is its final part, one-way, just before the roundabout of Piazza Sant’Antonio.
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The final part of the street called Nazionale towards the center of Sestri Levante – La dernière partie de la rue Nazionale en direction du centre de Sestri Levante – La última parte de la calle Nazionale hacia el centro de Sestri Levante – A parte final da rua chamada Nazionale em direção ao centro de Sestri Levante – Der letzte Teil der Straße heißt Nazionale und führt in Richtung Zentrum von Sestri Levante – Phần cuối cùng của con phố có tên Nazionale hướng về trung tâm Sestri Levante – 名为 Nazionale 的街道的最后一部分,朝向塞斯特里莱万特 (Sestri Levante) 中心 – セストリ レバンテの中心部に向かうナツィオナーレと呼ばれる通りの最後の部分
A beautiful villa in Corso Buenos Aires in Lavagna. Corso Buenos Aires, in Lavagna, is that long tree-lined avenue that goes from the center to Entella and Chiavari. It hosts the most beautiful houses and villas in the Tigullian city. Like this beautiful building, whose name I don't know, however. In the next few months I will post many others that I have recently photographed.
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A beautiful villa in Corso Buenos Aires in Lavagna – Une belle villa à Corso Buenos Aires à Lavagna – Una hermosa villa en Corso Buenos Aires en Lavagna – Uma bela vila no Corso Buenos Aires em Lavagna – Eine wunderschöne Villa im Corso Buenos Aires in Lavagna – Một biệt thự xinh đẹp ở Corso Buenos Aires ở Lavagna – 位于拉瓦尼亚布宜诺斯艾利斯大街的一栋美丽别墅 – ラヴァーニャのブエノスアイレス通りにある美しいヴィラ