A beautiful villa in viale Enrico Millo in Chiavari

Una bella villa in viale Enrico Millo a Chiavari

A beautiful villa in Viale Enrico Millo in Chiavari.
My passion for photographing the beautiful homes of the cities I visit or frequent continues.
This, for example, is a beautiful villa in Chiavari; it is located in Viale Millo.

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Una bella villa in viale Enrico Millo a Chiavari

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here is where the villa is located:

Enrico Millo di Casalgiate (Chiavari, 12 February 1865 – Rome, 14 June 1930) was an Italian soldier and politician. He was an admiral of the Royal Navy and Minister of the Navy of the Kingdom of Italy. He was decorated with the gold medal for military valor. He was born in Chiavari in 1865 to Gustavo Millo of the Counts of Casalgiate and Maria Luisa Altoè of the Counts Anguissola di Altoè.
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A beautiful villa in Viale Enrico Millo in Chiavari – Une belle villa dans Viale Enrico Millo à Chiavari – Una hermosa villa en Viale Enrico Millo en Chiavari – Uma bela vila na Viale Enrico Millo em Chiavari – Eine wunderschöne Villa in der Viale Enrico Millo in Chiavari – Một biệt thự xinh đẹp ở Viale Enrico Millo ở Chiavari

Inside the Cathedral of NS dell’Orto in Chiavari

All'interno della Cattedrale di NS dell'Orto a Chiavari

Inside the Cathedral of NS dell’Orto in Chiavari.
The beautiful cathedral of Chiavari photographed a little while ago.

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All'interno della Cattedrale di NS dell'Orto a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

The Cathedral of Nostra Signora dell’Orto is a Catholic place of worship located in the municipality of Chiavari, in Piazza Nostra Signora dell’Orto, in the metropolitan city of Genoa. Episcopal seat of the diocese of Chiavari, it is also a Marian sanctuary and seat of the homonymous parish of the vicariate of Chiavari-Lavagna.
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The interior of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Garden in Chiavari – L’intérieur de la cathédrale Notre-Dame du Jardin de Chiavari – El interior de la Catedral de Nuestra Señora del Jardín en Chiavari – O interior da Catedral de Nossa Senhora do Jardim em Chiavari – Das Innere der Kathedrale Unserer Lieben Frau vom Garten in Chiavari – Nội thất của Nhà thờ Đức Mẹ Vườn ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里花园圣母大教堂的内部 – キアヴァリの庭の聖母大聖堂の内部

The alley of Chiavari and the plaque for Garibaldi

Il caruggio di Chiavari e la targa per Garibaldi

The alley of Chiavari and the plaque for Garibaldi.
One of the many shots of the views that I like to take when I walk in the alley of Chiavari.
In this case, from the portico, you can see this plaque (perhaps a gravestone) in memory of Giuseppe Garibaldi.
Since it is not possible to read what is written in this photo, I will transcribe it below:

Qui il 5 e 6 settembre 1849
Giuseppe Garibaldi
cittadino chiavarese
eroe dei Due Mondi
era ospitato dal proprio cugino
e fratello del cuore
Alberto Puccio Di Antonio

La Società Economica
proprietaria della casa che fu già
di Emanuele Gonzalez
grande benefattore del popolo
poneva il 29 ottobre 1882

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Il caruggio di Chiavari e la targa per Garibaldi

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Considered by historiography and in the mass culture of the 20th century as the main Italian national hero, he began his travels around the world as an officer of merchant ships, and then became a long-distance captain. His most famous enterprise was the victorious expedition of the Thousand that led to the annexation of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies to the nascent Kingdom of Italy, a central episode in the process of unification of the new nation.
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The alleyway of Chiavari and the plaque for Garibaldi – La ruelle de Chiavari et la plaque pour Garibaldi – El callejón de Chiavari y la placa de Garibaldi – O beco de Chiavari e a placa de Garibaldi – Die Gasse von Chiavari und die Gedenktafel für Garibaldi – Con hẻm Chiavari và tấm biển dành cho Garibaldi – 基亚瓦里的小巷和加里波第的牌匾 – キアーヴァリの路地とガリバルディの銘板

A glimpse of Paolo Costa square in Chiavari

Uno scorcio di piazza Paolo Costa a Chiavari

A glimpse of Piazza Paolo Costa in Chiavari.
Just behind the alleyway of Chiavari, between alleys and minor porticos, is this beautiful little square that I photographed some time ago.
Even if I have not managed to discover who the Paolo Costa was to whom it is dedicated, it is very characteristic.

