The Colosseum: An Iconic Symbol of Ancient Rome

Il Colosseo: un iconico simbolo di Roma Antica

The Colosseum: An Iconic Symbol of Ancient Rome.
The Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is one of the most iconic and recognisable monuments in the world. Located in the heart of Rome, Italy, this impressive amphitheatre has a fascinating history and timeless beauty that attracts visitors from all over the world. In this article, we will explore the history, architecture and cultural significance of the Colosseum.
The Colosseum was built during the time of the Roman Empire and is one of the largest amphitheatres ever built. Its construction began in 70-72 AD under Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty and was completed in 80 AD under his son, Emperor Titus. This grand amphitheater could seat up to 80,000 spectators and was used for a variety of public events, including gladiatorial games, theatrical performances, mock naval battles and other spectacles.
Its troubled history includes fires, earthquakes and looting, but the Colosseum has withstood the passage of centuries and has remained standing, a witness to the ages and transformations of the city of Rome. In the Middle Ages, it was used as a stone quarry for the construction of other buildings, but today it is a symbol of great historical and cultural importance.
The architecture of the Colosseum is an extraordinary example of Roman ingenuity. The amphitheater is mainly built of travertine stone, with an elliptical structure that measures approximately 189 meters in length, 156 meters in width and reaches a height of over 48 meters. The exterior façade was adorned with Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns, which helped give the Colosseum a majestic elegance.
Inside, the stands were divided into different sections reserved for different social classes. The central section was reserved for the Roman elite, while the lower classes occupied the higher sections. The central part of the arena hosted the spectacular gladiatorial performances, battles between wild beasts and other shows. The arena was actually a wooden platform covered with sand, which could be raised to reveal the underground cells where gladiators and animals were prepared for performances.
The Colosseum is a symbol of Roman architectural ingenuity and the importance of games and entertainment in Roman society. It is also an important historical and tourist site, attracting millions of visitors from around the world each year. In 1980, it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and was included among the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.
In addition to its historical importance, the Colosseum is a place of profound cultural and emotional significance for the Italian people. It is a symbol of national pride and the ancient grandeur of Rome.

In conclusion, the Colosseum remains an icon of ancient Rome, an extraordinary monument that tells the story of the Roman Empire and its cultural legacy. Its magnificence and fascinating history make it a must-see for anyone visiting the Eternal City.
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Il Colosseo: un iconico simbolo di Roma Antica

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Here's where the Colosseum is located:

The Colosseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre or simply as Amphitheatrum, is the largest amphitheatre in the world, located in the centre of the city of Rome. Able to hold an estimated 50,000 to 75,000 spectators, it is the most important Roman amphitheatre, as well as the most impressive monument of ancient Rome that has come down to us, known throughout the world as a symbol of the city of Rome and one of the symbols of Italy.
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The Colosseum: an iconic symbol of Ancient Rome – Le Colisée : un symbole emblématique de la Rome antique – El Coliseo: un símbolo icónico de la Antigua Roma – O Coliseu: um símbolo icônico da Roma Antiga – Das Kolosseum: ein ikonisches Symbol des antiken Roms – Đấu trường La Mã: biểu tượng mang tính biểu tượng của La Mã cổ đại – 罗马斗兽场:古罗马的标志性象征 – コロッセオ: 古代ローマの象徴的なシンボル

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A glimpse of the Flavian Amphitheatre, the Colosseum, in Rome

Uno scorcio dell'Anfiteatro Flavio, il Colosseo, a Roma

A glimpse of the Flavian Amphitheater, the Colosseum, in Rome.
A few months ago I was in Rome for an errand and I took the classic tourist tour of the many attractions that the capital of Italy offers.
The most famous of all, perhaps, and one of the symbols of the city is the Colosseum.
This is a deliberately partial shot of the exterior.

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Uno scorcio dell'Anfiteatro Flavio, il Colosseo, a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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Here's where the Colosseum is located:

The Colosseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre or simply as Amphitheatrum, is the largest amphitheatre in the world, located in the centre of the city of Rome. Able to hold an estimated 50,000 to 75,000 spectators, it is the most important Roman amphitheatre, as well as the most impressive monument of ancient Rome that has come down to us, known throughout the world as a symbol of the city of Rome and one of the symbols of Italy.
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A glimpse of the Flavian Amphitheater, the Colosseum, the famous monument of Rome – Un aperçu de l’Amphithéâtre Flavien, du Colisée, le célèbre monument de Rome – Un vistazo al Anfiteatro Flavio, el Coliseo y el famoso monumento de Roma – Um vislumbre do Anfiteatro Flaviano, do Coliseu, o famoso monumento de Roma – Ein Blick auf das flavische Amphitheater, das Kolosseum, das berühmte Denkmal Roms – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về Nhà hát vòng tròn Flavian, Đấu trường La Mã, tượng đài nổi tiếng của Rome – 一睹弗拉维安露天剧场、罗马斗兽场、罗马著名古迹的风采 – フラウィウス円形劇場、コロッセオ、ローマの有名な記念碑を垣間見る

