The famous Fontana Maggiore in Perugia

La celebre Fontana Maggiore a Perugia

The famous Fontana Maggiore in Perugia.
The Fontana Maggiore is one of the masterpieces of Italian Gothic sculpture and one of the most iconic symbols of Perugia. Located in Piazza IV Novembre, this monumental fountain was built between 1278 and 1280 to celebrate the arrival of water in the city's acropolis, thanks to a new aqueduct.
The Fontana Maggiore was designed by Frà Bevignate da Cingoli and built with the collaboration of artists and engineers such as Nicola and Giovanni Pisano and Boninsegna da Venezia. The structure is composed of three concentric basins, one on top of the other, decorated with stone and bronze sculptures. The lower basins are adorned with seventy-five sculptures representing mythological, historical and symbolic figures.
The upper basin, of a circular shape, is surmounted by an enigmatic sculpture depicting three women holding an amphora from which water flows. This sculpture is a work of great beauty and symbolism, representing the importance of water for the city of Perugia.
The Fontana Maggiore is not only a work of art, but also an example of medieval hydraulic engineering. It is a meeting and socializing place for citizens and visitors, who can admire its beauty and history.
The fountain is located in Piazza IV Novembre, one of the main squares of Perugia, and can be visited for free at any time. It is a perfect place for a walk and to immerse yourself in the history and culture of the city.
Visiting the Fontana Maggiore is an experience that combines artistic beauty, engineering and history, making it one of the most fascinating attractions in Perugia.

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La celebre Fontana Maggiore a Perugia

La celebre Fontana Maggiore a Perugia

La celebre Fontana Maggiore a Perugia

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos of Perugia, click here:

Here's where the fountain is located:

The Fontana Maggiore, located in the center of Piazza IV Novembre (formerly Piazza Grande), is the symbolic monument of the city of Perugia. The monumental fountain was built by Umberto the Master between 1278 and 1280 to celebrate the arrival of water in the city's acropolis, thanks to the new aqueduct.
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The famous Fontana Maggiore in Perugia – La célèbre Fontana Maggiore à Pérouse – La famosa Fontana Maggiore en Perugia – A famosa Fontana Maggiore em Perugia – A famosa Fontana Maggiore em Perugia – Fontana Maggiore nổi tiếng ở Perugia

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The Fountain of Neptune in Piazza Navona in Rome

La Fontana del Nettuno in piazza Navona a Roma

The Fountain of Neptune in Piazza Navona in Rome.
I still have some photos of some monuments of Rome from my last visit to the capital.
These three photos are of the beautiful fountain located in Piazza Navona.
Probably overshadowed by the larger and more famous Fountain of the Four Rivers, it is still worthy of a post of mine!

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La Fontana del Nettuno in piazza Navona a Roma

La Fontana del Nettuno in piazza Navona a Roma

La Fontana del Nettuno in piazza Navona a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took in Rome click here:
foto gallery

Here's where the fountain is located:

The Fountain of Neptune is located at the northern end of Piazza Navona in Rome. Also known, once, as the Fountain of the Calderai, it owed this name to its proximity to the ancient Vicolo dei Calderai (or Calderari), a small street occupied by the shops of blacksmiths and sellers of pans, pots and metal dishes in general. The basin, by Giacomo della Porta, dates back to 1575-76, while the sculptures that decorate it were placed only in 1878, by the sculptors Antonio Della Bitta and Gregorio Zappalà.
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The Fountain of Neptune in the Navona square in Rome – La fontaine de Neptune sur la place Navone à Rome – La Fuente de Neptuno en la plaza Navona de Roma – A Fonte de Netuno na Praça Navona, em Roma – Der Neptunbrunnen auf dem Navona-Platz in Rom – Đài phun nước Neptune ở quảng trường Navona ở Rome – 罗马纳沃纳广场的海王星喷泉 – ローマのナヴォーナ広場にあるネプチューンの噴水

The statue of the Lechera Canaria in Santa Cruz

La statua della Lechera Canaria a Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Lechera Canaria statue in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the statues of women with packages on their heads are a tribute to the lecheres, the milkmaids who once carried milk to homes on their heads¹. These statues commemorate the hard work and dedication of these women, who were an essential part of everyday life in Tenerife in centuries past¹.
These historical figures are celebrated through street art to remember the traditions and cultural heritage of the island. Walking around the city, you can find many other statues and monuments that tell similar stories, making Santa Cruz a true open-air museum².