Have you ever seen this little square? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Uno scorcio di piazza Paolo Costa a Chiavari

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

Here is where the little square is located:

A glimpse of the square dedicated to Paolo Costa in Chiavari – Un aperçu de la place dédiée à Paolo Costa à Chiavari – Un vistazo a la plaza dedicada a Paolo Costa en Chiavari – Um vislumbre da praça dedicada a Paolo Costa em Chiavari – Ein Blick auf den Paolo Costa gewidmeten Platz in Chiavari – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về quảng trường dành riêng cho Paolo Costa ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里纪念保罗·科斯塔的广场一瞥 – キアーヴァリのパオロ・コスタに捧げられた広場を垣間見る

Le forme arrotondate di un palazzo in Viale Millo

Le forme arrotondate di un palazzo in Viale Millo a Chiavari

Le forme arrotondate di un palazzo in Viale Millo a Chiavari.
Passeggiando per Chiavari si possono notare moltissimi bei palazzi e ville, sia storici sia moderni.
Come questo che si trova in viale Enrico Millo i cui terrazzi rotondi sono molto particolari.

Have you ever seen this palace? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here is where the palace is located:

The rounded shapes of a building in Viale Millo in Chiavari – Les formes arrondies d’un bâtiment de Viale Millo à Chiavari – Las formas redondeadas de un edificio en Viale Millo en Chiavari – As formas arredondadas de um edifício na Viale Millo em Chiavari – Die abgerundeten Formen eines Gebäudes in der Viale Millo in Chiavari – Hình dạng tròn của một tòa nhà ở Viale Millo ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里 Viale Millo 建筑的圆形形状 – キアーヴァリのミッロ通りにある建物の丸い形

Il filare di palme in via Romana a Chiavari

Il filare di palme in via Romana a Chiavari

Il filare di palme in via Romana a Chiavari.
Tutte le volte tornando da Genova percorrendo l’Aurelia, nelle ultime curve prima di entrare a Chiavari, ho visto questa strada con questo filare di palme.
Finalmente mi sono deciso a percorrerla e fotografarla.
Si chiama via Romana e imboccandola si divide in due: salita Bacezza (che scende alla rotonda con Corso genova) e via Antonio Gonnelli Cioni (che arriva fino alla rotonda del casello autostradale).

Conosci questa strada di Chiavari? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here's where the street is:

The row of palm trees in via Romana in Chiavari – La rangée de palmiers de la via Romana à Chiavari – La hilera de palmeras en via Romana en Chiavari – A fileira de palmeiras na via Romana em Chiavari – Die Palmenreihe in der Via Romana in Chiavari – Hàng cây cọ qua Romana ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里罗马纳路 (via Romana) 的一排棕榈树 – キアーヴァリのヴィア・ロマーナのヤシの木並木

A detail of the Palazzo dei Portici Neri in Chiavari

Un particolare del Palazzo dei Portici Neri a Chiavari

A detail of the Palazzo dei Portici Neri in Chiavari
One of the buildings that fascinates me most in Chiavari is located in via Ravaschieri, where it meets piazza Fenice, and is called the Palazzo dei Portici Neri.
In addition to being very imposing and ancient, on the facade you can see the different architectural styles that have overlapped over time.
I don't know much about the coat of arms that seems to appear and if anyone wants to delve deeper...

Update: it is the remaining part of the coat of arms of the Torre family who lived in that palace for some time.

Do you know this building in Chiavari? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Un particolare del Palazzo dei Portici Neri a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here is where the palace is located:

The Palazzo dei Portici Neri is one of the oldest buildings in the entire city of Chiavari. It is located in the central Piazza Fenice, near the Chiavari Castle and the ancient medieval walls. This palace was built in the 13th century, perhaps as a noble residence.
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A detail of the Portici Neri palace in Chiavari – Un détail du palais Portici Neri à Chiavari – Un detalle del palacio Portici Neri en Chiavari – Um detalhe do palácio Portici Neri em Chiavari – Ein Detail des Portici-Neri-Palastes in Chiavari – Một chi tiết của cung điện Portici Neri ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里波蒂奇内里宫的细节 – キアーヴァリのポルティーチ ネーリ宮殿の詳細

A beautiful villa in Viale Millo in Chiavari

Una bella villa in Viale Millo a Chiavari

A beautiful villa in Viale Millo in Chiavari
When I walk along Viale Enrico Millo, the straight street dedicated to the Italian soldier and politician born in Chiavari, I cannot help but admire the many beautiful villas that overlook it.
Come questa a due piani semplice e maestosa.

