Matteotti Square in Sestri Levante

Sestri Levante

Matteotti square in Sestri Levante.
Piazza Matteotti is one of the most beautiful places in the historic center of Sestri Levante; overlooking the Baia delle Favole on one side, and the Comune on the other, it also offers interesting views on the two smaller sides, like the one in the photograph.

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Sestri Levante

The square called Matteotti in Sestri Levante – La place Matteotti à Sestri Levante – La plaza llamada Matteotti en Sestri Levante – A praça chamada Matteotti em Sestri Levante – Der Platz namens Matteotti in Sestri Levante – Quảng trường có tên Matteotti ở Sestri Levante – 塞斯特里莱万特的 Matteotti 广场 – セストリ・レバンテのマッテオッティ広場

Chiavari: the fountain on the seafront

fontana hdr

Chiavari: the fountain on the seafront.
The Chiavari seafront has been modernized for several years: one of the most important interventions was the construction of this modern fountain, of large dimensions, facing the sea. The realization of this work has aroused both criticism and perplexity and positive comments, personally in the context of a modern seafront promenade I find it quite beautiful!

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fontana sul lungomare

The fountain on the Chiavari seafront in Liguria – La fontaine sur le front de mer de Chiavari en Ligurie – La fuente en el paseo marítimo de Chiavari en Liguria – A fonte na orla marítima de Chiavari na Ligúria – Der Brunnen an der Strandpromenade von Chiavari in Ligurien – Đài phun nước trên bờ biển Chiavari ở Liguria – 利古里亚基亚瓦里海滨的喷泉 – リグーリア州のキアヴァリ海岸の噴水

The famous Trevi Fountain in Rome

fontana di trevi

Trevi Fountain in Rome.
First time in Rome as a tourist. The first photo is of the very famous Trevi Fountain.
And the very famous fountain, known all over the world, is truly beautiful as expected.

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fontana di trevi

Here is also a nice video of the fountain:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

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Here's where the Trevi Fountain is located:

The Trevi Fountain is the largest and most famous fountain in Rome. Built on the facade of Palazzo Poli by Nicola Salvi, the competition announced by Pope Clement XII in 1731 was initially won by the French sculptor Lambert-Sigisbert Adam but the assignment was subsequently passed to Salvi.
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The Trevi Fountain: A Masterpiece of Roman Baroque – La Fontaine de Trevi : un chef-d’œuvre du baroque romain – La Fontana de Trevi: una obra maestra del barroco romano – A Fonte de Trevi: uma obra-prima do barroco romano – Der Trevi-Brunnen: ein Meisterwerk des römischen Barocks – Đài phun nước Trevi: kiệt tác của thời La Mã Baroque

Fountain of the Four Continents in Trieste

La fontana dei quattro continenti a Trieste

Fountain of the Four Continents in Trieste.
One of the symbols of Trieste, in addition to Piazza Unità d'Italia, is the Fountain of the Four Continents, a symbol of the city's importance in the past.
Work of the Bergamo sculptor Giovanni Battista Mazzoleni.

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La fontana dei quattro continenti a Trieste

The world is represented by four allegorical statues that recall the features of the people who lived in the continents then known (Europe, Asia, Africa and America).
The water flowed from four allegorical figures of rivers, always indicating the continents. The representation of the Nile has a veiled face, since the sources were unknown at that time.
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Fountain of the four continents in Trieste – Fontaine des quatre continents à Trieste – La fuente de los cuatro continentes en Trieste – A fonte dos quatro continentes em Trieste – Brunnen der vier Kontinente in Triest – Đài phun nước của bốn lục địa ở Trieste – 的里雅斯特四大洲的喷泉 – トリエステの4つの大陸の噴水

La fontana dei Cavalli ad Ancona

Ancona, la fontana dei cavalli

La fontana dei Cavalli ad Ancona.
Un monumento di Ancona è la fontana dei Cavalli, in pieno centro storico!
E’ un monumento, ho scoperto molto recentemente, dedicato al mare ed ai marittimi.

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Ancona, la fontana dei cavalli

La fontana ricorda con le sue sculture i due aspetti del mare, entrambi conosciuti dai marinai anconitani: i cavalli marini, sacri a Poseidone, ricordano le tempeste che secondo la mitologia il dio del mare poteva scatenare; i delfini, sacri ad Afrodite, ricordano invece la buona navigazione.
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The Fountain of the Horses in Ancona – La fontaine du cheval à Ancône – La fuente del caballo en Ancona – A Fonte dos Cavalos em Ancona – Der Pferdebrunnen in Ancona – Đài phun nước ngựa ở Ancona

La fontana del Calamo ad Ancona

fontana del calamo

La fontana del Calamo ad Ancona.
Uno dei luoghi simbolo del centro di Ancona è la fontana del Calamo (o delle tredici cannelle)!

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fontana del calamo

Sul luogo sorgeva già anticamente una fontana in epoca greca, che venne inglobata nelle mura cittadine durante il Medioevo. La sua denominazione sembra derivare dalla parola latina Càlamus, “Canna”, a testimonianza che si era dominati da un ambiente di tipo palustre.
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The Calamo Fountain in Ancona – La fontaine Calamo à Ancône – La fuente de Calamo en Ancona – A fonte Calamo em Ancona – Der Calamo-Brunnen in Ancona – Đài phun nước Calamo ở Ancona

La fontana in passeggiata a Chiavari

La fontana in passeggiata a Chiavari.
Queste immagini erano già presenti diverso tempo fa sul sito.

Le avevo scattate il giorno dell’inaugurazione di questa fontana.
Mi sono ricapitate sotto mano e, visto che non erano più sul sito, ho deciso di ricondividerle perchè mi sembrano molto carine.
Ritraggono i giochi di luce che crea la fontana in passeggiata a mare di Chiavari, splendide no?

fontana chiavari

fontana chiavari02

fontana chiavari03

The fountain on the Chiavari seafront in Liguria – La fontaine sur le front de mer de Chiavari en Ligurie – La fuente en el paseo marítimo de Chiavari en Liguria – A fonte na orla marítima de Chiavari na Ligúria – Der Brunnen an der Strandpromenade von Chiavari in Ligurien – Đài phun nước trên bờ biển Chiavari ở Liguria – 利古里亚基亚瓦里海滨的喷泉 – リグーリア州のキアヴァリ海岸の噴水

The parks and squares of central Stockholm


The parks and squares in the center of Stockholm.
As Rino used to say, “you could go to Stockholm…” and I’ve been there.
What a beautiful city! Maybe it was because it was summer, but it really impressed me.
This is one of the photos of the square with fountains that is right in the center.

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Where is the city located:

Stockholm (in Swedish, 914,909 inhab.) is the capital of Sweden, the county seat of Stockholm County. Located in the eastern part of the country, on the Baltic Sea, it is the seat of government and parliament, as well as the place of residence of the head of state, King Carl XVI Gustaf. The largest city in Sweden, it is the economic and cultural reference center of Sweden.
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The parks and squares of central Stockholm – Les parcs et places du centre de Stockholm – Los parques y plazas del centro de Estocolmo – Os parques e praças do centro de Estocolmo – Die Parks und Plätze im Zentrum von Stockholm – Các công viên và quảng trường ở trung tâm Stockholm