The Tree of Life in Santa Croce in Florence

L'Albero della Vita a Santa Croce: un simbolo di rinascita e speranza

The Tree of Life in Santa Croce: a symbol of rebirth and hope.
In the Cenacle of Santa Croce, in addition to the iconic representation of the Last Supper, it is possible to admire an extraordinary detail that adds a further layer of meaning and symbolism to the environment: the Tree of Life.
The Meaning of the Tree of Life: In Christian art and symbolism, the Tree of Life represents spiritual regeneration and the promise of eternal life. In the fresco, the tree rises majestically towards the sky, with its roots immersed in the ground and its branches laden with green leaves. This symbolic image expresses faith in the resurrection and the hope of eternal life through faith in Christ.
Flowering Details: The floral and fruit-bearing depictions of the Tree of Life add a dimension of abundance and fertility. The flowers and fruit hanging from the branches represent rebirth and the promise of new life, which is central to the Christian faith.
A Message of Hope: The Tree of Life in the Cenacolo di Santa Croce is a message of hope and consolation for those who contemplate the work. In addition to the Last Supper scene, this symbol reminds visitors that faith and spirituality can bring rebirth and joy into their lives.
When you visit the Cenacolo di Santa Croce in Florence, be sure to take a moment to admire the Tree of Life. This extraordinary symbol adds depth to Orcagna's work and will remind you of the beauty of faith and the promise of eternal life.

The Tree of Life in the Cenacle of Santa Croce is a true symbolic and spiritual jewel that completes the experience of visiting this extraordinary place, helping to bring out the message of hope that has inspired generations of believers and visitors.

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L'Albero della Vita a Santa Croce: un simbolo di rinascita e speranza

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website:

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For the Tree of the Cross Taddeo drew on an iconography that has its best example in the Tree of Pacino di Buonaguida, here however simplified, with the prophets and evangelists in the roundels in place of the episodes of the life of Christ the prophets and evangelists. The respective writings of the characters are linked to the mystery of the Passion as it comes true.
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The Tree of Life in Santa Croce: a symbol of rebirth and hope – L’Arbre de Vie de Santa Croce : symbole de renaissance et d’espoir – El Árbol de la Vida en Santa Croce: símbolo de renacimiento y esperanza – A Árvore da Vida em Santa Croce: um símbolo de renascimento e esperança – Der Baum des Lebens in Santa Croce: ein Symbol für Wiedergeburt und Hoffnung – Cây Sự sống ở Santa Croce: biểu tượng của sự tái sinh và hy vọng – 圣十字教堂的生命之树:重生和希望的象征 – サンタ・クローチェの生命の木:再生と希望の象徴

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The vault of Santa Maria di Nazareth in Sestri

Affreschi sulla volta della chiesa di Santa Maria di Nazaret a Sestri Levante

Frescoes on the vault of the church of Santa Maria di Nazareth in Sestri Levante.
The representation of the crucifixion of Jesus on the vault of the central nave in the church of Sestri Levante.

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Affreschi sulla volta della chiesa di Santa Maria di Nazaret a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Where is the Basilica located:

The presence of a small chapel dedicated to Santa Maria di Nazareth was attested as early as 1368, but it was during 1604 that, following the transfer of a plot of land by the local nobleman Bernardo Bolasco, work was undertaken to build a new place of worship.
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