Lilies, commonly known as Lily, are grown mostly as ornamental plants, in gardens for the elegance and scent of the flowers borne on erect stems, in pots for terraces, and industrially for the production of cut flowers. Continue and learn more on
A beautiful yellow Asiatic lily – Un beau lys asiatique jaune – Un hermoso lirio asiático amarillo – Um lindo lírio asiático amarelo – Eine wunderschöne gelbe asiatische Lilie – Một bông huệ châu Á màu vàng tuyệt đẹp
The flowers of African daisy are of various colors, also because over the years numerous hybrids and cultivars have been produced, so we can see white dimorphotheca with a blue center, the typical color, but also yellow, orange, salmon, pink purple; all the colors show the central disc of contrasting color, very showy. Continue and learn more on
The flower called the African Daisy – La fleur appelée marguerite africaine – La flor llamada Margarita Africana – A flor chamada Margarida Africana – Die Blume heißt African Daisy – Loài hoa có tên là Cúc Châu Phi
A beautiful expanse of Persian cyclamens. On the day of lovers, today we celebrate Valentine's Day, I found a beautiful photo of some beautiful pink flowers (a beautiful cyclamen) to celebrate the day.
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Herbaceous plant with globose or slightly compressed tubers of red-purple color, with few roots, from which directly originate with long petioles several waxy-looking leaves, ovate-cordate in shape, with a denticulate or entire margin, dark green in color with lighter variegation on the upper side and reddish on the lower side, very decorative. It reaches a height of 15 cm in the spontaneous variety while the hybrid varieties can reach 35 – 40 cm. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
A beautiful expanse of Persian cyclamen – Une belle étendue de cyclamens persans – Una hermosa extensión de ciclámenes persas – Uma bela extensão de ciclames persas – Eine wunderschöne Fläche persischer Alpenveilchen – Những loài hoa anh thảo Ba Tư rộng lớn xinh đẹp
The flower called pansy. Pansy, scientifically known as *Viola tricolor*, is one of the most loved and cultivated flowering plants in gardens around the world. Belonging to the Violaceae family, this flower is appreciated not only for its colorful beauty but also for its deep cultural symbolism. Pansy is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant, depending on the climatic conditions. It grows to a height of about 15-20 cm and forms a rosette of oval, serrated basal leaves. The flowers, which bloom from early spring until autumn, are known for their variety of colors that include shades of purple, blue, yellow, white and even black. Each flower has five petals: the two upper petals are often a different color than the three lower ones, creating an attractive contrast that resembles a smiling face, hence the name “pansy”. This unique appearance is one of the reasons why pansies are so popular among gardeners. Pansies are relatively easy to grow and require little care. Here are some tips for successful cultivation: 1. **Location**: They prefer sunny or partially shaded positions. Adequate exposure to sunlight helps promote abundant flowering. 2. **Soil**: They prefer fertile, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. It is helpful to add compost to the soil before planting. 3. **Watering**: They should be watered regularly, keeping the soil moist but not soggy. It is important to avoid allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. 4. **Fertiliser**: A balanced fertiliser can be applied monthly during the growing season to encourage flower development. 5. **Pruning**: Removing faded flowers stimulates the production of new buds and prolongs the flowering period. The pansy has a long history of symbolism that varies from culture to culture. In general, it is often associated with thought, memory and love. In the language of flowers, the pansy is often associated with affectionate thoughts and romantic feelings. Giving one as a gift means saying “I am thinking of you” or “You are on my mind”. Due to its ability to flower for long periods, it is also a symbol of reflection and lasting memory. It is often planted in memorial gardens. In Christian tradition, the pansy is seen as a symbol of the Trinity, due to its shape that resembles three faces in one. The pansy is versatile and can be used in various ways in the garden: it is perfect for creating colorful borders and for filling flowerbeds with its bright flowers; grown in pots and containers, the pansy adds color to terraces and balconies. Thanks to its compact size, it is also ideal for rock gardens.
