A plate of Turkish patlican kebab in Barcelona

Un piatto di patlican kebab turco a Barcellona

A plate of Turkish patlican kebab in Barcelona.
Patlican Kebab is a traditional Turkish dish that combines aubergines (patlican in Turkish) and meat, usually lamb or beef. This kebab is particularly appreciated for its rich flavour and its preparation that highlights the fresh and tasty ingredients typical of Turkish cuisine.
There are different variations depending on the region and personal preferences. Some recipes call for the use of different spices or the addition of other vegetables such as courgettes or onions. In some versions, the aubergines and meat can be cooked together in a pan in the oven instead of on skewers.
Patlican kebab represents a perfect combination of flavours and techniques of Turkish cuisine, offering a rich and aromatic dish that celebrates the fresh ingredients and the culinary tradition of the country.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here's where the little restaurant is located:

A plate of Turkish patlican kebab in Barcelona – Une assiette de kebab patlican turc à Barcelone – Un plato de kebab patlican turco en Barcelona – Um prato de kebab patlicano turco em Barcelona – Ein Teller mit türkischem Patlican-Kebab in Barcelona – Một đĩa kebab patlican Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ ở Barcelona

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

L’altare di Santa Maria delle Vigne a Genova

L'altare di Santa Maria delle Vigne a Genova

L’altare di Santa Maria delle Vigne a Genova.
L’altare di Santa Maria delle Vigne a Genova è un elemento significativo della storica chiesa situata nel cuore del centro storico della città. Questa chiesa, che risale al X secolo, è una delle più antiche di Genova ed è dedicata alla Vergine Maria.
Origini: Le origini della chiesa risalgono al X secolo, quando fu costruita una piccola cappella dedicata alla Vergine Maria. La chiesa ha preso il nome “delle Vigne” per via delle vigne che un tempo circondavano l’area.

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L'altare di Santa Maria delle Vigne a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took in the basilica, click here:

Here is where the church is located:

Sull’altare maggiore, ultimo lavoro di Giacomo Antonio Ponsonelli (1730) su disegno di Pierre Puget, è posta una statua della Madonna, sorretta da figure d’angeli, dello stesso artista. Nel presbiterio si trovano alcuni dipinti settecenteschi: Natività della Vergine di Giuseppe Cades (dipinto a Roma nel 1784, in origine destinato alla chiesa di San Carlo al Corso), Presentazione della Vergine di Giovanni David (1785) e Annunciazione di Carlo Giuseppe Ratti (1787)
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The altar of the church of Santa Maria delle Vigne in Genoa – L’autel de l’église de Santa Maria delle Vigne à Gênes – El altar de la iglesia de Santa Maria delle Vigne en Génova – O altar da igreja de Santa Maria delle Vigne em Gênova – Der Altar der Kirche Santa Maria delle Vigne in Genua – Bàn thờ của nhà thờ Santa Maria delle Vigne ở Genoa – 热那亚圣玛丽亚德尔维涅教堂的祭坛 – ジェノヴァのサンタ・マリア・デッレ・ヴィーニェ教会の祭壇

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Risotto with prawns and cuttlefish, the recipe

Il risotto con gamberi e seppie, la ricetta

Risotto with prawns and cuttlefish, the recipe.
Some time ago I had lunch with my family at the good restaurant Le Gardenie in Riva Trigoso and I enjoyed an excellent risotto with prawns and cuttlefish.
From the photos I took that day I decided to write you the similar recipe to try to make it at home.
I do not guarantee that the result will be at the same level as what I ate that day!

Here is the recipe for a delicious risotto with prawns and cuttlefish:


– 320 g Carnaroli or Arborio rice;
– 200 g prawns (cleaned and shelled);
– 200 g cuttlefish (cleaned and cut into strips);
– 1 onion;
– 2 cloves garlic;
– 1 litre fish stock;
– 1 glass dry white wine;
– 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil;
– 1 knob butter;
– Chopped parsley to taste;
– Salt and pepper to taste;
– Grated lemon zest (optional).


First, let's prepare the ingredients: we need to clean the prawns and cuttlefish, cutting the latter into strips and then finely chop the onion and garlic cloves.
Then we need to make the soffritto: in a large pot, heat the extra virgin olive oil and add the chopped onion and garlic cloves. Fry over medium heat until the onion becomes transparent.
At this point, add the cuttlefish to the pot and cook for a few minutes until they become tender and pour in the white wine and let it evaporate.
Add the rice to the pot and toast it for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly.
Now start adding the fish stock, a ladle at a time, stirring continuously and waiting for the stock to be absorbed before adding more. Continue like this for about 15-18 minutes, until the rice is al dente.
About 5 minutes before the end of cooking the rice, add the prawns. Continue stirring and adding the broth until the risotto is cooked to perfection.
Now we finish with the creaming: remove the risotto from the heat, add the knob of butter and mix well to cream the risotto.
Season with salt and pepper.

