The Church of Saint Mary of Nazareth

La chiesa di Santa Maria di Nazareth nel cuore di Sestri Levante

The Church of Santa Maria di Nazareth in the heart of Sestri Levante.
In the picturesque seaside village of Sestri Levante, a place of timeless beauty awaits visitors with its doors open: the Church of Santa Maria di Nazareth. Located at the end of the characteristic “caruggio,” the ancient alley of the historic center, this church offers an incredible immersion in history, art and spirituality.
The Church of Santa Maria di Nazareth, also known as the Church of San Niccolò, has roots dating back to the 13th century, when it was founded by Dominican friars. Its architecture is a wonderful example of Ligurian Romanesque style, with its gabled façade, decorated portal and exposed stone bell tower that soars into the sky.
Its interior is equally fascinating. The atmosphere is wrapped in a sense of sacredness, with vaulted ceilings, ancient frescoes and sculptures that tell the religious history of the area. This place has gone through centuries of history and has witnessed numerous events, making it a point of reference for the community and visitors.
The location of the church at the end of the caruggio, the heart of the historic center of Sestri Levante, adds a special touch to its beauty. The caruggio is a typical narrow and winding alley, typical of Italian coastal towns, and offers a charming walk among old colorful houses, craft shops and traditional restaurants. Walking along this downhill path, the smells of Ligurian cuisine and the sound of the sea waves accompany you to the majestic Church of Santa Maria di Nazareth.
In addition to the historical and architectural aspect, the church offers a place of tranquility and reflection for anyone who visits it. As you stroll along the caruggio and immerse yourself in its charming atmosphere, stop for a moment of contemplation inside the church. The quiet and intrinsic beauty of this place will offer you a spiritual experience and an opportunity to recharge your batteries.

In conclusion, the Church of Santa Maria di Nazareth is a hidden treasure in the heart of Sestri Levante. It combines history, art, and spirituality in one place and offers visitors a unique experience. When you visit this charming coastal town, do not miss the opportunity to discover this architectural and spiritual marvel that awaits deep in the caruggio.

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La chiesa di Santa Maria di Nazareth nel cuore di Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Where is the Basilica located:

The presence of a small chapel dedicated to Saint Mary of Nazareth was attested as early as 1368, but it was during 1604 that, following the transfer of a plot of land by the local nobleman Bernardo Bolasco, work was undertaken to build a new place of worship.
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The church of Santa Maria di Nazareth in the heart of Sestri Levante – L’église de Santa Maria di Nazareth au coeur de Sestri Levante – La iglesia de Santa María de Nazaret en el corazón de Sestri Levante – A igreja de Santa Maria di Nazareth no coração de Sestri Levante – Die Kirche Santa Maria di Nazareth im Herzen von Sestri Levante – Nhà thờ Santa Maria di Nazareth ở trung tâm Sestri Levante – 位于塞斯特里莱万特市中心的拿撒勒圣玛丽亚教堂 – セストリ レバンテの中心部にあるサンタ マリア ディ ナザレ教会

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Risotto with raw prawns and lemon, the recipe

Un bel risotto con gamberi crudi e limone, la ricetta

A nice risotto with raw prawns and lemon, the recipe.

I've been wanting to make a good risotto for a while now, so I tried this tasty recipe. The result was good, but I still have to work on it a bit!


– 320 g Arborio or Carnaroli rice;
– 300 g raw prawns, cleaned and without heads and shells;
– 1 shallot, finely chopped;
– 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil;
– 1 litre fish stock (or vegetable stock);
– 1 glass dry white wine;
– Juice and grated zest of 1 organic lemon;
– 2 tablespoons butter;
– Salt and freshly ground black pepper;
– Chopped fresh parsley for garnish;


Start by making the fish (or vegetable) stock. Bring the stock to a boil in a saucepan and then keep it warm over low heat.
In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped shallot and sauté for a few minutes until translucent.
Add the rice to the pan with the shallot and toast for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Make sure each grain of rice is well coated in the oil.
Pour the dry white wine over the rice and stir until the wine is completely absorbed.
Start adding the fish (or vegetable) stock a ladle at a time, stirring constantly and waiting for the liquid to be absorbed before adding more stock. Continue this process for about 15-18 minutes or until the rice is creamy and al dente.
In the meantime, dice the raw shrimp into small cubes and set aside.
When the risotto is almost ready, add some of the raw shrimp cubes and stir well. The shrimp will start to change color and become opaque, which indicates that they are cooking.
Remove the risotto from the heat and add the lemon juice and grated zest. Add the butter and stir until well combined. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Let the risotto rest covered for a minute, then serve hot, garnished with the remaining raw shrimp.

