A wonderful window on the sea in Portovenere

Una meravigliosa finestra sul mare a Portovenere

A wonderful window on the sea in Portovenere.
Portovenere, a charming village located on the Ligurian coast, is known for its natural beauty and historical heritage. Among the many architectural treasures that adorn this picturesque village, one of the most famous is undoubtedly the quadrifora of the Church of San Pietro.
The quadrifora, a window with four lights, is located just near the Church of San Pietro and looks towards the west. This architectural element is characterized by four small arches supported by three small columns, creating a visual effect of great elegance and lightness. The church itself, built in the 13th century by the Genoese, has a Gothic style with black and white bands that add a further touch of refinement.
The position of the quadrifora offers a spectacular view of the sea to the west with the gaze that meets the Cinque Terre. This panoramic point is one of the most photographed in Portovenere, attracting visitors from all over the world who wish to capture the timeless beauty of this place. The combination of Gothic architecture and the seascape creates a unique and evocative atmosphere.
The quadrifora of Portovenere is not only an architectural element of great aesthetic value, but also represents an important piece of history and culture. Its conservation is essential to keep alive the memory of the past and to continue to inspire future generations.

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Una meravigliosa finestra sul mare a Portovenere

Una meravigliosa finestra sul mare a Portovenere

Una meravigliosa finestra sul mare a Portovenere

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Click here to see all the photos of the village:
foto gallery

Where is Portovenere:

In 1997, Porto Venere, together with the islands of Palmaria, Tino, Tinetto and the Cinque Terre, was included among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The municipality of Porto Venere is located at the southern end of a peninsula, which, detaching itself from the jagged coastline of the eastern Ligurian Riviera, forms the western shore of the Gulf of La Spezia, also known as the “Gulf of Poets”.
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A wonderful window on the sea in Portovenere – Une magnifique fenêtre donnant sur la mer à Portovenere – Una maravillosa ventana con vistas al mar en Portovenere – Uma janela maravilhosa com vista para o mar em Portovenere – Ein wunderschönes Fenster mit Blick auf das Meer in Portovenere – Một cửa sổ tuyệt vời nhìn ra biển ở Portovenere

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The Latin inscription on a door in Via del Campo

La scritta latina su un portone in Via del Campo

The Latin inscription on a door in Via del Campo.
Walking along the famous Via del Campo, in the historic center of Genoa, I found this beautiful door with an inscription in Latin:


Meaning: Not everything, but good and (done) well.

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La scritta latina su un portone in Via del Campo

La scritta latina su un portone in Via del Campo

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

The Latin writing on a door in Via del Campo in Genoa – L’écriture latine sur une porte de la Via del Campo à Gênes – La escritura latina en una puerta en Via del Campo en Génova – A escrita latina em uma porta na Via del Campo, em Gênova – Die lateinische Schrift auf einer Tür in der Via del Campo in Genua – Dòng chữ Latinh trên cánh cửa ở Via del Campo ở Genoa – 热那亚 Via del Campo 门上的拉丁文 – ジェノヴァのカンポ通りのドアに書かれたラテン語の文字

Una delle gallerie del Parco Guell a Barcellona

Una delle gallerie del Parco Guell a Barcellona

Una delle gallerie del Parco Guell a Barcellona.
Era moltissimo tempo che volevo visitare questa famosa attrazione di Barcellona e finalmente, lo scorso anno, sono riuscito ad andarvi.
Quello che impressiona, sono le forme che l’architetto Antoni Gaudì ha ideato e applicato in questo visionario progetto architettonico.
Come in questa galleria dalle forme arrotondate che ricordano tanto un’onda del mare.

Have you ever visited this very famous park in Barcelona?
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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

This is the official website of the park: parkguell.barcelona.

To see all the photos click here:
foto gallery

Here's where the park is located:

Park Güell (Parc Güell in Catalan and Park Güell in its original name) is a 17.18-hectare public park with gardens and architectural elements located in the upper part of the city of Barcelona, ​​on the southern slope of Mount Carmel. Conceived as an urban complex, it was designed by the architect Antoni Gaudí, the greatest exponent of Catalan modernism, under the direction of the entrepreneur Eusebi Güell and inaugurated as a public park in 1926.
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One of the galleries of Park Güell in Barcelona – Une des galeries du Parc Güell à Barcelone – Una de las galerías del Parque Güell de Barcelona – Uma das galerias do Parque Guell em Barcelona – Eine der Galerien des Park Güell in Barcelona – Một trong những phòng trưng bày của Park Güell ở Barcelona – 巴塞罗那桂尔公园的画廊之一 – バルセロナのグエル公園のギャラリーの 1 つ

Uno scorcio dai portici di via XX a Genova

Uno scorcio dai portici di via XX a Genova

Uno scorcio dai portici di via XX a Genova.
Passeggiando in centro a Zena rimango sempre affascinato dai portici bicolori che aprono lo sguardo sui be palazzi che si affaccoano sulla via.
Tutte le volte scatto molte foto che poi, piano piano, centellino qui sul sito!