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The pansy (Viola tricolor L.), also called the tricolor viola, is a plant of the Violaceae family,[1] known mainly for its flower. Very common in Europe, it grows as a wild and perennial plant. It was introduced in North America, where it has become very widespread. It is the progenitor of the cultivated pansy (i.e. Viola × wittrockiana), and is therefore sometimes called wild pansy precisely to distinguish it from the hybrid variety that is very widespread for ornamental purposes. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The flower called pansy – La fleur appelée pensée – La flor llamada pensamiento. – A flor chamada amor-perfeito – Die Blume heißt Stiefmütterchen – Loài hoa có tên là Pansy
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The village of Trevi seen from the meadows that surround it. Nestled in the heart of Umbria, the village of Trevi stands majestically on a hill, surrounded by flowery meadows and olive groves that enhance its beauty. This small town, located between Foligno and Spoleto, is a true medieval jewel that offers breathtaking views and an atmosphere of times gone by. Observing Trevi from the surrounding meadows, you can appreciate its spiral structure, with stone houses that climb the hill in concentric circles. This particular urban layout not only gives the village a unique charm, but also allows you to enjoy spectacular views of the Umbrian Valley. The meadows surrounding Trevi are dotted with centuries-old olive trees, which produce an olive oil of the highest quality, so much so that the village has been awarded the title of City of Oil. Trevi boasts an ancient history, with origins dating back to Roman times. The city walls, built in the 1st century BC, bear witness to the glorious past of the village, while the medieval gates, such as Porta del Bruscito and Porta San Fabiano, invite visitors to discover the historic center. Walking through the narrow, paved streets, you can admire ancient churches, noble palaces and precious frescoes that tell centuries of history and culture. Visiting Trevi means immersing yourself in a unique sensory experience. The scents of the Umbrian countryside, the flavor of extra virgin olive oil and the view of green meadows that stretch as far as the eye can see create a perfect combination of nature and culture. The village also offers numerous opportunities for excursions and walks, allowing visitors to explore the surroundings and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the Umbrian landscape. Trevi is also a place rich in traditions and cultural events. Throughout the year, the village hosts numerous events celebrating local culture, such as the Festa dell’Olio Nuovo, which attracts visitors from all over Italy to taste the freshly produced oil and participate in food and wine and folkloristic events.
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To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the village is located:
In the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance it had its best period, characterized by extraordinary trade that favored its economic prosperity (it was called "the dry port"), still testified today by the numerous buildings in the historic center, worthy of appearing in much larger cities, and the economic growth was accompanied by lively cultural and social activity. Already in 1469, to favor the circulation of money a Jewish banker was called, one of the few professions to which those men were authorized, and despite this he was persecuted and later one of the very first Monti di Pietà was erected, followed later by the Monte Frumentario and various other charitable and welfare institutions. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The village of Trevi seen from the meadows surrounding it – Le village de Trevi vu depuis les prairies qui l’entourent – El pueblo de Trevi visto desde los prados que lo rodean – A aldeia de Trevi vista dos prados que a rodeiam – Das Dorf Trevi von den Wiesen aus gesehen, die es umgeben – Ngôi làng Trevi nhìn từ đồng cỏ bao quanh
The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.
Yellow Calendula: a flower of sunshine and health. Calendula, known scientifically as Calendula officinalis, is an annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, loved for its bright yellow-orange flowers. Native to the Mediterranean area, calendula is cultivated throughout the world not only for its ornamental beauty, but also for its extraordinary medicinal and cosmetic properties. Calendula grows up to 70 cm in height and has lanceolate and slightly hairy leaves. Its flowers, which bloom from spring to autumn, are composed of bright and radiant petals arranged around a central disk. The plant prefers sunny locations and well-drained soil, and is relatively easy to grow, making it a popular choice in gardens and vegetable patches.
Calendula has been used in traditional medicine for centuries for its healing properties. Some of its medicinal applications include: – Anti-inflammatory and healing action: Calendula extracts are known to promote wound healing and reduce inflammation. They are often used in ointments and creams to treat cuts, abrasions, minor burns and dermatitis. – Antimicrobial properties: Calendula has been shown to have antibacterial and antifungal effects, helping to prevent skin infections. – Skin health support: Calendula products are common in skin care due to their ability to moisturize and soothe irritation. It is especially useful for sensitive skin or skin with eczema. – Herbal teas and infusions: Calendula can also be used in the form of herbal teas, which can help soothe digestive upset and aid digestion.
In addition to its medicinal properties, calendula is highly valued in the cosmetics industry. Calendula extracts are often included in skin and hair care formulations. Its emollient and soothing abilities make it an ideal ingredient in moisturizers, lotions, shampoos, and conditioners. Additionally, calendula is used in baby products due to its gentleness. Growing calendula is easy, making it suitable for both experienced gardeners and beginners. Here are some growing tips:
– Exposure: Plant calendula in an area that receives full sun to obtain abundant blooms. – Soil: prefers well-drained and fertile soil. Adding compost can improve growth. – Watering: calendula requires regular watering, especially during periods of drought, but avoid waterlogging. – Flower harvesting: calendula flowers can be harvested regularly to promote continuous flowering. They can be used fresh or dried to prepare herbal teas, extracts or ointments.
