Crema Catalana: A Dessert from Spain

Crema catalana: un dessert dalla Spagna

Crema Catalana: a dessert from Spain.
A dessert originally from Spain, crema Catalana has now become a classic in restaurants and pizzerias in Italy.
Simple to make and good to taste. Creamy on the inside and crunchy on the surface.
This was from the pizzeria I Gabbiani in Casarza Ligure.
In the photo you can also see the light flame that, thanks to a little alcohol, served to caramelize the sugar, a must for this dish!

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Crema catalana: un dessert dalla Spagna

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

I also found a nice video recipe on GialloZafferano.
As always I will also send you to Wikipedia to continue reading the story of this dessert.

Crema Catalana: A Dessert from Spain – Crème catalane : un dessert venu d’Espagne – Crema catalana: un postre de España – Creme catalão: uma sobremesa de Espanha – Katalanische Creme: ein Dessert aus Spanien – Kem Catalan: món tráng miệng đến từ Tây Ban Nha

Tiramisu: one of the most popular coffee desserts in Italy


Tiramisu: one of the most popular coffee desserts in Italy.
One of the classic desserts in my area is tiramisu. You can't leave the pizzeria without it. The one in the photo, for example, is from the Due Gabbiani pizzeria in Casarza Ligure.
Almost always homemade with mascarpone, eggs, sugar and biscuits (the must are Savoiardi) in this case served in a cup.

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Photo taken with iPhone 6.

Tiramisu is a traditional dessert and food product spread throughout Italy, whose origins are debated and attributed mainly to Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. It is a spoon dessert made with ladyfingers (or other biscuits with a crumbly consistency) soaked in coffee and covered with a cream made of mascarpone, eggs and sugar, which in some variations is flavoured with liqueur.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Tiramisu: one of the most popular coffee desserts in Italy – Tiramisu : l’un des desserts au café les plus populaires en Italie – Tiramisú: uno de los postres de café más populares de Italia – Tiramisu: uma das sobremesas de café mais populares da Itália – Tiramisu: eines der beliebtesten Kaffeedesserts in Italien – Tiramisu: một trong những món tráng miệng cà phê phổ biến nhất ở Ý

Gelato in Taiwan

Gelato in Taiwan

Gelato in Taiwan.
Anche il gelato, in taiwan, sembra una cosa seria. In sé, è preparato come da noi, ma spesso non viene mangiato in coni, cialde o coppette… Questo nella foto è uno dei modi più facile da trovare:
su un piano viene disposto un disco sottile di pasta (tipo crepe) su cui si dispone uno strato di nocciole tritate; una pallina o due di gelato e ecco fatto. Si fa una specie di fagotto ed il gelato è pronto.

Gelato in Taiwan

Creme caramel tropical style

Creme caramel tropical style

Creme caramel tropical style.
Un dessert che si può trovare in tutto il mondo: il creme caramel.
Questo nella variante thailandese accompagnato da cubetti di dragon fruit e anguria.
Ottimo anche l’accostamento cromatico.

Creme caramel tropical style

Photo taken with Canon 600D.

Crème caramel, also called caramel custard, is a type of pudding of Portuguese origin (hence the Italian name, latte alla portoghese) with a layer of liquid caramel on the surface, unlike crème brûlée, which is a pudding with a hard caramel top. The ingredients are milk, eggs, sugar and, usually, vanilla, according to quantities that can vary significantly.

Continua e approfondisci la lettura su Wikipedia

Creme caramel tropical style tasted in Thailand – Crème caramel façon tropicale dégustée en Thaïlande – Creme caramel estilo tropical probado en Tailandia – Creme caramelo estilo tropical degustado na Tailândia – Creme-Karamell nach tropischer Art, verkostet in Thailand – Creme caramel kiểu nhiệt đới được nếm thử ở Thái Lan – 在泰国品尝的奶油焦糖热带风味 – タイで味わうクリームキャラメルトロピカルスタイル