Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns, the recipe

Spaghetti con pomodorini e gamberoni, la ricetta

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns, the recipe.
Some time ago I had the pleasure of enjoying a good plate of pasta with cherry tomatoes and prawns on the ship.
Since I had the photos back at hand, I decided to write to you how to prepare them at home (with a little help from AI). The preparation is really simple, I assure you.


– 350g spaghetti;
– 300g cherry tomatoes;
– 250g shelled prawns;
– 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped;
– Extra virgin olive oil;
– Salt and black pepper to taste;
– Chili pepper (optional, according to taste);
– Fresh parsley, finely chopped;


Cook the spaghetti in plenty of salted water according to the packet instructions until al dente. Drain and reserve a little of the cooking water.
In a large frying pan, heat a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and, if you like, chilli pepper for a spicy kick.
Add the halved cherry tomatoes to the pan and cook for about 5-7 minutes until they start to release their juices and become soft.
Add the peeled prawns to the pan and cook for a further 3-5 minutes or until the prawns are pink and cooked through.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. If the sauce is too dry, you can add a little of the spaghetti cooking water.
Add the cooked spaghetti to the pan and mix well, making sure they are well seasoned with the sauce.
Serve the spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns on individual plates, garnishing with a drizzle of fresh extra virgin olive oil and chopped parsley.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns, the recipe – Spaghetti aux tomates cerises et crevettes, la recette – Espaguetis con tomates cherry y gambas, la receta – Espaguete com tomate cereja e camarão, a receita – Spaghetti mit Kirschtomaten und Garnelen, das Rezept – Công thức làm mì spaghetti với cà chua bi và tôm – 意大利面配樱桃番茄和大虾,食谱 – チェリートマトとエビのスパゲッティ、レシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Gamberoni alla griglia in Thailandia

Gamberoni alla griglia in Thailandia

Gamberoni alla griglia in Thailandia.
Ho scattato questa foto talmente tanto tempo fa che non ricordo nemmeno più in quale città della Thailandia l’ho scattata, credo comunque a Pucket.
Un bel piatto con gamberoni cotti alla griglia accompagnati da una insalatina thai e un paio di salsine piccanti.

Gamberoni alla griglia in Thailandia

Photo taken with Honor 10.

Gamberoni alla griglia

Gamberoni alla griglia

Gamberoni alla griglia.
In Thailandia una cosa che non manca mai nei ristoranti sono gamberi (in questo caso gamberoni), aragoste e granchi.
Li puoi scegliere quasi sempre dagli acquari e li paghi al peso.
Poi te li cucinano e puoi scegliere tu se alla griglia oppure in altre maniere.
RIsultato comunque eccellente. Per questo piatto con a parte riso fritto e birra ho speso 500 bath (tipo 15 euro).

Gamberoni alla griglia

Photo taken with Honor 10.

Tiger prawn, great barbecue enjoyed in Thailand

Tiger prawn

Tiger prawn, excellent barbecue enjoyed in Thailand.
What else would they be if not grilled tiger prawns.
Eaten in the hotel restaurant with tables on the sand and by candlelight.
This is also the island of Koh Sumui in Thailand.

Do you like prawns?
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Tiger prawn

Photo taken with Canon 600D.

The Indo-Pacific giant shrimp is a marine decapod crustacean belonging to the Penaeidae family. It is important for human nutrition. The specimens, easily found in large-scale distribution, come mostly from farms in Southeast Asia.
Continue on Wikipedia

Tiger prawn, great barbecue enjoyed in Thailand – Crevette tigrée, excellent barbecue apprécié en Thaïlande – Gamba tigre, excelente barbacoa que se disfruta en Tailandia – Camarão tigre, excelente churrasco apreciado na Tailândia – Tigergarnelen, ein ausgezeichnetes Barbecue, das in Thailand genossen wird – Tôm sú, món nướng tuyệt hảo được thưởng thức ở Thái Lan

Gamberoni alla griglia

gamberoni alla griglia

Gamberoni alla griglia.
Ottimi gamberoni alla griglia mangiati ieri sera alla sagra del Circolo Confidenza di San Bartolomeo.
Abbiamo fatto un’ora di coda ma le porzioni erano veramente abbonanti e la qualità eccellente.

gamberoni alla griglia