Now you can plate the risotto, sprinkle with chopped parsley and, if desired, add a little grated lemon zest for a touch of freshness.

Enjoy your meal! Do you like this dish? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Risotto with prawns and cuttlefish, the recipe – Riz aux crevettes et seiche, la recette – Arroz con gambas y sepia, la receta – Arroz com camarão e choco, a receita – Reis mit Garnelen und Tintenfisch, das Rezept – Cơm với tôm và mực, công thức

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The statue of the Nile in the Fountain of the Four Rivers

La statua del Nilo nella Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi a Roma

The Nile statue in the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome.
The Fountain of the Four Rivers is one of the most famous works of the famous Italian sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It is located in the Piazza Navona in Rome and was commissioned by Pope Innocent X (born Giovanni Battista Pamphilj) in 1648. The fountain is located in the center of the square and is a masterpiece of Baroque art.
The fountain takes its name from the four rivers represented in the four giant statues located at the base of the central tower. These four rivers are symbols of four of the then known continents: the Nile for Africa, the Ganges for Asia, the Danube for Europe and the Rio de la Plata for the Americas. The statues are made of marble and each is accompanied by an animal or symbol characteristic of the region it represents.
At the center of the fountain is an Egyptian obelisk, an architectural element that was transferred from Ancient Rome to the square by order of Pope Innocent X. The obelisk is crowned by the dove of peace and topped by a gilded bronze globe. This element gives the fountain a remarkable height and grandeur.
The Fountain of the Four Rivers is an impressive work that masterfully mixes art, architecture and symbolism, as often happens in Bernini's works. Its creation required a considerable effort of engineering, and the result is one of the most admired and iconic attractions in Rome.

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La statua del Nilo nella Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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Here's where the fountain is located:

Bernini’s giants move in gestures full of life and with an irrepressible expressive exuberance. The Nile covers its face with a drapery, referring to the obscurity of its sources, which remained unknown until the end of the 19th century.
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The statue of the Nile in the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome – La statue du Nil dans la Fontaine des Quatre Fleuves à Rome – La estatua del Nilo en la Fuente de los Cuatro Ríos en Roma – A estátua do Nilo na Fonte dos Quatro Rios em Roma – Die Nilstatue im Vierströmebrunnen in Rom – Tượng sông Nile tại Đài phun nước Bốn con sông ở Rome – 罗马四河喷泉中的尼罗河雕像 – ローマの四大河の噴水にあるナイル川の像

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Mini Cavolino con panna, il dolce tipico ligure

Mini Cavolino con panna, il dolce tipico ligure

Mini Cavolino con panna, il dolce tipico ligure.
La Liguria, rinomata per i suoi paesaggi mozzafiato e la sua ricca tradizione culinaria, offre una vasta gamma di delizie, tra cui spiccano i dolci tipici. Uno di questi è il Cavolino con panna, un piccolo gioiello della pasticceria ligure, perfetto per concludere un pasto o per una dolce pausa. Questo dolce, delicato e raffinato, è amato per la sua semplicità e il gusto irresistibile.
Il Cavolino con panna ha radici profonde nella tradizione dolciaria ligure. Il termine “cavolino” si riferisce ai piccoli bignè, realizzati con la pasta choux, un impasto leggero e versatile di origine francese, che ha trovato un posto speciale nelle pasticcerie italiane. In Liguria, i cavolini vengono riempiti con una soffice crema di panna montata, creando un equilibrio perfetto tra dolcezza e leggerezza.

Questi deliziosi bocconcini sono composti da un guscio di pasta choux croccante all’esterno e vuoto all’interno, pronto per essere farcito con panna fresca montata. La combinazione della croccantezza del guscio con la morbidezza e la freschezza della panna crea un’esperienza gustativa unica. Il contrasto tra le diverse consistenze rende ogni morso una vera e propria delizia.
Il Cavolino con panna è perfetto per ogni occasione. Può essere servito come elegante dessert dopo cena, accompagnato da un bicchiere di vino dolce o di spumante. È anche ideale per un tè pomeridiano, una festa o un ricevimento. La sua versatilità lo rende un dolce apprezzato sia dagli adulti che dai bambini.
Ogni pasticceria ligure ha la propria versione di questo dolce, ma la base rimane sempre la stessa: ingredienti semplici e di alta qualità, lavorati con cura e passione. La tradizione vuole che i Mini Cavolini con panna siano preparati artigianalmente, secondo ricette tramandate di generazione in generazione, mantenendo viva la cultura e il patrimonio gastronomico della Liguria.