This risotto with raw shrimp and lemon is a real treat for the palate. The acidity of the lemon marries perfectly with the sweetness of the shrimp, creating a fresh and flavorful dish. Enjoy!

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Un bel risotto con gamberi crudi e limone, la ricetta

Un bel risotto con gamberi crudi e limone, la ricetta

Un bel risotto con gamberi crudi e limone, la ricetta

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

A nice risotto with raw prawns and lemon, the recipe – Un bon risotto aux crevettes crues et au citron, la recette – Un rico risotto con gambas crudas y limón, la receta – Um belo risoto com camarão cru e limão, a receita – Ein schönes Risotto mit rohen Garnelen und Zitrone, das RezeptCông thức món risotto ngon với tôm sống và chanh – 美味的烩饭,配生虾和柠檬,食谱 – 生エビとレモンの素敵なリゾット、レシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Remolari street in the heart of Chiavari

Scopri via dei Remolari: tesoro nascosto nel cuore di Chiavari

Discover Remolari street: a hidden gem in the heart of Chiavari.
Welcome to Chiavari, a gem nestled on the Ligurian coast that offers an authentic experience and a fascinating historical heritage. Today we will take you to discover one of the most enchanting places in the historic center of Chiavari: Via dei Remolari.
Located in the heart of the city, Via dei Remolari is a picturesque and welcoming street that enchants visitors with its medieval charm. This paved street is a real journey through time, with historic buildings with colorful facades.
What makes Via dei Remolari so special? The buildings along this street preserve the typical architecture of the medieval era, with frescoed facades and flower-filled balconies. It is a perfect place for lovers of architecture and history.
Furthermore, in the alleys near Via dei Remolari, you will find numerous shops offering artisanal products typical of the Ligurian region. You can buy ceramics, fabrics, jewelry and unique souvenirs to take home.
Finally, Via dei Remolari is a great place for a quiet stroll. You can enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, take your time to explore the surrounding alleys and savor the slow pace of life in Chiavari.
If you are visiting Chiavari, do not miss the opportunity to discover Via dei Remolari and its shops in the nearby alleys. It is a place that will make you fall in love with the history and culture of this charming coastal town.

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Scopri via dei Remolari: tesoro nascosto nel cuore di Chiavari

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here's where the street is:

Via Remolari is one of the oldest streets in Chiavari. It is called this because in this street they built the oars for the boats of the Republic of Genoa. The wood to make the oars came from the trees of Monte Penna.
Tratto da

Discover via dei Remolari: hidden treasure in the heart of Chiavari – Découvrez via dei Remolari : trésor caché au cœur de Chiavari – Descubre via dei Remolari: tesoro escondido en el corazón de Chiavari – Descubra via dei Remolari: tesouro escondido no coração de Chiavari – Entdecken Sie die Via dei Remolari: einen verborgenen Schatz im Herzen von Chiavari – Khám phá qua dei Remolari: kho báu ẩn giấu trong lòng Chiavari – 探索via dei Remolari:基亚瓦里中心隐藏的宝藏 – レモラーリ経由で発見:キアーヴァリの中心部に隠された宝物

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Le teste di pietra di Via del Campo a Genova

Le Misteriose Teste di Pietra di Via del Campo a Genova

Le misteriose teste di pietra di Via del Campo a Genova.
Benvenuti a Genova, una città ricca di storia e di sorprese architettoniche! Oggi vi porteremo alla scoperta delle misteriose teste di pietra che adornano la facciata di un antico palazzo in Via del Campo.
Queste antiche teste di pietra, scolpite con maestria, sono un vero gioiello nascosto tra le strade strette e tortuose del quartiere storico di Genova. Posizionate strategicamente sulla facciata di un edificio secolare, queste teste hanno una storia intrigante da raccontare.
La loro origine è avvolta nel mistero. Alcuni dicono che siano state create come simbolo di protezione per gli abitanti del palazzo, mentre altri suggeriscono che possano rappresentare figure leggendarie o storiche legate alla città. Ciò che è certo è che queste sculture di pietra hanno resistito al passare del tempo, testimoniando secoli di storia genovese.
Mentre passeggi per Via del Campo, fai una breve sosta per ammirare queste opere d’arte in pietra tenendo il naso allinsù. Osserva i dettagli finemente scolpiti e lasciati ispirare dalla loro presenza imponente. Le teste di pietra sono un affascinante esempio di come l’arte e la storia si intreccino nelle strade di Genova.