Do you know this street in Genoa? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Uno scorcio dai portici di via XX a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here's where the street is:

What is September 20, the date of the XX Settembre streets? On that day, in 1870, the Italian army took Rome after the breach of Porta Pia: it was the end of the Papal State.
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A view from the arcades of the street called XX Settembre in Genoa – Un aperçu des arcades de la rue XX Settembre à Gênes – Un vistazo a los soportales de la calle XX Settembre de Génova – Um vislumbre das arcadas da rua XX Settembre em Génova – Ein Blick auf die Arkaden der Straße XX Settembre in Genua – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về những mái vòm của con phố mang tên XX Settembre ở Genoa

The columns of the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum

Le colonne del tempio di Saturno nel Foro Romano

The columns of the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum
The Temple of Saturn (Latin: Templum Saturni) was an ancient Roman temple dedicated to Saturn, the god of agriculture and wealth. It was located at the foot of the Capitoline Hill, in the western part of the Roman Forum. Its construction dates back to the 5th century BC, but the building we see today dates mainly from the period of the Roman Republic, with some modifications made over the following centuries.
The temple was known for its rich decoration and the famous statue of Saturn inside. The statue of Saturn was traditionally tied and during the Saturnalia festival, which took place in December, the rope was symbolically loosened to represent the release of restrictions.
The current structure of the temple is very partial, with only some remains of the columns and foundations. However, some original columns are still standing, giving an idea of ​​the size and elegance of the building. The ancient part of the Temple of Saturn has been integrated with some later reconstructions, and the exact appearance of the temple has been the subject of debate among archaeologists.
Il Foro Romano, in cui si trova il Tempio di Saturno, è una delle zone archeologiche più importanti e visitate di Roma, offrendo ai visitatori una visione affascinante della vita nella Roma antica attraverso i suoi templi, basiliche, e strutture pubbliche.

Do you know the monuments of Rome? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Le colonne del tempio di Saturno nel Foro Romano

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

This is the official website of the site: colosseo.it.

Here is where the remains of the temple are located:

The Roman Forum (in Latin Forum Romanum, although the Romans more often referred to it as Forum Magnum or simply Forum) is an archaeological area of ​​Rome enclosed between the Palatine, the Capitoline Hill, Via dei Fori Imperiali and the Colosseum, made up of the stratification of the remains of those buildings and monuments from heterogeneous eras that for much of the ancient history of Rome represented the political, legal, religious and economic centre of the city of Rome, as well as the nerve centre of the entire Roman civilisation.
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The columns of the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum – Les colonnes du Temple de Saturne dans le Forum Romain – Las columnas del Templo de Saturno en el Foro Romano – As colunas do Templo de Saturno no Fórum Romano – Die Säulen des Saturntempels im Forum Romanum – Các cột của Đền thờ Sao Thổ trong Diễn đàn La Mã – 罗马广场土星神庙的柱子 – フォロ・ロマーノのサトゥルヌス神殿の柱

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Portici e palazzi del caruggio di Chiavari

Portici e palazzi del caruggio di Chiavari

Portici e palazzi del caruggio di Chiavari.
Due passi nel centro storico di Chiavari ed ovviamente ho scattato qualche foto.
Mi piacciono le linee degli archi ed i colori dei palazzi!

Do you know the historic center of Chiavari? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here's where the street is:

Porticoes and buildings of the alley of Chiavari – Portiques et bâtiments de l’allée de Chiavari – Pórticos y edificios del callejón de Chiavari – Pórticos e edifícios do beco de Chiavari – Portiken und Gebäude der Gasse von Chiavari – Những mái cổng và tòa nhà ở ngõ Chiavari

The two-tone arcades of Twenty September street

La bicromia dei portici di via Venti Settembre a Genova

The two-tone arcades of Via Venti Settembre in Genoa.
The two-tone arcades of Via Venti Settembre in Genoa are one of the most distinctive and fascinating architectural elements of the city. Via Venti Settembre is one of the main arteries of the center of Genoa and its arcades are known for their elegant two-tone decorations, a typical decorative style that uses two contrasting colors to create suggestive visual effects.

Typically, the two-tone effect is achieved using white marble and black slate, a local stone very common in Ligurian architecture. This contrast of colors creates a very strong and distinctive visual effect.
The decorative motifs in the porticos often include geometric designs, such as stripes, diamonds, and zigzag patterns. These designs are designed to enhance the contrast between the two colors.
Many of the buildings along Via Venti Settembre date back to the Italian Liberty (Art Nouveau) period, and the two-tone effect is used to emphasize the sinuous lines and floral details typical of this style.
In addition to the aesthetic aspect, the two-tone effect also has a practical function, as dark stones, such as slate, are more resistant to wear and stains, so they are often used in areas subject to pedestrian traffic.
The two-tone effect is not only an aesthetic choice, but also has a cultural and historical significance. It reflects the skill of the Genoese craftsmen and the historical richness of the city. It is an example of how architecture can incorporate artistic elements that tell a story and create a unique identity for a place.