Il Cavolino prappresenta al meglio la tradizione dolciaria ligure. Questo piccolo dolce, con la sua semplicità e bontà, è un vero capolavoro della pasticceria regionale. Che lo si gusti in una pasticceria affacciata sul mare o lo si prepari in casa, il Mini Cavolino con Panna è un’esperienza che celebra il gusto e la bellezza della Liguria, portando con sé un po’ della magia di questa terra incantata.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Small cabbage with cream, a typical Ligurian dessert – Petit chou à la crème, un dessert typique de la Ligurie – Col pequeña con nata, postre típico de Liguria – Repolho pequeno com natas, sobremesa típica da Ligúria – Kleiner Kohl mit Sahne, ein typisch ligurisches Dessert – Bắp cải nhỏ phủ kem, món tráng miệng đặc trưng của vùng Ligurian

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

A characteristic alley in the village of Vernazza

Un caratteristico vicolo del borgo di Vernazza alle Cinque Terre

A characteristic alley in the village of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre.
Vernazza, one of the five picturesque villages of the Cinque Terre, is famous for its breathtaking landscapes, the colorful houses overlooking the sea and the narrow, winding alleys that tell ancient stories. Walking through the alleys of Vernazza means immersing yourself in an atmosphere of times gone by, where every corner holds a unique and unrepeatable charm. Among these, a particularly characteristic alley captures the essence of the village and invites visitors to explore its magic.

One of the most charming alleys in Vernazza is Via San Francesco. This narrow passage, paved with irregular stones, winds between the pastel-colored houses that stand close to each other, creating an almost labyrinthine effect.
The atmosphere in the alley is intimate and quiet, far from the hustle and bustle of the main streets of the village. The facades of the houses are adorned with colorful flower pots, climbing plants and small decorations that reflect the love of the inhabitants for their corner of paradise. The windows of the houses overlook the alley, often with green or blue shutters that add a touch of liveliness to the urban landscape.
Walking along it, it is easy to meet the locals chatting among themselves or going about their daily chores, adding a touch of authentic life to the visitor's experience. The cats, the true masters of the alley, wander around lazily, making the place even more picturesque.

A walk in Vernazza is a journey through time, an experience that allows you to discover the authentic soul of this enchanting village. Every stone, every flower, every smile of the inhabitants tells a story of simplicity and beauty, making every step a moment of discovery and wonder. If you visit Vernazza, do not miss the opportunity to explore this hidden corner and let yourself be enchanted by its unique and magical atmosphere.

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Un caratteristico vicolo del borgo di Vernazza alle Cinque Terre

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here is the spot where I took these photos:
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A characteristic alley in the village of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre – Une ruelle caractéristique du village de Vernazza dans les Cinque Terre – Un callejón característico en el pueblo de Vernazza en Cinque Terre – Um beco característico da aldeia de Vernazza em Cinque Terre – Eine charakteristische Gasse im Dorf Vernazza in den Cinque Terre – Một con hẻm đặc trưng ở làng Vernazza ở Cinque Terre

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Cristo Rei, the statue in front of Lisbon

Il Cristo Rei, la statua simbolo di Lisbona

Cristo Rei, the statue in front of Lisbon.
Cristo Rei of Lisbon is a statue of Jesus Christ that stands on the south bank of the Tagus River, in the city of Almada, in front of Lisbon.
The Cristo Rei statue is approximately 110 meters tall, with the statue itself measuring approximately 28 meters. Its construction was inspired by the Cristo Redentor statue in Rio de Janeiro.
The statue is located on Monte Cristo Rei, which offers spectacular panoramic views of the city of Lisbon, the Tagus River and the 25 de Abril Bridge.
Construction of the statue began in 1950 and was completed in 1959. It was erected as a thank you for Portugal having managed to avoid participation in World War II.
The Cristo Rei statue symbolizes gratitude for divine protection during the war and also serves as a symbol of peace.
This statue has become an icon of Lisbon and is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the region. In addition to offering a breathtaking view, the area around the statue also hosts places of worship and a sanctuary.

