Mostar Bridge in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ponte di mostar

Mostar Bridge in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Bosnian city of Mostar is famous throughout the world for its bridge (Stari Mostar) which was destroyed during the war in the former Yugoslavia and assumed almost a symbolic role of the war and then of the reconstruction.

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Ponte di mostar

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Where is the city located:

It is a city of 113,169 inhabitants in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the capital of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton within the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the main historical, cultural and economic center of Herzegovina and is crossed by the Neretva River. The name derives from its "old bridge" (the Stari Most) and the towers on the two banks, called the "guardians of the bridge" (mostari), which together with the surrounding area was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2005.
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The Mostar bridge in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Le pont de Mostar en Bosnie-Herzégovine – El puente de Mostar en Bosnia y Herzegovina – A ponte de Mostar na Bósnia e Herzegovina – Die Mostar-Brücke in Bosnien und Herzegowina – Cầu Mostar ở Bosnia và Herzegovina – 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的莫斯塔尔桥 – ボスニアとヘルツェゴビナのモスタル橋

La strada in una gola tra le montagne bosniache

strada bosnia

La strada in una gola tra le montagne bosniache.
Un paesaggio da film è quello che si attraversa in Bosnia lungo la strada che da Sarajevo porta a Mostar.
Ripide salite e discese lasciano il passo a gole profonde.

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strada bosnia

The road in a gorge in the Bosnian mountains – La route dans une gorge dans les montagnes bosniaques – El camino en un desfiladero en las montañas de Bosnia – A estrada em um desfiladeiro nas montanhas da Bósnia – Die Straße in einer Schlucht in den bosnischen Bergen – Con đường trong một hẻm núi ở vùng núi Bosnia – 波斯尼亚山脉峡谷中的道路 – ボスニア山脈の峡谷の道

Lago Jablanicko in Bosnia

Lago Jablanicko

Lago Jablanicko in Bosnia.
Una eccellente sorpresa il lago Jablanicko in Bosnia Erzegovina.
Viaggiando da Sarajevo a Mostar siamo transitati in macchina lungo questo splendido lago che nulla ha da invidiare a quelli alpini o del Nord Europa.
Una meraviglia della natura.
Questa foto panoramica l’ho scattata con il cellulare, quando avrò tempo metterò quelle scattate con la macchina fotografica.

Lago Jablanicko