La facciata di Santa Maria del Fiore a Firenze

La bella facciata di santa Maria del Fiore, Duomo di Firenze

La bella facciata di Santa Maria del Fiore, Duomo di Firenze.
Una delle chiese più famose del mondo è sicuramente il Duomo di Firenze.
Rappresenta, dal punto di vista religioso, il Rinascimento artistico ed incanta con la sua bellezza.
Alla sua costruzione hanno partecipato personalità come: Arnolfo di Cambio, Giotto, Francesco Talenti, Giovanni di Lapo Ghini e Brunelleschi e contiene opere di Giorgio Vasari e Federico Zuccari.
La facciata più moderna,in stile neogotico, è opera di Emilio de Fabris.

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La bella facciata di santa Maria del Fiore, Duomo di Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

This is the official website of the church:

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.
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The beautiful facade of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence Cathedral – La belle façade de Santa Maria del Fiore, la cathédrale de Florence – La hermosa fachada de Santa Maria del Fiore, Catedral de Florencia – A bela fachada de Santa Maria del Fiore, Catedral de Florença – Die schöne Fassade von Santa Maria del Fiore, Kathedrale von Florenz – Mặt tiền tuyệt đẹp của Santa Maria del Fiore, Nhà thờ Florence – Santa Maria del Fiore,佛罗伦萨大教堂美丽的门面 – フィレンツェ大聖堂、サンタマリアデルフィオーレの美しいファサード

The Fountain of Neptune in Piazza della Signoria

La fontana del Nettuno in piazza della Signoria a Firenze

The Fountain of Neptune in Piazza della Signoria in Florence.
One of the most famous fountains in Florence located in the most famous square of the city of Florence.
Like many fountains in Italy it represents the god Neptune.
What fascinated me is the wise use of different types of stone and marble used for its creation.

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La fontana del Nettuno in piazza della Signoria a Firenze

La fontana del Nettuno in piazza della Signoria a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

Numerous sculptors participated, with an approach based on materials of different nature and color, dear to the client's taste. The result, however, was the object of harsh criticism since its completion, while today it is read as an emblematic example of the renewal of Mannerist sculpture shortly after the middle of the sixteenth century, in opposition to the prevailing Michelangelo-style academicism.
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The fountain of Neptune in Piazza della Signoria in Florence – La fontaine de Neptune sur la Piazza della Signoria à Florence – La fuente de Neptuno en la Piazza della Signoria en Florencia – A fonte de Netuno na Piazza della Signoria em Florença – Der Neptunbrunnen auf der Piazza della Signoria in Florenz – Đài phun nước của Neptune ở quảng trường Piazza della Signoria ở Florence – 海王星喷泉在佛罗伦萨领主广场 – フィレンツェのシニョーリア広場にあるネプチューンの噴水

The Lodge of the Lanzi in the Signoria square in Florence

La Loggia dei Lanzi in piazza della Signoria a Firenze

The Loggia dei Lanzi in Piazza della Signoria in Florence.
Although its real name is Loggia della Signoria, like the square of the same name, I knew it as the Loggia dei Lanzi.
This structure, created before the Renaissance (and with a Gothic appearance), was built to house the many public assemblies of the Florentine Republic indoors.
Inside there are various works of great value, among which the Perseus by Benedetto Cellini stands out.

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La Loggia dei Lanzi in piazza della Signoria a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Loggia della Signoria is a historic monument in Florence, located in Piazza della Signoria to the right of Palazzo Vecchio and next to the Uffizi, which is attached to the back with a terrace right at the top of the loggia.
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The loggia dei Lanzi in the Piazza della Signoria in Florence – La loggia dei Lanzi en la Piazza della Signoria en Florencia – A loggia dei Lanzi na Piazza della Signoria em Florença – Die Loggia dei Lanzi auf der Piazza della Signoria in Florenz – Loggia dei Lanzi ở Piazza della Signoria ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨领主广场的凉廊 dei Lanzi – フィレンツェのシニョーリア広場にあるロッジアデイランツィ

Gli affreschi della sacrestia di Santa Croce

Gli affreschi della sacrestia della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

Gli affreschi della sacrestia della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze.
L’arte in Italia ha una delle sue culle in Firenze. Questi sono una parte degli affreschi della sacrestia della Basilica di Santa Croce seconda (forse) solo al Duomo di Firenze per bellezza ed importanza.

