The Passion Facade of the Sagrada Familia One of Gaudí's masterpieces recognized throughout the world is the Sagrada Familia. The eternally unfinished Spanish cathedral. This is one of the many facades, dedicated to the Passion of Christ, surmounted by four of the church's many towers.
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The Passion façade was begun in 1954 according to the drawings and explanations that Gaudí had left. The towers were finished in 1976 and since then work has been carried out on the sculptural decoration. Gaudí designed this façade while recovering from Malta fever in Puigcerdà in 1911. Dedicated to the Passion of Jesus, it aims to reflect the suffering of Christ in his crucifixion, as a ransom for the sins of men. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The Passion Facade of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona – La façade Passion de la Sagrada Familia à Barcelone – La fachada de la Pasión de la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona – A fachada da Paixão da Sagrada Família em Barcelona – Die Passionsfassade der Sagrada Familia in Barcelona – Mặt tiền Passion của Sagrada Familia ở Barcelona
La torre della cattedrale di Funchal nell’isola di Madera. Amo fotografare le città dalla nave, quando non riesco a scendere a terra, perchè con un buon teleobiettivo si possono evidenziare particolari carini. Come in questo caso dove ho posto l’attenzione sul campanile della cattedrale di Funchal.
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The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is the Catholic cathedral of Funchal, Portugal, and the seat of the Diocese of Funchal. It is located in the center of the city, not far from the marina, in the area called Campo del Duca. Its construction began in the late 1400s. It was the first important church built on the island. Previously, there was a church near the beach of Calhau, but as the number of inhabitants increased thanks to the flourishing sugar cane trade, the church could no longer accommodate all the faithful, so it was decided to build a larger one in the center of the city. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The tower of Funchal Cathedral in the island of Madeira – La tour de la cathédrale de Funchal sur l’île de Madère – La torre de la Catedral de Funchal en la isla de Madeira – A torre da Catedral do Funchal, na ilha da Madeira – Der Turm der Kathedrale von Funchal auf der Insel Madeira – Tháp của Nhà thờ Funchal ở đảo Madeira – 马德拉岛丰沙尔大教堂的塔楼 – マデイラ島のフンシャル大聖堂の塔
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Soviore above Monterosso al Mare. Some time ago, while I was at home, I decided to take a nice walk and so I headed (with my wife Dao) to the Cinque Terre. Unfortunately the classic Sentiero Azzurro was closed (and recently I had intelligently not checked on the very up-to-date website of the Park) and so we had to reinvent a route using the large network of trails in the area. We set off on the path that from Monterosso al Mare passes by this splendid sanctuary and then descends to Vernazza. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Soviore is truly splendid (and photogenic) and repays the effort of the walk to get there.
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The sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Soviore is a Catholic place of worship located in the municipality of Monterosso al Mare, along the provincial road 38, in the province of La Spezia. The religious building is located within the Cinque Terre National Park along the slopes of Mount Soviore (464 m above sea level) among woods and terraced fields near the road between the municipalities of Monterosso al Mare and Levanto. The church is the seat of the parish of the same name of the Vicariate of the Riviera of the diocese of La Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato, of which the Madonna di Soviore has been the patron saint since 11 May 1974. The main holidays are on 15 August (the feast of the Assumption of Mary) and the Sunday after 8 September. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Soviore on the heights of Monterosso – Le sanctuaire de Notre-Dame du Soviore sur les hauteurs de Monterosso – El Santuario de Nuestra Señora del Soviore en las alturas de Monterosso – O Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Soviore nas alturas de Monterosso – Das Heiligtum Unserer Lieben Frau von Soviore auf den Höhen von Monterosso – Thánh địa Đức Mẹ Soviore trên đỉnh Monterosso – 蒙特罗索高地的索维奥尔圣母朝圣地 – モンテロッソの高台にあるソヴィオーレの聖母の聖域
The Cathedral of Cadiz seen from an alley in the historic center of the city. Approaching the majestic Cathedral of Cadiz from one of the alleys in the historic center of the beautiful Spanish city. You get lost in the maze of narrow streets but then the cathedral appears and you find your way again.
