Obelisco della Minerva a Roma

obelisco di minerva

Obelisco della Minerva a Roma.
L’obelisco della Minerva in piazza Santa Maria sopra Minerva che come base, tediata dal Bernini, ha una statua in marmo raffigurante un elefantino.

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obelisco di minerva

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Where is the monument located:

The Obelisk of Minerva is one of the nine Egyptian obelisks of Rome, located in the Piazza della Minerva (the square of the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva). The obelisk is positioned on the back of a marble elephant, sculpted by Ercole Ferrata based on a design by Bernini in 1667; the entire monumental complex is also popularly known as the Pulcin della Minerva: “pulcino” in the dialect of the time meant “porcino”, referring to the elephant “for its small size and round shape”.
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Discovering the Minerva Obelisk: a hidden treasure in Rome – À la découverte de l’Obélisque de Minerve : un trésor caché à Rome – Descubriendo el Obelisco de Minerva: un tesoro escondido en Roma – Descobrindo o Obelisco de Minerva: um tesouro escondido em Roma – Entdecken Sie den Minerva-Obelisken: einen verborgenen Schatz in Rom – Khám phá Minerva Obelisk: kho báu ẩn giấu ở Rome – 发现密涅瓦方尖碑:罗马隐藏的宝藏 – ミネルヴァ オベリスクの発見: ローマの隠された宝物