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Una bella villa in Viale Millo a Chiavari

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Where is the villa located:

Enrico Millo di Casalgiate (Chiavari, 12 February 1865 – Rome, 14 June 1930) was an Italian soldier and politician. He was Admiral of the Royal Navy and Minister of the Navy of the Kingdom of Italy. He was decorated with the Gold Medal for Military Valor. He was born in Chiavari (GE) in 1865 to Gustavo Millo of the counts of Casalgiate and Maria Luisa Altoè of the counts Anguissola di Altoè.
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A beautiful villa in the avenue called Millo in Chiavari – Une belle villa dans l’avenue appelée Millo à Chiavari – Una hermosa villa en la avenida Millo en Chiavari. – Uma bela vila na avenida Millo in Chiavari – Eine wunderschöne Villa in der Allee Millo in Chiavari – Một biệt thự xinh đẹp trên đại lộ tên Millo ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里米洛大道上的一栋美丽别墅 – キアーヴァリのミッロという大通りにある美しいヴィラ

L’archivolto su piazza Mazzini da via dei Remolari

L'archivolto su piazza Mazzini da via dei Remolari

L’archivolto sulla piazza dedicata a Mazzini da via dei Remolari a Chiavari.
Una delle vie che ho “scoperto”, fotograficamente parlando, a Chiavari negli ultimi anni è via dei Remolari ed il bell’archivolto di Palazzo Torriglia che separa la via da piazza Mazzini.

Have you ever noticed this beautiful spot in Chiavari? Do you know something more about the building? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'archivolto su piazza Mazzini da via dei Remolari

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Where is the archivolt located:

On the ground floor there was the post office where Garibaldi and Manzoni also slept. In this building there were works of art from Genoa, Naples and Venice.
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The archivolt on the square dedicated to Mazzini from via dei Remolari in Chiavari – L’archivolte de la place dédiée à Mazzini de via dei Remolari à Chiavari – La arquivolta de la plaza dedicada a Mazzini desde via dei Remolari en Chiavari – A arquivolta na praça dedicada a Mazzini da via dei Remolari em Chiavari – Die Archivolte auf dem Mazzini gewidmeten Platz in der Via dei Remolari in Chiavari – Kho lưu trữ trên quảng trường dành riêng cho Mazzini từ via dei Remolari ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里 (Chiavari) 雷莫拉里 (via dei Remolari) 广场上献给马志尼 (Mazzini) 的拱门 – キアーヴァリのレモラーリ通りからマッツィーニに捧げられた広場のアーキボルト

Via Vittorio Veneto in centro a Chiavari

Via Vittorio Veneto in centro a Chiavari

Via Vittorio Veneto in centro a Chiavari.
Il cantro di Chiavari è attraversato da una via rettilinea (caruggio) che è anche la via del passeggio.
Nella parte a Ponente si chiama via Martiri della Liberazione mentre nella parte a Levante si chiama via Vittorio Veneto (che poi volendo prosegue in Corso Dante).
Con il teleobiettivo si scattano foto che in questo caso ho volutamente reso un poco schiacciata ma era per cercare di coprire tutta la via in uno scatto solo.

Do you know the historic center of Chiavari? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Where is the street located:

Vittorio Veneto is an Italian town of 26,989 inhabitants in the province of Treviso in Veneto. The battle of the same name was fought there during the Great War; the victory of the Italian army over the Austro-Hungarian army resulted in the Austrian surrender and the end of the war.
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The historic center of Chiavari: the beautiful via Vittorio Veneto – Le centre historique de Chiavari : la belle via Vittorio Veneto – El centro histórico de Chiavari: la hermosa via Vittorio Veneto – O centro histórico de Chiavari: a bela via Vittorio Veneto – Das historische Zentrum von Chiavari: die wunderschöne Via Vittorio Veneto – Trung tâm lịch sử của Chiavari: người đẹp qua Vittorio Veneto – 基亚瓦里的历史中心:美丽的维托里奥威尼托大街 – キアーヴァリの歴史的中心部:美しいヴィットリオ・ヴェネト通り