The marigold is often associated with the sun because of its bright color and its ability to follow the sun's path across the sky. In many cultures, it is a symbol of love, beauty, and fidelity. In the language of flowers, the marigold also represents grief and compassion, symbolizing the feelings of those who are grieving.
In conclusion, calendula is not only a decorative element of the garden, but also a plant with numerous benefits for health and beauty. Whether used in medicinal preparations, cosmetics or simply as part of a flower garden, the yellow calendula continues to shine like a little sun, bringing with it well-being and vitality.
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The name of the genus derives from the Latin Calendae, a word with which the Romans indicated the first day of the month, given that it flowers continuously more or less throughout the summer. The scientific name of the genus was defined by the botanist Carl Linnaeus (or Linnaeus) (1707-1778) in the publication "Species Plantarum" ( Sp. Pl. 2: 921 ) of 1753. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The yellow marigold: a flower of sun and health – Le souci jaune : une fleur de soleil et de santé – La caléndula amarilla: una flor de sol y salud. – O calêndula amarelo: uma flor de sol e saúde – Die gelbe Ringelblume: eine Blume der Sonne und Gesundheit – Cúc vạn thọ màu vàng: loài hoa của mặt trời và sức khỏe
The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.
Wisteria blooming in spring in Sestri Levante. When in spring, between April and May, the wisteria blooms, you can find truly magnificent corners to photograph. Like these benches, on the seafront promenade in Sestri Levante, which have this truly spectacular pergola of wisteria plants.
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Wisteria grow by wrapping themselves around any support, both clockwise (like W. floribunda) and counterclockwise. The Wisteria collection at the Gardens of Villa della Pergola in Alassio is considered the most important in Italy today, with about 40 different types of the Wisteria species. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Wisteria blooming in spring in Sestri Levante – La glycine fleurit au printemps à Sestri Levante – La glicina florece en primavera en Sestri Levante – As glicínias florescem na primavera em Sestri Levante – Glyzinien blühen im Frühling in Sestri Levante – Hoa tử đằng nở vào mùa xuân ở Sestri Levante
Some common daisies photographed in Sestri Levante. When last spring the days began to get warmer and sunnier, the meadows and flowerbeds of my town began to sprout with field daisies (which are correctly called common daisies).
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The common daisy (scientific name: Bellis perennis L., 1753) is a species of dicotyledonous angiosperm plants of the family Asteraceae, subfamily Asteroideae, tribe Astereae (Bellis lineage) and subtribe Bellidinae. Un infuso delle foglie (tipo tè) può essere utile nell’insonnia. Anticamente le foglie erano usate per la rimarginazione delle ferite. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Some common daisies photographed in Sestri Levante – Quelques marguerites communes photographiées à Sestri Levante – Algunas margaritas comunes fotografiadas en Sestri Levante – Algumas margaridas comuns fotografadas em Sestri Levante – Einige Gänseblümchen, fotografiert in Sestri Levante – Một số loài hoa cúc phổ biến được chụp ảnh ở Sestri Levante
The orange flower of the Gazania. My wife really likes to visit greenhouses and flower nurseries so every now and then we visit one that is close to us. I, with my camera, always try to photograph the most beautiful flowers. In this case perhaps these gazanias were not in their best shape but they still seemed like a beautiful flower to me.
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Gazania Gaertn., 1791 is a genus of dicotyledonous angiosperm plants in the family Asteraceae. The genus, native to southern Africa, includes numerous commercial hybrids. They are plants cultivated for their drought resistance and for the beauty of their flowers. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The orange flower of Gazania – La fleur orange de Gazania – La flor de naranja de Gazania – A flor de laranjeira da Gazania – Die orangefarbene Blume Gazanias – Hoa cam của Gazania
The beautiful dahlia flower. Another beautiful flower that I photographed a few months ago in a nursery in my area. The dahlia flower in two slightly different colors but always pink.
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Dahlia Cav. is a genus of plants in the Asteraceae family, native to Mexico, where the tuber is considered edible despite its pungent taste. The genus name is a tribute to the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl (1751-1789), a student of Linnaeus. It includes herbaceous species with oblong tuberous roots, erect stem, often woody at the base, of variable height between 20 cm and 2 m, large compound leaves, formed by 3-5 toothed leaflets, bearing very decorative simple or double flowers of various shapes and colors. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The beautiful Dahlia flower – La belle fleur de Dahlia – La hermosa flor de Dalia – A linda flor Dália – Die schöne Dahlienblume – Hoa thược dược xinh đẹp