The one in the photo is located in San Domenico square in front of the fountain of the same name (fuente de Santo Domingo).

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La statua della Lechera Canaria a Santa Cruz de Tenerife

La statua della Lechera Canaria a Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Where is the statue with the fountain behind it:

The statue of the Lechera Canaria, the milk carrier, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife – La statue de Lechera Canaria, la porteuse de lait, à Santa Cruz de Tenerife – La estatua de Lechera Canaria, la lechera, en Santa Cruz de Tenerife – A estátua de Lechera Canaria, a portadora de leite, em Santa Cruz de Tenerife – Die Statue von Lechera Canaria, der Milchträgerin, in Santa Cruz de Teneriffa – Tượng Lechera Canaria, người mang sữa, ở Santa Cruz de Tenerife

¹: [That Lady from Europe](
²: [Tripadvisor](

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The fountain with the obelisk in front of the Pantheon in Rome

La fontana con l'obelisco di fronte al Pantheon a Roma

The fountain with the obelisk in front of the Pantheon in Rome.
Welcome to the enchanting square in front of the Pantheon, where antiquity merges with art and beauty. In addition to the majesty of the Pantheon and the imposing obelisk, the square is home to one of the most fascinating fountains in Rome.
The Pantheon Fountain: Located in the center of the square, the Pantheon Fountain captures the eye with its elegance. Designed by Giacomo Della Porta in 1575, the fountain features a circular basin with an obelisk in the center, combining classical Roman aesthetics with the grandeur of the Egyptian obelisk.
The water flows gently along the walls of the basin, creating a soothing sound that accompanies visitors on their journey through time. Dolphin statuettes, symbols of sea gods, decorate the fountain, adding a touch of grace and mythology to the view.
An oasis of tranquility: The Pantheon Fountain offers a refuge of serenity amidst the hustle and bustle of the eternal city. Visitors can sit by the fountain, admire the Pantheon in the background and enjoy the beauty around them.
Union of Cultures: The presence of the fountain, the obelisk and the Pantheon reflects the cultural eclecticism that characterizes the history of Rome. Elements from different civilizations blend harmoniously in this space, celebrating the diversity and mutual influence of ancient cultures.
Capture lasting memories: The square in front of the Pantheon becomes a perfect place to immortalize special moments. With the Pantheon in the background, the fountain and the obelisk create a unique setting that will enchant photographers and visitors, capturing the magic of Rome in every shot.

Visiting the Pantheon is not only a journey through history, but also a sensory experience that embraces art, architecture and nature. Discovering the square with its obelisk, the Pantheon Fountain and the iconic temple is an unforgettable journey into the heart of Rome.

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La fontana con l'obelisco di fronte al Pantheon a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

This is the official website of the site:

Here is where the remains of the temple are located:

At the beginning of the 7th century, the Pantheon was donated by the Eastern Emperor Phocas to Pope Boniface IV and was converted into a Christian basilica called Santa Maria della Rotonda or Santa Maria ad Martyres, which allowed it to survive almost intact the spoliations suffered by other buildings of classical Rome. It enjoys the rank of minor basilica and is the only basilica in Rome other than the patriarchal ones to still have a chapter. The inhabitants of Rome popularly called it the Rotonna (“the Rotunda”), from which also derive the name of the square and the street in front.
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The fountain with the obelisk in front of the Pantheon in Rome – La fontaine avec l’obélisque devant le Panthéon de Rome – La fuente con el obelisco frente al Panteón de Roma – A fonte com o obelisco em frente ao Panteão de Roma – Der Brunnen mit dem Obelisken vor dem Pantheon in Rom – Đài phun nước với đài tưởng niệm phía trước đền Pantheon ở Rome – 罗马万神殿前有方尖碑的喷泉 – ローマのパンテオン前のオベリスクのある噴水

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The Trevi Fountain: A Masterpiece of Roman Baroque