Along Via Venti Settembre, some of the most iconic buildings with two-tone porticos include:
Palazzo della Borsa: an example of Art Nouveau architecture with elaborate decorations.
Chiesa della Consolazione: although not directly part of the porticos, it is a nearby landmark with a façade that incorporates two-tone elements.
Palazzi dei Rolli: some of the historic buildings along the street display this type of decoration, although the Rolli themselves are better known for other architectural features.

Do you know via XX in Genoa? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La bicromia dei portici di via Venti Settembre a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Where is the street located:

Via XX Settembre is one of the main roads in the centre of Genoa within the Genoese district of San Vincenzo, just under a kilometre long. It runs in an east-west direction and, together with Corso Italia – the promenade that runs along the seafront – is one of the favourite places for strolls by the Genoese. It crosses the two central districts of Portoria (first section, portico, from Piazza De Ferrari to the Monumental Bridge) and San Vincenzo (from the Monumental Bridge to the outlet on Via Cadorna near Piazza della Vittoria.
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The two-tone arcades of Via Venti Settembre in Genoa – Les arcades bicolores de la Via Venti Settembre à Gênes – Las arcadas bicolores de Via Venti Settembre en Génova – As arcadas bicolores da Via Venti Settembre em Gênova – Die zweifarbigen Arkaden der Via Venti Settembre in Genua – Mái vòm hai tông màu của Via Venti Settembre ở Genoa

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

A beautiful building in the historic center of Lavagna

Un bel palazzo nel centro storico di Lavagna

A beautiful building in the historic center of Lavagna.
The center of the town of Lavagna is not very large but contains several very beautiful corners and views.
Like this beautiful building, in via XX Settembre, which fascinates me a lot!

Have you ever walked the alleys of the historic center of Lavagna? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Un bel palazzo nel centro storico di Lavagna

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here is where exactly this palace is located:

A beautiful building in the historic center of Lavagna – Une belle bâtisse dans le centre historique de Lavagna – Un hermoso edificio en el centro histórico de Lavagna – Um belo edifício no centro histórico de Lavagna – Ein wunderschönes Gebäude im historischen Zentrum von Lavagna – Một tòa nhà đẹp ở trung tâm lịch sử của Lavagna

A beautiful building in Caruggio Dritto in Chiavari

Un bel palazzo in Caruggio Dritto a Chiavari

A beautiful building in Caruggio Dritto in Chiavari.
The center of Chiavari is probably one of the most beautiful places to walk in Liguria: many nice shops, the arcades (so when it rains you can still walk) and a street long enough to go back and forth a couple of times.
Every now and then I stop to photograph one of the many buildings that, without interruption, form this beautiful street.
There are no more than two columns or more than two identical arches in the whole city!

Have you ever walked along the alley in Chiavari? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Un bel palazzo in Caruggio Dritto a Chiavari

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here's where the street is:

A beautiful building in the street called Caruggio Straight in Chiavari – Un bel immeuble dans la rue appelée Caruggio Straight à Chiavari – Un hermoso edificio en la calle llamada Caruggio Straight en Chiavari – Um belo edifício na rua chamada Caruggio Straight em Chiavari – Ein wunderschönes Gebäude in der Straße Caruggio Straight in Chiavari – Một tòa nhà tuyệt đẹp trên con phố có tên Caruggio Straight ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里的卡鲁吉奥直街上有一座美丽的建筑 – キアーヴァリのカルッジョ・ストレートという通りにある美しい建物

A glimpse of Prato della Valle from under the arcades

Uno scorcio di Prato della Valle da sotto i portici

A glimpse of Prato della Valle from under the arcades.
A walk under the arcades (around the Loggia Amulea) from one side of the famous square of Prato della Valle in Padua.

Have you ever visited beautiful Padua? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Uno scorcio di Prato della Valle da sotto i portici

Photo taken with Honor 20.

To see all the photos I took in the Milanese city click here:

Prato della Valle is the largest square in the city of Padua, with a surface area of ​​88,620 m². The current configuration dates back to the end of the 18th century and is characterized by a central elliptical island, called Isola Memmia (about 20,000 m²), surrounded by a small canal (fed by the Alicorno canal) on whose banks there is a double ring of statues, with an external circumference of 1,450 meters.
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A glimpse of Prato della Valle from under the arcades – Un aperçu de Prato della Valle sous les arcades – Una mirada a Prato della Valle bajo las arcadas – Um vislumbre de Prato della Valle sob as arcadas – Ein Blick auf Prato della Valle unter den Arkaden – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về Prato della Valle từ dưới mái vòm – 从拱廊下一睹普拉托德拉瓦莱 (Prato della Valle) 的风采 – アーケードの下からプラート デッラ ヴァッレを眺める