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Il Cristo Rei, la statua simbolo di Lisbona

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the departures, by ship, from Lisbon click here:
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Here is where the palace is located:

The National Sanctuary of Christ the King or simply Christ the King is a Portuguese sanctuary located in Pragal, a former friary of the city of Almada, which in turn is part of Greater Lisbon. It is famous because behind it is a colossal statue of Christ the King, inspired by the Christ of Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, designed by the architect António Lino, built by Francisco Franco de Sousa and inaugurated on May 17, 1959. The base of the statue is shaped like a door and is 75 meters high and above it is the 28-meter statue of Christ the King.
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The Cristo Rei, the symbolic statue of Lisbon – Le Cristo Rei, la statue symbolique de Lisbonne – El Cristo Rei, la estatua simbólica de Lisboa – O Cristo Rei, a estátua simbólica de Lisboa – Der Cristo Rei, die symbolische Statue von Lissabon – Cristo Rei, bức tượng biểu tượng của Lisbon – 基督像 (Cristo Rei),里斯本的象征雕像 – リスボンの象徴的な像、クリスト・レイ

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Eggs in Purgatory Eaten on Ship, the Recipe

Le uova alla purgatorio mangiate in nave, la ricetta

Eggs in purgatory eaten on board, the recipe.
Eggs in purgatory are a traditional Italian dish, particularly popular in the south of the country. This dish with an evocative name is characterized by simple but tasty ingredients, and is often appreciated for its simplicity and goodness.
The recipe requires the use of a few basic ingredients: eggs, tomato, olive oil, garlic and parsley. The preparation is equally simple but the result is a dish rich in flavor.
Here is a basic recipe for preparing eggs in purgatory, taking inspiration from the dish prepared on board by Maitre’d Gianni a few contracts ago.


– Eggs (as many as you like);
– Ripe tomatoes (preferably peeled and chopped);
– Olive oil;
– Garlic (minced);
– Onion, cut into strips;
– Fresh parsley (minced);
– Salt and pepper to taste.


In a non-stick pan, heat a little olive oil and add the chopped garlic and onion. Fry lightly without burning them.
Add the chopped or peeled tomatoes and cook for a few minutes, lightly crushing the tomatoes with a wooden spoon to obtain a more homogeneous consistency.
Season with salt and pepper to taste, and let the sauce cook until it thickens slightly.
Using a spoon, create spaces in the sauce and break the eggs one at a time, cooking them in the sauce without stirring too much. You can leave the eggs whole or stir them lightly, depending on your preference.
Cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking until the eggs are as cooked as you like.
Sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley before serving.
Eggs in Purgatory can be enjoyed on their own or accompanied with crusty bread to mop up the delicious sauce. This dish is a great example of how Italian cuisine can transform simple ingredients into dishes full of authentic flavors.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Purgatorial eggs eaten on board the ship, the recipe – Œufs du purgatoire consommés à bord du navire, la recette – Huevos del purgatorio comidos a bordo del barco, la receta – Ovos do purgatório comidos a bordo do navio, a receita – An Bord des Schiffes gegessene Fegefeuereier, das Rezept – Trứng luyện ngục ăn trên tàu, công thức – 船上吃的炼狱蛋,食谱 – 船上で食べられる煉獄の卵、そのレシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

L’orologio Astronomico in piazza della Loggia a Brescia

L'orologio Astronomico in piazza della Loggia a Brescia

L’orologio Astronomico in piazza della Loggia a Brescia visto dal retro.
L’orologio astronomico di Brescia è un orologio monumentale situato sulla Torre del Pegol, nel cuore del centro storico di Brescia, Italia. Questo orologio è uno dei più antichi d’Europa ed è famoso per le sue caratteristiche astronomiche e artistiche.
Normalmente lo si fotografa dal davanti, dalla piazza della Loggia, ma in questi scatti ero sul retro della torre (il lato b).
Storia: L’orologio risale al XVI secolo e fu realizzato da Gian Alberto Barigozzi, un orologiaio bresciano, nel 1540. Nel corso dei secoli, ha subito alcune modifiche e restauri.
Posizione: L’orologio è collocato sulla Torre del Pegol, una torre medievale alta circa 30 metri, situata in Piazza Loggia, nel centro storico di Brescia.
Caratteristiche astronomiche: Una delle caratteristiche più interessanti dell’orologio è la sua complicata quadrante astronomico. Esso mostra le fasi della luna, il movimento del sole e della luna nel cielo, le costellazioni zodiacali e altre informazioni astronomiche. Questo tipo di orologio era essenziale nel XVI secolo per le attività agricole e per determinare i tempi liturgici.
Meccanismo: L’orologio è azionato da un meccanismo complesso di ingranaggi e pesi. Il movimento delle lancette è controllato da questo sistema meccanico che, nonostante la sua antichità, continua a funzionare.
Restauri: Nel corso dei secoli, l’orologio ha subito diversi restauri e interventi di manutenzione per preservarne l’integrità e far sì che continuasse a funzionare. L’ultimo grande restauro è avvenuto nel 2001.
Eventi pubblici: L’orologio astronomico di Brescia è spesso protagonista di eventi pubblici, specialmente durante le festività locali. Le sue lancette e i suoi rintocchi hanno un significato simbolico e tradizionale per la comunità locale.
L’orologio astronomico di Brescia è un’importante attrazione turistica e un simbolo della storia e della tradizione della città. La sua complessità meccanica e la sua bellezza artistica lo rendono un elemento unico nel panorama degli orologi astronomici storici.

