A nice plate of fregola with seafood

Un bel piatto di fregola con i frutti di mare

A nice plate of fregola with seafood.
A few months ago, a great friend of mine (Giovanni), made me taste a delicious plate of fregola with seafood.
Fregola with seafood is a traditional Sardinian dish, much appreciated for its rich flavor and simplicity. Here is some interesting information about this dish:
Fregola, or fregula, is a typical Sardinian semolina pasta, similar to couscous, but with larger and more irregular grains.
Fregola is usually prepared with a variety of seafood such as mussels, clams, shrimp and squid.
Fregola is toasted in a pan and then cooked in a fish broth or salted water. Seafood is added during cooking to add flavor to the dish.
The dish is often garnished with chopped fresh parsley and served hot.
In this article I am talking about you can see a dish of fregola with seafood, with mussels and shrimp clearly visible. The fregola appears well toasted and seasoned with a rich sauce, probably tomato-based, which evenly envelops the pasta. This dish is a great example of Sardinian cuisine, which highlights local ingredients such as seafood.
It is an ideal dish for those who love the flavors of the sea and want to try something authentic and traditional. If you have any other questions or want to know more about another dish, let me know!

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Un bel piatto di fregola con i frutti di mare

Un bel piatto di fregola con i frutti di mare

Un bel piatto di fregola con i frutti di mare

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Frègula, often mistakenly Italianized as fregola, is a type of semolina pasta produced in Sardinia. The production of fregula has medieval origins. The first historical document to mention it is the Statute of the Millers of Tempio Pausania dating back to the 14th century, which regulates its preparation, which had to take place strictly from Monday to Friday, in order to be able to allocate the water of Saturday and Sunday to the fields.
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A nice plate of fregola with seafood – Une belle assiette de fregola aux fruits de mer – Un buen plato de fregola con marisco. – Um belo prato de fregola com frutos do mar – Ein schöner Teller Fregola mit Meeresfrüchten – Một đĩa fregola đẹp mắt với hải sản

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