The active volcano Cumbre Vieja in La Palma

Il vulcano attivo Cumbre Vieja a La Palma

The active volcano Cumbre Vieja in La Palma.
The Cumbre Vieja volcano, located on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, is known for its significant volcanic activity and its impact on the environment and local communities. Its latest eruption, which began on September 19, 2021 and ended on December 13, 2021, was one of the longest and most devastating in the island's history.
The 2021 eruption was the first on the island since 1971 and had a huge impact. Lava covered over 1,000 hectares, destroying more than 3,000 buildings and forcing the evacuation of around 7,000 people. The lava flow reached the sea, creating a new peninsula and an extensive system of lava tubes.
The eruption had devastating consequences for the environment and the local economy. Banana, avocado and grape crops, which are essential to the island’s economy, have been severely damaged. In addition, air quality has been compromised due to toxic gas emissions, causing respiratory problems among the local population.
Authorities have established an exclusion zone around the lava flow to protect the population from associated dangers, such as explosions and toxic gases. The island’s recovery has been a long and complex process, with extensive damage estimated at around €843 million.
The Cumbre Vieja volcano remains a powerful and unpredictable natural force. Lessons learned from the 2021 eruption are crucial to improving prevention and response measures for future volcanic eruptions, ensuring the safety of local communities and the protection of the environment.

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Il vulcano attivo Cumbre Vieja a La Palma

Il vulcano attivo Cumbre Vieja a La Palma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took on the island click here:
foto gallery

Where is the volcano located:

The active volcano Cumbre Vieja in La Palma – Le volcan actif Cumbre Vieja à La Palma – El volcán activo Cumbre Vieja en La Palma – O vulcão ativo Cumbre Vieja em La Palma – Der aktive Vulkan Cumbre Vieja auf La Palma – Núi lửa đang hoạt động Cumbre Vieja ở La Palma

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

Souvlaki greci: lo street food greco

griglia souvlaki

Souvlaki greci: lo street food greco.
A me, in generale, la carne alla griglia fa impazzire. In Grecia, oltre al gyros, ovunque si trovano queste botteghe che fanno anche i souvlaki greci che altro non sono che degli spiedini di carne (pollo, maiale, agnello..) cotti alla griglia. Salati e ingolositi da spezie e aromi e serviti spesso con pane e altri contorni a scelta.

In queste foto ho immortalato uno di questi bar che poi era più un fast food che una bottega e la sua enorme griglia che, come potete vedere, era stracolma di souvlaki a cuocere.

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.

Ci sono altri post a riguardo dei souvlaki se guardate più in basso. Se invece volete approfondire l’argomento, come sempre, vi lascio il link a Wikipedia.

Fire in Mattarana

Fire in Mattarana.
Yesterday afternoon I decided to take a little trip by car to La Spezia (and more precisely Lerici, where I have never been).
While doing the Bracco we were disturbed, for the umpteenth time, by that ignoble summer spectacle that does so much harm to everyone: a fire.
In the Mattarana area this is what appeared before our eyes:

It was around three in the afternoon but you could already see that the front was quite developed.
Unfortunately, on the way back from the trip, passing by the highway, that tragic smoke had not disappeared and was actually even greater:

What a shameful spectacle they give to everyone!

Incendio a Genova

Incendio a Genova

Incendio a Genova.
Ecco cosa si vede, questa sera, da Sestri Levante: uno spettacolo terribile causato dal vasto incendio che sta divampando sopra Nervi.
Ecco la foto (praticamente in diretta).

Incendio a Genova