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano.
La Fontana di Trevi è uno dei monumenti più iconici di Roma e una delle fontane più famose al mondo. Situata nel cuore della città eterna, questa maestosa opera d’arte attira milioni di visitatori ogni anno, affascinati dalla sua bellezza e dalla sua storia.
La fontana fu progettata dall’architetto Nicola Salvi e completata da Giuseppe Pannini nel 1762. La sua costruzione fu commissionata da Papa Clemente XII nel 1732, con l’intento di celebrare il restauro dell’antico acquedotto dell’Acqua Vergine, che risale all’epoca dell’imperatore Augusto. Questo acquedotto forniva acqua pura alla città di Roma e la fontana rappresenta il punto terminale di questo sistema idrico.
La Fontana di Trevi è un capolavoro del tardo barocco, caratterizzata da una ricca decorazione scultorea che rappresenta il mare. Al centro della fontana si erge la statua di Oceano, opera di Pietro Bracci, che guida un cocchio a forma di conchiglia trainato da cavalli marini. Intorno a lui, figure mitologiche e creature marine completano la scena, creando un effetto di movimento e dinamismo.
La fontana è incastonata nella facciata di Palazzo Poli, che funge da sfondo monumentale. Le decorazioni includono numerose piante e specie vegetali scolpite nel marmo, che aggiungono un tocco di realismo e naturalezza all’opera.

Una delle tradizioni più famose legate alla Fontana di Trevi è quella di lanciare una moneta nell’acqua. Si dice che chi lancia una moneta nella fontana, voltandosi di spalle, tornerà sicuramente a Roma. Ogni anno, vengono raccolti circa 1,5 milioni di euro in monete, che vengono devoluti alla Caritas per aiutare i bisognosi.
Nel corso degli anni, la Fontana di Trevi ha subito diversi interventi di restauro per preservarne la bellezza e l’integrità. L’ultimo grande restauro è stato completato nel 2015, grazie al finanziamento della casa di moda Fendi, che ha contribuito con 2,2 milioni di euro.

The Trevi Fountain is not only one of the most visited tourist attractions in Rome, but also a symbol of the city's rich history and culture. With its magnificence and traditions, it continues to enchant and fascinate visitors from all over the world.

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La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here is also a nice video of the fountain:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

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The Trevi Fountain is the largest and most famous fountain in Rome. Built on the facade of Palazzo Poli by Nicola Salvi, the competition announced by Pope Clement XII in 1731 was initially won by the French sculptor Lambert-Sigisbert Adam but the assignment was subsequently passed to Salvi.
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The Trevi Fountain: A Masterpiece of Roman Baroque – La Fontaine de Trevi : un chef-d’œuvre du baroque romain – La Fontana de Trevi: una obra maestra del barroco romano – A Fonte de Trevi: uma obra-prima do barroco romano – Der Trevi-Brunnen: ein Meisterwerk des römischen Barocks – Đài phun nước Trevi: kiệt tác của thời La Mã Baroque

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

Costa Fascinosa in port in Tenerife, Spain

La Costa Fascinosa in porto a Tenerife in Spagna

The Costa Fascinosa in port in Tenerife, Spain.
When I go for a tour of the cities I visit with the ship (this was the Costa Fascinosa, now more than a year ago) I like to photograph the iconic yellow chimney from a little far away.
This is the Charca, a swimming pool and fountain, right in front of the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

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La Costa Fascinosa in porto a Tenerife in Spagna

La Costa Fascinosa in porto a Tenerife in Spagna

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

Costa Fascinosa is a cruise ship of the Genoa-based Costa Crociere company. It was ordered in October 2007 and built at the Fincantieri shipyard in Marghera. It entered service on 5 May 2012. The names Costa Fascinosa and Costa Favolosa were selected through a competition. The choice of names was guided by approximately 40,000 travel agents in over 40 countries, who submitted more than 16,000 possible pairs of names for the two ships. In the end, twenty-five pairs of names were published on the World of Costa website, where visitors were invited to choose their favorite pairing, and after more than 42,000 preferences expressed, in the end the names “Favolosa” and “Fascinosa” were the winners.
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The Costa Fascinosa ship in port in Tenerife, Spain – Le navire Costa Fascinosa au port de Tenerife, Espagne – El barco Costa Fascinosa en el puerto de Tenerife, España – O navio Costa Fascinosa no porto de Tenerife, Espanha – Das Schiff Costa Fascinosa im Hafen von Teneriffa, Spanien – Tàu Costa Fascinosa cập cảng Tenerife, Tây Ban Nha – 停靠在西班牙特内里费岛港口的 Costa Fascinosa 轮 – スペイン、テネリフェ島の港にあるコスタ・ファシノーサ船