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The New Cathedral of Cadiz or Cathedral of the Holy Cross on the Sea (Spanish: Catedral Nueva de Cádiz or Catedral de Santa Cruz sobre el Mar or Catedral de Santa Cruz sobre las Aguas) is located in Cadiz, Spain, and is the cathedral of the Diocese of Cadiz and Ceuta. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The cathedral of Cadiz seen from an alley in the historic center of the city – La cathédrale de Cadix vue depuis une ruelle du centre historique de la ville – La catedral de Cádiz vista desde un callejón en el centro histórico de la ciudad – A catedral de Cádiz vista de um beco do centro histórico da cidade – Die Kathedrale von Cadiz von einer Gasse im historischen Zentrum der Stadt aus gesehen – Nhà thờ Cadiz nhìn từ một con hẻm ở trung tâm lịch sử của thành phố – 从城市历史中心的一条小巷看到加的斯大教堂 – 街の歴史的中心部の路地から見たカディスの大聖堂
The stone staircase of the church of San Pietro in Portovenere. One of the symbols of the village of Portovenere is the stone church dedicated to San Pietro. Built on the rocky spur that from the center of the town penetrates into the sea parallel to the Palmaria Island. This is a glimpse of the staircase that takes visitors to the terrace next to the bell tower.
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The first Romanesque part (1198) was followed by the Gothic part with black and white banded facing which dates back to the 13th century and was built by the Genoese, probably between 1256 and 1270. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The stone staircase of the church of San Pietro in Portovenere – L’escalier en pierre de l’église de San Pietro à Portovenere – La escalera de piedra de la iglesia de San Pietro en Portovenere – A escadaria de pedra da igreja de San Pietro in Portovenere – Die Steintreppe der Kirche San Pietro in Portovenere – Cầu thang đá của nhà thờ San Pietro ở Portovenere
The apse ceiling of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome. Santa Maria sopra Minerva is one of the most important churches in Rome and is located near the Pantheon, in the Pigna district. Built in the 13th century by the Dominican Friars, it is one of the rare examples of Gothic architecture in Rome, famous for its history, art and architecture. The basilica stands on a site that was previously occupied by a pagan temple, initially attributed to the goddess Minerva, but which was actually dedicated to Isis. The name "sopra Minerva" derives from this ancient belief. The construction of the Gothic church began in 1280 and was completed at the beginning of the 14th century. Over the centuries, the church has undergone numerous modifications and restorations, while maintaining its Gothic character.
The interior of Santa Maria sopra Minerva is richly decorated and maintains its original Gothic structure. It has a three-nave plan with pointed arches and vaulted ceilings. The side aisles house several richly decorated chapels with important works of art.
The apse ceiling is particularly impressive, with a ribbed vault richly decorated with bright colors and intricate patterns. In the center of the apse is a large painting depicting religious scenes, which helps create a solemn and evocative atmosphere.
Other Elements of Interest are: the Funeral Monument of Saint Catherine of Siena (Saint Catherine of Siena is buried in the basilica, and her tomb is a place of great devotion) and Bernini's Elephant (in the square in front of the church there is an Egyptian obelisk supported by a statue of an elephant, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini; this monument is commonly known as the “Pulcino della Minerva”).
Santa Maria sopra Minerva is a place of great historical, artistic and religious importance, representing a unique example in the Roman architectural panorama for its Gothic style and the numerous works of art it houses.
