The ancient pizzeria Di Matteo in Naples

Pizzeria Di Matteo a Napoli

The ancient pizzeria Di Matteo in Naples.
This is one of the most famous pizzerias in the Neapolitan capital and this is the golden oven that welcomes customers.
Obviously the oven is used to cook the very famous Neapolitan pizza, of which I have already posted many photos recently, and in particular that of the pizzeria Di Matteo (review by TripAdvisor).

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Pizzeria Di Matteo a Napoli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Neapolitan pizza, with a soft and thin dough, but with high edges, is the version of the round pizza prepared in the city of Naples. It is considered, on a global scale, as the Italian pizza par excellence. Since 5 February 2010 it has been officially recognized as a Traditional Specialty Guaranteed by the European Union and in 2017 the art of the Neapolitan pizza maker, of which Neapolitan pizza is a tangible product, was declared by UNESCO as an intangible heritage of humanity.
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The oven of the ancient pizzeria Di Matteo in Naples – Le four de l’ancienne pizzeria Di Matteo à Naples – El horno de la antigua pizzería Di Matteo en Nápoles – O forno da antiga pizzaria Di Matteo em Nápoles – Der Ofen der alten Pizzeria Di Matteo in Neapel – Lò nướng của tiệm bánh pizza cổ kính Di Matteo ở Napoli – 那不勒斯古老比萨店 Di Matteo 的烤箱 – ナポリの古いピッツェリア ディ マッテオのオーブン

Margherita da Di Matteo a Napoli

Margheta da Di Matteo

Margherita da Di Matteo a Napoli.
Ancora una bella foto, dall’alto, di una delle pizze migliori che abbia mangiato a Napoli.
Dal momento che probabilmente per un po’ non riusciro’ piu’ a mangiarne nel capoluogo campano, mi rimangono le splendide immagini che ho scattato negli ultimi mesi a bordo nella sosta del lunedi’ a Napoli.
La pizzeria e’ Di Matteo (recensione di TripAdvisor).

Margheta da Di Matteo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Neapolitan pizza, with a soft and thin dough, but with high edges, is the version of the round pizza prepared in the city of Naples. It is considered, on a global scale, as the Italian pizza par excellence. Since 5 February 2010 it has been officially recognized as a Traditional Specialty Guaranteed by the European Union and in 2017 the art of the Neapolitan pizza maker, of which Neapolitan pizza is a tangible product, was declared by UNESCO as an intangible heritage of humanity.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia.

Pizza Margheta da Di Matteo

Pizza Margheta da Di Matteo

Pizza Margheta da Di Matteo.
Una splendida pizza mangiata in quel di Napoli mette sempre l’anima in pace.
Continua la mia carrellata delle pizzerie piu’ famose della citta’ partenopea; questa e’ la pizza della famosa pizzeria Di Matteo sempre in via dei Tribunali (recensione di TripAdvisor).
Confermo che e’ tra le migliori che ho gustato fino ad adesso ed in piu’, nel locale, si possono gustare anche altre prel;ibatezze della cucina napoletana.

Sei già stato a mangiare una pizza a Napoli? e secondo te qual è la più buona di tutte? Lasciami il tuo parere in un commento cliccando here.

Pizza Margheta da Di Matteo

Pizza Margheta da Di Matteo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Neapolitan pizza, with a soft and thin dough, but with high edges, is the version of the round pizza prepared in the city of Naples. It is considered, on a global scale, as the Italian pizza par excellence. Since 5 February 2010 it has been officially recognized as a Traditional Specialty Guaranteed by the European Union and in 2017 the art of the Neapolitan pizza maker, of which Neapolitan pizza is a tangible product, was declared by UNESCO as an intangible heritage of humanity.