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L'orologio Astronomico in piazza della Loggia a Brescia

Photo taken with Honor 20.

To see all the photos I took in the city of Brescia click here:

Here's where the tower is located:

La Torre dell’Orologio venne eretta tra il 1540 ed il 1550 su progetto di Lodovico Beretta, architetto bresciano, tra gli autori dello stesso palazzo della Loggia.
All’interno della torre è presente un complesso orologio astronomico meccanico, realizzato tra il 1544 e il 1546 [1] da Paolo Gennari da Rezzato in sostituzione di un orologio posto in un altro lato della piazza, risalente al secolo precedente e dismesso nel 1543.
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The Astronomical Clock in Piazza della Loggia in Brescia seen from the back – L’horloge astronomique de la Piazza della Loggia à Brescia vue de dos – El Reloj Astronómico en la Piazza della Loggia en Brescia visto desde atrás – O Relógio Astronômico na Piazza della Loggia em Brescia visto de trás – Die astronomische Uhr auf der Piazza della Loggia in Brescia von hinten gesehen – Đồng hồ thiên văn ở Piazza della Loggia ở Brescia nhìn từ phía sau – 从后面看布雷西亚德拉凉廊广场的天文钟 – ブレシアのロッジャ広場にある天文時計を裏側から見た

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The columns of the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum

Le colonne del tempio di Saturno nel Foro Romano

The columns of the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum
The Temple of Saturn (Latin: Templum Saturni) was an ancient Roman temple dedicated to Saturn, the god of agriculture and wealth. It was located at the foot of the Capitoline Hill, in the western part of the Roman Forum. Its construction dates back to the 5th century BC, but the building we see today dates mainly from the period of the Roman Republic, with some modifications made over the following centuries.
The temple was known for its rich decoration and the famous statue of Saturn inside. The statue of Saturn was traditionally tied and during the Saturnalia festival, which took place in December, the rope was symbolically loosened to represent the release of restrictions.
The current structure of the temple is very partial, with only some remains of the columns and foundations. However, some original columns are still standing, giving an idea of ​​the size and elegance of the building. The ancient part of the Temple of Saturn has been integrated with some later reconstructions, and the exact appearance of the temple has been the subject of debate among archaeologists.
Il Foro Romano, in cui si trova il Tempio di Saturno, è una delle zone archeologiche più importanti e visitate di Roma, offrendo ai visitatori una visione affascinante della vita nella Roma antica attraverso i suoi templi, basiliche, e strutture pubbliche.

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Le colonne del tempio di Saturno nel Foro Romano

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

This is the official website of the site: colosseo.it.

Here is where the remains of the temple are located:

The Roman Forum (in Latin Forum Romanum, although the Romans more often referred to it as Forum Magnum or simply Forum) is an archaeological area of ​​Rome enclosed between the Palatine, the Capitoline Hill, Via dei Fori Imperiali and the Colosseum, made up of the stratification of the remains of those buildings and monuments from heterogeneous eras that for much of the ancient history of Rome represented the political, legal, religious and economic centre of the city of Rome, as well as the nerve centre of the entire Roman civilisation.
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The columns of the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum – Les colonnes du Temple de Saturne dans le Forum Romain – Las columnas del Templo de Saturno en el Foro Romano – As colunas do Templo de Saturno no Fórum Romano – Die Säulen des Saturntempels im Forum Romanum – Các cột của Đền thờ Sao Thổ trong Diễn đàn La Mã – 罗马广场土星神庙的柱子 – フォロ・ロマーノのサトゥルヌス神殿の柱

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.