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The Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva (in Latin basilica Sanctæ Mariæ supra Minervam) is a minor basilica in Rome located in the Pigna district, in Piazza della Minerva, near the Pantheon. It is one of the very few examples of Gothic architecture in Rome. The basilica houses the remains of several important figures including Catherine of Siena, proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1970, the mystic painter Beato Angelico, proclaimed "Universal Patron of Artists" in 1984 and Pope Benedict XIII. Inside it preserves valuable works of art including frescoes by Melozzo da Forlì and Filippino Lippi. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The apse ceiling of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome – Le plafond de l’abside de Santa Maria sopra Minerva à Rome – El techo del ábside de Santa María sopra Minerva en Roma – O teto da abside de Santa Maria sopra Minerva em Roma – Die Apsisdecke von Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rom – Trần nhà của Santa Maria sopra Minerva ở Rome
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L’altare di Santa Maria delle Vigne a Genova. L’altare di Santa Maria delle Vigne a Genova è un elemento significativo della storica chiesa situata nel cuore del centro storico della città. Questa chiesa, che risale al X secolo, è una delle più antiche di Genova ed è dedicata alla Vergine Maria. Origini: Le origini della chiesa risalgono al X secolo, quando fu costruita una piccola cappella dedicata alla Vergine Maria. La chiesa ha preso il nome “delle Vigne” per via delle vigne che un tempo circondavano l’area.
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Sull’altare maggiore, ultimo lavoro di Giacomo Antonio Ponsonelli (1730) su disegno di Pierre Puget, è posta una statua della Madonna, sorretta da figure d’angeli, dello stesso artista. Nel presbiterio si trovano alcuni dipinti settecenteschi: Natività della Vergine di Giuseppe Cades (dipinto a Roma nel 1784, in origine destinato alla chiesa di San Carlo al Corso), Presentazione della Vergine di Giovanni David (1785) e Annunciazione di Carlo Giuseppe Ratti (1787) Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The altar of the church of Santa Maria delle Vigne in Genoa – L’autel de l’église de Santa Maria delle Vigne à Gênes – El altar de la iglesia de Santa Maria delle Vigne en Génova – O altar da igreja de Santa Maria delle Vigne em Gênova – Der Altar der Kirche Santa Maria delle Vigne in Genua – Bàn thờ của nhà thờ Santa Maria delle Vigne ở Genoa – 热那亚圣玛丽亚德尔维涅教堂的祭坛 – ジェノヴァのサンタ・マリア・デッレ・ヴィーニェ教会の祭壇
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L’interno della basilica dei Santi Gervasio e Protasio a Rapallo. Una delle chiese più centrali (e grandi) di Rapallo. Qualche tempo fa vi sono entrato e sono rimaso affascinato dell’interno della Basilica. Purtroppo avevo con me solamente il cellulare e non ho potuto realizzare molte foto.
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La basilica arcipresbiteriale-collegiata dei Santi Gervasio e Protasio è un luogo di culto cattolico situato nel comune di Rapallo, tra corso Italia e piazza Matteo Canessa, nella città metropolitana di Genova. La chiesa è sede della parrocchia omonima del vicariato di Rapallo-Santa Margherita Ligure della diocesi di Chiavari. Nel maggio del 1925 papa Pio XI la elevò alla dignità di basilica minore. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The interior of the basilica of Saints Gervasio and Protasio in Rapallo – L’intérieur de la basilique des Saints Gervasio et Protasio à Rapallo – El interior de la basílica de los Santos Gervasio y Protasio en Rapallo – O interior da basílica dos Santos Gervásio e Protásio em Rapallo – Das Innere der Basilika der Heiligen Gervasio und Protasio in Rapallo – Nội thất của Vương cung thánh đường Saints Gervasio và Protasio ở Rapallo – 拉帕洛圣杰瓦西奥和普罗塔西奥大教堂的内部 – ラパッロの聖ジェルバジオとプロタシオ大聖堂の内部
The magnificent Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi. The Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi is one of the most revered sites in Christianity and an architectural and artistic masterpiece. Located in the picturesque town of Assisi in Umbria, the basilica is dedicated to Saint Francis, the founder of the Franciscan Order, known for his life of poverty, humility and love for all creatures. The Basilica is composed of two overlapping churches, the Lower Basilica and the Upper Basilica, both filled with priceless works of art and profound spirituality. Construction of the Basilica of Saint Francis began in 1228, immediately after the canonization of Saint Francis, at the behest of Pope Gregory IX. The basilica was completed in a relatively short time: the Lower Basilica was consecrated in 1230, while the Upper Basilica was finished and consecrated in 1253.