The statue of the Nile in the Fountain of the Four Rivers

La statua del Nilo nella Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi a Roma

The Nile statue in the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome.
The Fountain of the Four Rivers is one of the most famous works of the famous Italian sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It is located in the Piazza Navona in Rome and was commissioned by Pope Innocent X (born Giovanni Battista Pamphilj) in 1648. The fountain is located in the center of the square and is a masterpiece of Baroque art.
The fountain takes its name from the four rivers represented in the four giant statues located at the base of the central tower. These four rivers are symbols of four of the then known continents: the Nile for Africa, the Ganges for Asia, the Danube for Europe and the Rio de la Plata for the Americas. The statues are made of marble and each is accompanied by an animal or symbol characteristic of the region it represents.
At the center of the fountain is an Egyptian obelisk, an architectural element that was transferred from Ancient Rome to the square by order of Pope Innocent X. The obelisk is crowned by the dove of peace and topped by a gilded bronze globe. This element gives the fountain a remarkable height and grandeur.
The Fountain of the Four Rivers is an impressive work that masterfully mixes art, architecture and symbolism, as often happens in Bernini's works. Its creation required a considerable effort of engineering, and the result is one of the most admired and iconic attractions in Rome.

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La statua del Nilo nella Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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Here's where the fountain is located:

Bernini’s giants move in gestures full of life and with an irrepressible expressive exuberance. The Nile covers its face with a drapery, referring to the obscurity of its sources, which remained unknown until the end of the 19th century.
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The statue of the Nile in the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome – La statue du Nil dans la Fontaine des Quatre Fleuves à Rome – La estatua del Nilo en la Fuente de los Cuatro Ríos en Roma – A estátua do Nilo na Fonte dos Quatro Rios em Roma – Die Nilstatue im Vierströmebrunnen in Rom – Tượng sông Nile tại Đài phun nước Bốn con sông ở Rome – 罗马四河喷泉中的尼罗河雕像 – ローマの四大河の噴水にあるナイル川の像

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The Fountain in Silvestri Square in Bevagna

La Fontana Monumentale in piazza Filippo Silvestri a Bevagna

The Monumental Fountain in Piazza Filippo Silvestri in Bevagna.
If you visit the beautiful village of Bevagna, in Umbria, you must pass through the main square (Piazza Filippo Silvestri) where you will find this beautiful monumental fountain that was built right in front of the church of San Silvestro.

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La Fontana Monumentale in piazza Filippo Silvestri a Bevagna

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took in the village, click here:

Here's where the fountain is located:

Filippo Silvestri (Bevagna, 22 June 1873 – Portici, 10 June 1949) was an Italian entomologist. His subsequent career developed within this structure, becoming director of the Istituto superiore agrario of Portici between 1920 and 1930 and bringing it to worldwide fame. The collection of insects of the institute, which includes about two thousand species collected by Silvestri in over half a century of activity, is still considered among the most important in the world.
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The monumental fountain in the square dedicated to Filippo Silvestri in Bevagna – La fontaine monumentale de la place dédiée à Filippo Silvestri à Bevagna – La fuente monumental en la plaza dedicada a Filippo Silvestri en Bevagna – A fonte monumental da praça dedicada a Filippo Silvestri em Bevagna – Der monumentale Brunnen auf dem Filippo Silvestri gewidmeten Platz in Bevagna – Đài phun nước hoành tráng tại quảng trường dành riêng cho Filippo Silvestri ở Bevagna