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Le Misteriose Teste di Pietra di Via del Campo a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

The Mysterious Stone Heads of Via del Campo, Genoa – Les Mystérieuses Têtes de Pierre de Via del Campo, Gênes – Las Misteriosas Cabezas de Piedra de Via del Campo, Génova – As Misteriosas Cabeças de Pedra de Via del Campo, Génova – Die Geheimnisvollen Steinköpfe von Via del Campo, Genua – Những Chiếc Đầu Đá Bí Ẩn tại Via del Campo, Genoa – 烟花路上的神秘石头头像,烟台 – ジェノヴァのヴィア・デル・カンポの神秘的な石の頭

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The Arch of Constantine: one of the monuments of Rome

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

The Arch of Constantine: one of the most famous monuments in Rome.
The Arch of Constantine, located near the Colosseum, is one of the most famous and best preserved monuments of ancient Rome. Built in 315 AD, the arch was erected to celebrate the victory of Emperor Constantine I in the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (312 AD), which marked his triumph over Maxentius and the consolidation of his power.
The arch is approximately 21 meters high and has three arches (fornices): a larger central one and two smaller lateral ones. Its decoration is an example of artistic syncretism, as it incorporates reliefs from monuments of previous eras, probably to underline the continuity of imperial authority. Some of the reliefs were taken from monuments of Trajan, Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius, adapted and inserted into the context of Constantine's triumph.
The importance of the arch lies not only in its artistic value, but also in its historical significance. Constantine's victory was decisive for the spread of Christianity, since, according to tradition, the emperor attributed his success to divine intervention. A few years later, with the Edict of Milan (313 AD), Constantine guaranteed freedom of worship to Christians, marking a fundamental turning point in the history of the empire and of Christianity itself.
Today, the Arch of Constantine is one of the most visited monuments in Rome, a silent witness to the greatness and change of the Roman Empire.

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L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

L'Arco di Costantino: uno dei monumenti più famosi di Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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The Arch of Constantine is a triumphal arch with three arches (with a central passage flanked by two smaller lateral passages), located in Rome, a short distance from the Colosseum. In addition to its considerable historical importance as a monument, the Arch can be considered as a true museum of official Roman sculpture, extraordinary in its richness and importance.
Continua ed approfondisci su Wikipedia

The Arch of Constantine: one of the most famous monuments in Rome – L’Arc de Constantin : l’un des monuments les plus célèbres de Rome – El Arco de Constantino: uno de los monumentos más famosos de Roma – O Arco de Constantino: um dos monumentos mais famosos de Roma – Der Konstantinsbogen: eines der berühmtesten Denkmäler Roms – Arch of Constantine: một trong những di tích nổi tiếng nhất ở Rome – 君士坦丁凯旋门:罗马最著名的古迹之一 – コンスタンティヌスの凱旋門: ローマで最も有名な記念碑の 1 つ

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The mosaic of the apse of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan

Il mosaico del catino absidale di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

The mosaic of the apse of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan.
The mosaic of the apse of the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan is one of the most important works of art in the city. Made around 1200, it is a notable example of medieval mosaic art in Italy.
The mosaic represents Christ Pantocrator, seated on a throne with an open book, surrounded by the symbols of the evangelists. On his sides are figures of saints, including Sant’Ambrogio, to whom the basilica is dedicated. The representation of Christ is typical of Byzantine iconography, with a solemn face and a blessing gesture.
The mosaic follows the Byzantine iconographic canons, with a strong emphasis on the majesty and sacredness of the figures represented. The colors are bright, with abundant use of gold to emphasize the divinity and importance of the sacred figures. The mosaic tiles are arranged to create an effect of light and depth, which gives life to the figures.

The mosaic is not only a work of art, but also a symbol of devotion and spirituality. It represents the continuity of the Christian faith throughout the centuries and the centrality of the figure of Christ in the religious life of the community.

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Il mosaico del catino absidale di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website of the church:

To see all the photos I took of the Basilica click here:

The mosaic that occupies the semi-domed apse of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio depicts the image of Christ enthroned, surrounded by Saints Gervasius and Protasius, on a gold background.
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The mosaic in the apse of the basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan – La mosaïque de l’abside de la basilique de Sant’Ambrogio à Milan – El mosaico en el ábside de la basílica de Sant’Ambrogio en Milán – O mosaico na abside da basílica de Sant’Ambrogio em Milão – Das Mosaik in der Apsis der Basilika Sant’Ambrogio in Mailand – Bức tranh khảm ở hậu cung của vương cung thánh đường Sant’Ambrogio ở Milan – 米兰圣安布罗焦大教堂后殿的马赛克 – ミラノのサンタンブロージョ大聖堂の後陣のモザイク

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.