The entrance to the Lower Basilica is through a portal decorated with intricate Gothic motifs. The interior is characterized by a secluded and spiritual atmosphere, with a series of richly frescoed side chapels. The frescoes of the Lower Basilica are attributed to great artists such as Cimabue, Pietro Lorenzetti and Simone Martini, and illustrate scenes from the life of Christ, the Madonna and Saint Francis. One of the most important points of the Lower Basilica is the crypt, which houses the tomb of Saint Francis. The tomb is a pilgrimage destination for millions of faithful from all over the world, who come to pay homage to the saint and pray at his tomb.
The Upper Basilica, built in Gothic style, is known for its brightness and its large stained glass windows that flood the interior with light. The single nave is decorated with one of the most famous fresco cycles in the history of art, attributed to Giotto and his school. These frescoes narrate the life of St. Francis in a series of 28 scenes, from his encounter with the leper to his sermon to the birds, up to his death. Giotto's frescoes are considered a milestone in Western art, marking the transition from Byzantine Mannerism to naturalistic and human representation. Each scene is characterized by extraordinary vivacity and emotional depth, making the story of the saint accessible and touching for all visitors. Adjacent to the Basilica is the Sacro Convento, a monastic complex that houses a community of Franciscan friars. The cloister of the convent is a place of great serenity, with its well-kept garden and colonnade that offers a place of reflection and prayer. The convent also houses a library and an archive that preserve manuscripts and documents of inestimable historical and spiritual value.
The Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi is much more than just a historical monument; it is a place of profound spirituality and devotion. The basilica was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000, recognizing its universal value as a symbol of faith and art. Every year, the basilica welcomes millions of pilgrims and tourists who come to pay homage to Saint Francis, to pray at his tomb and to immerse themselves in the beauty of the works of art that adorn its walls. The basilica is also a place of liturgical celebrations and cultural events, which help keep alive the memory and legacy of the saint of Assisi.
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Wished by Pope Gregory IX as a specialis ecclesia, it was awarded by the same Pontiff the title of Caput et Mater of the Order of Friars Minor and at the same time entrusted in perpetuity to the same friars. It is part of the non-extraterritorial properties of the Holy See, therefore it does not enjoy diplomatic immunity. In the complex history that marked the evolution of the Order, the basilica (and the annexed Sacred Convent) was always looked after by the so-called "friars of the community", the group that later went on to form the Order of Friars Minor Conventual. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The splendid Basilic of St. Francis of Assisi – La splendide basilique de San Francesco d’Assisi – La espléndida basílica de San Francisco de Asís – A esplêndida basílica de San Francesco d’Assisi – Die prächtige Basilika San Francesco d’Assisi – Vương cung thánh đường lộng lẫy San Francesco d’Assisi
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La chiesa di San Bartolomeo a Sestri Levante. Poco distante da dove abito si trova questa bella chiesetta dedicata a San Bartolomeo. La zona è detta “della Ginestra” perchè immagino, sul piccolo monte alle spalle ci fossero molte piante di ginestra.
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Secondo alcune fonti storiche, si ritiene che un già preesistente luogo di culto possa essere stato edificato in un periodo che va dall’XI e XII secolo, nelle vicinanze della località “Zenestra” (da qui l’attuale toponimo “Ginestra”), compreso nella giurisdizione parrocchiale della chiesa di Santo Stefano del Ponte. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The church of San Bartolomeo in Sestri Levante – L’église de San Bartolomeo à Sestri Levante – La iglesia de San Bartolomeo en Sestri Levante – A igreja de San Bartolomeo em Sestri Levante – Die Kirche San Bartolomeo in Sestri Levante – Nhà thờ San Bartolomeo ở Sestri Levante – 塞斯特里莱万特的圣巴托洛缪教堂 – セストリ レバンテのサン バルトロメオ教会