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Gli affreschi della sacrestia della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

This is the official website:

Sopra la decorazione geometrica della parte inferiore, si dispone sulla parete sud una serie di scene della vita di Cristo eseguite da alcuni dei più importanti pittori della scuola giottesca: Niccolò Gerini (Ascensione, Resurrezione), Taddeo Gaddi (la Crocefissione) e Spinello Aretino (Salita al Calvario). Sulla sinistra il lavabo in marmo è opera di Pagno Portigiani, mentre il busto in terracotta policroma, raffigurante il Redentore, è opera di Giovanni della Robbia.
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The frescoes in the sacristy of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence – Les fresques de la sacristie de la Basilique de Santa Croce à Florence – Los frescos de la sacristía de la Basílica de Santa Croce en Florencia – Os afrescos na sacristia da Basílica de Santa Croce em Florença – Die Fresken in der Sakristei der Basilika Santa Croce in Florenz – Các bức bích họa trong thánh đường của Vương cung thánh đường Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字大教堂圣器收藏室的壁画 – フィレンツェのサンタクローチェ大聖堂の聖餐式のフレスコ画

The main altar of Santa Trinità in Florence

L'altare maggiore della chiesa di Santa Trinità a Firenze

The main altar of the church of Santa Trinità in Florence.
Perhaps it is not the most famous church in Florence but, as in the whole Tuscan city, there is an air of history and legend.

Sei mai stato a Firenze ed hai visto questa Basilica? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'altare maggiore della chiesa di Santa Trinità a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The altar is the result of the union of several pieces of various origins, including the frontal with the Trinity attributed to Agostino di Duccio and the pilasters from the workshop of Desiderio da Settignano. The triptych of the Trinity by Mariotto di Nardo (1416) was commissioned by Niccolò Davanzati and comes from the deposits of the Galleria dell’Accademia.
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The main altar of the church of Santa Trinità in Florence – Le maître-autel de l’église de Santa Trinità à Florence – El altar mayor de la iglesia de Santa Trinità en Florencia – O altar principal da igreja de Santa Trinità em Florença – Der Hauptaltar der Kirche Santa Trinità in Florenz – Bàn thờ chính của nhà thờ Santa Trinità ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣三一教堂的主祭坛 – フィレンツェのサンタトリニタ教会の主祭壇

Uno scorcio del Duomo di Firenze dai vicoli

Uno scorcio del Duomo di firenze dai vicoli attorno

Uno scorcio del Duomo di Firenze dai vicoli attorno.
Passeggiando tra i bei vicoli del centro storico della città ad un certo punto mi si apre questo scorcio sul Duomo che ovviamente non potevo esimermi di fotografare e condividere con voi.

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Uno scorcio del Duomo di firenze dai vicoli attorno

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.
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A glimpse of the Florence Cathedral from the surrounding alleys – Un aperçu de la cathédrale de Florence depuis les ruelles environnantes – Un vistazo a la Catedral de Florencia desde los callejones circundantes – Um vislumbre do Duomo de Florença das vielas circundantes – Ein Blick auf den Dom von Florenz aus den umliegenden Gassen – Nhìn thoáng qua Nhà thờ Florence từ những con hẻm xung quanh – 从周围的小巷瞥见佛罗伦萨大教堂 – 周辺の路地からフィレンツェのドゥオーモを垣間見る

The lunette of the central portal of Santa Croce in Florence

La lunetta del portale centrale di Santa Croce a Firenze

The lunette of the central portal of Santa Croce in Florence.
The beautiful Basilica of Florence in a detail of the facade and, in particular, of the lunette of the central portal which portrays the story of the cross (to which Jesus was nailed and which gives its name to the church) sculpted by Giovanni Duprè (the Triumph of the Cross).