La Luna piena attraverso il Colosseo

luna piena colosseo

La Luna piena attraverso il Colosseo.
Sono riuscito ad immortalare la luna piena di lunedì scorso vista attraverso uno dei tanti archi del Colosseo a Roma. Peccato solo che la luna sia rimasta un po’ troppo luminosa e non ben definita. Ma credo che l’effetto sia comunque ottimo.

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luna piena colosseo

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Il Colosseo, originariamente conosciuto come Amphitheatrum Flavium (italiano: Anfiteatro Flavio) o semplicemente come Amphitheatrum, è il più grande anfiteatro del mondo, situato nel centro della città di Roma. In grado di contenere un numero di spettatori stimato tra 50.000 e 75.000 unità, è il più importante anfiteatro romano, nonché il più imponente monumento dell’antica Roma che sia giunto fino a noi, conosciuto in tutto il mondo come simbolo della città di Roma e uno dei simboli d’Italia.
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The full moon in the Colosseum – La pleine lune au Colisée – La luna llena en el Coliseo – A lua cheia no Coliseu – Der Vollmond im Kolosseum – Trăng tròn ở Đấu trường La Mã – 斗兽场的满月 – コロッセオの満月

Veduta di Roma da San Pietro

Veduta di Roma da San Pietro

Veduta di Roma da San Pietro.
La vista che si gode dal cupolone di San Pietro è sicuramente impareggiabile. Questa in particolare mostra il Vittoriano (o Altare della Patria) e, se aguzzate la vista anche il Colosseo.

Veduta di Roma da San Pietro

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View of Rome from San Pietro – Vue de Rome depuis San Pietro – Vista de Roma desde San Pietro – Vista de Roma de San Pietro – Ansicht von Rom von San Pietro – Quang cảnh thành phố Rome từ San Pietro – 从圣彼得罗看罗马 – サンピエトロからのローマの眺め

Il Colosseo fotografato in notturna

Colosseo in notturna

Il Colosseo fotografato in notturna.
Roma non ha certo bisogno della mia descrizione tantomeno il Colosseo ne ha… Lasciatemi solo dire che la sera, con una luna quasi piena, fare una passeggiata tra i fori imperiali è sicuramente una delle esperienze che ti ricorderai per sempre!

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Colosseo in notturna

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The Colosseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre or simply as Amphitheatrum, is the largest amphitheatre in the world, located in the centre of the city of Rome. Able to hold an estimated 50,000 to 75,000 spectators, it is the most important Roman amphitheatre, as well as the most impressive monument of ancient Rome that has come down to us, known throughout the world as a symbol of the city of Rome and one of the symbols of Italy.
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A glimpse of the Flavian Amphitheater, the Colosseum, the famous monument of Rome – Un aperçu de l’Amphithéâtre Flavien, du Colisée, le célèbre monument de Rome – Un vistazo al Anfiteatro Flavio, el Coliseo y el famoso monumento de Roma – Um vislumbre do Anfiteatro Flaviano, do Coliseu, o famoso monumento de Roma – Ein Blick auf das flavische Amphitheater, das Kolosseum, das berühmte Denkmal Roms – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về Nhà hát vòng tròn Flavian, Đấu trường La Mã, tượng đài nổi tiếng của Rome – 一睹弗拉维安露天剧场、罗马斗兽场、罗马著名古迹的风采 – フラウィウス円形劇場、コロッセオ、ローマの有名な記念碑を垣間見る

The Roman Forums seen from the Colosseum

i fori visti dal colosseo

The Roman Forums seen from the Colosseum.
A beautiful glimpse of the Roman Forums portrayed from an aisle of the Colosseum.
When you are in Rome you really don't know which way to look!

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i fori visti dal colosseo

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Walking in Rome among the ancient and wonderful Roman Forums – Se promener à Rome parmi les anciens et merveilleux forums romains – Paseando por Roma entre los antiguos y maravillosos Foros Romanos – Caminhando em Roma entre os antigos e maravilhosos Fóruns Romanos – Spazieren Sie durch Rom zwischen den alten und wunderschönen römischen Foren – Đi bộ ở Rome giữa các Diễn đàn La Mã cổ kính và tuyệt vời – 漫步在罗马古老而美妙的罗马广场之间 – 古代の素晴らしいフォロ・ロマーノの間を歩くローマ