The statue of the Ganges in the Fountain of the Rivers

La statua del Gange nella Fontana dei Fiumi a Roma

The statue of the Ganges in the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome.
The Fountain of the Four Rivers is one of the most famous works of the famous Italian sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It is located in the Piazza Navona in Rome and was commissioned by Pope Innocent X (born Giovanni Battista Pamphilj) in 1648. The fountain is located in the center of the square and is a masterpiece of Baroque art.
The fountain takes its name from the four rivers represented in the four giant statues located at the base of the central tower. These four rivers are symbols of four of the then known continents: the Nile for Africa, the Ganges for Asia, the Danube for Europe and the Rio de la Plata for the Americas. The statues are made of marble and each is accompanied by an animal or symbol characteristic of the region it represents.
At the center of the fountain is an Egyptian obelisk, an architectural element that was transferred from Ancient Rome to the square by order of Pope Innocent X. The obelisk is crowned by the dove of peace and topped by a gilded bronze globe. This element gives the fountain a remarkable height and grandeur.
The Fountain of the Four Rivers is an impressive work that masterfully mixes art, architecture and symbolism, as often happens in Bernini's works. Its creation required a considerable effort of engineering, and the result is one of the most admired and iconic attractions in Rome.

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La statua del Gange nella Fontana dei Fiumi a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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Here's where the fountain is located:

Bernini’s giants move in gestures full of life and with an irrepressible expressive exuberance. The Ganges holds a long oar that suggests the navigability of the river. The sculptor seeks a more careful study of the movements and expressions, which the artist varies to the maximum.
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The Ganges statue in the Fontana dei Fiumi in Rome – La statue du Gange dans la Fontana dei Fiumi à Rome – La estatua del Ganges en la Fontana dei Fiumi en Roma – A estátua do Ganges na Fontana dei Fiumi em Roma – Die Ganges-Statue in der Fontana dei Fiumi in Rom – Tượng sông Hằng ở Fontana dei Fiumi ở Rome – 罗马 Fontana dei Fiumi 的恒河雕像 – ローマのフォンタナ・デイ・フィウミにあるガンジス川の彫像

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The Moor Fountain in Piazza Navona in Rome

La Fontana del Moro in piazza Navona a Roma

The Moor Fountain in Piazza Navona in Rome
The Fontana del Moro is one of the most famous fountains in Rome and is located in Piazza Navona, one of the most famous squares in the city. The square is famous for its elongated shape and the three fountains that decorate it.
The Fontana del Moro is located on the southern side of the square and was designed by Giacomo della Porta in 1575. However, the central statue depicting a Moor (i.e. an African figure) was added later by Gian Lorenzo Bernini in 1654.
The sculpture of the Moor, to which the fountain owes its name, represents a bearded man sitting on a rock, intent on wrestling with a dolphin. The figure of the Moor was created by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and added to the fountain to replace the original sculpture of a satyr that is now in the Capitoline Museums.
The Fontana del Moro is characterized by a marble basin, supported by four dolphins, and four tritons emerging from the water, each supporting a dolphin. The fountain is one of the main attractions of Piazza Navona and contributes to the artistic and historical character of this public space.
Interestingly, Piazza Navona itself is built on the site of an ancient Roman stadium, known as the Stadium of Domitian. The square has become a lively and crowded place, frequented by tourists and residents, and often hosts cultural events and fairs throughout the year.

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La Fontana del Moro in piazza Navona a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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Here's where the fountain is located:

Immediately after the restoration of the Aqua Virgo aqueduct, completed in 1570, work began on a secondary underground branch of the conduit, in order to reach the area of ​​the ancient Campo Marzio, one of the most populous areas of Rome, and the construction of a certain number of fountains was consequently also planned. Among the first were commissioned by Pope Gregory XIII, in 1574, to Giacomo Della Porta, the two placed at the ends of Piazza Navona, of which the Fontana del Moro is the one located on the southern side of the square.
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The Moro Fountain in Piazza Navona in Rome – La fontaine Moro sur la Piazza Navona à Rome – La Fuente del Moro en Piazza Navona en Roma – A Fonte Moro na Piazza Navona em Roma – Der Moro-Brunnen auf der Piazza Navona in Rom – Đài phun nước Moro ở Quảng trường Navona ở Rome – 罗马纳沃纳广场的摩洛喷泉 – ローマのナヴォーナ広場にあるモロの噴水

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.