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La lunetta del portale centrale di Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

This is the official website:

According to Christian tradition, the True Cross was partly preserved in Jerusalem, partly in Constantinople and partly in Rome. The Jerusalem relic remained there until 1187, when all traces of it were lost after the conquest of the Holy City by Saladin. In several places there are fragments that are said to come from it.
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The lunette of the central portal of Santa Croce in Florence – La lunette du portail central de Santa Croce à Florence – La luneta del portal central de Santa Croce en Florencia – A luneta do portal central de Santa Croce em Florença – Die Lünette des zentralen Portals von Santa Croce in Florenz – Lunette của cổng trung tâm Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字中央门户的月饼 – フィレンツェのサンタクローチェの中央ポータルのルネット

The houses on Ponte Vecchio in Florence

Le case su Ponte Vecchio a Firenze

The houses on Ponte Vecchio in Florence
Ponte Vecchio is probably the most famous historic bridge in the world and it is also famous because there are houses built on top of it (and because the Vasari Corridor also passes above the houses).
This is one of the many views of the bridge portrayed from Lungarno.

Have you ever been to Florence and seen Ponte Vecchio? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Le case su Ponte Vecchio a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Ponte Vecchio is a bridge that crosses the Arno River in Florence, approximately 150 metres downstream from the area where the river naturally has one of the narrowest points within the city, in its stretch upstream from the Cascine.
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The houses on Ponte Vecchio in Florence – Les maisons du Ponte Vecchio à Florence – Las casas del Ponte Vecchio en Florencia – As casas da Ponte Vecchio em Florença – Die Häuser am Ponte Vecchio in Florenz – Những ngôi nhà trên Ponte Vecchio ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨老桥上的房子 – フィレンツェのポンテヴェッキオの家

La facciata della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

La facciata della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

La facciata della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze.
Sono stato diverse volte nella città toscana di Firenze ma, nonostante me lo fossi già riproposto da molto tempo, solo recentemente sono riuscito a visitare la Basilica di Santa Croce.
Ed è stata veramente una visita meravigliosa tante sono le bellezze e le pagine della storia che questo monumento racchiude al suo interno.

Do you know or have you visited this beautiful church in Florence? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La facciata della Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

This is the official website:

La basilica di Santa Croce nell’omonima piazza a Firenze, è una delle più grandi chiese francescane e una delle massime realizzazioni del gotico in Italia, e possiede il rango di basilica minore. Santa Croce è un simbolo prestigioso di Firenze, il luogo di incontro dei più grandi artisti, teologi, religiosi, letterati, umanisti e politici, che determinarono, nella buona e cattiva sorte, l’identità della città tardo-medievale e rinascimentale.
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The facade of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence – La façade de la Basilique de Santa Croce à Florence – La fachada de la Basílica de Santa Croce en Florencia – A fachada da Basílica de Santa Croce em Florença – Die Fassade der Basilika Santa Croce in Florenz – Mặt tiền của Vương cung thánh đường Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字大教堂的正面 – フィレンツェのサンタクローチェ大聖堂のファサード

The Sassetti Chapel in Santa Trinita in Florence

Particolari della cappella Sassetti in Santa Trinità a Firenze

Details of the Sassetti Chapel in Santa Trinita in Florence.
In this beautiful church in Florence there is this chapel, frescoed by the Sassetti family, in which one of the greatest artists of the time, Ghirlandaio, expressed his great talent.
Thanks to Lorenzo I discovered that the name of the church is without an accent.

Have you ever been to this Florentine church and seen these frescoes? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Particolari della cappella Sassetti in Santa Trinità a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

Here is where the basilica is located:

It preserves an important cycle of frescoes with the Stories of Saint Francis of Assisi (1482-1485), considered the masterpiece of Domenico Ghirlandaio and among the most significant works of the cultured, elegant and antiquarian Humanism of the Laurentian era.
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Details of the Sassetti chapel in Santa Trinita in Florence – Détails de la chapelle Sassetti à Santa Trinita à Florence – Details der Sassetti-Kapelle in Santa Trinita in Florenz – Chi tiết về nhà nguyện Sassetti ở Santa Trinita ở Florence